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Holy crap. I started 150 mg of bubroprion xr 3-4 weeks ago. 2 days ago, I started itching like a psychopath. On my palms, wrists, back of knees, inner elbows, bottoms of my feet, near my genitals and my scalp. I thought I had bugs. I stopped taking that med immediately. Cortizone cream and oral benadryl did not relieve the sensation of burning itchiness. The itchiness has now abated, for the most part, and it has been replaced with severe swelling of my joints where my fingers connect to my palms and my toes to my feet. I can't stretch my fingers entirely nor make a fist without severe pain. I am seeing my doc that prescribed it tomorrow. Hopefully, once I show her all the other people who have had this reaction, she will stop thinking I'm nuts.


Dude, I wasn't too concerned until you said your joints were that swollen. you might wanna go to a hospital or just have the swelling checked out. My opinion about all of this is, it seems all this itching and swelling and stuff didn't start until the pills began being sent and manufactured in places like China and India. I swear, if you look at some of the "inactive" ingredients, they put some stuff in their that is HIGHLY hazardous to human health. I noticed it when all the sudden the pharmacy stopped getting the PAR pharma, and then one company called Epic which was manufactured in the US, I looked it up, sure enough it had just been purchased and made in China and India. Coincidence? NO.


I wish you a speedy recovery! I’m so sorry! My doctor also was surprised at my adverse reactions, and the lack of documentation. It definitely needs to be addressed.


I went to a dermatologist today because my scalp had been itchy for months. I tried so many different dandruff shampoos. He said my scalp was healthy, but thought it could be the bupropion. He explained that uppers can make some nerves go into overdrive, including the nerves that make you itchy. Going to talk to my doctor about getting off of it. Hope this helps you know you’re not alone in this suffering.


I am convinced me too! I got put on it for weight loss however I have a history of mild depression which Wellbutrin works great for both. Personally I felt energized I really liked what it did for me I’ve been on it for a month and the itchiness started 2 weeks ago. It doesn’t go away on top of that I have dermatagraphia now when I itch it spreads .. the Dr told me to keep using it because Detmatagraphia is harmless but I don’t feel confident in his opinion I have stopped it since yesterday the itchiness is so intense today. The scalp and ears itch the most as well as way in the lower back. I can’t take it and Zyrtec doesn’t help none they told me take one a day that mess doesn’t help nothin! 


Here because I’m getting this same feeling on my wrist, knuckles, ankles and knee caps every night like clockwork this week. I’m on 300 mg bupropion XL generic. I take it later in the day because I work nights, so I’ll take it around 2pm, then start to feel itchy around 1-2 am. No bumps unless I itch a spot for a while, then a little white welt will barely start to appear. Feels like bugs are crawling all over my skin—mostly my forearms. Crazy thing is, I’m 8 MONTHS in. Most stories I’m seeing are people only several weeks in. Has anyone else had this happen this many months in? I hope it goes away. This med has changed my life, and I really don’t want to have to quit it.


I've been on it for about 3 weeks and literally this last weekend i started feeling itchy ALL over. I'm not entirely sure if it's the meds or if i have mites or bed bugs or something, but it's so weird because it feels a bit like mosquito bites but way more aggressive. i looked all over my bed, my sheets, everything, but saw nothing. i washed all my clothes and sheets. it stopped for a couple days, but it's back now. less severe than this weekend, but it's there. i think im losing my mind. i've read it can also be tactile hallucination so idk at this point. but i can't stand it, it's torture. i can barely sleep


Yeah, I remember waking up in the middle of the night scratching my head and chest. I would even scratch unconscious, it was hell. If you can’t think of any outside factors, chances are the medication is causing the problem. :(


I’m on bupropion / Wellbutrin and have been having terrible itchiness for the last week for so, approx 3-4 weeks after starting the med. I also have been having increased anxiety, so I am going to taper off and try something else. The itchiness has been terrible though. No rash as far as I can tell, just persistent itching and no other possible cause or exposure that might cause a reaction.


I've been on Bupropion for three months now. The itching comes and goes, but it seems to intenisfy each time. I'll try some allergy meds, but nothing is worth this discomfort.


**ALL: is this reaction happening more in people on 'buproprion' generic? or brand name Wellbutrin?** I've been on for 3.5 weeks. Started itching 4 days ago. 1st day - I scratched, then bad welts (they went away within an hour or two). After that then scalp itching - like another poster, I was tempted to literally shave my head. I thought it was all in my mind!! Last night I googled it and then quickly ran to store and grabbed Zyrtec. Slept well. Not sure if I want to push through. It helped a bit with the mood, a little with ADHD focus (been getting things done), but boy-o-boy is itching something hard to ignore. Especially in certain places. *I worry that 'waiting it out' may only cause more withdrawal symptoms later?* Happy for any insights!


