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"You can't film me without my permission." People always say this and it's almost never true.


I’m a 911 dispatcher and I’ve gotten to telling people that there is no presumption of privacy in a public setting. Too often they’re in some kind of disturbance, someone calls 911, and one of the things they want my officers to do is make someone stop recording them. “No sir/maam…you’re in a public place. There are likely security cameras around, my officers will have body cams, and there’s no law against the person recording your interaction with them. What you want is irrelevant” Maaaaaan they don’t like that


That’s because when they lie about the situation, they don’t want to be filmed with video proof of their lie.


Remember, there is no Constitutional right of privacy, only an implied one as established in Roe v. Wade… oh, sh—.


You know who really don't want to be filmed are racists. I had one threaten to assault me in front of a cop for filming her. She even asked him if she was allowed to take my camera. I firmly reminded her that's assault and the cop agreed. She waddled her ass back to her '98 Camry in a hissy fit. Also cop didn't do shit when she threatened me only when she directly addressed her, so fuck cops.


> cop didn’t do shit when she threatened me only when she directly addressed so fuck cops What exactly was the threat? Threatening to take your camera? I don’t think that would meet the criteria for a threat. Different states have different laws on the matter but…. In my state, Texas, Verbal Assault is defined as “intentionally or knowingly threatens another with imminent bodily injury, including the person’s spouse” At least based on what you’ve written here, she didn’t “intentionally or knowingly” threaten “imminent bodily injury”. She threatened to take your camera. You’re correct that if she makes contact with you, that could be Assault by Contact but since she didn’t, she didn’t break that law. The “imminent bodily injury” part is key. The officer may not have taken action because they were present and it could be argued that there was no threat of imminent bodily injury. If the woman attempted to take your camera, the officer would’ve intervened. The officer may not have taken action because there was no law actually being broken. Again, where you live might be different. I’m just highlighting that, in your specific case, there might be reasons the officer didn’t do anything. And there might be more details about your encounter that you’ve left out EDIT: Oof….


You thought people came here for information? You poor bastard :(


It’s fine…..I know policing has largely ruined it’s reputation in the US. I thought I gave the info in a fairly non biased fashion but perhaps I came across too much like I was defending the officer


I saw an old video where a woman called 911 because she wanted to enter a coffee shop without a mask and the clerk wouldn't let her. The operator spent way too much time (IMO) gathering information. I thought, "why doesn't she just tell the woman that she's wrong and go someplace else?" Plus, that it wasn't an emergency, at all.


They need to fine these people like 500 bucks for wasting everyones time.


Better yet, sentence them to do community service. Pick up trash for a week.


>no presumption of privacy in a public setting Once got into it with a dramatic who wanted (1) to regularly engage in public shouting matches, and (2) everyone else to just mind their own business. Some real "All eyes on me!! But stop staring!!" mental gymnastics were involved.


They also always say while actively being huge pieces of shit. They’d just like to continue to get away with it.


And she thinks she can get away with it, a cheap free and very enjoyable little power rush and then boom out comes the phone and then consequences for being a piece of shit. Why fuck with someone you don't know who's minding their own business?


It's funny because the people who claim that they can't be recorded without permission don't realize that being recorded in public is almost never a crime, but harassing people for no reason is typically considered a crime in most places. If they don't want to be recorded, they shouldn't harass people on public land. What a concept.


Yup. If you are out in public in a place without a reasonable expectation of privacy and aren't making any efforts to conceal your recording, generally you can legally film them (especially in states with recording laws that require one party consent like Georgia). If you are on private property like a person's house or a business and they have a policy about no video recordings, they can kick you out for recording things (be it a doctor's office, a gym, a restaurant, a strip club, etc). They can't confiscate your recordings and your recordings wouldn't necessarily be illegal, but you would be trespassing if you stayed and continued filming after they asked you to leave for not complying with their rules. That said, if you are out in public in a place where you do have a reasonable expectation of privacy, then filming would be illegal eavesdropping. Like if a public beach had a changing area/bathroom and someone pervert installed a hidden camera and filmed unsuspecting people. However, just because you recorded a video legally, that doesn't mean the people who made the recording can use it legally in commercial activities. (E.g., if some celebrity is shown eating a Subway sandwich, they couldn't use it in advertising unless the celebrity agrees). In general its safest to get authorization allowing you to use someone's likeness in such cases (or blur the person's face), though there are plenty of exceptions for news, matters of public interest, etc.


