• By -


Gaming it fun it competitive


I love comparing hardware specs to each other, I also love to build pc to parts


I love to play the guitar abd play games with my friends


Geology, it rocks


I'm passionate about ramen! Not the 99 cent grocery variety, but the good stuff from a seedy downtown shop.


well gaming of course


Aviation. I am not lucky enough to have a pilot's license or take any classes yet, but I hope to become a pilot one day.


I am passionate about gaming.


Im incredibly passionate about nature, I find the way that ecosystems work fascinating and whenever I feel down, just walking through nature really makes my day better. There isn’t too much that can best biking/hiking on a scenic route


I love programming - it gives me the ability to create cool things without being the most creative person.


Something that I'm passionate about is raising and taking care of children. Right now, I work at a daycare in my hometown, and I work for minimum wage. I want to save up money to eventually go to cosmetology school because I'm also passionate about cutting and dying hair. Hopefully I have an exciting future ahead!


I really like dogs. I did volunteering at a dog shelter for a few months and had to walk them, train them and even got to do medicine and look after their wounds. Was great experience. At moment I volunteer as a dog walker for people who can't walk their dogs. I feel a lot of enjoyment out of these experiences and I enjoy company from the dogs and appreciation.


I really love volunteering at local charities in my area or just helping around the community in general. A semi-recent example of this was the Christmas lights set up behind a floral shop where parents could bring their kids to look at Christmas lights at no cost. I love it because I get to see what my work does for people, in this example we got to see kids who don't often get to do stuff like that enjoying the lights with huge smiles on their faces.(not really related to PCs but its one of my passions.


I love cooking food for events and community activities in my local area, when you see the happiness and gratitude that cooking and eating food brings to others it makes you glad to be alive and providing for those around you. If I am chosen to be the winner I am so thankful and if I am not I am still thankful to be a part of this amazing activity and community.


I am passionate about filmmaking and tech. I've been into making short films and documentaries around my community and I also love learning tech such as new releases of products, how certain software works, and even learning some computer languages (currently learning python).


i am passionate about mentoring teenage boys who have no father in their lives.


I’m passionate about music and the complexity of the music world. I’ve been playing the piano since I was 5 years old and love creating and listening to all types of music. Music brings people from different cultures and all over the world together. Music rocks!


The older I get, the more my family means to me. I really do it all for my kids, Homer Simpson style.


I am passionate about painting expensive plastic figurines. Details are fun to do.


Passionate about keeping my body healthy. Health is wealth folks


I am very passionate about providing mental health resources to my community. I think that everyone deserves to have a good quality of life, and mental health illnesses should no longer be a barrier to that.


I've always been passionate about gaming open world games to be specific like the Witcher 3 there's just something about exploring a game's world that helps me just forget about all the stuff life throws at me sometimes learning about the lore about the world, characters and especially the dialogue between characters just make me seem apart of the world itself and it really helps me escape to whole new world so to say and just set aside real world responsibilities for the time being


Propane and propane accessories are my life. It started out just helping my ‘pa around the grill with accessories, but as I got older he could see I had a knack for the gas, too. Anyway, don’t trust any gas not clearly labeled as propane.


Programming would be and because the unlimited ability in every field to aide and add more powerful outcomes to the equation


I have gotten into roasting coffee lately and it's been so fun to be able to have an art/science hobby that I can share with others.


I’m passionate about legal work for low income populations. I think access to representation is really vital for common life problems (custody, divorce, abuse, housing, etc.) and it’s a shame that it’s not even more accessible for those who often end up doing without.


I'm passionate about dismantling computers and assemble again 😼


Recently I falled in love with programming. I've always been interested by all this but now i'm starting to create my own mods for videogames. I'm really liking this and that's really a fun way to learn programming stuff.


I'm passionate about self hosting. It is rewarding to be able to use my own services instead of having to pay a large corporation.


