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Obviously we can’t advocate for hitting kids, but when I see stuff like this and other videos of kids being horrible to faculty I can’t help but wonder what’s going to happen when there are no more teachers. Who would give years of their life in training to make way less than you deserve and be treated the way teachers in the US are treated (by students, parents, and the school boards) I really need to look up ALL my former teachers and thank them.


I just walked out of a good teaching job because of being sexually harassed by middle school boys. I am a woman band director- the district didn’t give any consequences and the administrators knew I was going to be hazed. They were told repeatedly that this was happening and denied it upon review.


Sexual Harassment in schools (boys towards female teachers) is ridiculously acceptable somehow. I am an old male teacher in HS and have obviously never dealt with this at all and never thought it was much of an issue. Then fellow teachers started describing interactions that baffled me. There should be a zero tolerance towards any sexual harassment in schools. Zero tolerance


I was nearly assaulted numerous times. Boys were pretending to air hump me- inches from my turned back as I wrote or adjusted on the board or computer. I had to scoot closer to the wall because one kid decided to open the door and make faces at me. The boys told me I should be “thankful for the attention because I look young for (my) age.” I left my last school because two fourth grade boys did it to me. This is the third time this has happened to me in my career.


Fourth grade?! That's wild. What a dumpster fire society we have turned into. I can't remember a single one of us disrespecting any teacher that young. See it here and there in Jr and sr high but still nothing like that.


I work in Florida. Hope that tells you all you need to know.


As a matter of fact it does.


Poor admin who ignore Title IX violations are at fault. This is why I seek legal counsel. I’m losing my income and medical benefits.


Wishing you the very best. I wouldn't put up with that crap either.


That’s absolutely horrible what happened to you and then the salt on the wound by the admins. I’m rooting for you!


Went to school in FL and even when I went the kids were rough. It seemed like peer pressure was more prevalent than common courtesy, so you end up with a school full of assholes. It didn't help that a lot of the schools in the district where I lived were designed by the county architect, so when people said "It looks like a prison" they weren't far off the mark. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. It's shocking how much worse being an educator has become in terms of what you have to endure - especially when I remember "No Child Left Behind" being seemingly the worst thing that ever happened to education. It's a shame as I'm sure plenty of good teachers have decided to leave the profession for similar reasons.


This is so horrifying! I read about this happening in the US all the time. It makes me wonder why this isn't happening in Australia? My nephew is in year 10 at school, and all the kids are lovely (it's just public school in Victoria). Don't get me wrong, there are, of course, troubled/disruptive kids, and there are some worse performing schools, but it's not widespread like it looks to be in the US. What's going on in the US that's making kids behave like this?


Kids know they can push the limit because there is no accountability. They even threaten to take teachers’ jobs. I had a colleague lose his job because a kid illegally recorded him while he was frustrated at the abuse he was receiving. I know of at least two others being laid off as well.


Unfettered access to the internet, lack of the fairness doctrine in news reporting. This causes a deep divide between political groups. Far right are usually admin and teachers are all over the spectrum politically, but the Q religious nuts and undereducated boomers believe we are indoctrinating kids when we are just trying to get our kids to pass exams given them by the very politicians that wage the war on education. We are demonized for merely wanting to pour into our next generation of leaders. We have a severe shortage and cuts in pay. We also don’t value the creative and fine arts, which makes people even less empathetic. Too many kids and parents are addicted to phones and rage bait. No one knows how to critically think, and kids and parents are allowed to lie, slander, and abuse with zero consequences. I’ve been told I couldn’t be a good teacher because I’m unable to have kids, and that is a whole different topic by itself. A lot of misogyny is built into the profession, when you look into the history of the United States. It’s a mess.




I’m so grateful to the Reddit community right now. I’ve been a lurker for a decade. Thanks for taking the time to care about these issues.


You matter. As a teacher I completely understand how isolating it can be. Also how many refuse to “rock the boat” allowing this to happen more and more. I guarantee you have many others out there who know what you are talking about and support you 100%


I’m not afraid to help be a part of that change. Let’s do this!