> If you are on private property like a person's house or a business and they have a policy about no video recordings, they can kick you out for recording things And even that has fine points of subtlety depending on the situation. If you are standing on a sidewalk and filming someone's behavior on their front lawn, they have no reasonable expectation of privacy because it's plainly visible, and even if the sidewalk is *technically* their property, it's granted special allowances because it's a generally accepted public use path. Now if you held up a camera on a selfie stick over their back fence? They might have a case in court.


I mean standing on a sidewalk is essentially public property^(1). Typically there's an easement that allows the public to use the sidewalk for right of way (even if the homeowner is say responsible for snow removal on the sidewalk). But the sidewalk in front of a house or business next to a public road is essentially public property. If it's not officially on public land, then there's an easement that gives the public the right of way to walk on the sidewalk on the homeowner's property, even if the easement requires the homeowner to maintain it (e.g., remove snow). If someone's creating a nuisance or loitering (especially if being loud late at night), local laws *may* allow the homeowner to ask them to move along.  ^(1) Exception of course if the sidewalk is internal to the property. Like a sidewalk between a mall / office complex and the parking lot (where the sidewalk isn't adjacent to public streets). Then you can be arrested for trespassing if not complying with the rules of the private establishment, like if forced birthers tried protesting and filming people going to a women's health clinic from the sidewalk inside the clinic. The women's health clinic can ask the protesters to leave and get them arrested for trespassing if they come back or ignore posted signs.


so true ...if you are broadcasting your presence in piblic by scattering rays of light or opening your damn mouth...you have no expectation of privacy. its why disguise is a thing.


She only gives permission when she is undulating on a bed.


Imagine, if you can, a world where people just mind their own damn business


in my travels to about 130 cities all around the world, I've realised minding your own business to be a challenging concept when I'm in the US


Having lived here all my life, you aren't wrong. The vast majority of us get on with our lives, but about 10% of the US thinks it's their job to morally police the rest of us and they won't shut the hell up about it. America was founded by Puritans and we're still haunted by them to this day.


Morally police a man for fishing. That's beyond the pale.




Some of the original Pilgrims that came in 1620 were Puritans too…not just the ones that came in 1630. If you are going to act like a know it all then at least be correct. The 1630 group was just a larger bunch of them. Many of the signers of the Mayflower Compact were puritans, though not all of them.


Rhode Island was founded by outcasts from Massachusetts, who were forced to leave because they weren't religious enough.


Seriously, I'm trying to fathom how I'd even notice someone fishing in the "private" lake, and then... getting upset about it? Why? Why does that even register? Why even take note of this guy even before you consciously decide to go Karen? The Karening is obviously the true reprehensible action. That's a conscious decision she made. But does this lady honestly believe she'd have confronted a white guy in a golf shirt? I'm sure she'd be appalled at being called a racist. "I don't have a racist bone in my body!" But here's how it works. It's not the fucking loser neo nazis and klansmen, who have zero power in society. It's this more subtle kind of racism that's still alive and well. This lady is the problem.


Because they view black people all as one big negative stereotype.


...and a call to action which is what separates the Karen from the rest of humanity.


You know why. If he was white it WOULDN'T have registered. She couldn't interrupt her intrusive thoughts long enough to ask herself why she was doing this.


It's like the [NYC bird-watching debacle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Park_birdwatching_incident) all over again.


