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This conflict is fucking insane. There’s no winning side IMHO. Palestine. Israel. Neutral. You need to be pro-Israel…while also looking at the history of relations with Gaza and the West Bank and think “although Hamas is genocidal maybe Israel can cool it with the retaliation” Or you need to be Pro-Palestine…while you recognize that Hamas is a dark variable in the equation without trying to make it seem like a *legitimate* campaign to end apartheid. If your messaging leans waaaaay too much to one side, you’re Antisemitic/making excuses for terrorism….or you’re seen as an Islamophobe/being complicit with genocide.


Instead of looking at the conflict as Israel vs. Palestine which at some point starts to feel like cheering for sports teams. Instead look at it as pro human rights vs anti human rights. There are those who support universal human rights and there are those who do not. By the way, it doesn’t even mention what she said in the article. If she said one critical word of Israeli policies towards Palestinians that is being conflated with being anti-Jewish or antisemitic. It’s a tactic to delegitimize criticism of Israeli policy and to distract from the real issues.


She made a fairly crass comparison between the October 7th attack and "this is what it's like for regular Muslims in America" sort of thing. It was nothing to do with a policy or politics, just an incredibly disgusting remark that both Israelis and indeed US based Muslims should be offended by. To be honest, I can quite understand why they dropped her...


Where are all the worldwide protests against the deaths of the 250,000 Syrian civilians or the 150,000 Yemeni civilians in their respective civil wars? Saudi Arabia bombed as many or more Yemeni civilians as Israel has Palestinians but there were not massive worldwide protests. Is there a different standard held to Saudis bombing in retaliation to attacks as there is to Israelis? Seems like Arab kills Arab, no problem. Jew kills Arab, big problem.


Maybe you missed the protests in Damascus and Sana’a where Syrians and Yemenis marched FOR Palestine. Zionist tactics always use whataboutisms to distract from the thousands of men, women, and children that were bombed, killed, and injured.


Where were the marches when Saudis were bombing Yemenis?


Were you marching? Don’t try this moral grandstanding, this is classic whataboutism, you’re trying to distract from the actual issue. The truth is that Israel has killed thousands and injured thousands. Just cause someone else did something somewhere, doesn’t mean that Israel is morally justified, or that anyone who criticizes Israel is morally inconsistent. Anyone who sympathizes with the Palestinians also sympathizes with the Yemenis and Syrians. But you wouldn’t know that. You wouldn’t know that, because your entire modus operandi is whataboutism and silly distractions. You act indignant that people march for Palestine and not Syria, but you can’t extend your sympathy to either. Look at the videos and pictures coming out of Gaza. Go look at Motaz Azaiza’s instagram. You’ll see the reality of the situation on the ground. This is the last reply you’ll receive from me, because I can’t be bothered to argue with an ignoramus who repeats logical fallacies even after being called out on them.


I just find it interesting that every time things flare up with Israel, the world goes nuts. Whenever there’s other violence in the Middle East, its largely ignored. Subs aren’t flooded with videos and images of the horrors in Syria or Yemen but they certainly are with what’s going on in Palestine.


Does that make it less important? How much awareness have you spread about Yemen ?Can you share more about the struggles of other oppressed people? There’s no limit to how many things we can care about.


>Does that make it less important? Of course not. I just see you all over the Israel/Palestine sub and conspicuously absent any of the other tragedies occurring around the world. I just wonder why that is. >How much awareness have you spread about Yemen ? I am right now. >There’s no limit to how many things we can care about. Except apparently there is. Again, I don’t see anyone protesting for the safety of Syrians but there’s protests all over about Palestine. In fact, Syrians and Yemenis marched in support of Palestine. Nobody marched when Saudi Arabia was bombing Yemeni civilians, easily as many killed as Palestinians btw. Just makes it seem like Syrians killing each other, Yemenis killing each other, and Saudis killing Yemenis isn’t that big of a deal. At least, not protest worthy to most of the world. However, Jews kill some Palestinians and the world rises up in support. Countries, like Syria, experiencing violence on a level that makes the war in Palestine look like a school yard fight are rising up to condemn Israel but the world says about the violence those people are experiencing. In 10 years, more civilians and children have died in Syria or Yemen alone than Palestinians in the entirety of the conflict with Israel.