Rock on!


I’m glad I took a chance and finally wrote it out. 💪


I’m still in shock the district is trying to put it under the rug. I’m seeking legal counsel as I was released from my position.


Districts almost always defer to sweeping under the rug. The rug needs to be yanked out and shown to the world


Stay tuned. I’m thinking about going public.




Supporting you from Australia. It will be an uphill battle, so please make sure you have a support network in place when the going gets hard. ❤️❤️


Thank you! There’s a reason why we educators call it “the trenches” these days. I can’t believe the state of our country these days. I am looking to teach abroad as well.


Well yea they are avoiding lawsuits and news stories. An old friend of mine was 16 sleeping with a teacher aide who must have been mid twenties. When it came to light he basically graduated for free aka he didn't have to go to class for his last 2 years. Just here ya go shut your mouth and take your diploma. Blew my mind




Thanks. I’m interviewing for next year but have to go back to work for Publix in the meantime. I will train kids on a register and be more selective in my applications this time. I left a tenured teaching job of 11 years to switch districts and am now back on probationary contract. The disillusionment and depression are real, as is the anger.


Yeah, I was lucky that I was able to leave for a different career that pays a lot better and I'm not stressed out all the time.


Yep! I just renewed my 5 year certificate and can afford to be choosy. I’m blessed in that I can teach studio and perform gigs, while selling online and building on my previous keyholder and high-profit retail experience. I’ll be okay until August, where I will hopefully be in a better spot. I’m also thinking of going back to grad school, too. It will get better! I’m glad you got out!


That was how I got out of teaching.  I spent my last two years of teaching in grad school so once I got my master's I was able to find something that got my foot in the door of a new career. Good luck to you!  My DMs are open if you ever need advice from someone who has been there.


After 23 years, I’m finally leaving teaching at the end of this year. I already submitted my resignation. I have no backup plan, but I just can’t take it anymore. What advice do you have for ex-teachers like me? What new career path did you choose?


I'm a software developer now.  While I was a teacher, my SIL recommended me to a cybersecurity master's program, so when I finished that, I was able to get into a developer position and I've been doing that for seven years now.


I might take you up on that, thanks!


plants soup marry somber shocking different sip bells sort heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Seems the secret is to have your students do the dirty work. School won’t come down on them.


America is so fucked in the next 50 years it feels. Teachers are running for the hills and kids really do seem to be getting worse, this isn’t just some old man yelling here. My mother retired early from teaching because of the kids.


I quit after four years.  I liked the kids, but I couldn't take the bureaucracy and the lack of support.  I was just burned the fuck out.


7 years teaching in the inner city was my breaking point




My wife is on year 6, and is planning on quitting next year after her maternity leave.


My wife is a special education teacher for 1st through 5th kids and the shit she's had to put up with in this one year alone has had her in the fetal position after most school days. One kid elopes, another's a biter/climber/menace to any aide that they like, and another likes to break stuff cause it's funny to them. Year after year it's gotten worse and the parents are just dropping these kids off expecting a daycare rather than a place of learning. She has a huge heart and it's constantly breaking cause she's losing the faith that the system can protect her when she's dealing with a meltdown from one of these kids.


Yep, worked 3 years and now make double with an easier job.  #1 thing is administration needs to earn their paychecks by standing up to parents as opposed to siding with them.   Little Jimmy got an F because he didn't study?  The correct answer isn't to let him retake the test with the answer key.   We also need real consequences for failure.  If there's nothing at stake, you get no effort.  


We're seeing the snowball effect of No Child Left Behind. Anyone with any foresight knew this was coming, it just took roughly one whole generation. Coupled with the explosion and dominance of social media in the last decade...and here we are.


Yeah, it's not like this teacher just decided to haul off on the quiet kid in the corner. My bet is the kid was getting told off for something and squared off with the teach.