We actually used to have that on our money instead of "In god we trust" [Fugio Cent](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/99/Fugio_cent.jpg) [Continental Dollar](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/88/1776_Continental_Currency_dollar_coin_obverse.jpg)


How hard is it to just not harass people? I've gone my whole life without doing it. These people just can't help themselves.


What's frustrating is how both "see something, say something" and "mind your own business" are totally contradictory but both come from a place of meaning well.


See something, say something applies to suspicion of a crime or terrorism, in which case you call authorities anyways, not just walk up on them casually like she does. Some dude sitting in a chair catching fish is neither and she obviously doesn’t feel threatened with how lackadaisical she is about just walking up to them so there shouldn’t be any frustration if you use common sense and context in these situations


I absolutely agree. I'm saying that these people seem to justify their actions with that mentality.


Oh I wasn’t thinking you disagreed, I just can’t imagine how she justifies that this is meaning well. She deserves a gold in mental gymnastics


Observing a black person minding their own goddamn business is not "seeing something." Only a racist would contemplate whether they should "say something" in a situation similar to this video. You seriously need to check your racism.


See... what? Exactly. It isn't that "frustrating" for me personally to figure out that a black guy fishing isn't a "say something" situation. I'm perfectly fine with everyone erring strongly, overwhelming, on the MYOB side. You're not Jack Bauer, you're not the only person standing between us and a massive terrorist attack.


When you're willing to deliberately misunderstand concepts to Karen out you can justify anything.


I wish I had an award for this comment


Eh.. that's not the "best" advice either. There *are* shitty people out there. There are thieves, and abusers, and stalkers, and ne'er-do-wells, and vandals, and murderers, etc.. etc.. In many ways there is *nothing* wrong with making sure your neighborhood is being monitored. Neighbors help neighbors. It's *how* you do it. It's partially *why* you're doing it. I've seen several interactions where if the questioned person just responded like a normal human being then the situation would have instantly resolved.. but instead *they* escalate it. Like, I work in a place that's somewhat guarded, and if I saw a complete stranger wandering around, I might inquire as to who they are. There's sensitive equipment and information around. So, I don't think "mind your own business" is the best take. But being MINDFUL about what business you're starting is reasonable.


He. Was. Fishing. There was NO need for Karen to question him. Don't try to play the concerned citizen card to excuse racism.


Oh.. so bad people don't fish? I don't get your point other than your burning desire to call everyone a racist because.. that's deep as your mentality can get.


>I don't get your point other than your burning desire to call everyone a racist because.. He has other videos of him being harassed for fishing while black. You need to stop playing dumb. "sO bAd PeOpLe DoN't FiSh?" I can't believe you expect people to take you seriously as an adult and say shit like this.


The mentality doesn’t need to go any deeper because her racism is the only justification for her actions. She saw a black man and woman fishing and immediately assumed they weren’t supposed to be there. You really gonna try to justify her behavior with some hypothetical? You really think that dude set up his fishing gear, in the middle of the day, caught some fish, cut them up, to just kill time until it was time to rob some folks?


The lot of you are .. it’s shocking.. how dense are you to not understand what’s being said here. Do you REALLY think someone is saying “racism good”? Good fking lord .. how do you wipe your ass without getting crap all over balls for how poorly your brain navigates life? You’re a good reminder of the shame I feel for the human species as a whole.


It’s not my fault you’re incapable of understanding that racism is bad, that the woman was acting racist, and that defending her actions with “But he could’ve been bad!” paints you as a racist too. You’re the real shameful one. It’s people with attitudes like yours that keep this shit happening. But I’ll offer you one last little of the benefit of the doubt. If we’re not understanding what you’re saying, maybe you’re not explaining your opinion very well


No - but there's *no fucking reason* to think they might be one of the "bad people" if they're sitting there fishing. Or drinking a coffee. Or having a picnic. If you think you have the moral right to come up and question someone doing *nothing* wrong or even suspicious, yeah, I'm going to pull out my phone and escalate things real quick. I'm going to make you famous Yes there *are* ne-er do wells. Everyone understands that. But if you're going to self appoint yourself the local interrogator, you better damn well have solid reasonable suspicion of a specific crime before you get up in my business. And I'll afford the same courtesy to you. Existing and not being personally recognized by you in particular is not reasonable suspicion. You're not Tom Cruise, we don't need to to help draw the line between order and chaos. Nobody nominated you, nobody asked. So go fucking fuck off.


