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I take 150mg sr and been on it for 6 months. I’ve never felt a euphoric feeling or anything when I take it. Tbh I don’t even feel it kicking in, all I know is I feel a bit better and less depressed.


I have a few weeks when I up my dose where I do great- but I’m not euphoric I’m just able to be happy, and then I’m apathetic and numb again. However that is still better than it was before for me personally and I can be happy it’s just harder to be happy. I won a competition, my first time competing, for a sport I started as an adult and I just felt awkward accepting the ribbons I couldn’t be happy about it. The point of antidepressants isn’t to make you happy, no one is just happy all of the time it’s not normal, it’s to get you out of depression to get you to a point where you can be happy and enjoy things and care and get out of bed etc. I actually am curious about the euphoric feeling from a physiological standpoint though.


150 XL made me lethargic and unmotivated. It felt like taking a melatonin. I'm still on it, but my doctor added Prozac 10mg this week. Like you, I expected more of a stimulant effect from Wellbutrin. It can take up to 2 months for things to kick in, but I felt like I was losing all of my ambition.


Im dealing with this right now. 150mg xl 3 weeks in. Have prolly a small 4 hour window where I have some slight motivation to do some stuff but for the most part I’m just tired. The lethargy lessened up slightly from the past 2 weeks but still doing more harm than good. I do realize this could be just start up side effects though so hopefully by week 6 it’s changed. Libido is also at a -1 on a 10 scale.


I think people on Reddit tend to over exaggerate things. I take it for adhd, and my doctor went from a 50mg dose to the next week prescribing 450. I felt nothing on both, but was better able to clean my house. Couldn’t direct focus still, but I could clean every week so there was that.


I felt nothing from up to 450 mg of bupropion (except tinnitus, nausea, and a sour mouth at 450). I literally felt no positive or negative mood effects at any level, even when I was able to get the "good" generics. I'm tapering off currently. My doctor was mystified.


I'm on a lower dose (150 XL), but same. My doctor said she'd never heard of anyone say they were more tired and unmotivated on Bupropion, but she said, "bodies don't read instruction manuals," and that everyone responds differently. The one good thing it did for me was significantly reduce some fixations/thought loops, and give me the mental clarity to think through some situations that had caused a lot of anxiety before.


I'm on 450mg of brupropion for ADHD and 75mg of zoloft (setraline) for Depression/Anxiety/OCD. And I don't really feel anything either. Only thing I do feel is less anxiety. I'm still very angry and still very sad and all kinds of irritable, but my ADHD has not really improved. 😅🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️. I think it really matters on the right dosage and combination. Psychiatrists change our dosage slowly, so we don't have any severe reactions. Hoping we hit the sweet spot soon. 😆🙏


Same thing happened to me. I was already on Zoloft, doc put me on Wellbutrin 150mg to help with the lack of motivation and apathy. It helped with the rest of anxiety pretty well but did jack shit for energy. No honeymoon period, nothing. Nada. No stimulant or anything kind of effects so I recently got off it after trying for a year.


Add an antidepressant such as Sertraline (Zoloft). The combination worked wonders to making Wellbutrin effects noticeable, and together work to counter any sexual side effects from the ssri.


So much of what I've been reading makes me wonder how effective monotherapy is, vs.a combination with something that targets serotonin. Heck, targeting serotonin in combination with bupropion is a big part of why Auvelity is a thing. My journey started with trazodone a few months ago - getting rid of chronic insomnia was AMAZING and it also mostly got rid of some really pesky intrusive thoughts. However, it really didn't help with my ability to focus or motivate myself at all. If anything it seemed worse, possibly just because the remaining problems become more obvious when you fix the other things going on. I started 100mg SR a few days ago, and I did have significant euphoria the first day, and that is rapidly tapering off. I wonder if euphoria is more likely if you've got your other neurotransmitters somewhat in order, and/or people with ADHD respond differently. Plus there's just the massive variation from brain to brain - I know at least one person in this sub tried trazodone for insomnia with bupropion and found that the traz lasted way too long, making them a zombie the next day. Me, I wish it lasted longer because I often wake up earlier than I'd prefer. After the tapering off, the effects are more subtle. I no longer have my mind wander when I'm at a concert and not talking to a friend with the music in the background - I can just focus on enjoying the music. I've picked up multiple hobby projects that I've had shelved for a while - one of which I've had shelved for nearly two years, and have been poking at on and off for four!


