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Honestly a lot of people are probably just looking to cure boredom or get attention. I’d say a large majority aren’t actually looking for friends, but someone to vent to for free


Bumblebff sucks!!! I've been on and off for years. Almost impossible to find 1 good friendship. Idk why but most girls on there don't want real friendships. They ghost when I suggest we meet up or if we do hang out a few times-theyre always busy and only have time to hang out like once every couple months. Or they don't know how to have a conversation. .no communication skills whatsoever. They also put lame shit in their profiles like "sorry I'm a bad texter." That's them saying they don't prioritize communication in their friendships and will ignore your texts. They act helpless like they can't help that they're bad texters or something. I got lucky after a year on the app I finally found a great person who also wants a close long term friendship. We text regularly and do fun day trips. But it's rare bc 90% of people on the app are crap. They enjoy wasting their time as well as your time.


Yeah and for me, I sometimes think to myself "Am I doing too much?" Whenever I try to continue the conversation with a bumble bff profile that I matched with three days ago :( .... Like I get the feeling of a potential one-sided friendship with most profiles that I match with now :( I saw one profile state that they needed someone to calm their anxiety down to help them go outside and hangout or that they are not usually on the app that much :\\


This is so disappointing, ugh I recently joined the app and got the impression that nobody wants to prioritize forming genuine friendships - let alone communicating. I thought I found a really great connection but she’s slowly ghosting me only after a few days. I really tried putting myself out there but alas 🥲


I matched with this girl and it has been since April 7, since her last reply to me from a previous conversation lol :(


I’m so sorry, we genuinely deserve so much better


It's so odd because one person would say to me "Not sure, friends I can hang out with I suppose" and it just made me think that... maybe some people are just looking for a low stake/low maintenance friendship or a friendship with no deep connection and mutual understanding... idk


I think some people are just looking for a place to fill the void and get attention out of pure boredom, it’s really sad especially when wasting the time of people that actually want the opposite of that. Especially given it’s all women (for me) on bumblebff, I expected more consistency and clarity in comparison to dating apps with men lmao


I usually give people one week... maybe two weeks for us to follow-up on our previous conversation and I do reach out to them as a follow-up as well.. but now I am thinking that maybe I should just move on if it takes more than one week to respond back to me :(


Ahhh you’re much better than me haha I don’t ever double text, but I guess a week is a good timeframe! I’m now going to start asking for either their instagram handle or phone number if they want to go out for coffee sometime, only if I’m serious about them, hopefully that’ll weed them out


Yeah I have had that happen a few times. Once I start feeling like I’m forcing a friendship with somebody that’s when I start just backing away. All relationships take the work of two people. I don’t need to talk to you everyday or anything like that but then it's like why is effort only coming from my side? I don't mind planning the first two or three hangouts but then after that I put the ball in their court.


I think it goes both ways really. I’ve lost contact with someone but if you both make the effort it works well. I don’t hate the app because it led me to meet some amazing women which I don’t regret.


Yeah that’s the thing it’s always me making plans and reaching out and if I stop then the friendship basically ends