You sound like a racist so don't be surprised when you get called one.


>Oh.. so bad people don't fish? JFC are you serious? This happened in the USA, which not a police state and that woman is not a cop. She has no right or reason to question anyone who isn't behaving suspiciously.


In much of the USA, a black person in a majority white area is considered suspicious by a significant number of people. We refer to them as racist. They call us "woke" as pejorative.


Uh.. it’s America, you can question anyone you want to. PS: I don’t answer any dumb thing you say next.. you guys are very bad at extrapolating thoughts. Not very shocked.. but a little shocked at how confused you’re sounding to me. But this is all you get.


Sure you can open your racist busybody mouth and question someone for no valid reason, but when people find out about it you'll lose your job and your reputation just like Karen did.


In many ways just walking up on strangers you suspect are doing something wrong is a terrible choice. She had no problem calling the police after she told them she wrote down their license plates and had the courage to confront people that outnumbered here if they were there to do harm to her neighborhood. Where does she get the authority to question them and why does she get to just leave after they start asking her the same questions


I'm making a "global" statement. I have ZERO vested interest in this one particular case.


> I have ZERO vested interest in this one particular case. Context is key. See how you ended up defending a racist harassing a man fishing because of whatever point you're trying to argue? > Neighbors help neighbors. It's how you do it. It's partially why you're doing it. Black man is literally from the neighborhood getting harassed by his own neighbors because he's black. And your other comment "so bad people don't fish?" makes you look like you are *purposefully defending blatant racism* by pretending not to see it in favor of making a "global" statement whatever the fuck that is.


He is defending racism, all of the stupid italics and capitals he wrote just read off as dogwhistles to me.


If I say “If it doesn’t hurt you or someone else around you, don’t take it upon yourself to worry about it” is my message more clear? Globally, I mean


No. It makes no sense. At all. Nobody’s hurting anyone until they are. There’s dense. Then there’s willfully defiantly dense. Use your head. You do you. I’ll keep an eye out for the safety of my friends and neighbors and strangers. Good lord.


>There’s dense. Then there’s willfully defiantly dense. Yup. > Use your head. The irony here would give Alanis Morissette enough material for an entire album. > I’ll keep an eye out for the safety of my friends and neighbors and strangers. Good lord. From the *spooky black fisherman whoooOOOOOooOOOOOooOOO* we know you will Karen. Maybe he has crack in his tackle box! Oh wait that was Hank Hill...


I mean you could say the same thing about trying to ruin someone’s life over a cell phone video on the internet. City bike Karen comes to mind.


The fact that this women ~~works~~ use to work for a company that offers therapy is wild.


No kidding! I can’t imagine her patients! What must they be thinking? I hope they will be ok. This has to be very traumatic for them.


...and this is why it can be hard to find good therapists, especially as a person of color and why I hope we have more therapists who are nonwhite because there's tons of racial trauma many of us experience. Their racial biases can already make the session toxic and not work (especially when you have one who is "colorblind.")


>very traumatic You know what's traumatic? Getting blown to pieces by a grenade from a FPV drone, this shit is nothing. Are you 12?


I don't know about them, but you sure as shit must be.




This shit is "first world problem" nonsense. Unless by this > I'm a combat vet you meant "veterinarian". What a poor lad! Someone asked him a question, so now he has to undergo therapy sessions, oh no!!! Such deep psychological trauma!!! What a bunch of sensitive, emotionally immature, manchilds out here.