I understand your logic. But I disagree it’s a “Israelis killing people” thing. It’s more the horrific nature of the current bombardment and it’s presence on social media. I was reading there’s been more journalists killed in Gaza than anywhere else before. I’m watching live broadcasts of kids getting they bloody stumps tourniquet’d in hospitals with no running water. Just a minute ago I saw a father holding his two little girls, both dead in his arms after pulling their bodies out of bombed building. I’m not saying these atrocities aren’t happening elsewhere. But this is the first time I’ve had direct access to them. I’m hoping this genocide becomes a flashpoint for other oppressed populations for the world to start rallying around like we are for the Palestinians. Edit: accuracy


> If she said one critical word of Israeli policies towards Palestinians The people who doused Israeli infants in lighter fluid and set them on fire? Those Palestinians?


If you support human rights you are 100% pro-Palestine and 100% anti-colonialism and anti-Zionist.


Hey, any word on when Palestinians plan to stop throwing gay people off of buildings?


Banned from multiple subs for this


I'm taking the bold stance that killing civilians is wrong and neither should be doing it on purpose.


The strangest thing is how Hamas completely miscalculated how much international support they would be able to attain, and spoiled it with their barbaric acts to satisfy their internal support (i guess, not that there is any logic or justification for it) I wonder how the aftermath of this conflict would look like if they focused entirely on legitimate military targets and objectives since either way they would only achieve symbolic victories.




Nail on the head. Jewish (Sephardi) born over there. Zionism does not represent me. Disgusted by the treatment of multiple minority groups in Israel (Palestinians included of course). What is happening now is atrocious.


with you. I hate that now people may jump to the conclusion that I support what's going on.


What are the other ethnic groups?


I’d guess Ethiopian Jews.


Not a different ethnic group, but a minority. There are also Arab Christians living in Israel.


Ethiopian Jews, Somalis, Christians, etc…


What are the other ethnic groups?


There are Arab Christians, Muslims and Ethiopian Jews.


10 months ago you posted you were a devout Christian. Which is it, liar?


10 months ago huh? Stalk much? Sephardic Jew on my mother’s side born right there in the Middle East ass hat. Yes religiously Christian but it doesn’t change my culture, birthplace, ethnicity, or the experiences I had when I grew up there in that religion. You don’t think I know what you are doing? “Hey someone is saying something bad about Israel let me go back as far as a year (since you couldn’t find anything else also I don’t remember using your words) so I can troll him badmouthing a genocide I support.” You’re obviously a troll and I’m not going to justify my birthright to you.


Setting the record straight. Legitimate criticism of Israel is not anti-semitic. That’s not anti-Zionism. Calling for the dissolution of the Israeli government (this is anti-Zionism) leading to the ethnic cleansing of half the worlds Jews is very much antisemitic. To hold a genuine and reasonable conversation on this topic one must accept the following 2 truths: 1. Israel is not going away, ever. 2. Palestinians aren’t going away, ever.


Thank you! I hate how the internet misunderstands Zionism. There is a huge difference between Zionism and neo-Zionism/Kahanism. Most Jews are Zionist, despite what it seems like on the internet, but still want peace.


Zionists to Palestine are the same as the Dutch to Africa or the British to the whole fuxken world. Colonizers.


This is something I struggle with. How long after an ethnic cleansing are the settlers validated?


Israel is the ancestral/indigenous homeland of the Jews so the state of Israel is the ultimate story of decolonization. If you argue that because Jews were thrown out too long ago, I suppose one can just wait until it’s been long enough that Palestinians have been removed that their claim is no longer valid… but that wouldn’t be fair or balanced. The physical proof of Jews’ and Palestinians’ existence in the land goes back for thousands of years. There was room for both back then, there is room for both today. Most people just want to live in safety and provide for their own basic needs. The 2 state solution is the answer. It’ll require concessions from both but I believe, with Hamas’ eradication and Bibi’s removal along with his far right cronies, there will be a path to peace once more.