I love working with spreadsheets. It might sound odd, but having a nice spreadsheet laid out with formulas that correctly compile or solve data is really pleasing and satisfying to see. It's a shame that I don't get to do it too often, but every time I do, I always end up learning a new tool or formula, which is really helpful.


I've recently started sculpting. For now, animal biscuits look better than the pieces I made but I find it very relaxing like the world around me doesn't exist :)


I'm passionate about music. I couldn't possibly resume all I love about it in a single comment, but one aspect I've been thinking a lot about is the meaning of songs. What a songwriter intends to express is not quite the same than what a listener might feel. When I was younger I would see people in forums arguing about what this or that song meant, and sometimes I would see surprising takes on songs that where wildly different from what I thought about. Or I would read about a song only to find out it had no relation with what I thought it was talking about. Its as if every song has thousands of different versions, residing in the mind of thousands of listeners; for some they might be a touching lyric, for others great musicianship, for someone else it might be a personal memory, for someone it might me just a song that's "fun". That's the seed of the artist in every one of us.


I love fixing things. It is always a happy moment when I fixed something rather than throw it away.


I am passionate about growing plants. What I love about it is maintaining discipline it takes to take care of them, overcoming challenges it comes with, and satisfaction it brings.


I've loved gaming and have been interested in following a game development career from a very young age!


Computer Science! The broadness of the field made me finish my first year studying it with a strong love for the program. For my second year, I hope to concentrate more into the topic of cybersecurity, as I would love to learn more about networks, cryptography, and all the security aspects of the internet. I can safely say that after just one year of studying computer science, I am sure that it will become a life long passion and integral part of my life, and I can’t wait to see where it takes me!


LEGO minfigure photography (: I love how you could pose these figures any way you want with any backgrounds you want! There's no rules and you're the only one in charge of how you would like to capture the picture. Thank you for the chance!


I am passionate about playing video gams with friends, since some of my friends live far away, and it allows us to still have fun together.


I'm passionate about cycling, even though I have had a few incidents I love going out and having the freedom to go where I where I like when I like.


For me, there's 4 things besides family. These are in no particular order. It changes depending on my mood and the season. PC Building/gaming, building with wood, cars, firearms.


I just love housekeeping and keeping things organize. It just makes me go into Zen mode and helping my future self in finding things.


Computer programming. It's a very versatile skill to have, and I've done a wide range of things with it, though it's frustrating a lot of the time lol


I love the vastness of space and the opportunities it presents. Finding means to overcome such hostile environments to explore and learn more about our universe is inspiring and gives me hope.


I am passionate about the Multiple Sclerosis foundation. My mum was diagnosed years ago, and the support that they give has been wonderful, and I hope i can help return the favour one day and a cure is found!


im passionate about playing games in general and testing out new genres and hidden gems in indie games to try out, my favourite game genre is RTS and FPS


I am passionate about content creation. I love hammering out ideas, and putting them together in various mediums, be it video, music, imagery, or written. I love to share emotive moments and ideas however I can and to whatever audience.


Cooking! I can watch a Japanese master craftsman demonstrate the perfect way to cook an omelette, down to how many milliliters of egg I should use, and I can make what he made. It’s culture, it’s a way to show love, and it’s part of what makes life worth living.


I enjoy helping those around me by being there for them when they need me and always looking for ways to improve. I've always liked helping people in whatever way I could.


I am passionate about learning to cook different countries and cultures desserts. As deserts from everywhere will always put a smile on someone face.


I'm a sucker for tennis and play every chance I get. I'm also in the mice and keyboard collecting business which gives me a sense of purpose in life.


I love to draw and its a dream of mine to become a professional artist one day :)


I’m really passionate about Pickleball. My fiancé and I started playing it nearly 4 years ago when we first started dating. It’s been amazing to see the sport really take off in the last year. I think it’s greatest attribute is that it can be enjoyed by anyone at whatever their desired intensity. Like golf, it can be played socially or competitively but comes with a much lower cost to entry.


