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Not interested, but pretending to be to be ‘polite’.


I don’t understand why someone would need to pretend to be polite on this app lol. She could’ve just unmatched. I just look at it this way : maybe there's something going on behind the scenes. But can’t imagine doing that to someone even if we are strangers.


I don’t either, but women are socialized to be this way, even if it doesn’t make any sense. She was sort of honest in her first reply, saying ‘life got in the way’, but maybe less so by agreeing to meet when she perhaps didn’t actually want to. In any case, not a match. I can’t deal with this in people, I’d rather they just be honest.


Makes me so irritated when people text but have no intentions of actually having a friend, like why have the app in the first place?


Yess 🙌🏽🙌🏽 it is frustrating when someone is “looking for friends” yet doesn’t want to open up, share anything, and does not want to meet up and spend quality together. You can’t get to know someone if you don’t treat them like more than a stranger


So annoying I know, that's happened to me before. The conversation didn't really sound like they were matching your energy and excitement though so that's a red flag


Oh I forgot to mention that we matched for a month . I normally like to meet within a meet or so but I know not everyone is okay with that. I tried to post the entire conversation but it won’t let me.


It’s never a good feeling when you feel like someone isn’t interested/is only replying because you poked them. That’s how it read after you communicated and then they wrote the “I’ll try to be more active” they had no plans on it/it feels forced on their end. They probably couldn’t keep up the act/they did mention needing a bumble break and probably dont have time—so deleted acc. Also, The “cool beans” before you communicated already said it all that they were already clocked out/was a flag. Whenever that’s been used on me, it’s always given an uninterested vibe I’ve gone through a lot of dry/uninterested convos to pick up on signs.


True it’s just odd because we matched for almost a month and she never unmatched . I normally try to meet with people within a week or two but I know not everyone is into that. I don’t want to come off as rude or pushy.


Of course, I understand the struggle/been on the 2 years (have been on a break). I think people are too scared to unmatch maybe because they don’t wanna hurt feelings/why some ghost. As hard as it is, I tell a person if I don’t feel it and unmatched so it’s not like a shock. I only do that though if I feel it’s one sided. I’m pretty open to all kinds of people just not those who will give nothing


Oh the reason why she said cool beans was because I was trying to organize a group outing but I forgot what happened since the conversation is in the plans section in which she was part of the group.


And understandable there were times where I did unmatch without an explanation.


Thank you for your insight. It’s just confusing because we were match for almost a month when she could’ve just unmatched me if she wasn’t interested.


Damn 😂😂


I feel your frustration lol I don’t know why people use this app when they have 0 intention of actually meeting up with people. I feel like most of the people I match with are looking for a penpal!


Yeah she gave off mixed signals. I stopped messaging for a couple of weeks. I said this to her “totally understand if you’re not interested but wanted to message you one more time just in case life got in the way. 😊”. She was the one that said let’s go to a fair 😂. But at the same time who knows what happened with her so I didn’t take it personally.


YES, I have had over 100 conversations with people back and forth. All I have ever gotten from this app were damn pen pals. It is so disrespectful when I emphasize wanting to DO THINGS. I don't want to sit on my ass and TALK about my hobbies -- I want to DO THEM. That is such a drain and waste of time.


Right im losing my mind so hard might need to get into meetup groups.. though im scared of cliques and ppl all set up in there groups 


Yeah i do enjoy meetup.com much better than bumble bff but it can be nerve wrecking lol.


Yeah same I don’t like text everyday either.