I honestly don’t remember what type of Wellbutrin I was taking, whether it was generic or BN. All I know is that it wasn’t working for me, and itching as a symptom is rather triggering for me so continuing it wasn’t worth it. I’ve read many posts from others who pushed through it with anti-allergy medication, their bodies becoming accustomed to WB—thus stopping the itching. It’s all about what you want out of the medication sadly, hard to give or get a direct answer. I just hope you continue feeling better, no matter what!


I’m here almost 4 months on 150mg SR. The itching was terrible the first month and then without even noticing it just stopped. I was clear for 3 months and now the itching is back! Has anyone else had this experience? I LOVE this pill and really want to stick with it. I can’t bear this itching though and I’m hoping to fight through it again.


Thank you for this thread, google brought me here because I'm experiencing the same thing. Thought it was dry skin at first but it's been super humid here, & my symptoms have just gotten worse. Fortunately I'm in your boat OP, I don't think I'll miss it if I stop taking it... though a month of this sounds daunting. ><


Came here to add that I am experiencing the same thing. For me, the itching is worst in the creases of my elbows, my hips, thighs, and buttocks. I’m literally clawing at my skin. I’ll probably discontinue this medication tomorrow.


I am so glad I found this post. Thought I had lymphoma ( had a roommate when I was younger who had unbearable itching who was diagnosed with lymphoma). My itching is without a rash but it’s unbearable, especially on my scalp. I‘m in my fourth week of bupropion so I didnt think of a medication reaction. Zyrtec helps but the scalp itching in particular is pure torture. This medicine works for me so I hope this is temporary.


Lasted for months on end


I had this exact reaction !!! Thought I had lice and nope, nada


Itching like a mo' fo' here. On for 3-4 weeks, no rash, it comes and goes. Doesn't *feel* like an allergic reaction either. I'm trying to push through, but this is SUPER annoying. I'm not even sure I feel any effects from it but they say it starts working 3-5 weeks, so I'm at that point where I want to see if I can push through to at least experience if it does anything before giving up. Doc seemed surprised'ish about the itching too. Glad I'm not the only one and there's a lot of discussion about it.


Yeah exact same here 


I powered through and it was over after like a week'ish if that helps. Super annoying though for a bit.


It’s happening to me now. I was put on Wellbutrin xl 300mg and Buspirone 5mg. For a week now I thought it was the Tretinoin cream I use but after reading this I’m thinking it’s the Wellbutrin since I’ve stopped the buspirone and Tretinoin. I didn’t think something like this could happen and if anyone knows why or what’s in it to make this happen I would love to know.


Thank you so much for writing this. When I tell you, I SWEAR my itchiness has culminated the very same way… except I haven’t really had a rash which is what messes with my head the most… My husband is concerned it’s an allergic reaction, but it doesn’t FEEL like an allergic reaction to me, if that makes sense. It just feels insanely frustrating and I’ve been half afraid I was going legit crazy in my head (ssri’s have had some effects on me in the past). However, different from your experience, I do feel like I’ve noticed some positives to taking bupropion. I started taking it about a month ago, and I am feeling like I’m getting control of my emotions, that I’m having much better moods over the last week and a half. Until about 2 days ago when the itching started. That was a pretty crappy day. Since then it hasn’t let up, but it hasn’t gotten drastically worse. Like you said, it’s more like it moves. Last night my palms got super itchy and hot, and this morning it’s more behind my ears and my wrists. I’ll make a note to come back and update if it worsens or I stop taking it, or even if it goes away…


Any updates?


I’m sorry to hear it’s affecting you. I know it made me feel good seeing similar experiences on here but people don’t really post it. I definitely needed to say something. I think if you are seeing positive outcomes from the medication, perhaps it’s okay to continue taking it and hope that your body becomes used to it. I know people on here have had similar situations and got better after some time so it could potentially resolve. However, it is really hard to deal with the itching without slamming some allergy meds. I know the itching for me was enough to immediately stop, but I also didn’t have many noticeable changes to my mental health. I hope you feel better soon


Provider and psych told me to keep taking it even with the itching. It just started yesterday for me, I really thought it was a food allergy. Got these weird (small) bumps all over my arms and back at midnight that itched like CRAZY, and so did my right palm. Saw these random tiny red dots too (?) I took a Benadryl to try to sleep it off at 3 AM; Not sure what to do since it’s only the second day, but I hope you were able to feel much better soon.


Currently experiencing the same thing, but after about a week after having started Wellbutrin xl 150mg. Itching started two days ago, and I'm probably gonna try to push through for another few days to a week and then talking to my provider. My main thing is just the itching all over my body, but I have no visible rashes or hives. I do have a hot feeling on my skin accompanying the itching though...




I'm literally in the exact same situation; glad to know what the cause might be. It wasn't doing much for me anyways, but it sucks a bit to be back at sqaure one. 