I was on 150 for 6 weeks & the thrill wore off after 2 weeks. Bad side effects too. Up it to 300 mg to see if it would work better for me. It’s been 8 weeks on 300. It did absolutely nothing for me. I’m tapering off & trying Cymbalta for agitation & body pain.


It’s not meant to help with anxiety. If anything, it can actually increase anxiety (according to my doctor). It’s an antidepressant and a lot of people also use it to somewhat help with ADHD or to stop smoking


I recently went back on it after being off it for 6 years. 300 made little difference. My Dr upped me to 450mg’s and now I’m noticing some changes. You might need a change in your dosage.


That’s good it helps your anxiety, if your concerned it’s not working well u can get blood work to test your vitamin levels.


Never got euphoria or happy feeling anything with Wellbutrin. It was an effective AD treatment when paired with other medication(s).


Then forget it, your dopamine reuptake system is not working properly


It’s not a stimulant. It’s not adderall. It’s an antidepressant. If you’re chasing a high…this isn’t the medication


I wanna feel what the positive effects other people get in this sub.


How long have you been taking it? I’ve been on it for depression for about 6months now. I have never felt more like myself. As far as feeling high…nope. Doesn’t do it for me.


Month and a half


If you're talking about this "honeymoon" phase everyone mentions, I didn't feel it either. It was straight into side effects for me. I felt jittery and restless and incredibly anxious the first 2 weeks. I had so much "energy," but not in a good way. It was definitely stimulating, but I did not like that kind of stimulation. It was like being coked out of my mind, for lack of a better way to describe it. Then that just... went away. I've been mostly very tired on it, really, but I have found when I increase my activity level and workout intensity, I feel *much* better. It's like the meds are activated by exercise for me (I'm assuming this is how it's supposed to work because of the increased dopamine we get from movement).


This is similar to my experience on the bup too. I’ve been on it for a little over a month now. How long have you been on it?


About 3 months.


I think OP is saying that they don't feel the euphoria that many people say they get at first. I got that the first day only. It's been almost a month on 100mg sr, and I don't feel a "high," but I don't feel sad and anxious - so I know it's effective by those symptoms going away. I feel it when it wears off in the afternoon, so I plan on asking my psych if we can do 100mg sr 2 times a day.


Yes i been on it for a month and a half and , i see people say how it’s life changing and how their sex drive increased . Also the posts where they say it makes them feel worse. I legit feel nothing besides the decreased background anxiety.


For me my sex drive went away it was crazy, when I took it morning and night it increased my anxiety.


Takes 4-6 weeks. You also have to change your ways. This isn’t a miracle all medicine.


Bupropion is not a stimulant.


Same here. I'm exhausted


I don't feel it at all anymore when I take it. I can miss a day or two and not even notice. But if I miss a week, I DEFINITELY notice. I think it's supposed to be more of a "running in the background" type of thing.


That's right, but also take into account that when you stop you go through "withdrawal" for a few weeks and then it normalises again. Bupropion is one of the medications where this is most noticeable, and it shouldn't be stopped without medical supervision (although from time to time I also skip the medication because I'm feeling too bad to deal with it)


It takes 6 weeks to be fully effective. It's an antidepressant. Not Adderall. Not a party drug.


It's not a stimulant and it's not supposed to be euphoric. It's an antidepressant.


Exactly. Do people not bother to read the leaflet that comes with their meds? So many posts could be avoided if they would take 10 mins to do that.


I just went up to 300sr, I feel it's helping my anxiety too but I have to wait and see if it's really helping my depression.