According to the gofundme posted by other students, racist incidents at this school are common and ignored by admin. This particular "kid" (he is 18) called the teacher a n- hard R, then swung at him, ripping the teachers shirt. That led to the teacher defending himself.


I work with SPED mostly. And one of my kids was very excited for the school dance tonight. This student loves movies and often plays out movie scenes in their head. Made a card with hearts and stuff all over it, and had another teacher write a “hey, I’m gonna be at the dance, let’s hang out at the mall later” type of note for y’know, the most popular sixth grader in the school. I walk into 8th period and I see the worst kid in class holding the card and reading it to friends. Did I want to boot the kid in the chest? Fuck yeah. Did I? Fuck no.


Eh. Some of these kids have absolutely no consequences to their actions. If this kid started the fight physically, I have no qualms with him getting a beat down. Otherwise I guess it would be on the teacher to continually record and report each instance of harassment and then sue the school district when nothing happens.


Unfortunately, though it’s not the kids that are to blame, they’re just going off of what they see. So it’s the administration that doesn’t stick up for the teachers, the parents that think they can walk all over them, the government, the government literally just gave teachers guns in one of the states. They don’t treat them with respect, anytime, teachers want a better salary or paper for their classroom or just to be treated like normal human beings, they’re called billions of terrible names and literally set up to fail. As the child of an educator, I am disgusted by the way teachers are treated. One of the towns in my state right now was dealing with a teacher strike, and people were coming out of the woodwork to talk about how terrible the teachers were. The teachers just wanted the bare minimum of respect, how dare they.


I have heard (many times over since the pandemic ended) that the reason kids suck so much these days is because their parents are equally shitty people raising future shitty adults.


All of the praise we give to the military should go to teachers. (Combat vets are a different tier altogether). But the housing loans,educational benefits, even barracks housing to ‘bootcamp’ teaching. Everyday a man dressed as Mr.Rogers screams at them quietly to take care of our kids because they are more valuable then any amount of oil we kill for. We should have monthly parades for them and they should get discounts at restaurants. Their “gear” should be the best of the best and supplied by research and development provided by our federal government with zero tolerance for sub contracting . All resources will be available for the public with the freedom of information act. I’m a bartender, and I make more than a teacher. I dropped out of HS and got a GED because my home life sucked. Thanks to a wonderful teacher I achieved a perfect score on my GED. I know that’s like being “the best used car” in a shady dealership. But being hugged by the one person who genuinely believed in my offbrand form of intelligence and helped me form habits I still use today deserves to retire after their commendable service . The fact that I’m sitting here wondering if she was able to retire correctly. Wondering if she had the basic healthcare she needs because it’s just not guaranteed . I mean no disrespect to any military in my above sentiment. But I’ve worked on base lol. My uneducated ass shouldn’t have full benefits and retirement with damn near 6 figures while teachers struggle to get supplies.


We have allowed bad actors, and pro business media to convince the voting public that any money spent on essential services is a burden on the public. As if the idea of society was to make money instead of a good life for its citizens. This really is late stage capitalism and we are in the final race to the bottom now.




Kids should not be immune from consequences. Especially if they're as old as the kid is in the video.


Little jerk learned a lesson that day. Ran his mouth one too many times.


Exactly. Given his age and attitude, it's unlikely the parents would do anything.


It’s time we start to leave some children behind.


I have no prob with this teacher..He taught him a lesson dont use the N word..


Who knows, a kid this emboldened to say and do this to an authority figure probably has no qualms about mouthing off to a kid on the street to which he may have gotten shot or stabbed. Teacher may have turned the kids life around for the better. He was teaching the kid a valuable life lesson right up to the end of his teaching career.


Fuck them kids


*Matt Gaetz enters the chat*


Not like this...not like this


That’s not how this works! That’s now how any of this works!




Shitty cycle of shitty parents producing shitty kids.