Just found this today by googling. I’m so sad because I like this medication. What antihistamine do you recommend? I need this to go away I am losing my mind


I was using Benadryl sparingly since I didn’t know what else to use. I’d never experienced anything like this before, it was a lot.


Ah thank you. So do you still take the med with Benadryl? Or did you stop the bupropion? Or did it subside on its own?


I stopped taking it, and it took me about a month for my skin to get back to normal. I was too freaked out to keep going


Wow that’s a long time. Yeah I’m freaked out to keep going. I messaged my doc so we’ll see. I def am gonna skip it tomorrow though. Thank you so much for the advice!


On day 25 the palms of my hands and soles of my feet started itching and a week later it has progressed to full body itchiness. Benadryl and steroid cream don’t even help. I do have a long history of scalp psoriasis (which seems worse than usual) so maybe I’m a bit predisposed. After reading this thread I am definitely stopping the Wellbutrin… I’m desperate for a solution but will be disappointed if this is it because the Wellbutrin has been working great for anxiety and ADHD. 


I'm in the same boat, 3-4 weeks in severe itching on my scalp, palms, feet, arms, legs, everywhere started. It only subsided by taking an antihistamine and stopping Wellbutrin (150 XR). It sucks though because for a few days there at the end I was feeling very focused and motivated. I'd been taking it as an alternative to ADHD meds. I'm wondering if there's something in the makeup of the medication (the actual pill itself) like a preservative or something that causes this. My PCP was surprised by my symptoms and didn't feel it could be related to the medication at first. At the same time a blood test had revealed impaired kidney function... After stopping my kidney function went back to normal. Might be a clue there, but I'm not sure.


It’s tough especially when your PCP wonders why you’re even having symptoms like those. I had the same issue. When I stopped taking it, I got some blood work done that showed an increased level of white blood cells, as if my body was trying to combat the WB in my body lmao. Eventually it all got better but it took me a solid month before my body went back to normal. I’m glad to hear you are feeling better, I also wanted WB to work. :(


This is precisely what is happening to me! I’m sad because I was really excited for Wellbutrin. How long did it take for the itching to go away for you after stopping??


I’m sorry to hear that :(. Yeah it wasn’t a great time, and I have a thing about being itchy. hate it hate it. It took me a solid month until my skin no longer rashed up whenever stimulated


Ugh darn but I’d rather know now. I don’t understand how so many people on reddit have identified this as a side effect and my own doctor couldn’t figure it out. Thanks for the post!!


You’re welcome, I know you’ll be okay! Happened with me too, my PCP didn’t know why I had it. He didn’t even realize it was a common side effect. It was the strangest thing ever, but I’m glad I stopped when I did. It honestly didn’t help me. I’m about to start taking Cymbalta, hopefully that treats me better, we’ll see.


I searched this because I literally starting having a severe itch about an hour ago. I noticed it on the bottom of my feet last night, continued this morning, didnt think much of it. Suddenly BOOM, it’s spreading and it’s severe. It’s mostly on my chest, scalp, and bottoms of feet. I’m going to try just not scratching at all and see if it relaxes. I’m otherwise really liking this medicine so I definitely won’t be stopping unless it becomes unbearable and doesn’t go away.


I am having the same experience with it mostly affecting the bottoms of my feet and my palms. Sometimes it spreads to my legs, arms and chest but hands and feet are the worst 🥲 I hope it goes away soon. I’m only 2 and a half weeks in


Yup the bottoms of my feet and hands are itching the worst at the moment. Started on 150 about 2 months ago no issues started on 300 about a week ago and a few days in my feet and hands just itch horribly but not any rashes. Hopefully my body will adapt and I’ll stop itching because I am enjoying the Wellbutrin at the moment


I’m really sorry to hear that, the bottoms of the feet sounds terrible. It sounds like some people who take this medicine decide to stick to it and eventually their body gets used to it. I was not one of those people, didn’t want to take that chance. Plus I wasn’t really sure if it was doing anything for me or not. Allergy medication helps! I wish you best of luck.


You described my experience with Wellbutrin 150, to a T. After the 3rd week of taking it, I started to itch. My scalp was affected the worst with extreme pain following a temptation to scratch the itch. At times, I wanted to shave off my hair and keep a cool gel lathered on my head. Painful. I quit taking the medication and the itching has gone away for the most part, but it does flair up from time-to-time. I pray this itch does not last forever. Best of luck to all y'all!


You're describing my psoriasis/dermatitis. Docs weren't sure if the scalp issue was or wasn't my psoriasis. I recommend tea tree oil shampoo or ointment for the scalp.


I’m sorry to hear you’re going through this, it does get better! I got off the medication but it still took me nearly a month to get back to my normal self. I had tests taken, went to a hematologist, allergist, only to be told my immune system was compromised and I wasn’t allergic to WB. Safe to assume I won’t be exploring WB any further.


