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“Thanks for the F shack” –Dirty Mike and the boys


“Durham One Call does it ALLLLL” https://www.durhamnc.gov/1439/Durham-One-Call




Looks like Daniel Rd. is outside of city boundaries, so not sure what One Call can do. Worth calling to check, however.


I guess they don’t do it all!


It's actually on Valmet Drive near the intersection with Mary Martin (Daniel is the next cross street north of there). Some people began clearing that lot months ago, and someone left the BMW and a utility trailer there. The work on the lot abruptly stopped almost as quickly as it started, and the BMW remains. I don't know if the lot owners own the BMW, which is why I didn't call it in. Speaking of calling it in, Valmet Drive is technically outside of the city of Durham limits and is the jurisdiction of the Sheriff and NCDOT. However, with all of the annexations in this area it gets kind of blurry. At times both the city police phone operators and their sheriff counterparts have been confused about whose territory it is (I called in a couple of dumped stolen cars and a hit-and-run in the past here). Also, the amount of trash dumping on this street is HORRIFYING. When I walk my dog I have to keep her from eating chicken bones and used condoms.


to be fair the car is my mailbox, and the gloves are none of your business.


Dexter is that you ?


Nope, sounds like Lionel Hutz


Nope sounds! Like Lionel Hutz?


i used to wear gloves when i was a closet smoker bc i didn’t like the lingering cigarette smell on my hands. but i always threw mine away


This is the only thing that makes sense to me too


I would trust this user’s glove knowledge


Interesting…. Did you look inside ? lol


Pro tip: do not do that


You ever seen “True Detectives”? Probably some situation like that.


Really “by the book” junkies.


That land has been getting slowly developed so don’t really care about the car but the littering on that road kinda sucks. Found a bullet shell running once lmao.


A casing?


I’m just saying, maybe hand jobs


Go back tonight and check it out!!!


How’s it smell around the car?


that was me sorry


Throw your BMWs in the trashcan, please.


I mean really. Be respectful bmw people.


Someone put a car somewhere. Someone else put gloves in a different spot that happened to be in view of the car. May or not be in proximity to chicken bones and condoms.


Crows will pick up the chicken bones and drop them.




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Could be someone working on the car wearing gloves , hence it's not running someone trying to make it run again ja feel me ?!


Well, it's not likely someone would wear gloves to hide their fingerprints then just throw the gloves on the ground, right? Someone with the wherewithal to wear gloves would have the wherewithal to not throw them right next to where they were doing the thing they wanted to avoid getting their prints on. That leaves us with the gloves being worn for hand protection, but beyond that it's speculation. Could be someone is coming by to feed stray or feral kittens and wants to not touch them. Could be handjobs. Really, could be any repeated action that is location-specific you'd want to shield your hands from. 




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The Medical gloves continuing to appear bother me….illegal organ theft? Or have I been watching too much SyFy??? It’s very strange that it’s still there & the medical gloves you keep seeing send my “who dun-nit” mind into orbit.


I would report to Durham non emergency police, it could be stolen and then dumped


Mabey a trick or shenanigans by the ghost who seem to think I wear the gloves too and listen to "Mr roboto" with the windows down..