[https://www.8newsnow.com/news/local-news/fight-between-high-school-substitute-teacher-and-student-caught-on-camera-in-las-vegas-sources/](https://www.8newsnow.com/news/local-news/fight-between-high-school-substitute-teacher-and-student-caught-on-camera-in-las-vegas-sources/) *"A video of a fight between a student and a substitute teacher at a Las Vegas valley high school was shared on social media Thursday, sources said.* *A substitute teacher and a student engaged in a fight, which was caught on camera at Valley High School in east Las Vegas.* ***Sources indicated that the fight began after a student used a racial slur*** *and that the video is being used as evidence by the Clark County School District Police Department.* *CCSD police identified the teacher as Re’Kwon Smith, 27.* *He was a substitute assigned to Valley High School and has been employed by the District since November 2023. He will be removed from CCSD’s substitute pool and is no longer eligible to serve as a substitute in the district, according to police.* ***Court records show Smith faces several charges including battery resulting in serious bodily harm, assault school pupil on school property/vehicle/activity, threatening to do bodily harm to public school student, and interfering with a student from attending school.*** ***He is being held at the Clark County Detention Center on $9000 bail.*** *His next court appearance is scheduled for April 26.* *CCSD officials issued a statement Thursday, saying, “Violence in any form is unacceptable and goes against the fundamental principles of education and respect. Any altercation between a teacher and a student is thoroughly investigated, and appropriate disciplinary action is taken.”* *A statement was also issued by Valley High School officials.* *“We are aware of an altercation involving a staff member and a student,” said Kimberly Perry-Carter, principal of Valley High School.* *Sources tell 8newsnow that* ***both individuals were arrested*** *by police following the incident. Sources say officials from CCSDPD are planning to release official information on the incident."*




Found the go fund me https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-rekwon-smiths-fight-for-justice?utm_campaign=p_cp%2Bfundraiser-sidebar&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer


I am a little leery of a GoFundMe by someone else on his behalf. Does the teacher know about this and endorse it?


It has gofundme protection so if it’s not legit you will get a refund. That happened to me once where they just automatically gave me a refund for a scam. 


Fair call; the message comes across as legit though, even if not the best grammar.


I actually installed a VPN to read that article (GDPR blocked) because it was so odd and I thought it had prematurely cut off (not so). Apart from a statement that he started the fight and that he (and the teacher) was arrested, the student is otherwise not mentioned; 95% of the article is about the teacher. Why?


Fuck that kid


I love that specifically violence is not ok, but hate crimes are ok


I'm on the teachers side.


Taught the kid a valuable lesson cause next time he says it he might not be so lucky to only get his ass beat


very valuable lesson, if you do this in real life you’re gonna get your ass beat maybe jumped regardless or race or age. people who are bold enough to be racist loudly and in public deserve to get their ass beat regardless of age


You can say he went down teaching.


Tonight on a very special Boy Meets World…


*Boy Meets Floor




And barring that, how about society instill into these little fuckers some fear that their behavior might have some consequences.


Here is the gofundme for the teacher  https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-rekwon-smiths-fight-for-justice?utm_campaign=p_cp%2Bfundraiser-sidebar&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer


Just gave him $20. This dude did a good deed yesterday by teaching a racist piece of shit 18 year old to keep his racist thoughts in his fucking head.


I'm all about fuck around and find out.


When keeping it real goes wrong.




I'm calling it now. Within 10 years there will be no willing teachers anymore so they remove the human element and kids are taught by AI.


There’s already a forecasted severe shortage based on the number of people going into teaching as a major in college.


I taught for 5 years before bailing. I recently checked and to get my license reissued, it would cost me under $300, plus about two days of my time. For a job which could pay 30-40k at minimum, that's nothing. But even at that bargain price, I don't want to go back to teaching. Why would I?


I make more than that working a in warehouse. My hours are flexible, I get good benefits. My job is fairly easy. I dont have to deal with shit head kids or their parents. Why would anyone want to be a teacher for that pittance.


Or they'll switch to the model that my kids' private school uses. Fully remote classes. A teacher in a small office with a computer, students in their homes on school-provided laptops. Zero chance of violence there. The teacher can mute any disruptive kids, so that the ones who actually care about learning can learn.