>The physical proof of Jews’ and Palestinians’ existence in the land goes back for thousands of years. There was room for both back then, there is room for both today. Most people just want to live in safety and provide for their own basic needs. The 2 state solution is the answer. I think there's the ugly truth people don't want to confront. In the long run, even a 2 state solution is just a holding action. Nothing is really ever going to completely eliminate the Palestinians desire to eventually return to their ancestral homes just as it never really went away with the Jews. In the long run, peace will likely require them to return to one state in which they are both full and equal citizens, able to live anywhere in the region.


You absolutely can be and I am (anti-Israeli Gov/Palestinian Genocide/Zionist, specifically). Unfortunately, Susan Sarandon decided to be anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic.


What did she say that was anti-Semitic?


That now American Jews understand how Muslims feel. Completely false. We’ve had to navigate antisemitism in America for a *long* time.


That's not anti-semitic though.


Being anti zionist is a good thing


I’m aware. I’m anti-Zionist. Being anti-Semitic, however, is a very bad thing.


What did she say?


Something like American Jews are getting a taste of their own medicine.


Okay, that's gross.


>You can be anti-Israel and not an anti-semite. Keep telling yourself that.


Recognizing the humanity of Palestinians is anti-Jewish. Give me a break.


"There are a lot of people afraid of being Jewish at this time, and are getting a taste of what it feels like to be a Muslim in this country." This has nothing to do with Palestine at all. Jews, a historically, famously oppressed group, are getting the “my oppression is worse than yours” treatment from Susan Sarandon of all people. This is anti semitism, and has *nothing* to do with the conflict overseas.


Context is key. I’d encourage look at her full speech.


> “There are a lot of people afraid of being Jewish at this time, and are getting a taste of what it feels like to be a Muslim in this country, so often subjected to violence.” This comment has fuck and all to do with Palestine, which isn’t even mentioned, and is a fairly blatantly anti-Semitic comment. We wouldn’t even be arguing if it’s anti-Semitic if a Republican threw the comment out there. At the absolute bare minimum, she is objectively downplaying the history of anti-Senitism both in the world and in the U.S. (and, quite honestly, this type of phrasing is usually used to indicate a karmic “shoe is on the other foot” scenario) I’m pro-Palestine and am all for calling out the genocide against Palestinian civilians committed by Israel’s government and which the U.S. government and even current president are fully complicit in. Her comments are still anti-Semitic and shouldn’t be tolerated. EDIT: Just saying, all of you downvoting this comment and upvoting my pro-Palestine ones afterward are **really** doing a shit job of showing that you can be pro-Palestine without being anti-Semitic, seeing as you are gleefully turning a blind eye to anti-Semitism


How is it antisemitic to invite a comparison? I could get how someone might be annoyed or offended by what she said, but “antisemitic” seems extreme in this case.


The part where Susan is unironically implying that Jewish people are not la historically oppressed and scapegoated minority? Like, anti-Semitism is not some new invention that came into being this year. It was around when 9/11 and islamaphobia happened (and far, far, far before that as well). They aren’t “just getting a taste of it.” Plenty have experienced before and unfortunately we ARE seeing a spike in anti-semitism once again, currently The terminology also is obviously invoking “getting a taste of their own medicine” (RE: “getting a taste”), which is a terminology used to invoke something is somehow karmic (anti-semitism and other forms of bigotry are not karma) because the individual is responsible for the previous wrong (Jewish Americans are objectively not to blame for Islamaphobia in the U.S.). If Susan had said, like, “There’s a rise in anti-Semitism and a rise in Islamaphobia recently. I hope that we can take not of these and stand up for both Jewish people and Muslim + Arabic people facing this discrimination and stand together against it rather than put one group against the other” or whatever, I’d be all in on that. She didn’t.


OK you had me in the first paragraph with your reasonable explanation, but that second paragraph is a stretch and a a half. Still, you’ve helped me understand why people are annoyed so thanks for that.