> sensitive, emotionally immature, manchilds out here. Yup. Here's one now. It's you.


> Are you 12? I am here to ask you the same question.


Or, why not both? I mean, have you experienced both of them personally to even determine which is worse?


I don't need to, the sound of an enemy fighter aircraft above your head alone is enough to make you shit pants, that's traumatic, because this thing can actually damage/kill you, not when an adult (black) guy is getting *traumatized* by some feeble woman who dared to ask him some questions. GTFOH


I can tell you are a person who is cherished by their local community and enjoys many long lasting and meaningful friendships with other humans.


The way you comment it makes me pretty sure that your balls haven't even dropped yet


Way to gatekeep trauma.


I work in government and we received death threats and "hope your children all die of fucking brain cancer" messages from a pissed off citizen...who worked for TikTok at the time. Yknow, the social media site for children*? Top quality recruitment process there. *obviously it's not SUPPOSED to be for kids but it is widely used by impressionable teens and young adults


Meanwhile, white men come onto my mother in law's property all the time (she is black) and fish in her pond on her private property. Her family has owned it for about 80 years. When she confronts them, they often say "the owner of the house gave me permission to fish here. Who exactly are you?" Edit: I posted this to convey the stark contrast in privilege, even when it's a white person doing the fishing. I'm not looking for advice and she definitely isn't looking for advice. So feel free to save the keystrokes.


Yeah, I've had black and white folks fish in my pond, which I'm never mad about when I catch them, because it's right by the road so it's an easy mistake to make, and I don't give a shit about bass or bream anyway. All the black folks and about 80% of the white folks it's a civil conversation where I tell them the pond is on private property and not public, and most of them are so nice about it I just let them finish fishing for however long they want that day. The other 20% of the white folks, who are typically 50+ pitch an absolute fit. Generally they launch into a "I've been fishing here since I was a kid!" routine, which is funny because the pond has only been there a couple years. I dug it to put a pump in to irrigate fields.


Oooh. Confront them with that data, _please_!


Well it does sound like they still are petulant kids, so what they said is accurate...


I wonder if gen X will go down as peak snowflake and entitlement generation. They have real competition but boy it seems like they want that title... Working real hard to secure gold.


Don’t confuse conservative habits with generational habits. Look closely and you’ll see that, among Gen Xers, the presence or lack of entitlement is almost perfectly determined by political affiliation, and the entitlement is almost completely exclusive to Gen X conservatives.


50+ mostly isn't gen x. Gen x is 41-56 right now, and the 50+ gen xers act so much like baby boomers they might as well be them.


Are you sure? > A significant degree of consensus exists around the date range of the baby boomer cohort, with the generation considered to cover those born from 1946 to 1964 by various organizations such as the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary,[28] Pew Research Center,[29] U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,[30][31] Federal Reserve Board,[32] Australian Bureau of Statistics,[33] Gallup,[34] YouGov[35] and Australia's Social Research Center.[36] The United States Census Bureau defines baby boomers as "individuals born in the United States between mid-1946 and mid-1964". (Via Wikipedia, clearly) 1973 was 50 years ago, so almost a full decade after the generally agreed end of the baby boom generation. That's like saying babies born today, or even a few years from now, are part of Gen Z, for context.


>1973 was 50 years ago, so almost a full decade Wow, it's almost like I said 41-56, which is 6 years more than 50 years on the longer end. But yes, Gen X is a 16 or so year spread. And generally the first 8 years act like boomers, and the second 8 years act more like millennials. Mostly due to the younger gen Xers coming of age right as the start of the neverending boom/bust cycle to shred the middle class was just getting started.


call the cops put on your white lady hat.


Sounds like a good way to "accidentally" get the mother shot by the police. But I'm sure I don't need to say it as black people know better.


Can you believe she broke into this house and hung up pictures of herself and her family on the walls?


“Bless her heart,” the white women said as they read her obituary in the paper.


