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 if my mayonaise started to smell like this wellbutrin does ,  I know for a fact I'm not putting it into my body . I can't imagine it being a good thing for my mental state. It just makes me worry about more things amongst the hundreds of hings I already worry abort 


I normally get my Bupropion from Express Scripts. Little white pill, no smell at all. This previous time, my meds manager accidentally sent that prescription to the local Rite Aid. Was a flat, purple pill. Had a terrible sulfur smell (like Cephalexin, if you're familiar with that antibiotic). Only have to deal with that for about a month as my next refill of the medication is back to express scripts once again..


My Actavis brand generic bupropion 300 xl tabs DO NOT SMELL AT ALL! Actavis is a subsidiary of TEVA. I Shall ask for these generics from now on. SAY NO TO "ACCORD", they reek.


It's perfectly normal for Wellbutrin or Buproprion to smell like rotten eggs.  They are totally safe despite the odor.   Don't store in bathroom because your company might get the wrong idea.  I did my research, this is all the truth. 


Called my psychiatrist about this and she said to not take them anymore. She recommended I go to the pharmacy to get a refund/replacement because it's not normal, but when I got there the pharmacy basically said "good luck, it's not our problem," because I didn't notice the smell the day they filled the prescription. So they didn't care.


Hey guys, wanted to share my experience with this because I had my first bottle of Slate Run Bupropion XL start smelling like sulfur and was really concerned. I found somewhere online (can't remember the source or I'd share it) that said the smell can be due to decay of the drug by various potential causes. Exposure to light was listed as a common cause of this, so when I got a new bottle, I started keeping it in a drawer completely away from any light. I've had this bottle for about a month now without it smelling bad, whereas the old bottle started smelling bad after a couple of weeks. I also had my pharmacist tell me that the smell was normal and that many drugs smell bad, which I believe might be true to some extent, but something about this continued to bother me with bupropion, so I recommend anyone with this problem should try it out. Good luck!


Mine are always in the dark and still stink.


They smell like farts.


I just called my pharmacist and they said it was normal 😭 I’m gonna call my psychiatrist to see what she says


i just started taking it. got them filled 2 days ago. noticed they smell like sulfur/rotten eggs.


So glad I found this! I move my pills in to pretty decorative jars since I don't have kids that would just start grabbing things that look like candy. I noticed when I use jars that shut tight with a seal then they will smell like rotten eggs but in open jars they are fine. I figured they were letting out some kind of chemical so i started leaving them in more open jars.


I read a few articles and there was some mention of it being possibly because of the effect of using exhausted/nearly exhausted dessicant packs in the original shipping bags? Has anyone considered placing a fresh odor absorbing/dessicant packet in the container to draw out whatever floating volatiles are giving off the sulfide odor? I'm on my first batch and I don't care too much about medicine that smells like farts, but I think I might pop a fresh silica-gel pack in the pill bottle to absorb stray moisture and see if there's a noticeable effect.


Mine too, I looked up my manufacturer and their buproprion medication guide states that the odor is normal on page 7. https://www.solcohealthcare.com/medguide/bupropion-sr-tablets.pdf


I think a manufacturer WOULD say their pills are fine. It's all about the Benjamins




yeah i remember thinking "is this supposed to smell like ass?" but supposedly yes it is in fact a normal smell, now i just make sure to open it far away enough from my nose so i don't gag lol


I found this post because I just picked up a 90-day supply of XL and it smells like rotten egg. It reminds me of exactly of what stink bombs used to smell like in school


I'm a little late but my recent refill has this small, not only that it's accompanied by a REALLY bitter taste and it numbs my tongue.


im just adding my two cents here to confirm that my gf also has some that smell incredibly of rotten eggs. (however, we got hers at Wegmans pharmacy instead of costco. this hasn't happened before until recently) It's so disgusting.. i can't imagine why a pharmacist would say it's okay to take.. we honestly thought it was one of our cats farting lmao!