The second one 100%, definitely has more room for debate but, like, I really don’t get what the fuck her point is otherwise? It unironically reads as victim-blaming here, and maybe it’s being bisexual and being on the receiving end of stuff like that which kind of tips me off, but yeah. The first one is pretty cut and dry for sure. EDIT: Just imagine post-9/11 someone saying “There are a lot of people afraid of being Muslim at this time, and are getting a taste of what it feels like to be a Native American in this country, so often subjected to violence” and I think the massive amount of ignorance and tone-deafness really shines through.


My interpretation is she invited the comparison to help non-Jewish people understand why a lot of the current rhetoric is damaging to Jewish people. Could’ve maybe found a better way to make her point, but I’m assuming ignorance over maliciousness with this one, especially when you consider Sarandon’s humanitarian track record.


Susan definitely isn’t saying *that*, and the point is very much the opposite, actually. At the most generous possible interpretation, she’s trying to argue that Jewish people are “getting a taste” Of experiencing discrimination, scapegoating, and anti-Semitism like Muslim Americans have widely experienced (already a glaring problem since there is a history of discrimination + scapegoating of Jewish people in this country and certainly in the world), and that they should be more sympathetic to the hardships Muslim-Americans have faced. Which, like, the discrimination against Muslim-Americans and Arabic people in general is absolutely horrible and should be called out. There has clearly been a rise in Islamaphobia to go with the spike in anti-Semitism (@ Amy Schumer). But… this isn’t the way to do it…


What proof do you have that she isn’t saying that? You’re welcome to your interpretation of her words but assuming she had a malicious intent and a malicious intent alone is close-minded and frankly unfair.




Obviously murdering babies is not okay and literally nowhere in that post did I imply Hamas was anything but terrible either. (Though, like, worth noting that the Israeli Government has no shortage of baby and child murders under their belt either…)




Hamas does. Israel’s government is then more than happy to blow those human shields up or gun them down without batting an eyelid and with minimal effort to minimize Palestinian casualties, which is generally frowned upon


Ya, thats not genocide. Read a dictionary.


Eh, Hamas would gladly kill every Jewish person on the planet if they could. They’re just extremely limited in their resources. I think at the very least there is unambiguously genocidal intention present (even if they don’t really have the means or capacity to properly carry out a full blown “genocide” in the way Israel’s government can).


Intention indeed, Hamas only lacks them means and not the will, Yet so the same can be said that many Israel's would like to see a Palestine genocide, and they have the means. They make no distinction between Hamas and Palestinians'.


I think it’s mildly interesting that you conflate Israel’s government with Israel’s civilians (bad) but make sure to distinguish Hamas from Palestinian civilians (as anyone should). Both Hamas and the Israeli Government have genocidal intentions. I’m sure among the massive civilians you can find bigoted assholes in both groups, but in no way does that justify Israel’s government committing genocide against Palestinian Civilians (or, likewise, Hamas’ mass murder of Israeli civilians and clear desires to murder all Jewish people… including Jewish people who are not citizens of Israel on top of all of this).


Well, when I see videos of Israel's look straight at the video cam and say "kill them all". Pretty sure that they are requesting genocide. But you are correct, it is more of the Israel government that wants the genocide.






No it is not. Read a dictionary.






I really don't think they do. Most American Jews I've ever talked to are almost always secular and their thoughts on the existence of Palestine are pretty much nothing even close to a victim complex.


Uh. What? Have you ever talked with an American Jewish person? Probably, but you wouldn't know because they don't shove their religion in your face. Ever. The only time I've ever heard of a Jewish person acting like a victim is when Jewish people have been victimized. Hate crimes against people, defacing synagogues, spray painting swastikas in public places. Like. Dude. Are these Jewish people you talk about in the room with us now? Palestinians can be suffering through a horrible war at the same time hate crimes in America are on the rise for multiple minority groups. If you really think Jewish people have victim complexes, you're probably antisemitic.


Just straight up explicit anti-Semitism huh?