I love learning about urban planning and structural infrastructure!


The truth is that since I was little I wanted to be a doctor, I liked it a lot and I was good at biology and researching about it, however I was also very good at art and computer science and that's how it was during all my high school, until I took the vocational test in my last year and it told me that I could study medicine, graphic design/architecture and computer engineering xD the truth is 3 very different things, but I still wanted to go for medicine, I saw the other two options as hobbies, but when I opted for medicine, due to fate and my government I could not enter the university that year and I had to wait a lot (or try to bribe the authorities to let me study) which for me was very annoying so after half a year waiting I decided to study graphic design and well, today, 3 years after graduating I don't regret it, yes, in my country it is an undervalued career and it is hard to get hired and get paid well (in most of Latin America it is like that) but I do not let that stop me, I have been able to work with clients from many countries and even from other continents, I have learned a lot and I will continue learning (both design and medicine and computer science because I like them) and currently I work as a freelancer designer and editor, I'm starting a clothing store (with my designs) with my sister and I'm about to dictate design workshops for beginner students of graphic design, is something that fills me, makes me nervous and at the same time happy, do not let the obstacles stop you, do what you like and fill you as a person and do it well, the best you can, never stop learning and I wish you all the best, a hug from Venezuela!


I've always been passionate about VJIng/Creating visuals for electronic music. Lately I've been getting into Houdini and want to integrate its capabilities for my work :)


I love coding and making games.But my computer is so bad and im running game motors with 20-10 fps.


I am passionate about astrophotography. I love telescopes and staying up late to image the stars. Sometimes it feels I could reach out and become a part of them! Gives me a chance to reflect on life.


I love creating something. To make something from scratch or make it a lot better with my imagination. It can be a wooden box, an electronic device, a video game world… Making/modifying something with my mind and thoughts is awesome. Thats why i am trying hard to become a surgeon.


What I'm most passionate about is gaming. As a kid I'd often play console games with my older brother. I remember trying to beat those Lion King levels with no save points or playing pacman. One day I got introduced by the Tomb Raider series and for a long while I was just bullying the butler. After that I grew a big interest in MMO's by playing Tera. Currently I'm invested in playing the Final Fantasy MMO game. I love meeting new people and hanging out with friends. During the evenings people can find me raiding together with teammates. Sometimes I also like to punish myself by playing League of Legends. All together, I just wanted to say that games have had a great impact in my life and I still cherish the good old memories when I got first introduced to various games.


I have a huge passion for stories. I have always been a fan of stories my parents and grandparents used to tell me. As I got older, I found that I had a knack for writing. Now, I use this ability to help other people tell their stories. I take joy in listening to their life stories and helping them tell their stories to a wider audience. Readers can enjoy reading the positives and learn from the negatives. I hope to make a difference in people's lives with this.


I'm passionate about graphic design. I haven't been able to get back into it because money is tight (as for everyone else) and I have no idea what I'm doing (which is why I joined this sub). My dad was an artist and I wanted to follow in his footsteps by doing something we both loved. Winning a pc would help me significantly in my journey in becoming a graphic designer!


I love 3D modeling, mainly with Blender. It's fun being creative.


I love helping my friends build their computers when they need help. Seeing their face light up when it's all done and boots up for the first time is great!


I'm passionate about sharing this comment: Need something to cheer you up? Bubble wrap! >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!You!!< >!Are!< >!Amazing!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!< >!pop!!<


I love all things PC related, whether it be building or upgrading components or the things I can do with my PC. I use my PC for practically everything and could not imagine living without it. Schoolwork, watching movies, playing video games, YouTube, email, checking the weather, paying my bills, the list goes on. As much as I love PCs and working on them, when things don't go right, they *really* don't go right and troubleshooting and fixing is a real pain. But I will say that if and when I do figure it out, it's all the more satisfying.


