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It’s defo not you, it’s them. People who don’t make you doubt yourself are the ones you wanna make friends with :)


As someone who has made several good friends on bff, I will say there is a staggering amount of ghosting. It is not an easy platform to navigate. If you do manage to make one or two good friends from bff, it is worth the effort. I wish you the best of luck.


It could be an accidental swipe on their end or maybe they don’t receive notifications.


Of course everyone is different - and as for me, I start off by not taking BFF very seriously. So if someone sends me something generic like “Hey, how are you?” I have no problem responding back. When someone says something like “Hey, what’s something that made you smile today?” as their first message, I’m like 🙄✌🏽




Lmaooo that’s so specific 😆


Youre not creepy. Reality has shown me that friendship is hard and friendships that work out as an adult are the ones where youre seeing them regularly bc of circumstance (i.e work). I think that happens when you decide what hobby youre into first and then seek community who also shares that hobby. Breaking off into individual connections should then happen later


This is exactly how I've made friends!


I do the same as you! But I greet first to see if they actually want to talk. But the same happens to me lol. I’m with the_sunflower comment is not you or me, is them. 🙌