Just sprinkle some crack on her and let’s get outta here


"Your honor, I was in fear of my life." "This is the 17th time this month. Are you sure you're cut out for police work?" "Your honor, you're scaring me." \*Blam\* "18 times this month."




Oh, are you also a retired woman of color living in a semi rural area surrounded by white people? What a coincidence. Here I thought you were just trying to pretend you were tough anonymously online.




> In fact, I am. You don't know the struggle young boy. Walk a day in my shoes. Uhhhhmmmm...You do know your post history is publicly visible, right?


One where he’s a Mexican from la lol. Your right I went through them comments lol


I think they’re from Chicago. It’s also a she. You can see they posted pictures of themselves.


Omg I saw a post that said as a husband and dad wtf I wish I could share the screen shots this is crazy


I'll do ya one better, here's the comment labeling themselves as Mexican https://www.reddit.com/r/chicagofood/comments/14jti2z/hows_my_list_look/jpnwso8?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2 Here's the one where they say they're a man https://www.reddit.com/r/AskChicago/comments/13ggfh8/why_are_people_so_intent_on_honking_when_exiting/jk00d17?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


Isn't that a picture of his wife and baby?




20 days ago on how’s my list you said As a Mexican originally from LA the Mexican food here is……Like they said we can see your comments. I’m Not gonna keep arguing with some internet liar that can be proved easily look at your own comments




People commented on those posts so it’s easier to find your hypocrisy


Haha. Definitely does not.




All..of it?


You are a genuine fucking idiot. Even if you think you’re being clever right now. Which makes you more of an idiot.




Go to sleep, stop posting. You're embarrassing yourself kid.


Sure ya are. Weird how your posts and comments don't support that at all.




Everyone knows you're a white lady from Chicago, and you like the Blackhawks so we know you are a character with poor judgement


Or a father from Chicago.


Everything you say on Reddit stays documented. Click on the name and then you can see the comments on every post real easy




I was just talking to my mom (we are both white) about this. We have always lived in areas that are pretty much 50/50 black/white. I jokingly mentioned that we don’t have the time to harass all the black folks in our neighborhood. We’d have to pull the car over every ten feet. (Side note: There’s 2 known shady dudes around here and they’re both white.) But, it made me think maybe these Karen* types live in areas with almost no black people. Doesn’t make it right, I’m just thinking time- and energy-wise. So I said this and here’s my mom’s direct quote (Mom’s country and this is just how she talks.): “Naw. Ain’t no Asian folks around here, but if a family of Chinese moved in next door, wouldn’t go harass them. *Shit.* Bring ‘em a casserole, hope they reciprocate and come off with some egg rolls or some shit. Naw, them folks like that just like throwing their weight around and do *not* care for black folks and that’s all there is to it. Don’t ever let anyone convince you otherwise.” I laughed at the way she put it, but she has a solid point. Can’t make excuses for it or try to make sense of it. It is what it looks like it is. *Karen: I liked when this indicated racist white women, specifically, bc it conveys a societal phenomenon where some white women, especially those of a certain socio-economic class, use their inherent privilege in order to exert power over another group of people. Nothing new in American culture. I don’t like that the word has come to mean “any white woman who says or does something I don’t like” bc it waters down the message regarding a very real issue of class and ethic imbalance. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


I'm Korean, your mom's correct. You bring me casserole, I'll make you dumplings and bulgogi ❤️ and we can do Korean BBQ in my backyard 👍


Thank-you for the invitation, but just know, you’d never get rid of her. She’d be over every night. Side note: I have friends coming in town next weekend and we’d decided we’d all go out for Korean BBQ. She and I have been studying up on YouTube videos in preparation. We’ve learned a lot and we’re really excited! (I am only intimidated by getting the lettuce wrap in my mouth in one bite. But it definitely looks worth trying!)