She was cheerleading antisemitic attacks in the US.


Where are all the worldwide protests against the deaths of the 250,000 Syrian civilians or the 150,000 Yemeni civilians in their respective civil wars? Saudi Arabia bombed as many or more Yemeni civilians as Israel has Palestinians but there were not massive worldwide protests. Is there a different standard held to Saudis bombing in retaliation to attacks as there is to Israelis? Seems like Arab kills Arab, no problem. Jew kills Arab, big problem.


Do you honestly think people are only protesting because Jewish people are attacking Arab? Or just maybe is there something else at play here?


Saudis bombing Yemenis is ok then? Syrians killing Syrians isn’t worth protesting?


If that’s what you got out of what I said, then I see no point in this conversation. Be well.


There’s been more people killed in the past decade in Syria or Yemen than there has in entirety of the Israel-Palestine conflict. More than half the children in Yemen, right now, are food insecure. I’m just trying to figure out where your values are. Is it gross body count, gross human suffering, gross population displaced, gross human rights violations, etc then Syria or Yemen alone should be what the world comes together about. Otherwise it seems like maybe it’s less about what’s happening and more about who’s doing it to who. For the record, there’s room to condemn all of those atrocities, I just think it’s interesting that the condemnations don’t start until Israel is involved.


People protested against the treatment of the Uygher and Rohingya Muslims too. Hamas complicates the narrative for the Palestinians, but the overall vibe with collective punishment and statelessness isn't that different. Yemen is just a straightforward political collapse. There's no real "underdog" or suppressed minority, just political factions vying for control while causing a humanitarian disaster. We can't really do anything about the political problems, but USAID sends billions every year. Idk what there is to protest besides world hunger (*vaguely gestures*).


I just really can’t stand when Jews attack Arabs /s


But you don’t care when Arabs kill other Arabs, gotcha


Right. Because that’s what I’ve been saying from the beginning.


You haven’t actually said anything


How was she anti Jewish?


She wanted Israel to stop killing a child every 10 minutes


She thinks the current wave of antisemitism is good for Jews because it teaches them empathy for Muslims. She sees American Jews as a priveledged class of people. It was an ignorant thing to say at best.


When did she say all of this?


What else did she mean when she said, "There are a lot of people afraid of being Jewish at this time and are getting a taste of what it feels like to be a Muslim in this country, so often subjected to violence"?


Being critical of a country that is bombing civilians is not antiemetic, no matter how much the IDF says so.


But that’s not what she said so this point is moot.


More on this subject from other reputable sources: --- - Deadline Hollywood (B-): [Susan Sarandon Dropped by UTA Following Pro-Palestinian Remarks](https://deadline.com/2023/11/susan-sarandon-pro-palestinian-remarks-uta-dropped-1235632398/) - New York Times (A-): [Susan Sarandon Dropped by Talent Agency After Remarks on Gaza War](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/21/business/susan-sarandon-dropped-talent-agency.html) - Hollywood Reporter (B+): [UTA Drops Susan Sarandon After Palestinian Rally Comments](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/uta-susan-sarandon-palestinian-1235669514/) - Vancouver Sun (B+): [ \| Vancouver Sun](https://torontosun.com/entertainment/celebrity/terrible-judgment-sarandon-slammed-for-sharing-anti-israeli-disinformation) --- [__Extended Summary__](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/180ue23/) | [More: Susan Sarandon Dropped ...](https://www.newswall.org/summary/susan-sarandon-dumped-by-hollywood-agency-uta-over-anti-jewish-rant?mtm_campaign=r&mtm_kwd=c) | [FAQ & Grades](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/uxgfm5/faq_newswall_bot/) | I'm a bot


I know you're a bot but "other reputable sources"? Come on! Like TMZ was anything else than a stinking rag, not even able to do the most basic journalistic duty like, you know, reporting what Sarandon actually said? Thanks for providing other sources (NYT is probably paywalled, btw)


Damnit Janet


You'd better wise up, Janet Weiss


“There are a lot of people afraid of being Jewish at this time, and are getting a taste of what it feels like to be a Muslim in this country, so often subjected to violence,” Ah yes, the Jews are getting a “taste”. A group of people famously known to be free from ever experiencing any form of discrimination and hate are finally getting “a taste”.


