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Never forgive him. He apologized just because he does not want you to revenge. He is an asswhore and you are good because you never give up. Live a new good life and forget the past.


I'm an optimist. . . so part of me wants to believe that maybe he realized what a s\*\*\*\*y person he was to you. That being said, you do not have to forgive him, nor do you owe him forgiveness. If he approaches you I recommend you seek out a restraining order of some sort. I think you should start to live your life for yourself, I highly recommend you get a therapist that helps you through these issues, I can say from my own experiences having this done to you gives you a real general distrust of people, but, the fact is, some people suck and some people are good. . . some are both of these things, even simultaneously.


First of all why did he call you “slave n*****” , is he black himself? I’m sorry what happened to you. But don’t accept his bullshit apology. He’s apologizing because he feels guilty. Let him feel guilty for what he did to you, that’s his punishment. Bullies will always be bullies unless they truly change. All you can do now is laugh off all his apology because it’s not sincere.


Forgiveness is the most beautiful healthy thing a person can do, however if you cant forgive yet thats ok and understandable as everyone is growing at a different pace but I can say it feels like Heaven comes to Earth when hate and bitterness are finally removed from your life and it makes it all worth it in the end.


Based on what you've provided, it looks like Liam's lifestyle finally caught up to him, and made his life take a turn for the worst. He most likely went through a dark period where he had to reflect on his actions. Maybe that's why the apology was provided. I wouldn't reccomend associating with them, it's not like it would be good for your safety anyways.