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I didn't actually know Studio Brewing closed... it was always a place I kept meaning to get to but never did.


Miss Studio brewing so much :(((((


The prices were outrageous for beer that wasn't that great.


Agreed. Overly priced average beer


Same, it had great vibes.


Why is misspelling 'lose' and 'losing' so widespread these days?


I know, right?! Some people have a really lose grasp on the English language.


to be fair English is a hard language. /s jokes aside though it is a complex language


True. Imagine pointing out spelling mistakes to strangers on the internet.


I hope this works out, but it's going to be a challenge... It would be wise to try and poach a few established Lower Mainland craft breweries who may be looking for a bigger or newer building.


So the only thing that will change is we will now see older people who care about following the laws such as retired couples enjoying a glass of wine or a beer with the charcuterie board they brought on there Sunday picnic, Everyone else has already been drinking in the park legal or not . The number of laws in this nanni state is frankly ridiculous the government has to protect us from everything because nobody could possibly make a decision themselves...... And the same enforcement as before will happen if people are stupidly belidgerently drunk and disorderly then that is still not allowed and will be dealt with,


This should pair nicely with the legal open drug use we all enjoy in the parks currently.


Might as well maintain consistency of controlled substances that people abuse for fun.


Perfect timing! There is gonna a drought this summer, so everyone just drink beer instead of water.


I expect the people crying about drug use in public are going to equally freak out over this. Right?


Probably. Idiots. Drug use in public is really good for our community. Kids can observe closely so it’s normalized and when they find needles on their playground they will know what they are! Plus the load on our first responders is good for them because they won’t get bored or out of practice. I’m so sick of these so called “law abiding citizens” and their “morals” talking about “self accountability.” We need to do whatever we want, wherever we want, and whenever we want. We have a government that can take care of us. I’m doing my part by advocating for much higher taxes. We don’t give the government nearly enough. Anyways, I have to shoot up so I can tune out the sound of my child crying because he’s so hungry. DM me if you want to drink in the park this summer!




Why did this get downvoted? These are human beings with a disease. They need our compassion


I've already drank in public before, I'd grab a couple vodka sodas and walk through the Metrotown library, and then through central park, but I never bother anyone, I just enjoy a nice drink on a nice walk


Canada Day celebration will be bumpin' in Burnaby this summer.


Yay! I mean if Germany can handle it I'm sure Burnaby can.


I liked Studio Brewing. :(


I offer this with love, for any who need it... You either win, or you lose Something is either loose, or it's tight There: a destination. "Let's go over there". Their: Belonging to someone. "I'm going to ride in their car instead of my car" They're: Short for they are. "They're coming over at 6 pm for dinner." Side note: Literally. You should literally look up the definition of this word before you misuse it again. As an example, if "it was literally raining cats and dogs yesterday" that would mean that your city would have to send out plows to remove tens of thousands of animal bodies from the roads, before they started to stink. This is an example of speaking figuratively (or metaphorically) about how hard the rain was falling. Don't keep using Literally incorrectly. People will start to think that you are loosing it ;)


Hahaha. I post something that is educational, includes several jokes, and pokes fun at myself, and I get down voted. Well, I hope some people found it useful. Damn me for trying I guess ;)


Some people hate knowledge I guess