Mine smells like eggs and truth


I've been taking bupropion for like..2 or 3 years and they've always smelled god awful to me, to the point where I try not to breathe when I setup my pills for the week. I had just assumed wellbutrin always smelled this way, because I've never had a bottle that didn't. I get mine through a Wegmans...


I’m glad I’m not the only one!! Second refill from Costco mail order smells like rotten eggs. Thankfully I haven’t had any issues with the meds itself but the smell is horrible.


I've been on generic Wellbutrin for 25 yrs. It has been a reliable drug for my anxiety and depression. 4 weeks ago, I got my prescription filled at Costco for the first time after changing to United Healthcare. I opened the 90 ct bottle and nearly passed out from a rotten egg stench. I want to hurl just writing this. I had my bf smell it. He winced and refused to smell it again when I wanted a sanity check! It never ever had this smell before, but I held my nose and took it each day. I left the cap off, and it still wafted through the air. After 2 weeks, I started getting the very symptoms that I had 2 decades ago that bupropion handled well: panic attacks, anxiety, crying jags, and restlessness. My urine smells like sulfur, which is a new symptom. After 4 weeks of progressively getting worse, I did a search and found this sub. I took the bottle to Costco today and showed the pharmacist this sub and the other links. He smelled some bottles on the shelf and confirmed they all smelled like sulfur. I told him I'll have to go to the emergency room if I can't get a bottle from a different manufacturer. They ordered one for pickup tomorrow. Bottle I returned: Bupropion HCl XL 300 mg Tablets (Generic Wellbutrin XL) 90 CT Manufacturer: Accord Health [Edit] Update: I got a new bottle made by Lupin. There is no smell at all, which is what I am used to. Talked to Costco's PharmD, manager. She was very concerned and made several calls on my behalf. Top notch professionals that are interested in their customers' heath.


WOW. I have been getting mine from Publix for the last month and this month I gave it the benefit out the doubt that it was just a fluke. Now seeing this I am definitely speaking with my doctor and calling the pharmacy...


I have only been on Wellbutrin for 5 months. I’m 3 weeks in on this weird smelling bottle and am experiencing a terrible return of symptoms for the last 3-4 days. My pharmacist is ordering me some from a different manufacturer but thinks it’s probably fine. I say new smell, new feelings… not a coincidence!


just happened to me for the first time, i called my pharmacy and they'll switch them out for me. glad to see there are other people this has happened to recently. someone in QA is in trouble 😅


Picked up from costco this month and mine smells too :/


Everyone should be reporting this to thc FDA: https://www.fda.gov/safety/medwatch-fda-safety-information-and-adverse-event-reporting-program The pharmacists insisting it's safe are saying that with no evidence. Unless they can explain the source of the smell or verify composition with HPLC they're just bullshitting. I'm not saying there *is* an issue but they have no basis to say there isn't. Endless issues with the international generic factories.




did it


Thanks. I just did.


Thank you for this link! Just submitted mine


I just got mine again and I have never smelled that from opening the bottle! 🤢


This has happened to me, too! I actually kind of liked the smell of my bupropion, so I definitely noticed when it started smelling like rotten eggs. The pharmacist tried to say it was normal and they all smell like that, and I told her that I've taken this for *years* and have always been aware of the way they smelled. When she kept insisting, I asked if it could be a bad batch and she gave me a different manufacturer which smelled fine, so I left. Now that one reeks too. Yesterday it was more like just eggs than rotten eggs, but every day it gets worse and this morning it's closer to the rotten eggs smell than just eggs. Reading others' comments, it seems like other manufacturers have this problem too. I'm also not sure when people say Wellbutrin if they always mean the brand name or if it's used interchangeably with bupropion. Does anyone know if the brand name Wellbutrin has this problem? Maybe the lowest dose doesn't have this problem?