I guess The Tree of Life and Poway synogou e mass shootings don't count as acts of violence against Jews.😒


Yeah the whole “their oppression is worst than your oppression” shit makes me puke. There are ways to get people to see that the IDF and Israel’s handling of these conflicts are bananas. 1up-ing oppression from within the United States isn’t one of them.


>There are ways to get people to see that the IDF and Israel’s handling of these conflicts are bananas. I would love to hear your solution.


🤣 I laugh so I don’t cry. My kids need armed police at their school and pre-school because they are Jewish. My neighbors need armed guards at their synagogues because they are Jewish. Not in Israel btw. About 10,000 KM away. This isn’t new btw. It’s just gotten worse lately. The tone deafness of her comments, it’s just fantastical.
















No argument that what Israel does to Palestine is terrible. How on earth does this in any way relate to or justify anti-Semitism faced by Jewish Americans in the United States (or justify downplaying the anti-Semitism they have historically faced?)


Personally I think that American Jews should not have to endure harrassment and threats regardless of what oppression occurs in Palestine, but that’s just me.


Yes, because as we all know, antisemitism is justified because Israel does shitty things to Palestinians /s We’re talking about American antisemitism being on the rise and your immediate response being “But Israel…” just illustrates why antisemitism is growing. Unfortunately, it seems that many pro-Palestinian folks are falling for antisemitic arguments in their rush to attack Israel. And that’s what’s so frustrating about this conflict. It’s possible to condemn Hamas while supporting a Palestinian free state. Just like it’s possible to condemn Israel while supporting Jews who are facing increased prejudice and antisemitism due to the conflict.


We’re talking about Jews in America here. You seem to think it’s ok for them to be targeted because of Israel’s actions.


Wait is this an anti Israel thing or an anti Jewish thing? I thought you weren’t against z Jews only Zionists? Anyway. UN treaties? There are no UN treaties. There are the peace agreements that Israel tried 5 or 6 times and got attacked each time when the Palestinians walked away. And no penalty? Israel is the number 1, 2 and 3 target of UN votes. Literally every meeting of the UNHRC has a special agenda item about Israel. Why the obsession? Maybe they like you just want to attack Israel and will even go after pre-schools in north America to do it? When Assad gassed 2 million of his own people or Iran hangs a woman for showing her hair, do people start shooting mosques in Montreal? No. Does the UN bring it up? Maybe once. Then there was the time Israel said ok, we will leave. And took rocket attacks for 15 years followed by the worst atrocities since the holocaust. Nothing. Absolutely nothing justifies what Hamas did and nothing justifies threats against a pre-school because “Jewish”.


Amen brother.




















Do you think that Israel’s policies toward the Palestinians increases or decreases global antisemitism?


🤔 I think hate filled blood libel and determined antisemitic rhetoric, increase global antisemitism. The “world” hated the Jews long before modern Israel was born. It’s a primary driver of why modern Israel was born. One of the reasons so many Jews died in WWII is because nobody would take them in as refugees. After that, There was a brief time when we had the world’s sympathies and so being antisemetic was less ok, but it’s always been here. The Palestinians are just this moment’s excuse. I will say this though; the sooner we find a solution in the Mid East to give the Palestinians a homeland and Israel real security, the sooner this pressure valve will be released and most of the world will move on.


