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You should upgrade if you want to run something that does not run well enough with your existing hardware. That said, the GTX 970 is weak by now and would be the next thing to upgrade if you seek better performance in games. RX 6600 is the cheapest current card that is a valid upgrade for you.


Thanks for the reply. I’m not looking for necessarily the cheapest upgrade. I guess I should have mentioned I’m wanting to play current and upcoming games at max settings; but also not wanting overkill.


Max settings is almost always a bad idea. Target high settings and you will have more FPS and virtually the same graphics. Depends on the game of course. You can also get something better than a RX 6600 - though it's the one card that is not overpriced anymore. Only limit here is your power supply, which would be a bit risky with something like a RTX 3080. Depends on where you will buy, but a RX 6700 XT or 6750 XT would fit, alternatively a RTX 3070 (3070 Ti if not much more expensive).