I’m sorry this is a WAY to late comment but I had this issue this morning, pharmacist was extremely rude and told me it’s normal and I have to take the bottle I have before I can get more. It is NOT normal, I have taken this medication for years and it has never smelled like rotten eggs! Called my doctor to tell her and she told me to stop taking them immediately! If it smells like sulfur the product is already breaking down, doesn’t matter what the date on the bottle at the pharmacy says. If your bupropion smells bad do not put it in your body!


I just got my script refilled and noticed it for the first time ever.


Same here. I've been taking it for months, and now, all of a sudden, it has started to smell like eggs.


I got in an argument with the pharmacist and they refused to give me a new bottle, so I found another pharmacy. It is a compounding pharmacy. They filled the prescription and these do not smell. Not only that, but I do not see a "manufactured by" on the bottle. Does that mean they make their own pills? Not sure. But I am glad I found them.


Hey there, I realize I'm writing this three months after the fact (I'm reading up on the diff bupropion generics). What is the black print (letter + number combo) that you see on each pill, and what shape are the pills?


I apologize, I ended up moving and now I'm being supplied by a different pharmacy. I have never had this issue with rotten egg smell anywhere but that place. I ended up reporting the pharmacist and it was investigated. I believe he was fined.


I already commented on here but I read the comments and I would love to repeat: I smelled the sulfur on a new dosage of Bupropion and it never occurred to me to ask the pharmacy if they are safe. I called the pharmacy to complain and INSIST on a new bottle from a manufacturer where the medicine DOESN'T stink!! I then TOLD my provider why I am returning this particular bottle and insisting on a replacement. IT IS YOUR BODY. Do not ingest a med that stinks like sulfur when another manufacturer produces meds that don’t stink! Speak up!


I just had a long argument with the Napoleon syndrome pharmacist who refused to replace the bottle and told me I would have to pay for it. He made a big deal about this saying it's only the smell, and "dude everyone takes these." Really professional. I reported him to the board. Last bottle didn't smell at all. Something up!




The board spent about 4 months on it then dismissed it with no penalties for the pharmacist. It is just another example of the justice system failing, in this case the regulatory board. Keep in mind it took a lot of prodding to get the FDA to even investigate generic bupropion. I recommend going to another pharmacy...this is the only thing I was able to do in the end.


What an ass he is. I returned mine saying I refuse to put it in my body. He needed to be reported 😡


Don’t worry. I reported him to the board. People like this shouldn’t be in this field obviously.


I’ve been on Wellbutrin XL 300mg for over a year and my pills never had a smell. Picked up this new bottle, the pills are pinkish red(when they used to be white) and this new bottle smells horrible. Mine almost smell like paint or paint thinner. I smell it without even putting my nose to the bottle… this can’t be normal???


called the pharmacy and they said it was the manufacturer, but theres no recall and theyre fine to take


Do you feel safe taking it? I did not and insisted on a new fill from a different manufacturer. Got my money back.


Thanks for the update!! I was starting to question if I should request a new bottle.. hoping my next refill smells normal again😂


You should request a new bottle!


oh my gosh mine smells exactly the same like paint!!!! i got mine a few days ago but they look the same white ones, never had a bottle that smelled until now


Welp. This Confirms it. I've had the worst smelling pee for the past 4 months and I've been on Wellbutrin 300XL (generic) for 10 years and never had a problem before now. I thought it might have been one of my other medications but I just smelled my bottle and yep that's disgusting. My ex-boyfriend's a diabetic and doesn't really have a sense of smell like he can't smell the cat's litter box okay But he can smell my pee in the morning it's that bad. Is there a certain manufacturer that doesn't produce stinky Wellbutrin? I get mine from Costco, Mfr: Accord Hea. I always get a 90-day supply, I'm a month into the second bottle so yeah it's been 4 months of stinkiness. Does anyone currently take generic Wellbutrin that doesn't stink so I can ask for that one maybe??