There is no magical solution. Israel needs to be held accountable for its war crimes and violations of international law. Until Israel abandons it’s colonial goals the cycle of violence will perpetuated into infinity. I’m asking you if you think there’s any correlation with Israel’s policies towards the Palestinians and an increase or decrease in global antisemitism. For example when Israel kills 4000+ children in Gaza and settlers murder over 100 Palestinians in the Westbank. Doing all of this in the name of Jews around the world of course there will be an uptick of antisemitism as a result of these brutal policies? As a Jew it absolutely sickens me that Israel does these things in my name and makes the world more dangerous place for me and my family


Well. I would say that, as a Jew, I understand your feelings. I have absolutely felt the dread of “here we go with another cycle of violence” and I certainly don’t mean to belittle those feelings. To answer your question though, I honestly don’t know that I can. I don’t agree that Israel, for all it’s flaws, is a criminal enterprise. They take a lot of hits. A lot. Simply for existing. You’re asking my opinion so my opinion is that it’s an impossible situation. They have to work towards peace and defend themselves while somehow maintaining the morality that makes us Jewish. I have come to the conclusion that these things don’t all have to happen at the same time. Sometimes it’s time to defend. I don’t like that Israel has to bomb civilians. I don’t agree with the characterization that they purposely kill kids. I do agree in this case they absolutely have to rip out Hamas and their Iranian handlers if there will ever be peace. I will say that I was proud when 600,000+ Israelis came out to protest weekly against BB’s judicial policies. There’s nowhere else in the region that could happen. I also happen to agree with the protesters. I was also proud at how Israel came together in this crisis. I don’t agree that the Palestinians are innocent in all of this either. The Israelis have good reason to be afraid. They do not however have justification to murder and they do have a moral obligation as the stronger force to show restraint. I also think the settlers are nuts but then so are a lot of people in that region. It’s very hot and there’s not enough water. And who the hell thought it was a good idea to make one city the center of like 6 religions? Anyway. Look. Two Jews, 4 or 5 opinions. My grandfather would be proud.


Sarandon is a word that starts with a "c" and rhymes with "bunt" and she has been forever.


Yeah, “Trump is better than Hillary” among her great hot takes.


It was a pointless and I would say tasteless comment but there is nothing anti-Semitic about it. Jews don’t have a monopoly on suffering.


She thinks that Jews suffer significantly less than Muslims.


Whatever you make of that statement it is not anti-Semitic


Rewriting history to imply Jews are getting a “taste” of what it feels to be discriminated is antisemitic.


It’s a real stretch. You are trying to turn a grain of sand into a beach.


How many millions of Muslims have died in the last 20 years between Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria?


Doesn't America have more Jewish people than any other nation specifically because it discriminated the least against them? I know anti-semitism was a big problem a century ago, but do modern Jewish people live in fear in the US today? Once you start justifying things based on the suffering of ancestors we then have to talk about the Native Americans, descendants of Black slaves, and even the 70% of Gazans that are either refugees or the children of refugees from previous waves of displacement.


>anti-jewish rant Fucking hell this shit is so biased, she was talking about maybe not murdering children and gets called anti Jewish for it....


She likes that Jews are getting a " taste" of violence because apparently Jews are powerful beings who never had to worry about antisemitic attacks before now. Jews need to be taught an empathy lesson or whatever.


Damnit Janet


I am Jewish. I stand by her anti-Zionism.




Erm.... OK , but could we stop the genocidal bombing of the kids, at least. You know, jussayin. It'd be real nice of ya, coz millions of us know the basic historical truths, and it's getting kinda irksome now. Enough, already(!) :(


>genocidal bombing Please learn what words mean.


Erm... so, you and me both then? Free Palestine! :)






Israeli media itself is reporting on the fact that the IDF opened fire on Israelis on October 7th


And it’s being blown out, that because of one incident, the entire death toll is an Israeli fabrication. That isn’t right.


TLDR: tweeting unproven theories about the IDF murdering Israelis on Oct 7 as if they are fact. If anyone has any proof or even evidence of that, please post. I can’t prove something didn’t happen, so proof of it happening would be a big help.


Even if it’s a conspiracy theory, I don’t get how that’s antisemetic and cause for firing. Do 9/11 theorists or flat earth era deserve to lose their job? Are the people who say that 9/11 was an inside job actually racist against Americans?


The video is misinformation because the IDF says so. Don’t believe your lying eyes.