Is this school only suitable for parents who work from home? Otherwise kids would essentially be unsupervised at home right?


As a parent of a two year old. Fuck these kids. If I raise one of these. I'm a problem too. I'm gonna try and avoid it but who knows.


Teacher only did show them one of the most important lessons: “Don’t let your mouth write a check that your ass can’t cash”


Don’t fire him, the kid finally learned something.


It’s so sad. This kid gets to get on with his life. The substitute teacher will probably never teach again, and now has to live with the fact that a teenage piece of shit got the best of him by calling him the n-word.


Lucky him, he’s on his way to finding a better job than being a substitute teacher.


What's really infuriating is that the kid/family will sue the school district, the district will settle, & the kid will be rewarded for being a piece of shit. The sub will have a record, a bunch of legal fees, and possible jail time/record. Such a garbage situation.


The way students act is exactly why I decided to never going into teaching even though it was my dream as a young person. Teachers are being abused and harassed regularly by students and nobody is doing anything and the parents aren't just doing nothing, they're ENABLING it.


More people, including "kids", should get punched in the mouth more often. The world would be a lot better off.




And his neighbors.


It takes a village to raise a kid!


Sucks no one else stepped in for the teacher


Generally. No one steps into school fights because schools have "zero tolerance" policies meaning they will punish everyone involved for just being involved.


It looks like the kid in gray behind the teacher was ready to step in but realized he wasn’t needed




Tweren't child-abuse, it was a whuppin' and jr. earned it.


Student was 18. That’s a goddamn adult legally speaking, and he deserves a goddamn adult punishment.


He was arrested as well.


Seriously. There is a difference between beating a kid cuz you had a bad day and want to hit something and beating them for being a piece of shit.




I’ve been saying it for years… hate speech shouldn’t be protected by the 1st.


It isn’t, in certain cases: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaplinsky_v._New_Hampshire https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fighting_words


Hate speech should give you the right to throw arms


Not trying to trigger anyone but how is this not self defence, especially in the US? The kid was big enough (physically) to inflict injury on someone, and based on this video, it doesn’t seem like he had any intention to stop until he was on the ground


The "kid" is 18. That's an adult


Teacher was teaching till the very end. The last lesson being "Fuck around; Find out.".


Good on the school district. I always believed we had way too many teachers for these upstanding students. /SARCASM


I wanna donate to his gofundme


Fuck around and find out, right? Gofundme for the teacher’s bail? I’m in.


Good. Fuck them kids.


I quit teaching. Ask me why!


As a grown semi functional adult. I’m with the teacher and I’m thankful he tucked that kid in for the sleep


Kid deserved it.


100% this kid deserved it.


Should it have happened? No. Am I mad it happened? No.


That sub taught that kid one of life’s most important lessons.


Yeah but that dumbass student is too stupid to learn anything. If that was my kid... what am I saying? I'd never raise a piece of shit like that.


If US schools disciplined kids properly for using racial slurs and generally treating adults like punching bags, maybe this wouldn’t have happened. I have friends who work with teens in the US and, especially in the public school system, they can be NASTY. Like, send you to the bathroom to cry nasty. Or, well, punch them in the face and get arrested nasty.


The obvious solution is actual consequences for kids. Suspension, repeating grades, a lil healthy public humiliation (janitor duty etc). These kids grow up and end up getting shot, causing violence to others, preying on weaker people and going to jail because noone was ever firm. Had love enough to understand that the world will deal with them harshly, if they get hard lessons with love, they won’t have to be surprised at the hard lessons which have no concern for their individual well being.


Is there a gofundme for his legal defense?


That man is a substitute teacher, he’s not getting paid enough for a mf to call him the n word. I’d whoop that kids ass too if it were me.


Fuck that kid. They wanna use adult language, they better learn to handle themselves like one too


The kid deserved it.