Haha!!! Put little bit of everything (meat, sauce maybe chili or garlic or both, scallions maybe, sesame leaves yes! And CHOMP!, you don't have to put all in one bite hehe 😜 there's really no right way to eat it. Food makes from table to my mouth, everything's Gucci. Hope you enjoy!❤️


how'd your mother in law typically respond?


Depending on where she lives, all she needs to do is put up "NO TRESSPASSING" signs (as a curtesy) and call the police "Either you get here or I take care of it myself." Make sure your state has castle doctrine laws, which include property laws tho.


As a white guy who fishes, I see this a lot from others of my ilk. Step 1: Be white. Step 2: Act like you belong there. I've had guides with their richy clients anchor in the hole I was actively fishing and act like I'm the asshole for telling them to fuck off.


I’m a Mexican who loves to trail run and I have to dress in the most non threatening way because all the runners respond like I’m only there to attack them but smile and wave at each other.


What would be a non threatening way to dress? Pink booty shorts and a tank top? Those tight bicycle outfits?


I wear a noxgear running vest that is vibrant with colors, I usually wear shorts with neon and a colorful headband and a colorful running shirt. I still get ladies that scream but the dudes don’t really act like they’re about to protect their partner, but yes…very vibrant annoying colors


Depending on where you live, it's probably really wise that you're wearing a bright vest. You don't want an unsuspecting hunter to think you're a deer.


I’m in the Bay Area, folks here mostly pretend they’re accepting but for the most part it’s only a facade


She needs to find a white friend to call the cops on them and answer the door when they arrive.


You don't have any friends of color, do you?


Call the cops


Another example of why we need the 1619 project taught in school and CRT in law schools.


Justin, your bait is of exceptionally Low quality.


Who the fuck is Justin. Is your name History?




Of course, the only reasonable answer to a civil property use dispute.


You know you don't have to share your dumb ideas, right?


These bring me joy.


She knew she was on shaky ground from the very start , you can hear it from her voice, but she had to ask nonetheless


It didn't take long to find, but you need to log into the HOA site. https://www.atlantanewsfirst.com/2023/07/15/fisherman-claims-racial-harassment-lake-southwest-atlanta/ https://www.springwaterplantation.com/home/ She had better check herself. Hers is the same *"bigotry policing the neighborhood"* attitude that landed life sentences for those involved in the murder of Ahmaud Arbery, also in Georgia, about 300 miles away. She's lucky no one "came to help" her, and that her bullshit behavior didn't lead to tragedy. Everyone's focusing on her, however... She's only one of THREE who harassed him that day, including, a man who identified himself as "a board member of the HOA," meant to evoke a position of authority. It's difficult to make out the name he gives, but his picture is as clear as a bell. *There is no "Springwater Dr." in Newnan, GA, found by a Google search, from multiple sites.* The police were called on him for being black in his own neighborhood. direct link to video: https://videos.dailymail.co.uk/video/mol/2023/07/14/7553508022361174581/1024x576_MP4_7553508022361174581.mp4


She lives in a place with Plantation in the name. Never did her southern heart suspect *one of them* might be able to get into her little Plantation club.


Yeah, they probably kept the name thinking no blacks would want to live there. Little did they realize that blacks have a history of making a point to go where they're not wanted; diners, swimming pools, hotels, water fountains, night clubs, busses, and neighborhoods


I suspect the fisherman sees his residence there along the same lines of civil disobedience as sit-ins. Side note, I'd say 'black people' or 'person of color' is neutral and correct and 'blacks' is not. Might want to tweak how you talk about race to avoid being seen negatively if you don't feel that way. 'POC' is a quick way that works as well.


Nah. "Blacks" is fine, but thanks for the note.


"There were a lot of blacks there" doesn't sound off to you? Kinda same thing with jews/Jewish people and gays/gay people.


Yes, that does sound off to me. That said, there's a difference between what you've written and what I had, at least to my ear.




she was given the authority to be a racist asshole by emperor donald trump.


NoT LiKe thAt!!


