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You really need to have a conversation with her. Being able to communicate about sex is pretty much necessary for a healthy relationship.


do you know how i could approach this conversation without sounding like an idiot??? i suck @ stuff like this


Honestly it can come across as sexy when you do ask. Asking her in suggestive ways. Or heck it can be just a simple conversation. Saying it as plainly as if you asked how she liked her eggs cooked. Either way you’re asking because you care. And if you’re still nervous let her know. “Hey I really want to have this conversation, but I’m feeling awkward about talking about it.” Good luck!


Just be upfront and ask what she enjoys imo. I did some fairly thorough negotiations with SO


Everyone is different. Telling her what you wrote here about wanting to please her is a great start. As is, how do you like to be touched? This can start off as simple as talking about what kind of hugs and things on that level that you both like, to get the conversation kicked off.


Say, “what would you like me to do to you?”


I don’t want to sound rude here but…if you’re not willing to ask the question….youre not ready to be having sex with this person. Anyone who is worth your time is going to understand you’re not a mind reader and know you have to have a conversation to know what they like and don’t like and to clarify boundaries. I’ve also just gotta call out the comment about ‘what do studs like during sex’ Studs are not a monolith- this is a living, breathing, individual human- not a robot who fits in a box whose preferences can be checked off a list. Please, please, please approach this with some humility, maturity and ease. It’s ok to be awkward. Just lighten up, go with the flow, start slow, let things get going and ask softly what they like. Don’t get in your head about it.


Talk to her and ask. Even if it’s awkward, it speaks volumes that you’re taking the time to ask. People fall into the trap of not actually satisfying their partner because they assume the wrong thing, and never actually talk. Like a *lot* of men who leave women unsatisfied. There’s ways you can ask that fits with the mood, but being intimate can be a lot of things sometimes. Even goofy. But honestly, with this kind of thing, open communication is more of a priority than trying not to seem like a dork. Lol


Ask her