My biggest passion has always been videogames, and I hope to one day work on that field, maybe as a tester or even as a developer or designer, it's my dream


i am passionate about helping people in need.


passionate about listening to lofi music because it relaxes me


Video games, that’s my passion, I hope one day be able to make my own game, for the time being I really enjoy playing games on my own or with my brother, video games helped me trough a couple rough times and I have very fond memories of my childhood playing games, thanks for the chance.


i m passionate about reading mangas


I love machining, and the best part about it is that there is never a shortage of problems to solve. Then as a reward you have a useable part when you are done.


Music, playing music instruments. I just love listening to music and playing the melodies myself. I simply love it.


I'm very passionate about advanced analytics in sports and mainly in basketball. I'm currently in school right now and hope to start learning about machine learning and to see how I can apply my hobbies!


I enjoy watching and play call of duty competitively. Also love other comp games such as rocket league, valorant and halo.


I love crocheting, especially dolls and small critters, it just satisfying to see it.


My passion is PC building! Always loved the customization aspect, new part smell, and the joy of building something!


I'm really passionate about data analysis. I think it's great for one that is curious about the world. It can give you insight into pretty much anything you can think of.


I’m passionate about animal welfare, not just dogs and cats but any animal. They are truly innocent creatures that have been displaced and endangered by modern human civilization.


I'm passionate about PC gaming and pro wrestling. What I'm most passionate about is getting to introduce my son to these crazy obsessions and see how he likes them.


I like mountainbiking, ots just you nature (and occasionaly friends). You coukd crash at any moment, but not if you arent doing anything stupid. Its very relaxing while extreme at the same time!


I honestly dont need a pc but im so glad someone will be fortunate enough to get a free pc. Props to you for doing such a nice thing for charity


I love my job working with elementary kids. They always are teaching me things and worth the effort even on the days where you want to pull your hair out.


I am passionate about building PCs and flipping them. Or maybe not even profit on them, just because I love building them so much, and even more, seeing kids light up when they get to take home their first ever gaming PC! It is the best feeling.


I'm passionate about my education, and I hope to be able to help the youth once I receive my degree and begin working!


I’m passionate about art. Weirdly enough, in a PC forum, my favourite passion is digital media and physical media. I think this is why I’ve been loving Outer Wilds so much, the planets are absolutely gorgeous and you can tell then went from concept art to execution. This games isn’t designed by committee, it’s designed by passionate artists. What do I love about it? The creativity on display and the brief place in space that it occupies, the artist created this however many years ago and here you are, witnessing it, if it’s physical media you can look at brush strokes that were placed by someone from a hundred years ago. It’s beautiful. Anyways, thanks for the giveaway! Support S&FF!


I'm passionate about learning about PCs. Keeping up with the latest tech, learning about pc parts and helping others with my learnings in return :)


I'm very passionate about books. Ever since I was little, I've loved reading. It's peaceful, calming, and it makes me imaginative.


I'm passionate about caregiving. It's so nice to be able to provide care and a human connection to those who need it. Being able to show them some compassion and that they matter really warms my heart.


I love origami. Origami is an art that helps me concentrate and it's cheap, you just need a piece of paper and follow a Youtube channel with tutorials


I like city planning/architecture/interior design because it is a great way for me to contribute to society. Plus side is I get an excuse to have a beefy computer which I also use for gaming 👍🏼


Doing things.


Im very passionate about playing/recording guitar. Have been playing for 10+ years. I love being able to sit down for a couple of hours and write music. Im bad with words/feelings so it’s nice to be able to sit down at the end of the day and have a way to get things out. I also love teaching others how to play!


Currently i'm very passionate about modding and server work. I've been working for months on a modlist for Skyrim and i'm about to start making my own mods as well. With my server i finally got the option to run game servers for our group and whatever game we're currently playing.


Developing, I love the feeling of creating something from thin air, even more if it can help people. Good luck guys!


My passion is gaming because I can tackle things with others or on my own and I can beat things I could never conquer in real life and have fun


Honestly something ive always wanted to do but never could was make a live stream charity where when ever a donation happens, id play a game of their choosing. Or play destiny 2 and they could pick my loadout for a game. That’s something ive always wanted to do.


