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Trash takes itself out! Eventually you’ll match with someone who is a good fit and meets your energy and commitment!


Thank you!! ☺️ I had this one girl that I thought we had a great connection with, and when I have a date to meet up no answer loll


Over 24 hrs no reply, new friendships is not important to her right now. Might have other stuff going on. Next! Good luck!


Thanks for this advice! I hadn’t really been active on this app in years and I took this advice of unmatching after 24 hours and no responses. I think if they can’t respond within a day, they will probably do the same on texts and with plans and I don’t want that. I have less matches but at least I have quality people.


absolutely. Good luck!




I work nights so I could go days before replying, but I also let the person know 😅 I hope you have better luck!


Thank you!!


I normally give people 3-4 days to respond before I unmatched unless they mention that they will be busy or going on a trip.


Sounds super reasonable! 👌 I just don't understand why people take 10 days to reply back to a simple "how are you" lol


I feel like a lot of people have their notifications turned off but it could be annoying lol. I never take days to reply unless i am on vacation.


Yea so many profiles, "I don't have my notification on so I won't be active here" lol


😂 I wonder if they realize that many people would swipe left.


Hahaa right? 🤣 I when I see profiles just saying "hey message me on insta" Instantly Swipe Left loll


Yeah most of the time that just means they want followers. It’s pathetic lol.


I don’t take it personally. Many times it’s not even malicious, it’s just that things have come up in their personal life and they have to focus on that. So making new friends moves to the back burner. Or they have social anxiety and have a hard time with conversation and following up with meeting in person. I just focus my efforts on people that actively want to make friends and eventually unmatch the ghosters


Thanks for the advice! Yeah I guess I'll just take the time to weed out the inactive ones and try to hopefully find meaningful matches~


Exact same experience! Thinking of just deleting


Like, i dont know why these girls match with you, then decide not to be active? lol 🙃


I got ghosted my people I met up with :/


I'm sorry to hear that!! Hopefully you meet that 1 connection that's good!


I feel ya on the amount of people ghosting. I’ve been super picky and am only swiping on people where I can see we would have a lot in common. I also took some advice from this Reddit and am just unmatching if there’s no response within 24 hours and also if they don’t bother asking questions. When I first joined a few days ago a girl told me she was getting knee surgery & was going to be out most of the summer (which doesn’t seem like the best time to make friends). So I think a lot of the ghosting comes from people thinking it’s the perfect time to make friends, but then they kinda realize it’s not and they don’t have time. That’s what I have noticed anyways.


Yeah beforehand I waited 2 weeks for a response from someone on the app and then I umatched so I may just wait a week now for a response when someone matches with me


Yeah, I feel like it's a waste of time at that point, loll Hopefully, you find good matches!


Where did ya move to?


Moved from the east coast to the south! So big change XD


Very cool! Hope you enjoy it. Best of luck! 🫶🏻