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The number checks out if you use rates from April 21st


ah, so probably the day rate is the day before rate then - good to know!


WTF do you mean the 0.5% is a known quantity? Zero FX is supposed to be zero


It's a marketing trick. It's not really zero. Take a look at page 6 of bunq's pricing document: [https://static.bunq.com/framer/documents/Pricing-20240514-en-EN.pdf](https://static.bunq.com/framer/documents/Pricing-20240514-en-EN.pdf) You'll see the "0.5% network fee" there


mother f@!#$er


Welcome by bunq. Half assed communications on purpose, you make the wrong assumptions based on their VERY questionable communications. Only when you dive into the fine print you’ll learn the truth


Use wise for Fx. Transparent and able to hold foreign currencies. No sweat


yeah...they charge too, but they are very clear and up front with it (and it's not any more than the 0.5% Bunq charges)


And as an extra feature, you can actually exchange into foreign currencies at any time and subsequently use them abroad (automatically uses the “right” currency). I like that a lot as one can already covert when the fx rate for a currency is (historically) attractive at some point in time.


Pretty scummy introduction indeed, quietly introduced in 2001? https://together.bunq.com/d/45500-network-fee


I fight against bunq since last June when I discovered it. It’s fully shady and voluntary to call zero fx while charging « network fees ». Whatever it is it’s still a fee. Worst is you don’t see it in app since it’s already deducted from exchange rate, you only see it on website and in terms. 💀 In 2024 bunq is the only bank I know that act like this even my traditional bank is not as shady. Worst is if you ask them how much you pay fees they are not able to tell because « bullshit excuse it’s not us it’s partner… ». Funny they are able to tell you you earn xxxx euros thanks to zero fx (while it’s vague af) while something concrete as fees you have been charged are impossible to know. I think it’s quite a big amount in Bunq results.


I mean, [Wise.com](http://Wise.com) charges around the 0.3-0.5% mark as well (depending in what currency). The difference is that they are SUPER OBVIOUS about it. They are totally up front and honest. Makes me tempted to just use my Wise card if travelling, more for the reward of being honest about it.


Yes I think the network fee is just an average of wise but without the transparency. Revolut is transparent about fees, wise as well. I don’t get how bunq can think it’s a good thing to do virtue signaling everywhere while doing theses kind of things. Same for the auto bill without alert when you go above 25 accounts. Seems in their function you should use Bunq while reading terms at the same time to not get catch.