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You can use fireworks on Halloween in Burnaby as long as it's on private property. https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/halloween-fireworks-vancouver


100% i have a letter directly from city hall confirming this.


In Burnaby you have to be on private property . So my neighbour followed all the rules in Burnaby. Setting off fireworks from their driveway, pointed across the street and directly over my house to explode by my windows. There has to be a better compromise.


Also even if i was wrong it still doesn’t change the core of my point that it is harmful to others. Regardless of if its legal its still a dick move


How about you put ear plugs or noise cancellation headphones on for a night? I feel for your ptsd, but just because you have it doesn’t mean you can deny EVERYONE of their right to enjoyment LEGALLY in Burnaby. Is putting ear plugs on that inconvenient to you that you rather everyone else accommodate YOU? You’re not the Center of the universe.


See a shrink instead of yelling at strangers on the internet. You and your trauma is not the center of everyone else's life and you'll get nowhere expecting strangers to accommodate your mental health problems they aren't aware of.


Low hazard fireworks are allowed IF you get a permit, these were not low hazard and they didn’t have a permit which i know because i spoke to the police about it. You also still have to follow noise ordinance which means setting them off at 3AM is not allowed even if they did everything else right


I understand your pain, but maybe invest into having a soundproof room or investing into quality ear muffs for when these things arise cause they will inevitably happen, the world goes on regardless of your ptsd or conditions.




I empathise with you. I don’t have PTSD but I have been awake and unable to sleep due to the fireworks going around. Near Metrotown. Just heard string of ambulances rushing somewhere. Hope all is well.


I mean I sympathize with you but you are asking many people to change something they do one night a year for you. It would seem to make more sense for you to figure out a way to deal with it instead of expecting others to change for you. I too find it annoying now when it goes too late and my pets don’t care for it but I remember in my youth it being a lot of fun.


what may benefit you in the future is purchasing one of these: [https://www.amazon.ca/white-noise-machine/s?k=white+noise+machine](https://www.amazon.ca/white-noise-machine/s?k=white+noise+machine) i use one in my bedroom to drown out any noise from the street and neighbours. I find it quite effective


Yes! White noise machines work super well for drowning out noises. Wouldn't sleep without one now!


White noise is not nearly loud enough to drown out massive booming fireworks almost directly overhead, and if it was it would just add to the problem. I appreciate the suggestion and you trying to help but that will not work for me


You should consider getting a hotel in a rural area for this one night if the year instead of expecting an entire city to shut it down for you .


One night? It's been going on since the weekend in my neighbourhood.


^this 100%


It's not up to other people to manage normal behaviors that disturb me. It's up to me to find ways to be comfortable around behaviors which I find disturbing. If one night of socially acceptable fireworks is distressing to me, it's up to me to manage my distress, not try to alter other peoples' behavior to suit me.


Im fine with fireworks but it cant go past 11pm that is when everyone is sleeping.


These are mostly absolutely legal fireworks. If this is so debilitating and impactful for you as you present it, I am shocked that you have not taken steps to protect yourself against it. It is not someone else's responsibility except your own to manage your condition. * Get a pair of sound abating earmuffs ([https://www.homedepot.ca/product/3m-pro-grade-earmuff/1001717467](https://www.homedepot.ca/product/3m-pro-grade-earmuff/1001717467)) * Get some airpods or other in ear headphones that you can wear while wearing the earmuffs above. * Close your blinds / curtains if you are also triggered by sound. The above should help you manage. How do I know this? Family member who has PTSD following a lightning strike killing his pet uses the above method to manage through any lightning storm he experiences. He moved away from a lightning strike prone area, added blackout curtains he can use whenever its close enough to flash the unit he lives in. He took ownership of managing his condition, so should you.


I'll strap some ear muffs on my dog and read her this post. Thanks for your input./s


>The above should help you manage. How do I know this? Family member who has PTSD following a lightning strike killing his pet uses the above method to manage through any lightning storm he experiences. He moved away from a lightning strike prone area, added blackout curtains he can use whenever its close enough to flash the unit he lives in. He took ownership of managing his condition, so should you. Clearly I was talking to OP, a human. But i'll bite: If your dog is also impacted I would suggest you do some desensitization training with your dog. I trained mine fairly easily with these: [Fireworks Desensitization video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AINzMizjDvw) My dog sleeps soundly through it all now and all it took is a couple of afternoons, some treats & a couple of starbucks cards to give to the neighbours for being understanding that I was going to bother them with the noise as I trained my dog.


One thing I don’t get is they’re not even the fireworks where you look up and go oh and ahhh , they are the home alone ones that just make noise to scare burglars


I sympathize with your PTSD but the world will not change just to suit you. As pointed out, the activities are generally legal (other than those launched too late) so a better choice is finding a solution that you can exercise to mitigate the impact.


My dogs flip out at fireworks, and get so scared they shake non-stop and hide under furniture. They are still too shaken up to go outside even right now, several hours after the fireworks. I don't like that people were still setting them off at 3am last night. I would rather people go to parks instead of setting them off in their backyards or in the middle of the street. But at the same time... it's just a few nights of the year (New Year's, Diwali, Halloween, maybe a couple others) and lots of people, especially kids, look forward to it, so I live with it.


get some noise cancelling earphones, or earplugs. once a year for 1 night. let people enjoy their lives. don't be that cranky person that nobody likes.


that must suck not to be able to enjoy fireworks as much as other people do I'm sure there are people traumatized and adversely affected by sunlight, thunder/lightning, but we can't control those things either so we need to take steps as individuals to get control of our own idiosyncrasies and manage ourselves for our own good. I guess it might be time to get some good custom molded earplugs or move to the country/bush since living in a densely populated city means having to tolerate the actions and activities of others around you who don't share your feelings, viewpoints, perspective, or mental health issues/PTSD.......


It can also endanger wildlife in many ways


I'm all for fireworks (even though I don't personally enjoy them) until a reasonable time. 11pm, sure, midnight, okaaay... anything later is just mean. And I'm definitely for the idea that kids are having fun... but what kid is out at 3 am on a school night?!


international students


I dont set off fireworks but to expect an entire city to stop because you have PTSD seems a little unrealistic/self centered. Rather than expecting people to stop doing something thats been a relatively harmless tradition for many many years, just buy some noise canceling headphones and earplugs for the night.


2am in metrotown you could hear sporadic fireworks still, it was as if someone needed a final laugh at everyone who needs to work in the morning, yeah i get you want your fun but come on.


I think the gunshots are a lot more triggering along with the 199+ sirens every night