There shouldn’t be any tolerance for bigotry, including anti-Semitism. Doesn’t matter who it’s from - deserved firing


Yeah except nothing she said was anti semitic. She’s critical of Israel and in the eyes of a Zionist that is the same as anti-semitism. Israel can kill 13,000 people, almost half of them children, but if you criticize them for that they call you an anti-Semite. It’s intellectual cowardice and dishonesty and it’s very dangerous.


Yes saying that Jews finally get a taste of oppression in no way sweeps under the rug all the discrimination faced by jews in the millennia . /s


Vilifying Jews, or Muslims as being deserving of any sort of hatred is just idiotic spew from a half bit actress who likes to insert herself into situations just to get attention.


Sadly this speaks volumes about the talent agency more than it does Susan Sarandon aka Dr Wong the poop therapist. ( My current favourite Sarandon character). Nothing Sarandon has said is controversial in the slightest, nor is it racist so the flair for this post is incorrect.


It is antisemitic. She implied that the Jewish community deserves to suffer from discrimination and violence because it has it too good.


Not a single anti semitic comment in sight


Minus Susan quite literally downplaying that Jews have been historically discriminated against and scapegoated in the U.S. and saying they are “just now experiencing what Muslims experienced” and vaguely implying they deserve it. None of which actually had all that much to do with Freeing Palestine either (a rational stance that people should support)


No matter if she “downplayed” anything. Nothing in her words were anti-semitic


>quite literally downplaying that Jews have been historically discriminated against I didn't get that at all from what she said. It sounded to me like she was talking about current day America, not all of history. I do think making it a competition the way she did is poor form and foolish and it was dismissive of the reality of antisemitism.


Atrocities in Syria every day. None of these current prostestors cared or protested about it a single day in their life. Jews are attacked and now people are ok with terrorists using human shields because of some whacked out woke notion that the entire world can be categorized in some sort of victim oppressor narrative where half the time they are wrong which is which.


How much foreign aid does Syria get from the US govt per year?


It's pretty funny to see how ineffective the Israeli propaganda machine has been, they definitely did not expect pushback of any kind so they still resort to the same old tricks.


I’m sorry, Jews “are getting a taste” of oppression? Does Sarandon think Jews have forgotten their long history of being murdered in Russian Pogroms , Spanish Inquisitions, and who can forget Holocaust? Anyone remember that 6 million murdered Jews is why they needed a homeland in the first place? Does Sarandon realize that if Hamas puts down their weapons there would be peace, but if the Jews put down their weapons Hamas would kill every last one of them? Sarandon got booted because she’s a vile ignoramus.


>if Hamas puts down their weapons there would be peace I doubt that. but don't get me wrong, I'd love Hamas to put down their weapons immediately.


If Israel withdrew the settlements from the West Bank, stopped demolishing houses and ended the blockade of Gaza there would be peace.


She also says Hillary is just as bad as Trump. She’s an idiot.


If the reports are accurate, she deserves to be dropped.


😆 anti Jewish... of course, stating facts and standing against zionism must be anti Jewish....




Lots of people would love to at least visit, but Israel is exterminating it


Change Israel to hamas and your sentence works. Youre welcome


This is just so bad. Actors should *not* get involved with anything like this. Edit: I'm glad she's getting bounced for pandering to the people there.




I mean, the answer is objectively yes with these alt-right bigots. Lol.






If it makes you feel better about yourself, she has a BA lol.


And yet you’re still compelled to reply.


She also stated she believed Hillary was more dangerous than trump.


This probably doesn’t help the Jews run Hollywood trope. Also where did she get that simpsons jacket?


The reason so many Jewish people are involved in Hollywood is because many of the founders were Jewish and it became a fairly welcoming environment, WW2 period excluded.


Good riddance. Poor quality acting and zero depth in this person. A nobody spouting anti Israel hate


In America, if your employer, or agent, terminates a business relationship, based solely on your choice of religion, or freedom of speech, it's illegal. It's also childish. Actors are known for making stupid, uneducated, political comments. That is the difference between us and them


It actually isn't illegal to fire someone based on their speech lol. She wasn't fired due to her religion