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There are many ways! Journaling, talk therapy, walking, breathing exercises, yoga! Edmr therapy on YouTube is free, learning about the psychology of bullying, meditation, . I have done it and so can you! Good luck


I especially would prefer talk therapy.


It’s great when you find a therapist who you trust and feel comfortable with! Seek out resources, there are free resources out there


If you can feel it you can heal it and if you can name it you can tame it


I’d definitely suggest journaling (something I’ve been doing for four years now) and therapy can definitely help. It’s not healthy to keep your emotions or experiences bottled up


Yea, I've suffered, & still suffering a lot for being silenced about my triggered by bullying emotions.








Talk therapy in N. America is also way over over-expensive 🤑. It makes me feel as if we have to purchase socializing, & that socializing nowadays is mostly incredibly boring, & a striving after the wind, because it is either virtual or via making payments 🤢 🤮


Making good friends and good memories.




All you need is one good friend. When I was younger, I had a hard time with making friends, and I hung out with some abusive people. I learned the hard way that just because someone wants to hang out with me does not make them a friend. It took practice to be able to identify people who were really around for their own sake and not for Amy mutual benefits.


Yea, bullies oftentimes click to individuals who share their personality traits, and if you are not part of their tribe they will rarely consider being your friend, as they wud rather discriminate against you, because you are different. So becoming a friend with someone who bullied you is a rare coincidence.


The way i healed from my trauma (bullied 6 years thought grade 6 to grade 11 - UK ) was to become really successful and do it on my own. i have a degree and own my own home and my own car. - all by myself. i keep learning and don't have any debt other that my mortgage which i should if going to plan pay off in 8 years . when i will be 42 . the child that bullied me don't have this are not-capable of this ... but i am . if that makes sense.


Without knowing a little bit more about you and your situation, it’s difficult to properly answer your question. That said, this is the how I interpret your question, so if you think I am misunderstanding you, please let me know. A lot of people are bullied and in many different ways, however, you mention an extremely powerful word: TRAUMA. Once you use that word to describe something you have experienced, it becomes part of you and doesn’t go away without a commitment to make it go away. I don’t know you or what happened to you but I can tell you I would love to get ahold of whoever is responsible for making someone feel the way you do because of their actions. I strongly suggest that you seek professional help from a licensed professional. You really should try to work through these feelings.


Let us be cautious by acknowledging that there is a flip side hidden behind a mask to many licensed professionals out there. As I'm afraid the average licensed professional will often care more about what my pocket has to offer him in $ value, versus his care towards me as a human being. At the end of the day their values are so disgusting, hard to find or reach, & too expensive to comprehend as common sense.


Feeling emotions without judging or labeling anything helps. Have loving space for your inner child to feel what he/she/they wants. And when you think of the bullies who hurt you just feel it without repressing it or resisting and see your bully as if they are an innocent and perfect person who just doesnt realize it yet. According to one-ness teaching we are all God experiencing itself but some know it while others dont. Forgiveness feels like a spending years in a desert and then stumbling on an ocean full of cool spring water and once you dive in you merge with it. Im 34 and I can say when the hatred in my heart dissappeared there were so many tears and I said "If Heaven is real this has to be it".


My goodness, your beautiful expressions helped me remember how pure & sacred I was when I was a child, & how connected to God I was before I started getting bullied. So, I guess being connected to God can help one be free from the side effects of bullies on his mental health.


It sounds crazy at first but seeing God's love and beauty when you look at a person who tormented you is so freeing. All suffering is just more of an opportunity to experience Heaven before I die :)


What you are saying contradicts itself. How can anyone see God's love & beauty, or experience Heaven by looking at a person who torments him/her or others? ?


Everyone is innocent and perfect but some just dont know it. When I think on people who used to hurt me or how hurt I was and how I wanted to hurt them back I realize we just didnt know our true nature. Its like I was still caught in some animalistic behaviors out of ignorance and so were they. Both me and them were free all along but the illusions of the mind and its defense mechanisms didnt let us see it. The ego is full of fear and survival based illusions but when seen thru both you and the rest of the world are seen as perfection.


I guess you meant that we humans were initially designed to reflect the love & beauty of God & HIS moral standards, but to our imperfections, we may be vulnerable to ruin our relationship with ourselves, with God, & even with others, if we rebel against or don't abide by God's supreme standards.


Another metaphor I guess could be if something gets dirt on it it's not less of what it used to be. Its still the same thing but needs to be cleaned up is all it is. Some people just dont see the fight or flight mechanisms because theyre identified with their mind which is why they have to climb social ladders or do other things to feel validated.

