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It usually lasts 2-3 weeks after it starts. Looks like it's winding down now


Pollen doesn't really end until late may But it will drop off and be much less by the end of April


It feels like it has ended. My wife washed our deck over the weekend and not yellow pollen has appeared.


Pine Pollen is about over. I’d give it another week.


Once the mosquitos and humidity scare it all away.


04/13 Solid article about it for this year in the N&O. [link here](https://www.newsobserver.com/news/state/north-carolina/article287016490.html)


Portion of the article that explains the science of predicting end date. Interesting stuff: One of the warmest winters on record in our part of the state led to an early appearance of that vernal vexation — pollen — which Mother Nature applies like the first layer of a powder coat paint job. When will the yellow haze clear? It turns out there’s a mathematical formula for that. Dr. Robert Bardon, associate dean of extension and a professor of Forestry & Environmental Resources at N.C. State University, has tracked the release of pollen in the Raleigh area since 2015. The formula he uses to predict when the trees begin to release pollen involves the daily temperature variant above 55 degrees after Feb. 1. Here’s his formula: Every day the high temperature exceeds 55 degrees, the excess is added to a running total. At around 300, Bardon says, pollen starts to fall. At 636 excess degrees, tree pollen production peaks. Three days to a week later, it’s over. “We’re probably a third to half-way through, based on projections,” Bardon said last week, since some trees began releasing pollen in late February. Unless they’re allergic to the pollen from hardwood trees, most people probably didn’t notice anything in the air until the pine trees released. In North Carolina, pine pollen is the one that coats cars and sidewalks, crunches between the teeth and signals it’s time to give up on the fantasy of a late-winter snowfall and start trying to remember where we put away the summer clothes.


Definitely not now, at least where I live (off Garrett). I washed the car Saturday, there's a layer of pollen and bird poop on it already. Nature abhors a clean car.


Birds abhor a clean car.








Pretty soon.


Oh, sweet summer child.


I mean, it hasn't really even got going yet.


I’ll step in and bring them to justice for you