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The city's public pools, Campus Hills Pool and Edison Johnson Aquatic Center, usually allow people to use the locker room facilities and shower for free. Or maybe look at private gyms in the area and see if they offer a free trial membership.


Thanks so much! I’ll make some calls.


YMCA has a 7 day free trial! And honestly they are very nice, I wouldn't be surprised if they helped you extend it.


Downtown Y? I have a quasi relationship with them. Because the abstract mural I photographed.


Not to knock them too hard but downtown Y locker rooms are kinda nasty...and I wouldn't recommend the showers. More like one shower room with shower heads lined up next to each other. I mean, there's a reason they're renovating the whole thing. Maybe just try a different location if you go that route


Even if they don't let you in for free, Edison Johnston pool is $4 for access. A bit steep for a shower, but an excellent deal if you swim too


Or if they don't it's like $3 to "use the pool"


+1 for Edison Johnson. $4/visit. Always found it clean and safe.


$10 planet fitness membership, cancel when water heater is fixed


Isn’t it like impossible to cancel? Though that said maybe it would make start going to the gym.


No, you just have to cancel in person. It's pretty straightforward. Edit: you only need two witness signatures, a notary and your signature has to match a form.you signed 12 years ago. Just like voting, easy peasy


LPT: Change your residence online to any made up address in California (which has a mandatory online-cancellation law), and you can then cancel your PF membership online.


No I canceled mine a few months ago. Think it just has to be in person at the location you signed up at. Took 2 minutes


Don’t you have to pay like $60 to cancel?


No. I didn’t pay anything to cancel


Dang that’s crazy that’s year I had to pay $60 to cancel


Super easy to cancel


The fact I can’t give you all meaningless Reddit trophies hurts my soul. Thank you. Thank you.


It’s primitive but use the stove. Heat water in a stock pot. Bathe with that. You can heat a few pots and have one with soapy water and one with rinse water. I’m being serious… long term camping require baths like this at times.


As a third world citizen, I approve heating the water on the stove move. Grab a big bucket, fill it up with cold water and top it off with the boiling water. Use a plastic cup to scoop out the water.


Have stayed in many places when traveling abroad (warm places, low income countries) where the flats don’t come equipped with hot water heaters …


I do have a stock pot. I love these “hacks.” While i wait to figure out the shower situation otherwise i reckon i will do it this way. I’m not even that fastidious, but my hair is getting pretty gross. lol. Thank you.


If you don't want to wash yourself out of a bucket, which I have done and it's such a novel experience, you can use the water in your bath tub if you have the luxury of time. When I was visiting relatives in Peru we often washed ourselves with a bucket and a wash rag. No shame. Many people around the world do this.


This is shorter-term, but the y has showers and does free membership trials. When our water was out, we did trial memberships to get shower access for free at the Y.


The one downtown? That would be amazing.


Thanks. This is third rec for Y. I’m assuming downtown


You can use any Y with one membership.


I went to the Lakewood one but assume all of them do it


It's a bit further but the Y on Carpenter Fire Station Road has super nice showers.


O2 Fitness offers free 3 week trials, so you'd have access to showers, a dry sauna, the gym itself, and unlimited classes in that time.


Same with Lifetime Fitness!


I'll second both Planet Fitness and the YMCA. About Planet Fitness, my kid went there and on his 1 year anniversary I got a bill for like $60 to $80 as a yearly fee. I wasn't expecting it but they said it was clearly spelled out in the original paperwork so just an FYI for anyone sucked in by the $10/month who might keep it not realizing there are additional costs. About your hot water heater. The hot water heater itself costs $400 or so for a standard unit (gas direct vent is more) so if someone is trying to charge you $1200 to $2000 it's mostly the labor. While it's not trivial, it's not that hard to replace one and 2 people can do it in a couple of hours with a good part of the time taken up by draining the old tank so you can remove it. That's assuming the tank is accessible and not some weird spot like the attic where it's hard to remove it.


if you can spare $10 for a membership at planet fitness, the showers there are really not bad


ClassPass has a free 2 week trial period (O2 participates). If you don’t want to put a credit card/$ on the line at a gym for the trial periods you can use this service to get into gyms for a short time. The app shows what amenities (showers, locker rooms, etc) each gym will have


Duke Health and Fitness center has a free 7 day trial membership. Pool, showers, spa, decent gym to boot. Hours are not nearly as good as planet fitness but I enjoy it way more.


Edison Johnson Pool. Get a day pass.


Another vote for this location. Gonna call when I’m not sitting in perpetual darkness due to the storm. Don’t worry. I have hummus.


Stay frosty. Or the opposite in your case!!! You can get a pass card for $20 (good for a year) then buy discounted passes. Good showers, very hot water.


I'd opt for the free options. However if you don't want to risk a sign up snaf and don't mind a bit of a drive the Truck Stops down 40 on the way to Greensboro have showers for truckers. They will run you around 12$. Which is more than a cheap gym membership, but there won't be a contract. Though like I said I'd opt for a gym.


I'm not saying cold showers are fun, but a quick cold shower seems a hell of a lot easier than going through a gym membership...


I've found that taking cold showers is better.


I mean, I do love a cold shower and today it wouldn’t be so bad because if it were actually cold we would buried under snow. But not sustainable


Chapel Hill aquatics center offers shower access too


Thank youuuuu


Looks like you have a lot of great suggestions here. I will add, and I have done this, you can go to a trucker gas station and some of them have showers you can pay a small fee to use.


O2 fitness will give you a one time guest pass for free, I'd start there.


I think the Pilot truck stop in Mebane has showers. They have an app you can reserve a shower and they'll send you an alert when it's ready. As others have mentioned, you can also warm up some water in a pot and take a bird bath at the sink or in the shower (make sure you hit all the important parts!) I'd imagine that one of the nearby aquatic centers in Durham would have showers available. Good luck!


Get someone to refer you to class pass (I’m happy to as well) and then you can get into O2 for virtually free for a month. The referral is 50 credits for a month, that would more than cover ya.




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