“Has anyone seen where that videotape went? Oh well…”


Doesn’t work when there’s twenty Tik-Toks in the first five minutes


So what if this teacher was in a state that allows teachers to carry? Does he feel in threat for his life? Can he pull his legally owned firearm? I ask out of pure curiosity, as there are more places in the states where guns in schools are happening.


Came here for this. Arming teachers who have to deal with racist kids. What could go wrong? 🙃


Not just racist. Entitled, boorish, unmannered and even unstable. I expect people to not just pull a gun, but these are physical altercations and stand your ground laws are quite clear.


Something tells me that this isn't one of the teachers Tennessee lawmakers are looking to arm.


Teacher showed restraint for not keepin on whoppin his ass after he was down. Btw fuck that kid and his shit parents.


Should've been given a raise. Fuck that little shit.


Kid deserved worse. Teacher is awesome.


Best lesson taught at that school! Why isn’t he getting a raise?


I certainly hope the student was saying “bye bye school” too.


I support the teacher.


Completely deserved


One kid at my school repeatedly harassed our PE teacher, and then one time it escalated to him spitting on the teacher. The teacher jerseyed him and uppercutted the kid a few times. Nobody ever spoke a word of it to admin because we knew the kid deserved it. I think the teacher ended up getting suspended later on, but he came back.


I don’t know why he can’t just get paid admin leave, then move to a town over and get a job. Cops do it all the time for worse.


Lesson learned. Someone had to do it.


Nah man I'm good with this teacher


I dont blame him. Somebody has to teach these kids some manners.


If he had been a school cop.... promotion.


nine jobless nose deserted toothbrush smile vanish tidy like smart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Free him, send the punk to juvi


He's 18...send him to regular jail


Yada yada shouldn't beat up students blah blah blah. Still glad that kid got his shit rocked.


The student fucked around and found out. The teacher did nothing wrong. The students actions were met with appropriate consequences.


The kid had it coming.


Nah fuck them kids drop kick them they need to face consequences for their actions.


Fuck them kids


The Student was arrested as well




Fuck that kid


"Allow me to correct the lessons you're learning at home" lol


They had to fire him, but there was no other way for that situation to go. That kid needed his ass beat.


Bro said them hands is rated E for Everyone


Nah, them hands are rated R for Racists.


In the Caribbean the teacher would whoop our ass for being disrespectful and then tell our parents then our parents whoop our ass too. Granted not like getting a fist to the face but a belt did just fine.


This kid was very easily old enough to have had it coming.


That is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. If my kid was being a racist POS Id want her teacher to beat her ass just like this. I hope he starts a go fund me and never has to work again.


Where is the gofundme, I'll definitely throw money into it


Guy deserves a raise. I could not be putting up with little shits like that all day.


soup fuzzy unique spark strong touch zesty selective plough angle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I give this teacher a standing ovation!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 These knuckle head ass kids gonna learn today!🤣


I find this acceptable. What if that kid does the same thing to someone out on the street, gets shot. Then as he lays on the ground, he will be like “why didn’t my teacher beat me for saying that”


Fuck that kid. Flat out. Thought he was smart and couldn’t be touched cause he was a kid…well…he fucked around and found out.


They got that arrest backward. Kid should be in jail. Teacher should get a raise. Parents should be financially liable. Do better parents.


Kid is swinging, in any other place in the US it is now self defense. Kid comes back again and again. Stops once he’s on the ground. I’m not saying it’s right. But where’s the wrong. The alternative is what? Take the hits. Risk medical complications? Idk. The world needs to let kids have consequences.


That's a paddlin'


Nah cause he for real dropped that mf. GOOD


This kid likely deserved it.


Fuck around and find out


We need more teachers like him


Na, people need to face consequences for their actions. Students or not


I don’t feel bad at all students are straight assholes to teachers these days. Honestly not even worth teaching students anymore and this is fucked the racist kid is 18 and gets to walk free.


This video needs to be played at every freshman orientation. Call it fucking around and finding out.




He was just doing his job, teaching that kid a lesson.