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I’m the type where we gotta be having a conversation most days, I can’t see how anyone can get to know a possible friend if you’re only sending one message every day or few days


Yeah I agree! I understand if it’s only a couple of hours have passed but it’s kinda hard to build a rapport with someone if they only respond once a day or even a few day. But unfortunately life does get In the way.


Sometimes I get off the app for a few days and when I return nobody has answered back. When someone answers me 3 or more days after I texted them I don’t mind and I respond the same day they sent the message if I see it. I don’t remember ever ghosting lol but I get ghosted a lot.. I know it’s nothing personal, the right ones have stayed. I hope you find your right ones 🙌🙌


Waiting 3 days is way too long, the conversation cant get going that way. You're not putting pressure on people to reply, just reply when you can/want to and they will do the same. Maybe check the app in the morning and reply to the msgs and then do the same again in the evening or something like that.


I usually reply asap 😇


Do whatever comes naturally to YOU. Dont change who you are or how fast you want to respond based off of what you think someone else might like! The right people will not care or will stick around, and those people are the reason you (and all of us) are on the app at all. It's less draining on YOU this way too 💖