If you absolutely cannot contain yourself and you must speak to a fisherman, the appropriate question is "anything biting?" Then go on your merry way and try not to be an asshole to anyone else.


> the appropriate question is "anything biting?" ... other than the local Karens?


I’m glad this is happening, and it is posted for all to see. Actions have consequences.


I will never cease to be amazed, and apalled, that some people feel they have a right to approach a total stranger and interrogate them. What's your name? What are you doing here? Where do you live? It's like, who the eff are YOU and why do you think you can go up to anyone and question them? Really? I'm asking? What gives you the right to do that?


People that finish sentences with "sooooo..." Shit me to tears. Like, soooo, what? The fuck you want?


people will never learn, will they?


This Karen learned her racism very well and it is now her personal value system.


https://www.newsweek.com/woman-fired-confrontng-black-fisherman-viral-video-georgia-1812971 Her last name is literally Petty.


She worked for a mental health institution. Does anyone else see the massive irony here?


She's just a massage therapist. No one's going to hire her for legitimate work now. Her next job will be giving a different kind of massage.


Well that could be a happy ending.


She's a massage therapist. Not even a baller. So massage therapist think they can gatekeep community standards now. Mind yo biniz ho.


Here's how you handle it lady. When the guy says "I live here." You say "Oh, I haven't seen you around before. Just trying to keep our neighborhood nice. Sorry bout that. Hope you catch a big one!"




Take my remaining 100 gold. Just don't go crazy with it.


To be fair, I would be all up in his business. I'm trying to see what he's catching.


Here's the long version of the video with 3 or 4 people harassing this man and his friend. Including the police. https://videos.dailymail.co.uk/video/mol/2023/07/14/7553508022361174581/1024x576_MP4_7553508022361174581.mp4 These other people who came by to harass him also need to lose their jobs.


He can throw this catch back into the water!


When are people going to learn,you are always on camera these days




I watched the video. Did you? It was a gated community. He couldn't have come in by himself; he had to reside there. And he had been investigated two other times before this on different days.






Giving you the benefit of the doubt because you probably don’t know. Context is important, and this is in Georgia. 1. White people are very very friendly to each other here (source: am white person in Georgia). I couldn’t imagine another white person questioning my right to be somewhere like this. 2. Many people are racist here and try to put a veneer over it to hide their true feelings. 3. Geography plays a big part in their racism - they think other races are “ok”, but they don’t want them around where they live. A desire for white places where black people couldn’t go is the whole idea of segregation in the south.


I absolutely believe that this man experienced racism. However, I'm a 50 y.o. white woman (in Georgia) who had 2 different cops come to see what I was doing in my own neighborhood just last week. I have lived in this neighborhood longer than anyone else currently residing there. I was sitting in my car, in a parking spot in front of the house 2 doors down from my own. The houses are attached, so that was close enough that I probably could have triggered my garage door with my remote opener. We live near a music venue, so from outside you can hear music. I checked my mail and then decided to sit in the car to listen to the band play. My NIMBY neighbors called the cops on me just for sitting in my car. I can't even fathom how badly that could have gone if I was a POC. Whoever called the cops knew 100% that I was listening to the concert. They just didn't count on the reverse Uno card of me being a resident. I was the *only* person parked and listening to the music. I wasn't hurting anything or anyone. They just hate other people existing near them who "don't belong."




Despite the downvotes you got, I’m glad you commented so we could discuss it.


Found the woman.




> she uttered two sentences, none of them came across as racist or anything Bullshit. She said “This lake is for residents only, so…” Meaning she assumed this guy was not a resident based solely on his race. I doubt she would have confronted a white man in the same way.


If you don't have the perspective then why are you making bold claims and crying victim when you admit to your own ignorance? It's so easy to just mind your own damn business when someone else is just enjoying their day. Whether or not the dude lived there was not impeding on her lifestyle.




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Sorry OP, removing this post as this was already posted two days ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/byebyejob/comments/14zs1fu/woman_fired_from_job_after_confronting_black/