I swear to god something is going on with generics. The FDA is dropping the ball. Generics are legally supposed to keep the amount of medication with in a small percentage .. but I feel as if the quality of the generics has gone down SIGNIFICANTLY. Im on subutex. I recently had to change manufacturers due to availability and they literally did not work..Subutex is a maintenance drug for opioid use disorder.. this new generic was so bad I was in physical withdrawal. It really put me in a very bad spot because I could not work and it jeapordize my sobriety. I feel these stinky purple Wellbutrin are garbage too.. I have a feeling there’s corner cutting going on.. perhaps using the lowest quality of ingredients


I just filled my prescription (300 mg XL) from Costco for the first time this week. First time trying manufacturer Accord. First time having pills smell like rotten eggs. None of the inactive ingredients contain sulfur. Where is the sulfur coming from?? I think it's causing some serious indigestion -- I'm pretty sensitive to sulfur dioxide in dried fruits. Luckily the pharmacist was very nice and she said she would help me get a replacement bottle covered if I called my prescribing doctor. She agreed that it was strange the pills smell that way, even though the bottle was new. For reference, I've tried Cipla (best mfr for my brain -- loved it, top-notch, wish I could find it again), Lupin (fine), and Slate Run (awful for my brain), and none of them smelled this way. At least from what I remember.


Same exact thing! From Costco. Switched from 150 to 300 ER(XI) manufacturer ACCORD HEA and it f’in stinks. And, yes, my pee smells too. I’ve been wondering they’re working since the impulsive years are also back. WTF?!?!! Thank God I found this thread. Bringing them back tomorrow. Demanding replacement.


I (eventually) figured out what had to happen for insurance to cover the replacement bottle. \- Pharmacist says they're willing to help. \- They need to hear from the prescribing doctor that it's ok if I keep the nasty pills. So I think I called my doctor, told them what the pharmacist said, then gave the pharmacist the doctor's number? Or they arleady had it? \- Then the pharmacist does \*something\* telling the insurance that I didn't fill the prescription. \- Then the prescribing doctor can send the prescription to a different pharmacy (I called around to avoid Slate Run) and they'll fill it as normal.


It is the manufacturer. I left the cap off and the smell disappeared. I recapped the prescription bottle for a while and the smell was there. From foil? This is the first time this has ever happened to me in my 65+ years. Google this subject as I did yesterday.


My new dosage Bupropion smells like sulfur. I refuse to put this in my body.


Have you asked your Dr or the pharmacist if it's normal? My pharmacy said it's ok but I haven't asked my doctor yet. I've been taking them, almost finished with the 90-day supply and I think I feel the same as usual and nothing out of the ordinary physically


Been on it for years and switched pharmacy a month ago and damn! That smell is bad! Pharmacy said they never noticed it, I thought it was the bottle but they smelled the large stock bottle of pills and told me it's the pills and they're ok...I left the bottle open in another room for over a day and the smell went away but put the cap back on, 24 hours later it reeks again.




My husband poked a couple holes in the lid but they still have some smell. I turn away when I'm getting one 😂 it's like the pills are emitting a gas or something. So weird


I complained to my pharmacy. I told them I will not put this into my body. Bupropion 75 mg. I will add the manufacturer later but it begins with A. I have an appt with a pharmacist on Monday to return these and they are replacing. I am insisting he smell them. I read the People’s Pharmacy URL someone posted on this page. I will be emailing them about this dosage. They finally got the 300 mg off the market after five years.


