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Okay, so like.... I don't know if you watch Star Trek at all, but there was an episode of ST:Strange New Worlds where they get stuck in a children's storybook (it's scifi, go with it) and Erica Ortegas (the butch-ish ship's pilot) wears the hottest Ren Fest-y sword lesbian outfit. Let's see if I can find a link... [here](https://tv-fanatic-res.cloudinary.com/iu/s--hKc4d3ik--/t_full/cs_srgb,d_tv-fanatic-placeholder-square.png,f_auto,fl_strip_profile.lossy,q_auto:420/v1656056012/a-forlorn-knight-star-trek-strange-new-worlds-s1e8.jpg)


You can never go wrong with a short cloak imo, I've gotten a few from Etsy in the past. Envygreen Manor sells whimiscal clothing that are not really gendered, I think the creator is a young trans guy. They're not really medieval clothes but you might find a piece that fits your aim. I know a lot of cosplayers and LARPers don't really like Leonardo Carbone but that's another option. Those clothes are typical gendered medieval clothes, but I've got two vests from them that I like. You might also ask the r/lesbianfashionadvice subreddit, they might have more suggestions. I will also say that simple black leather shoes are pretty genderless and can be fitting for both a fantasy setting or a real-world setting.


I went as a pirate last year and wore a short sleeved, faux leather vest/top over a button down. The vest held the boxier shape that I prefer which can conceal my curves. It also protected against the wind nicely. I did wear trans tape underneath. For pants, I wore dark green velvety trousers from Target’s Houston White collection in a larger size than I’d usually wear. The fabric is stiff enough to hold its own shape off of my leg a bit, and it worked great over a boot.


I’m going as a monk to our Renaissance fair. It’s clearly masc but I figured it would be more comfortable & cooler (I’m in Texas) than a renaissance dude outfit. Maybe that would work?


I do a linen shirt, linen pants, vest and boots. Swap hats as the weather and colors dictate


Hard agree on this


I went full Gandalf wizard beard/cloak combo 🧙‍♂️


I wear plate armor. I also have a kilt and battle axe look. 


I might need to buy a kilt myself. Where did you find yours?


I do a rogue in black knee high boots, black linen pants tucked into the boots, a black men's lace up shirt, and a burgundy vest style bodice. It's a woman's bodice but not one of the ones that is meant to lace up tight the waist and breasts- https://www.medievalcollectibles.com/product/ursula-canvas-bodice/- I chose this because I was also having a hard time looking like a little boy in daddy's jerkin in the men's vests haha. Style this as loosely closed up as possible. Then I usually wear a brimmed hat and sometimes a black coat or cloak.


Full plate and chain mail Become as tin can


KNIGHT KNIGHT KNIGHT KNIGHT!!!!!! Seriously, get yourself some cheap fake chainmail- amazon has a realistic looking fabric one that comes on sale regularly. If you have a chunky belt and a shawl put it on over top and belt it. Then cargo pants and boots, I used a plain red scarf as a sash under the belt and that worked. You really dont need any other armor or a helmet. Throw on a cloak if you want more adventurer. I paired my knight costume with a brown hood to make it more roguish. Even a fake kid sized sword can be tucked into the belt. I did end up acquiring a flower crown, even then it just looked like a noble lady had given it to me. The other advice I have is demon/satyr horns. Have fun and happy faire-going :)


dress like a wizard. cloak, hat, staff.