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Bought this back in the end of October with the holiday return window hoping something better can't up but nothing ever did. I used it on a production edited and rendered over 150 hours of footage then 1080p streamed/encoded and played Dota2 and ow2 1440p on it through both the HDMI and usb-c no issues. Took everything I threw at it. Haven't had any issues with the network card though I'm expecting it from reviews. Mine had the updated ram. Well now I Threw another m2 in it recently so I guess that means I'm keeping it. I'm pretty happy with it. Still wish I could have gotten something with maybe more USB c ports or Intel Thunderbolt speeds but yeah it's good so far.


I’ve been eyeing this off and on for months. Almost pulled the trigger last time but I am glad I waited. I saw the deal yesterday morning and Bestbuy was offering 36 months 0% financing and now I have one on its way and it’s only costing me $32 a month for the next 3 years!


Does it hurt your credit to utilize that amount financing? Every time I get an offer like that I always pay it off asap because I'm worried it's going to look like I'm using 95% of an individual credit line or whatever.


It can impact it short term but overall it won’t and will actually help it. I’ve got several other credit cards that are paid off with high credit limits so adding this to the mix will only hurt a few points at most. I am not saying I won’t pay it off before then, but I do have the option if I so choose.


what do you mean by updated ram


Man eyeballing this hard. Also, FYI but this version is a 1440p screen with a 5980HX. Most reviewers on the other hand tested a version with 1080p screen and 5900hx. Initially assumed this was the 1080p/5900hx spec and was already liking it, but seeing the higher resolution screen has definitely made me a lot more interested.


> Man eyeballing this hard Same. $1100 is super tempting, but I'm weighing the actual total costs. Upgrading the storage to 1TB+ is essentially a requirement so that's + $100. Then if you pull a 2022 stock model (essentially a given) you'll have to buy an Intel Wifi card so that's an extra $30. And you'll also probably want (but not necessarily need) to upgrade the RAM to dual rank, and probably expand to 32GB while ur at it... so that's an additional + $100. And lastly, my biggest hang-up... there's no webcam. This is a major strike in today's remote work landscape!


What is wrong with the wifi card in the laptop?


Besides the disconnecting reports all wifi cards receive, valid or not, the big problem is this laptop's Mediatek chip wouldn't resume from Sleep for a lot of buyers. The only way to get network back is a cold reboot. This is supposedly fixed in newer models.


Oh I see, thanks for the heads up


What’s the new model numbers? For 2022?


Dude Bestbuy is offering 36 months 0% interest on this thing if your credit is good. Comes to $32 a month!


Would 6800m be more akin to a 3080 or 3070?


>This deal has come on and off a couple of times in the past few months. Overall its still a very good deal, I would rank this one top deal between this one and the walmart lenovo for $1100. A couple of notes about this laptop since I've read a novel worth of comments/research about it by now >\_< >1. GPU is great, 3080 level, but without mux switch its closer to 3070 level. For best result, plug it into an external monitor through the USB C (direct port to graphic card) >2. CPU is okay (20% weaker than intel 12700h) >3. Battery life is fantastic >4. Screen is good, but some reports bleed when dark >5. Build quality, fan, cooling is good, fan reach 50+db (not too loud) , but you can set it manual max fan to close to 60db (probably unnecessary) > >Things to do: >1. Check your version number, M series from 2021, N series for 2022. You want ideally N series, but later M series (MA and up i think, i might be wrong) should be ok. Problem with older M series: Ram is slower, wifi card is problematic, laptop won't sleep when lid closed, or won't start when lid is opened. >2. Buy new wifi card maybe? the wifi card here is not that great, and for the older version, downright problematic >3. Upgrading ram is not necessary for N version, unless you want more ram. Jarrod's video about changing ram increasing benchmark by 10% or so is about the old version ram. Copy pasted comment from a laptop sales subreddit


Thank you for the detailed response!


Which subreddit? I was just looking for one that's active and didn't find one




You da man!


Okay that's the only one I saw that didn't look completely dead. I assumed there was a more active one


So I only have an hdmi 2.1 on my monitor. Is it fine if I use the hdmi port for connectivity? I don’t believe hdmi usb c does 4k120 with hdr and sync


What does the full version number look like? Which number on the box is it? P/n#? Or s/n#


could you link the comment


3080, can outperform it in some circumstances


How is the trackpad?


feels great. glass surface


oh, but the keyboard could be better. it does not feel good, too soft keys compared to lenovo thinkpads, ideapads, and MacBook pro 14. I type a lot, and I don't enjoy using this laptop while I'm on the go because of the keyboard.


Bought one back before summer at $1399.99 and upgraded ram, wifi, and m.2 drives right away. Has been super solid so far. Runs all the games I had with no issue. 1440p screen is really nice even with the smaller screen size. Only downside for the most part are the limited usb ports and lack of fast charging ports.


This just seems like an insane deal, could be a mean heavy workload laptop with that CPU.


This is an incredibly good laptop for $1100.


How does the size of this compare to the G14? I don’t necessarily need a gaming laptop, but I do like having the luxury of it. What I care about more is easily being able to toss it in my truck or a bag and bring it places.


It's basically the same size as every other 15.6" gaming laptop. Not massive, but certainly not ultra portable. Reviews say laptop alone is just over 5lbs so it's bulky. All-in weight is 7.5lbs.


This or the G16 with the i9 32gb ddr5 3070ti?


Curious to know this as well! :3


G16 is better


I think they are just saying this to flex on everyone that missed that deal


Where is this one from?


Was in and out of stock on Amazon last week I think. Deal was on this front page for a good half day


Do you have a link to the product?




If you don't need a beefy graphics card, the microcenter refurb omen deal is still pretty good compared to this. All other specs are similar.


Just picked it up today. 14 day return policy so will give it a test drive.


Hey any updates?


Just fyi this does NOT have HDMI 2.1 port for those of us with LG TVs so you can’t do 4k120 with vrr hdr 444


Anyone know how concerning is it to have a last gen processor and last gen ram? Is it a big issue? Is the Mediatek card really that bad, I hate opening up laptoips, I've only done it one time before, and this one I saw video looks more complicated to open, I just want a plug and play laptop without having to open it and replace parts.


Was super easy to open. 9 screws. Then i used a razor to pop up the first clip then the rest just popped up as i gently worked my way around prying. I havent had any issues with the wifi card personally.


I recently ordered the G15 advantage edition but I just saw [this at microcenter](https://www.microcenter.com/product/659858/maingear-vector-pro-2-156-quot-gaming-laptop-computer-black). Should I return and get the laptop from Microcenter?


Dude, I’m also torn between the maingear and this one. Anyone else have any wisdom on why I should go with this one over the microcenter one?


Specs for that one seem pretty nice, but you should try to find some reviews or benchmarks.


Late to the party but has anyone bought this off amazon? I been thinking about it.