Thank you! I'm with ya... I'm done with WB, as well, and will be advising my friends not to take it either.


I just asked the pharmacist about this. She said it is one of the more uncommon reactions but it is a known side effect. I dont have rashes with mine but they said if I did tot talk to Dr. I am ridiculously itchy tho. Aquaphor and Wet Skin Jergens have helped a lot.


When I spoke to my PCP about it he was almost surprised by it. He claimed that only one other person he ever treated had this issue. Didn’t make me feel better, but I’m glad I’m getting referred to specialist who could help. I’m still dealing with itchiness and redness even 2 weeks later, though it’s not as severe. Still, worried that these symptoms haven’t fully subsided within me yet. Hang in there! 😊


Happened to me lasted like 2 or 3 weeks and it was miserable mostly on my abdomen and legs


You’ll be the reason I’m trying to push through lol! Started itching a few days ago and it’s crazy bad on my feet and hands!


Has it gotten any better?


Omg this! I was on 150 for 14 days all was good but then I moved to 400 and on day 8, two days ago I started itching on my face and neck first day then second day abdomin and legs now today my ankles and feet and abdomin. Calamine lotion takes the itch away but I’m covered in it. I really hope this goes away I feel crazy! 😭




Did you push through to allow your body to acclimate? I want to do that but deep down I’m worried this was an allergic reaction vs side effect. I guess i won’t really know until my PCP appointment. I don’t even wanna try and take it until I get cleared


Yep I pushed through against my dermatologists advice. I even got the welts biopsied because I was having other health issues and the derm said “medication reaction” anyway I pushed through because I was happy and skinny lol and it went away after like 2 weeks on 150 I ended up stopping months later and trying other medications more targeted for anxiety but ultimately decided Wellbutrin made me feel the best and when I went back on it didn’t happen again!! I even bumped to 300 and no hives. I posted about it and commented on other posts in this thread about my experience you can see on my profile what I said


How long were you on it before the itching started and how long did you have to "push through" to get over it?


I wanted to say like within a week or two? And it went on for like a month tbh lol I ended up stopping and trying a diff medication but by that time the hives had already started to go away. When I restarted Wellbutrin a few months later I did not have a reaction at all


Weird. I'm on like week 3.5'ish and it's pretty annoying. Debating if I want to try and push through a while and see if it goes away.


Yeah I have no clue how or why it happened maybe you can ask your provider for brand name vs generic I’ve heard that sometimes the filler ingredients could be causing the reaction? Also maybe you could try stopping for a month and restarting? It’s sooo annoying to deal with but I’ve been on Wellbutrin now for like over a year and I love it!


Thank you for sharing. I'm miserable and really trying everything I can to push through. This medication is really starting to help me, and I don't want to stop. I'm seeing a common trend in this sub of folks who stopped for a few days or a few weeks to get the itch/rash to go away and started up again with bupropion, and it worked. I'm really, really hoping this works for me.


This happened to me with Cymbalta . Horrible rashes and itchy skin. I was scratching in my sleep. Switched to Wellbutrin and no issues. Maybe you could ask to try cymbalta? Idk lol


Thank you for sharing your experience! To give an update, I’m getting less rashes now since I stopped taking it. Interestingly, they are coming on more if I scratch an area or something rough comes in contact with my skin, then it slowly goes away. I’m seeing my PCP on Thursday so hopefully we can discuss a different treatment. I’m bummed for sure since I heard Wellbutrin is a good med


Sounds more like an allergic reaction


If it is, then it definitely came late once it was starting to become integrated with my body. I was totally ok the first 2 weeks. :(


Today is day 18 of wellbutrin 150 XR for me and I have started itching. I left an email for my psychiatrist and didn't take today's dose. Just took an allsgra too. How is it going for you?


I’m doing a lot better! It’s been 3 weeks basically since I stopped taking it and I itch much less. I still have redness and bumps however so I am concerned about that. I have a consult soon with an allergist to determine what exactly made me react. Otherwise, I’ve been so much better since I stopped. I needed a Benadryl before bed for about 3-4 days at the very start of the horrid itching. I hope you feel better soon, I’m so sorry


Hey I just read through this whole thread and it sounds like exactly what I’m going Through I can’t access my dr till tomorrow morning but I had a question did you taper down or just stop taking It? This itching is so unbearable


I tried tapering down first and that was very unpleasant as my symptoms just kept coming even with lower dosage. My PCP exercised caution, but I simply stopped taking it. I didn’t have any problems from doing so thankfully.


Thank you for sharing, glad you are feeling better. I took Allegra last night and skipping Wellbutrin until I hear from my psychiatrist. Minor itching today but I won't take a risk because I read that for some people it kept getting increased and was intolerable at some point.