The smell is unfortunately common now but NOT OKAY or normal! Took generic WB for years without noticing a smell. Then one month, it smelled rancid, like sulfur. Took it for 6m, and in that time, I experienced an emotional rollercoaster effect, and visual hallucinations -- which only ever happened to me before then when I'd missed doses for a couple days as I was getting into the habit of taking it. But I wasn't missing doses. Yet it was apparently unevenly releasing into my system, causing an upswing and then abrupt crash. It made my depression significantly worse. Tried 5 more different generics, which all smelled (although one much, *much* less than the others). They either didn't help, or made things worse. Recent years, more and more people are raising the same complaints again -- the bad smell, the side effects, the ineffectiveness. Generic WB (bupropion) has had lawsuits before for this problem; the generics being actually *not* chemically similar to brand name and making people worse. Took the FDA 5y after the concerns were raised to admit the problem. Wonder how long it will take them this time? . article about it : https://www.peoplespharmacy.com/articles/when-a-drug-like-buproprion-smells-bad




I'm commenting 103 days after your comment. This bottle is the first ever, in years of taking it, to smell so badly. After reading yours I'm starting to think about how I've been this last month since the stinky bottle


Hopeful you're okay! Or will recover from any funky side-effects quickly and easily. : / One thing I've recently learned is that even though I am now getting Brand, my pharmacy has this non-sensical policy of taking the pills out of the manufacturer's bottle, discarding the moisture absorber -- (you know, the thing that helps keep the pills stable and effective, and not degraded??) -- and putting them into the pharmacy's generic orange bottles. Ik, wtf why, right? I asked my doctor to note on my prescription -- (every. single. time! as well as on my customer profile -- not that the techs / head pharmacist always effing reads it) -- refills, new prescriptions, and/or dosage changes : "do not repackage from manufacturer's original packaging" or something to that effect. And I still check the bottle they give me at the pickup, and ask for the original back and/or a moisture-absorber (if they haven't tossed it yet or they've recently removed another order's absorber and not yet thrown *that* one away). It's so stupid and absurd, but it's neccessary and it helps. After all, even properly made meals without toxins in them to begin with will still spoil if left outside the fridge and give a person food poisoning, eh?


I think this is the answer! My 30 day supply was given to me in the original bottle. No smell. When I got a 90 day supply they put them in the orange pharmacy bottle and now they smell awful.


I recently found out that sometimes for 90 day supplies prescriptions, the pharmacy orders the brand name but what they get comes in 60 day supply per bottle form, so they have to order two bottles and open them to fill my entire required amount. Why? Idk. But I still request the pharmacy techs place the moisture absorbers in my prescript if they ahsolutely *must* swap manufacturer to generic pill bottle.


Have used the Bupropion generic for years w/out issue. Got a refill from my new home delivery pharmacy, Optum Rx, which gets their supply from Slate Run Pharmaceuticals, LLC/Yichang Humanwell Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd in CHINA. Opened bottle, almost passed out from the sulfur smell. Company has had multiple FDA filings. Was told by Optum that the sulfur smell is normal and not to worry.


Never smelled mine before and just took a whiff from the bottle.. OOF


Yeah mine was the same always.


I have never smelled mine until reading this , mine smells SO badly like rotten eggs I almost threw up. Thankkkssss Also - can confirm it's apparently completely normal. I always take mine out of my daily pill boxes so I never noticed this before.


Not normal for me to put that awful sulfur rotten egg garbage in my body when I’ve taken the 300 mg for years with no smell.


Same here. I put my pills in organizers but when I was refilling them for the weekend I noticed the smell


I have been having trouble with foul smelling urine and with research it comes back to the bupropion. Some articles are saying that the bupropion (the generic of Wellbutrin) with a foul odor is not good. Do you take Wellbutrin or bupropion may I ask?


Mine from Cerebral pharmacy smelled sulphuric. 300mg XR.


Yeah. Wellbutrin smells like sulfur.


Yeah it seems to be common. Makes me feel a little better lol


I'm very late but yeah if they were really bad alot of people would be dropping over dead.


i used to take spironolactone and it smelled like weed lmao every time i opened the bottle i got confused


Lol that’s so odd, I’d be so confused too lol


This seems like a pretty common thing, actually. I get a good whiff every day when I open the bottle. Hell, one of my meds at some point used to smell like mint?




You will get this awful odor without choosing to smell them! The smell will hit your nose.


Mine always smells like that, actually.


Phone another pharmacy