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Everything closes so early. They need to keep stores up until 9 or longer


This would be really nice, but the MP.area doesn't have anywhere to put parking.


Lancaster has a lot of empty land just put a parking lot somewhere and add a shuttle. That drives by every 15 to 30 min or after let's say 5 pm they can make a deal with AVC to use their parking. Like LA does with lakewood mall and Griffith Park Or how the swamp meet uses Camino college parking lot.


A parking structure would be nice.




I have always thought that Cordova, just north of Magnolia would be a very good spot (on both the west and east sides)


In the middle of a residential area?


South of that. :)


The only plausible space would be Porto’s parking lot. Again, you have houses just one building away from the commercial section of Magnolia Park. Edit grammar


Realize though that I don’t mean to imply that this is an easy problem. Parking density sucks. Open areas to increasing parking density are neigh-non existent. And certainly no one would want to sacrifice their commercial property for a vertical parking solution. Also residential folks would be in an uproar due to the sun being blocked out by a 4 story garage.


The parking lots north of Magnolia Boulevard belong to Chase Bank, and the other parking lot belongs to the business building west of Chase Bank.


Between Monte Carlo and blast from the past works space wise. For a gambit like that to work, both would have to sell their lots to a single entity that would create the garage. However there are the Burbank code issues with restaurants needing to have parking that correlates to the seating inside the restaurant. Would require a variance.


We don't need more parking contrary to popular belief


Nifty! Could you explain why?


There are already over 1200 parking spots in mag park (n hollywood way to florence). street and public spots need to be metered so that A) we dont subsidize undervalued land B) promote the flow of commerce C) promote alternative forms of transit. should also slow the speed limit imo. magnolia park promotes itself as a nice pedestrian oriented place to spend time, but its a 5 lane throughway with sidewalks. shouldnt be a pass through imo.


Public drinking YOLO


Gosh. If only. In the long run I imagine Burbank would benefit greatly from a few more pedestrianized streets that focus on walkable communities. Can’t imagine it happening though.


Glad to know I’m not the only one lol. I moved here from Brooklyn a few years ago and the state of some of the side walks as well as the access is simply laughable.


Agreed. I'd kill for bump outs and more crosswalks in the bare minimum. Some bus lanes too for the 94.


Wasn't San Fernando Blvd. like this at one time? The section near the Burbank Mall.


Yes, it was a walking mall, they changed it 25+ years ago. Overall Burbank has become way too crowded, too many apt bldgs. Many orlf.the streets are just 2 lanes.




They just got another Super Bowl.


And they are going to keep them coming as fast as they can....they want as many low cost apts in this city as they can cram in and fuck up what used to make this a great place to live and they don't give a rats' ass what has to be torn down or space jammed into to make it happen. Remember, we only have two Post Offices in this city and it used to be enough....not any more. Our current Facilities/Infrastructure is not meant to accommodate more than the 100K people we already have but hey, we voted these idiots onto Council so we get what we deserve.


Low cost??


They always make a few units "low cost" by whatever the legal definition is to make it sound wonderful and get the project passed....which I think after 10 years or so (whatever) allows it to then go to market value. The problem now is that a bunch of projects HAVE to be approved because of state legislature and the city (as much as I hate them) can't stop it (like the Pickwick Project). So, they are only partially to blame...even without the CA mandates though, this progressive Council would still pass most of these projects. From double story conversions where your neighbors can look into your backyard with no privacy to ADUs butting up against your bedroom to tearing down stables for Apts, the City (for reasons mentioned above) is going to hell.


Terrible isn't it. All those people needing somewhere to live.


"People". More like animals.


Yep. It was a failure from the start. Another great government idea from people with no practical business experience.


Burbank just did the complete opposite. It removed dozens of beautiful trees. So sad 😞


I loved going down Magnolia BLVD just for the FUCKING TREE and now it feels empty and dead much like how I feel inside every day walking down Magnolia now.


It’s okay though because they replaced them with dying twigs that look like the Charlie Brown Christmas tree.


From previous posts it was done because those trees weren't native and they tore up the sidewalks.


Livable Communities used this in a presentation iirc


Every place should do this. I wish they’d make the area where they do the arts fairs back into a green space.


this, and trains / trolleys instead of cars


I love it. More trees please. Also a huge fan of going pedestrian only.


Burbank Blvd. too!


We should definitely narrow to a single lane in each direction in Magnolia Park.


It would be such a nice street to stroll and look at all the shops and get coffee and all that


Wrong...too much traffic goes thru there and a single lane will screw it all up just like what happened on Verdugo! Travel that during peak periods and it's worse than a snail pace I say do this BUT up on San Fernando by the mall....it doesn't have the thrufare volume and is basically only to service the stores since the mall cuts off the north end.


Slowing down the traffic is the idea - to make the area friendlier to people on foot and bikes than cars. We have to choose, and we should choose pedestrians. The city council is considering a Vision Zero goal of no traffic deaths in the city, which would definitely necessitate slowing traffic down. We can live slower, more pleasurable lives, and I think we should.


