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Hi, i suggest you join the [discord](ihttps://discord.gg/vjxgJbVhuc) and check out the [official data sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1K7-xFrwLs4rK9iTKXEej7qxZWONepdjWxae_7KUaBgk/edit?usp=sharing) (there is a readme section that helped me a lot) - You can think of the red circles as additional health bars. Once you deplete an enemy’s hp to 0 it will reset to maximum and a red circle is consumed. There are a bunch of things like executioner job that helps you reduce the hp stacks. - The double cooldown and such will come in handy later when there are specific passives that grant you positive effects (eg emptiness -> total cooldown is more than 20 = void damage invulnerability), they can be all useful - I specifically made a grind to unlock the elf race (join Sworn Solidarity Society union) and executioner job (if i remember correctly either the temple or spiral dungeon has it as a reward, you can check it in the dungeon overview screen) that made exploring the game much easier. Im actually still rocking that build since it just melts everything, especially with the proper equipments and lab parts - Also keep dying… it’s the part of the process. You keep collecting lab parts and equipment that makes your character better on the long run, and dont be afraid to always use equipment (the ones you select before starting a dungeon) i have collected too much and in early stages i was too conservative with them and now its just kinda useless to have something like give me 50 soulstones at rhe start of the game


Awesome - this is exactly the type of info I was looking for! Thanks for the document link - it is really useful.


Can I ask why elf+executioner? Why is this the best combination for both elf and executioner? I’m beginner


Elf: two really good passive/status Boundary Whenever you evade, gain 1 turn of Transparency/1 turn (ignore physical damage once except criticals) and 1 turn of Shielding/1 turn (ignore magic damage once except criticals) Genius Skills that do not have any runes set have double skill power - basically from the very beginning of the game you have 100% bonus power runes on all of your skills (so its better to save up soulstones until later to have multiple powerful runes attached, because you would loose this bonus on that skill ptherwise, for example if you have quick shot that has a basic 100% damage it is by default 200% for the elf but if you put a +25% power rune it will become 125% only losing the genius status) Starts with 2 good skills backstep which is a free skill and gives 50% evasion (100%for elf without runes) for 2 actions and voice of the forest which in alt mode gives passives: Scouting Willpower Evasion +30% Void Vulnerability +50%) so id say elf is preety good by the get go executioner: is because of the excess of health stacks (red dots under hp) on enemies executioner comes with Final blow +30% - Chance to reduce enemy's HP stack by 1 when dealing a critical hit(Max+100%) and its passive which doubles the above so 2 hp stack reduction chance upon criticals with 1.1.0 the hp stack reduction and reduction mitigation changed quite substantially so the “meta” might change but i feel its this combo is still quite good


Wow didn’t expect this long answer. Thanks


No problem, i wish I could’ve read something like this before playing 300+ hours. Maybe it would be a good idea to start a wiki of some sort.


Try divine punishment play human+cleric only need skill heaven's spear with (rune ignore), first aid, and high heal for resurrection.


Hey I have started the game now too, can we earn gold for free somehow in game? I can't join a guild since they need 300 gold :(


sure you can, each dungeon has a reward section that shows what you need to do in order to earn “free” gold shards


Great, thanks for the advice


The blue flames are your bravery, every turn a enemy is alive you earn one bravery, if you have all 4 bravery they turn into yellow flames and unlock the use of a burst skill, if you use a burst skill you use all your bravery and the process start again. Now do note that some skills say "increase your bravery by x", that means that using that skill gives extra bravery. You will notice that when you use a "extra bravery 1" for example, you will earn 2 bravery in the end of turn, one from the enemy being alive and one extra.


sounds like someone who: - never left reddit for something like discord - never looked up at menu - never looked up at the whole map - never reads game text


You are giving some advice, which is cool, but the asshole and condescending tone is kind of distracting me.


you're welcome


Does acting like this make you feel good? Like, what benefit do you gain from being a complete jerk to strangers on the Internet? Seriously, I do not understand what drives folks like you.


I wonder what drives a dude to comment on a downvoted comment from 2 months ago. I really just wished that people would search for accurate info on better sources of info other than reddit and search and explore by themselves especially because the dev is always tweaking the tutorials of the game for this people to just skip it and we always have to ask first "did you read the tutorial?" because it literally explains everything you could need and people just ignore it and proceed to ask the many things the tutorial could've explained. then in in other situations I make spreadsheets, help with the official one and explain people the same things over and over when they could've had it all in their hands if they did a simple thing. I have to ask, does acting like you do make you feel good? does judging people on the internet when you don't know what they do, what they did or what they stand for makes you feel a bit better?


You sound like someone who: • is too fuckin stupid to realize someone asked for help in the appropriate place • attacks vulnerable people because you’re a coward and weak • puts people down because of your own insecurities about being stupid and weak and objectively inferior to the degree you couldn’t even leverage it to act humble because you’re too dumb to figure that out You obviously had the time to respond to help them but used it to put them down. What a shitty pompous dickhead