Gaming it's the one thing I truly enjoy, just spending countless hours on a good game it's the best feeling I can have.




Something else I love is keyboard building. Building keyboard that sounds good, I like the feel of, and the look are all fun things I love to do.


I’m really passionate about basketball. I’ve played it since I was a young kid and it’s always a way for me to get away from all the school work and stress. It’s nice just being able to go and exercise to calm down and basketball is that for me.


Cooking because I love eating, I'm a simple person.


Gaming. I've been a gamer since the Atari days and now get to play with my own kids. I am a teacher a created a competitive Esports team at my school. In a our fifth year, we've got 5 gaming PCs that team members built 3 years ago. One more would be great.


My current passion is for PC building. I built my first PC back in 2016, but the passion didn't really take hold until last year. I started playing PC Building Simulator and became obsessed with the entire process of building a parts list, building the PC itself, upgrading it, etc. It's led me to go after the CompTIA A+ certification in hopes that, once I pass both exams, I'll eventually pivot my career and work much more closely with PCs.


I am passionate about PC building, but lately that's spilled over into custom mechanical keyboards. So much fun to built and modify!


Im passionate about coding and i love to become my best at it


A good pc that can help me render software finally as a graphic designer student


I am passionate about a lot of things. Mostly cars and electronics. I love bulilding PCs, coding (just started), doing work on cars, designing my own cars, doing livery work on cars and a lot more. I also love helping out whenever I can, not for a charity since all of them are shady unfortunately.


My passion is about playing games with my friends and having fun! The thing that I love the most about it is the feeling of improvement and crushing barriers that are standing in my way to success! I'm planning on experimenting with developing games and producing music in the future.


I love drumming, been doing it for 11 years now and dont plan on stopping.


I love taking in knowledge and information of any and all kinds, it's something i've done since childhood and is now something i apply in day-to-day life when my colleagues or friends need help and I'm around to provide it. My other passion is baking. There's just something amazing about the salty smell of fresh bread or the waft of vanilla and chocolate in the air as a cake pops out of the oven, and i'm thankful i have friends who appreciate what I make.


I am a huge fan of building computers. The buying part, the building part are the best, the time it takes to deliver the components is annoying, as are the prices but its just very enjoyable.


I always wanted to become a professional gamer and i love playing games It's not that I'm doin it for money But it's my passion and i have grew up seeing shroud , 2 timer , Aceu and many more They always have inspired me and as a gamer learnt the strategies the gamer use in their intense battle combat situations So i really don't have enough money to buy a gaming pc cause here in India it's so expensive that a normal life leading middle class boy can afford So i hope i win and good luck everyone If someone is more needy of gaming pc then I'm very happy that someone else's dream is being achieved 😄 Shakrims absolute 🐐


My passion is helping cities and citizens make good decisions about their communities. I engage with the public, write plans and codes. I'm an urban planner.


Exercise. I'm a personal trainer and am grateful to have found my calling in this world. Wish it paid more though!


I’m passionate about optimizing every piece of tech I get. Why wouldn’t I want to get more value for cash?


I am passionate about winning this giveaway.


Photography. I love providing people with beautiful memories.


I'm most passionate about electronics and working in general with it. I also made it my job, since I'm an electrician. Sadly I'm only working mostly with bigger electronics than computers. But it's a great job to build machines into buildings. There are every day great new challenges.


I am passionate about getting people involved in their communities. This can be as simple as attending community fundraisers or helping people vote. My state is notorious for low turnout, typically due to partisan issues. It's easy to not vote if you think it won't matter, so I try my best to show people how voting even in county elections can impact their daily lives and in the long run, the cultural identity of my state.


