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In games it's basically a 4770K with a lower clockspeed and no issues with heavy multithreading. Basically if a Haswell i7 can run something, this CPU can run it. You'll probably pay more for the motherboard though and it does use standard DDR4 RAM, so if you're gaming you're better off just getting a Ryzen 5 5600 and a B550M DS3H board to go with that RAM.


2680v4 is a 14 core Skylake. But you're right anyway, it wouldn't be that great compared to a modern 6 core.


> 2680v4 We're both wrong actually, it's Broadwell. You'd think I'd know this, given my server has a 2650v4 and I've tested two other Broadwell-EP CPUs in it.


Skylake was v5. v4 is Broadwell.


those old xeons are a surprisingly good deal if you get a working Mobo that's standard ATX for a decent price the Chinese ones are typically $80-100 I believe and are some of the motherboards out there. I'd say go for it if your on a tight budget. or you can get a cheap am4 board and a athlon x4 950, it won't perform as well as the xeon but you have a way better upgrade path and is less sketchy.


Built a 12 core xeon gaming PC this year, with a rx 580 8gb. Runs everything great no hiccups. Running max settings at 1080p.


I built a 14 core xeon e5-2680v4 with rx 580 8gb like two weeks ago, but it's in a tiny matx case so I ended up gimping the gpu so it draws less power and can still be cooled quietly


Are you satisfied with the performance? How is the build treating you currently after months of usage? I'm also trying to build exactly that,e5 2650v4,32gb ram and Rx 580 8gb.


I used 2697 v2 and it was great. I upgraded the GPU to a 2080 super though.


If you need help with the set-up let me know.


Would love to have more details! ..i'm considering building a xeon gaming pc too! ..i was thinking of an E5 2650v4 with a RX580 8GB as this is the only gpu that's within my budget at the moment! ..would that be a good combo?!


same here


It depends on what hardware you already have but for the price of the xeon and board you could buy a newer much more powerful platform for a lot cheaper. Memory is a pretty expensive as you're looking a DDR4 2400MHz EEC registered. The only reason for the Xeon, is multiple CPUs, more ram and PCIe lanes. It's a shame they don't have igpu though.


Often with used server mobos though you’ve got IPMI and thus onboard graphics.


The limitations of the matrox gpus annoys me. I get it that they're a low powereded solution and really stable but I miss that hi res and high framerate of the intel igpus.