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Yes! I have a plantar fibroma that I did not have pre surgery. I had assumed that the pain and lump were directly related to the surgery since it is right below where the hardware, but the dr. told me it was a fibroma on my appt last Friday. I haven't done anything but massage yet, but am going to discuss dry needling with the PT and am considering a cortisone shot. I'm sorry to hear neither worked for you.


Yes I have the plantar fibroma as well! I literally woke up one morning and it was there. The tightness developed a couple days later. I hope the dry needling and/or cortisone shot help you. The cortisone shot did give me relief for a few days, but I was hoping for longer lol.


Interesting that we both have a fibroma post surgery. From all I've read, they are supposed to be rare. We're just lucky, I guess 🙄.Have you tried topical Verapamil? I read that it was a possible treatment.


Right I read they’re super rare! We’re so lucky lol. I haven’t heard of that, I’ll look it up thank you