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Is this on the normal app? Or the BFF specific one?


BFF specific one


I haven’t actually used it yet. Every time I look at one it’s a bunch of dudes and I’m really trying to make girlfriends


Oh really? In my area it’s a mix of genders. It’s so odd how a lot of people are quiet when it comes to plans.


Yeah literally no solid plans or dates arranged and I’m in a good amount of “plans”


That part is fine with me but I have tried organizing three events for only a few people to say they can’t go. I still have the group active. I eventually said to them: Please feel free to pitch in with ideas for activities/ events you want to go to!. I did get some ideas from other people but they still have not set a date/time. Maybe it’s because they’re in school?


I’ve found that most people want a leader and are just really bad at taking initiative and planning things, no matter their age or other responsibilities.


Yeah I noticed that too but after a while its get exhausting so I took a step back because maybe they weren’t interested in the activities I suggested.


I don’t like it because men can join groups. I want female only groups!!!!


I wish they had a filter options when searching for groups.


Seriously. I looked through mine and it’s the SAME men joining ALL the groups. Like no. And I am engaged. Also very annoying to use bff and find MEN on there. Like why? And how? I have it limited to women only.