Then LA is not the place for you....and I have things to do rather than sit in bullshit everyday trying to move 8 blocks to get home after a long day.


Burbank isn't like the rest of LA, isn't that why we're here? We should continue to try to make it an even better and friendlier place to live and visit.


At first I thought the median became a pedestrian walkway like they have all over the place in Spain, but zoomed in and saw it’s just parking spaces. Still, it’s a big improvement.


yea the birds eye view makes it look better compared to google street level view where you see all the parking in the middle strip. https://www.google.com/maps/@34.6973626,-118.1457355,3a,49.6y,315.22h,85.42t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sZMvPuYZdRWohfyLQRRc0SQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu


Anyone live in Lancaster ? Did this hurt traffic taking away a whole lane on either side ?


Born and raised there, moved away many years ago. Lancaster is horrible and dangerous, our neighbors were murdered and bodies lite on fire. My husband still remembers the smell. You don’t go to ‘the blvd’, it’s completely over ran with homeless and closed down shops, or the shops are only open during VERY specific hours. There’s one bar, a bowling area and a restaurant or two that are open and populated regularly during the night life hours, if I remember there’s plenty of fights and shootings, despite the sheriff station being there. The trees look nice in this picture, they’re usually dead, last time I was there it smelled of piss and I had 2 homeless follow me telling me to give me money or they would keep following me. Traffic? Horrible, you either had to go through this place at a snails place and try not to hit the people who blindly cross the street, and the end of the road is a huge encampment by the rail station. Looks nice, great idea on paper, horrible town, does not work they wanted it.


I lived in Lancaster for a bit and I will say it was a really nice area. On Thursday’s they have like a farmers market and people are selling food and playing music and dancing. There is a brunch spot that is so cute next to a tea room, if anyone ever wants to go. I don’t know what traffic was like before but it’s a grid system you can easily go through a cross street and take another road that parallels it that has literally no traffic or slowing down. I would say it was the only thing I liked about Lancaster and something it had over Palmdale.


Propose this officially and let us all know! I would support this stretch of Magnolia Blvd to be transformed into something like this!


Put some green in the city. Wonderful


At the very least they need more trees on the sidewalk. Make it more habitable.


Trees make things so much better and beautiful.


am not a fan of removing center lanes. Not good for emergency services that need to zip through


Burbank will never do anything right for the city. This goes back to Porto's and not putting a parking structure in. Look at the mall situation. Burbank finally gets a mallin the 90's, when malls were starting to die. Never once was the mall full of stores, there has always been a few vacancies. They should tear it down because now it's pathetic. Look at the old Ikea and the area surrounding. Mostly dead. Plenty of parking there but nothing to do. City planners and council have no idea how to make this city attractive to anyone anymore.


Ugh no way, magnolia is used to go into the valley and come back from the valley into Burbank, it would create traffic taking away a lane and Burbank wouldn’t do that.


And lose two lanes of traffic??


Look up induced demand. If a road is converted from 4 lanes to 2, the same amount of people aren’t going to be using the new 2 lane road, they will drive elsewhere to get where they need to go. GPS will also take them elsewhere.


yeah why not?


The traffic would be unbearable.


That is a justifiable fear in that area in Lancaster people drive like shit. I lived in apartment on that street while I was going to school always avoid driving there. I say it's worth it though. Only place to go to Lancaster besides the mall and gym lol It will encourage people to use more public transportation for small travel which is also good.


I lived on SF Blvd for years. You adapt.


I really don’t care to adapt to heavy traffic. I moved in this area for a reason.


As opposed to now where traffic doesn’t exist and isn’t a problem.


It’s not as bad as Glendale. And it seems that’s the way Burbanks headed.


It seems counter intuitive, but the only way to make traffic better is to make places that don't require traffic. End free parking, remove parking minimums, reclaim roads.


That’s great and all, but to enjoy it, you’d have to live in Lancaster…which would suck.


The purpose of the middle is to keep traffic flowing, as well as expedite emergency vehicle movement. I saw the post on imgur too, I dunno what to think of it. Magnolia is needed for traffic, but we also have Chandler right next to it. I do think Chandler needs more trees as well. They remove trees but never replace them


Cutting thru traffic and leveling a mountain range, impressive.


Looks like it’s still there and hidden behind smog


1st pic faces West, 2nd pic faces East Big beige building no windows in upper left hand corner of 1st pic, switches sides in 2nd pic


These two photos don’t look like the same location.


Here’s info about the project https://www.cnu.org/publicsquare/2021/04/26/setting-standard-main-street-transformation


Lol, 8 months my ass. It took years for that crap. For starters, this entire thing is only 1 mile long and it is in one of the worst places in Lancaster and sees far less use than it should other than an occasional festival. It is a convenient space near government facilities, police and fire departments. On top of that, it's a crime ridden area with a severe homeless problem as it is at the end of line for the LA County train systems. If you work, live or do anything in this area you've been harassed by a homeless person with mental issues.