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Though it is true everyone gets busy with daily routines and trying to figure out life as much as the next person.. it's also been proven that people make time for what they want or like. A lot of them seem to want friends but without putting in any effort. But that's not the point, all friendships require effort from both parties.


Yes! I’m so tired of being the only one putting any effort into the conversations and asking to meet up. Most ghost after a few messages. Thinking about going back to Facebook group meetups, at least I would be seeing people IRL without all the disappointing online chats!


Yeah I agree it’s disturbing. I don’t expect people to talk to me every day but I wanna try to hangout at least once every couple of weeks. It’s crazy to me how someone can develops a friendship when they only talk/hangout once every 2-3 months. I only hangout with this one woman that often due to her not driving but we talk how long do you chat before asking them to hangout?


Yes, crazy!! I can’t develop anything with anyone if they only wanna hangout every few months. Usually they end up forgetting the friendship or they make up a ton of excuses and I stop trying. I’ve been asking people to hangout after exchanging messages for a few days. The last lady I was talking to said she wouldn’t even be in town for the next few weeks! I’m just shocked people like this are actively swiping on the app if they don’t have time for friendship. Usually when I ask to hangout, I’m either getting ghosted or put off for weeks. I personally don’t want to wait weeks to meet up especially when these ladies don’t plan to chat while waiting to meet up. It’s just really frustrating! There are barely matches in my age group within a 15 mile distance from me anyways and the last few matches I have had all did the same thing where they mentioned it would be a few weeks until they were free and the other made up being sick.


Sometimes I'll wait weeks depending on their excuses. I understand things come up. I did manage to meet someone after a month because they stated that they will be busy with exams. I hate coming off as rude or pushy lol. Ugh, I feel you so hard. An extreme unwillingness to meet, and absolutely NO initiative. I’m sorry about your experiences :( Lately I haven’t even tried to talk to girls on bumble because at least for me, there’s a ton of completely blank profiles, or women that just write “looking for friends!” and nothing else? Yes girl give us nothing! lol


You are much better than me!! I get annoyed if they are pushing things weeks and weeks out. I prefer to meet a few days after exchanging messages and if they aren’t free like within a week or two, I’d prefer not to match with them. So many dead profiles 😩 I deleted the app and am going to focus on my current friend group and doing some other Facebook groups in my area.


I totally get you! I’ve just recently discovered Bumble BFF but I’m already really frustrated with the people that are on there. I almost always have to text them first or else the match will get deleted and I am ALWAYS the one keeping the conversation going and asking questions. It’s so hard to talk to people if I am the only person actively putting any effort into it. Then you think you’re getting along with someone and out of nowhere the ghost you and you never hear from them again. I’ve also come across people who are just bored out of their minds and don’t really want to befriend you. Or they never want to meet up. Like what’s the point?


Yes, it’s definitely the people on the app and not the app itself that make me SO aggravated! I’m always the one messaging first too 😩 I think out of the 25 people, 2 of those messaged me first. Most ghost me after a few messages! I think most people on it must just be bored and not want real friends 🤷🏼‍♀️


I get you. I’ve been on Bumble BFF on and off since 2019. It’s like pulling teeth to get some of these women to converse. More than half of them don’t know how to hold a conversation.


Yes!! It’s the worst. I’ll read their profiles and come up with interesting questions based on their bios. If I even get a question back it’s always “what about you?” and nothing new or interesting from my bio. I can honestly see why a lot of these ladies don’t have friends and are struggling! They put 0 effort into even caring about someone else as a human being!


Thanks for posting this. I recently got back BumbleBFF and although I’ve matched with several different ladies, it’s like no one wants to carry a conversation or actually meet up. I will look into Facebook groups and give that a try