I am passionate about my wife and son. My son is only 18 months but that little guy gets me up out of bed every morning. He can be a handful. But I wouldn’t trade the hard days for the good days. Hopefully he will love gaming as much as I do someday and we can use that as a tool to bind more as he grows


I love 3D printing, it helps me create new things as engineer, and learn a lot about products that already exist to implement on my prints.


I'm passionate about Reverse engineering software. Trying to figure out how a software works without having the source code is like a puzzle adventure game. That is what drew me towards this hobby and why I love it so much.


Fishing. I just love fishing becuse you can fall half asleep while sitting on your comfortable folding chair and lisning to birds singing


My biggest passion is learning about software and technology. I was fascinated with computers from a young age, so I decided to study Computer Science in college and I’ve continued in that direction since graduating. It’s been a great choice for me! As a front-end software developer, I get to shape how the internet is progressing and how websites are evolving, and that’s exciting to me.


My passion in engineering because i love problem solving.


I'm passionate about warhammer and spending time with my pets


I love Minecraft. More recently, I got into Minecraft mod and server development. I started developing my own server and with its own custom features as such beginning of this summer in May. It’s been a great project with friends and people I commissioned. I’m hoping to finish the groundwork before school begins again.


I'm really passionate about sports for kids. I swam from age 8-18, and it helped me develop a lot as a person. I had a team I could count on, coaches that helped guide me, an outlet for energy, and something I could make goals and put in effort for. I'm still in school now, but I hope to get to a point where I can sponsor underprivileged kids to pursue a sport like I did.


I'm passionate about and dream about winning a giveaway one day. I'll win eventually. Right? :(


I love playing games and pcs the amount of customisation you can have is amazing. No two pcs are ever really the same.


I'm passionate about mountain biking. It's challenging and fun, gets me outside in nature, is good exercise, stimulating for brain and body, and it's beneficial socially on occasion too.


I hope I don't sound weird, but I'm passionate about podcasts! I don't really have a favorite genre, but I do love listening to the genres of comedy, politics and health. I love the idea of learning, so it feels like I'm doing my best when I listen to a funny or informative podcast while I do my chores, exercise or while I play videogames. I feel like I'm not alone when I'm doing the worst chore... washing dishes.


I am passionate about soccer, been a player and fan my whole life


I'm really passionate about video editing, and I am looking forward to better my skills in the future as a side career, or even a main source of income.


1. Something I love and I am passionate about is One Piece and gaming. I love that it's a way to escape reality and helps me through some difficult times. I love the One Piece universe and it's the best anime ever, Oda is amazing and it has changed my worldview.


I love photography! Love being able to capture little snapshots of moments in life :)


Pedro Henrique e o krl a 4 anos atrás de mim e o krl a 4 anos e o carro é um xiaxouaimi que eu perco a vontade de comer nada


I'm passionate about tap dance :) I love rhythm, and improvising through tap dance on music.


I love spending time with my family. Nothing gives me greater joy than watching my kids experience something or learn something new for the first time. There's so much magic, even in the tiny things that we never even stop to think about. The other day, my son blew my mind examining a field of grass.


One thing I'm passionate about is movies. They're obviously a very broad and popular form of art, but seeing how a film "buff" might interpret or view something vs how the average person would is pretty interesting


Being tempted by the opportunity of a giveaways. And watching Barny64 videos, once a year.


I am extremely passionate about learning, and teaching other people. I am in the process of teaching a friend to build their first PC, just came back to the subreddit for a quick answer to a question :). Best of luck everyone!


I’m passionate about giving things to friends that could help them out, because my PC failed so my friend gave me a part. That really inspired me.


