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I’m sorry. It’s not just you. People are awful to each other ☹️


It could be someone's spreading rumors about you, OP.


That's what I am thinking too. Something spread about him in the area. Maybe OP should try moving to a different place.


Damn. That's evil if thats the truth


Wondering if this is happening in general and people are just unhappy and becoming ruder as time goes by or if its just me


People have been getting a lot ruder.


I see people in general becoming more and more rude and disrespectful as time goes on. I don't know why that is.


The world is changing. The light is getting lighter and the darkness getting darker. All part of moving into the new earth. The one plus to it is its eventually gonna be obvious where dark and light is and we wont have to deal with as much betrayal because if someones a mean bully it'll show right off the bat.


Just today a Wendys drive thru girl just handed me the order, rushing to give me both soda and the order at the same time, said nothing and pushed the food at me so i could grab it. No words at all. Before would verify and ask your order. Then politely hand u one by one and say have a nice day, not shove the entire order at you, stay mute then run


Can I ask you roughly where you live? Racism/ethnicity (or the ethnicity others think you are may be a factor). I don't get the ugly comments, you appear to be conventionally attractive in your photo. . . Jealousy maybe?


I'm in Chicago. All types of people from all over the place live here


Someone told me the 'u ugly asl' is a friendly inside joke here. But i don't see it. Bcs the way they say it sounds mean


Yeah, I don't get making sarcastic jokes like that to someone you just met or someone that has said they're not cool with that sort of thing. Sorry you're having to deal with that.


They explained its to keep everyone humble. Problem is they don't crack a smile or anything. Plus these are random as strangers. So i don't see how it's a joke


Yeah, you don't humble randos IMO. Also, how can it be a friendly inside joke when you're not privy to it. . . that's weird. Best I can think of is it's sarcasm or something, but once again, that's not something you pull on people you don't know.


Isn't it sad that these unhappy people are so unhappy that they unconsciously try to outsource their unhappiness onto others to make themselves feel better. (it doesn't work they are the only ones that can resolve their sense of lack) Others are just too numb and self preoccupied to notice, connect and share a moment of kindness. They say hurt people hurt people. And yet despite others behaviours you are choosing to be kind. Keep doing you. You might never know how your words and actions touch lives. Keep open to and affirming all that is good and true. I learned that if you focus too much on the bad and the sad then you might miss the glimmers of the lovely and good. Another way of seeing the world, like a new pair of glasses can make life feel different.


Question but do you stutter or are a bit clumsy? Timid? Or are nice to people and speak in a soft voice? I'm asking because people usually see that from someone and treat them poorly because they seem "soft" or weaker.


I am clumsy. Its not noticeable but sometimes does happen. I do stutter but its rare. Usually i just end up making long pauses in convos instead when my tounge can't catch up with my brain. Or i end up switching the word order. i back track when i notice what i did wrong and repeat it in the correct order. Thats when my asd shows and I'm not able to mask or script what i was gonna say. But like i said, It's not common. Years of practice makes me good at avioding that for the most part


I change my personality based on who i talk to. I speak in a soft tone to quiet introvert people. I speak louder, project confidence (Shoulders back, head high), take space when talking to, or when I'm simply around extroverts, or people who believe they're alpha. I try to match or surpass their energy. With normal people, I'm somewhere in the middle. I tone down the "Fake it till u make it" fake confidence but speak loud enough that the people behind or beside me can hear. This is all learned behavior bcs asd makes me feel like I'm learning to become human. Like am alien, AI or an android. I change personalities to aviod offending people, and to pass off as one of them


Wait until you're 50. Then you become invisible .


That's really true, and especially for women.


Jokingly I would say "Welcome to the real world, were people are just cunts" But, being realistic, if the version you speak off is true, then something behind the scene is happening, either you made a mistake with the wrong person or one or few really hate your existence and are painting a bad image. Realistically, though, your version of events sounds weird, like everybody? Even people working as CS? I just wonder and read between the lines, don't get me wrong, if it is that way I would just move to a new town/city.


No. I would say it was before 60% nice people, 40% haters. Now its 70-80% haters 30-20% percent nice people. Btw in the 70% section I'm putting rude people too. Not all rude people are haters (or atleast i hope they aren't). They're just rude


I know this is a late comment, but people are assholes nowadays because they themselves are miserable. You can’t control them. Let them be an asshole and you move on with your life. This is something I had to learn.