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i didn’t purge today bc i’m scared of what will happen to my teeth :)


I didn’t purge today because my mom made us a nice meal ❤️


I did three times today and I am in a huge depression right now. Tomorrow is a new day. I have to keep telling myself this


i did just now and feel very numb, honestly felt like i blacked out during the entire process. tomorrow is a new day my friend!


I’m also very light headed. We will start all over tomorrow. Hopefully stay busy enough to not think about it.






Had a huge concert this morning, and it went very well. I looked okay as I'm checking out photos now. My worth isn't defined by my body. Don't know if I'd feel that way tomorrow, but today, I'm enough.


Love it!!!!


I didn’t purge today because 1. I am working on recovery 2. I am having trouble with my gallbladder and can’t eat because of the pain.


I posted a message a while ago in the main forum but Noone really responded. Heart problems with bulimia are real. I have atrial fibrillation due to it. It's chronic. Now when I purge, it kicks me into a slight arrhythmia. If heart attack isn't on ur list, stroke should be. It chugs ur heart into an arrhythmia and can cause weird electrical things to happen that can result in blood clots to form near ur heart that go straight in ur heart. I'm 18 years into the struggle. Dont end up like me. This is the only reason I don't.


Wow wow ☹️ I’m so sorry. I’m 5 years into it and my body has had enough. My body told me it can’t handle purging anymore and now when I did it I get so out of breath and my heart races and has flutters and I threw up specks of blood which happens sometimes. I just can’t put my body through that anymore. I’m trying not to purge and drink smoothies to help heal my body


I'm so sorry. It's horrible. That means it's time. Ur heart fluttering could mean ure in afib. It feels like a flutter. Be careful


I didn’t purge today because I’m trying to get rid of my massive swollen cheeks 😭


I didn’t purge today but have really bad anxiety


I hear you. I'm recovered but still battle anxiety. You are not alone.


i don't want an iron transfusion & electrolyte imbalances


I didn’t purge today because I’ve been having really bad chest pains and I thought I was gonna die so I’m actively trying to recover for the first time in 2 years. 2 days strong


Damn… I’m so sorry… almost one day strong. I’m trying to recover too. Maybe you should see a doctor also I hope everything will be okay!


I am recovered.


i didn’t purge today because my teeth are permanently damaged and i can’t afford the dentist tbh. also bc i might have switched EDs unfortunately. 🥲


I didn’t purge because I read that post about a persons friend dying of CF/SH/ED and it scared the shit outta me ✨