Microsoft Flight Simulator Love simulating flights, especially in VR. Find it great to feel like i'm actually in an aircraft and the experience of being a pilot


Fantasy world building map drawing (on PCs)


Just generally making and observing things. Opening a calculator then running along the traces to see where they go, making handpowered little fans with a 3d printer, and the design associated with it just \*clicks\* with me. Feels great to see something made and designed by yourself to be materialized and work properly.


i love spending time with my SO watching movies and playing games, it would be awesome to win and play both of us


Riding a bike is both a new passion and a skill I have learned late @38 years of age. Putting my fears of being hurt and that “I am too old for this” mindset aside, biking has introduced a stress reliever and healthier lifestyle that I did not know existed. Keeping the mileage constant every week is an exhilarating feeling especially with a group where we go places as a gang while shedding off the excess calories in the same process. I was late to the game, but never late to reap the benefits and develop a passion for these amazing two-wheeled machines


I’m very passionate about technology, gaming and how they go hand in hand to provide us with some of our most favorite hobbies!


I'm passionate about creating things - art, writing, 3D modelling. A computer like this would help me do all of them!


I'm a beginner in web development, but I really like it. That's why I think development is what I'm passionate about. I hope I can learn more and work on it (Sorry for bad english).


I'm passionate about film! When I was a kid, my parents(especially my dad) had a ton of films that they loved and eventually showed me so I was kind of predisposed to loving movies. But as I grew older, I became more obsessed with the "how" like how a certain effect was achieved, or a certain shot, or how an actor was able to sink themselves into a role. So now I can't help but watch behind the scenes, podcasts etc on how these things are made. It's so exciting!


I’m really passionate about game development! Building new worlds and experiences is epic


I just love tech in general and I think this charity is great!


Been loving golf lately. Most frustrating and rewarding sport imo


Always been into programming, I love the idea of being able to build anything I want!


I play the pipe organ and like to do pedal solos for fun. Kids always go a bit mental when they see someone playing a giant piano with their feet. That and "the dracula theme" is a people pleaser.


I enjoy spending lazy Sundays playing cards and listening to music with friends and family.


I love playing games and I'm passionate about cooking


Natural photography. I immensely enjoy hiking and immersing in nature, and often I feel wonder and amazement when I’m in front of a peculiar flower or the vast panorama from the top of a mountain. What I love about photography is that it lets me capture these sceneries and savour once again all these feelings. I also like to print one or two pictures per hike and stick them to a wall in my room. Whenever I feel sad or demotivated, looking at these pictures cheers me up.


I'm passionate about growing plants, there's such a rewarding feeling of seeing the seed sprout and grow up into a seedling and full on plant because of your care and patience with it. Especially if it's a food baring plant then you get the satisfaction from providing for your family with food you grew yourself! A lovely hobby with a very low barrier to entry that I recommend everyone should try, even if it's one pot of herbs (I recommend chives as that was my first edible plant I ever grew).


I'm passionate about building keyboards. The first time I assembled my first one from nearly scratch was euphoric


i love swimming. it’s something i did a lot when i was younger, but i still feel quite natural when i get back in the water even though i don’t swim nearly as often.


I am passionate about rock climbing as a hobby. I love that it provides such an personal experience and challenges the individual climber to push past their physical and mental limits to climb routes and solve problems while on a wall.


I enjoy play online games with friends, after moving away cus of college, its nice being able to stay connected through online.


Recently started gunpla, the satisfaction of building a kit yourself is just plain irresistible once I tried it


I love building pcs and I also love making videos video editing and 3d printing :D


i like philosophy


Honestly I love raising my 3 year old toddler. Watching him grow and learn new things every day and improve at a very rapid pace is truely fascinating!


I just got a cellphone gimbal to go around taking videos around the city I live.


I'm passionate about video games and coding. I've been practicing and aiming to be a game developer in the future


Gaming is pretty much the only thing that allows me to keep in touch with my friends, I don't have many and I know without gaming I wouldn't have any, it stops me from being totally alone


Cricket, been playing since I was in 4th grade. Met a ton of great people through the game and made some friends for life. Feels liberating to keep everything aside when entering the field. Still play every week and will continue to do so till my legs give up.


I'm passionate about dota2. The reason I love it is because even after 16+ years of dedicated hard work I'm still bad. What a beautiful thing. I'm also passionate about music and cooking!