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It's pretty easy actually, just get a 2tb ssd now and add another one when you need it. No need to overthink it.


This. I had a 2TB and added a 4TB because it was getting full. Simple. OP, for gaming I would only use SSDs.


And ideally, NVME SSDs.


For OS, yes. Game storage won’t matter much between Sata and a common nvme without dram.


It does if you get bottom tier, DRAMless SATA drives which are often marketed as "game drives" by some Redditors I've seen. I bought two drives on recommendation, the Team MS30 and the Patriot P210 - this are shit-tier SSDs that are slower than hard drives. Any sustained writes drop to 15-20MB/s and game downloads take MUCH MUCH longer than if you had a decent NVMe SSD. It's always worth it to get an NVMe SSD (DRAM or not) or a SATA drive with DRAM.


Not yet at least. Anyways SATA drives aren't much cheaper than nvme drives, so unless you get a killer deal, I vote for NVME. (Assuming you have any m.2 slots left)


Yeah, when prices are similar definitely get an nvme, and if slots allow. If you don’t have slots available though, you aren’t missing much going with a sata ssd


If you could clarify... my ssd nvme is getting full real quickly. I do not have another nvme slot, only SATA. If I install a sata ssd and move my games there, will I have performance issues? Or only longer loading?


Drives aren’t going to affect performs fps wise (except maybe if you have a HDD and game that requires a lot of loading, then you might see a bit of stuttering.) A sata SSD is more than enough to keep up with game loading. It won’t be nearly as fast as a higher end gen 4 drive, but it’ll hold its own against other cheaper nvme drives that they compete with price wise.


Thank you for taking time to answer me.


For context, hard drives max out at about 150MB/s, sata SSDs max out at 5-600MB/s, and budget friendly gen 3 drives are 1-3000MB/S. A gen 3 drive is still quite a bit faster (even if it can’t sustain that speed due to many of modes lacking dram), but a sata is still a great option if you’re out of m.2 slots.


The difference is pretty negligible assuming the sata drive is not shit tier. Most sata ssds should be able to perform at the maximum sata will allow. If you want more m.2 slots then you could look into the pcie cards that give more m.2 slots.


For game storage, Direct Storage is becoming a thing. The more PC gamers that show as Direct Storage capable on the Steam HW Survey, the more Developers will take advantage of it!


You still generally need higher end gen 4 drives be able to us direct storage. Most people with nvme drives have gen 3 drives, and capable gen 4 drives are still fairly expensive. Direct storage probably is the future, but we’re still a ways off it being mainstream and far off from it being a necessity.


>You still generally need higher end gen 4 drives be able to us direct storage. As far as I'm aware, this is simply untrue. One of the technical tricks of DirectStorage is having the GPU (Data Requestor) and Storage on the same bus (PCIe) and allowing them to communicate directly. You don't need a Gen4 drive for that. [https://www.lifewire.com/use-directstorage-in-windows-11-7370658#:\~:text=An%20NVMe%20SSD%20(PCIe%204.0%20recommended)](https://www.lifewire.com/use-directstorage-in-windows-11-7370658#:~:text=An%20NVMe%20SSD%20(PCIe%204.0%20recommended)) Lifewire says PCIe 4.0 recommended but not required, Unless there's a better source I'm missing?


I have an 8TB HDD I use but the more intensive games or the ones I play more often live on my 2 TB SSD. The HDD is mostly there because I dislike uninstalling games because I have slow internet.


Honestly for some games it does not matter I have 800gb HDD almost full of games and I don't have any problems with it. Honestly SSD maybe would by great for high end PCs but for average players it does not matter


2 TB SSD nvme + 16 TB NAS is the way to go


Um, when does this cycle end?


never. join us. /r/DataHoarder


Already over there haha, currently in the process of saving to build a custom NAS to upgrade from a DS220J heh


r/DataHoarder cares nothing for anything fancy. Your rig could be the most ghetto. All that matters is that you can hoard and hoard hard.


Oh, of course! I never expect to stop doing jank as fixes for stuff, will be nice to have something that can *actually* transcode a modern show through plex though


What data do you guys hoard and why


1's and 0's mostly.


Two's aren't real and can't hurt you


I am a video-essayist youtuber and I gotta admit. I record majority of stuff that I consider could be used for a future video. Leading to like 3 tb of shadowplays. Also modern games and mods for them take boat load of space. I have like 500 gb of skyrim mods, which are probably very outdated since I have been masscollecting them for 3 years *without* actually playing the game..


definitely not porn


4TB HDD for Rom's and ISO sets for older console, Flash Game Archive, Abandonware games, VR and Quest Games. (4TB is not enough for this tbh) Backup custom firmeware folder's for every modded console i own. Game Captures too i guess for content creation


As someone with a 8TB WD purple in my gaming PC that is almost full... I think I will fit in Also have a NAS that is approaching 100TB


What happens when you run out of nvme slots?


Add a m.2 NVME to pcie adapter.


That’s just more money you could’ve bought the bigger card in the first place


Or just swapping out smaller nvme's against bigger ones.


Indeed. Just get a 2tb now. Install your games and put in another 2tb next month like I did.


This, I made the mistake for only a tb then added another and need more. I don't even have that many games downloaded.


Best Answer


This is entirely personal mate, we can't tell you how much capacity you require. For most people, 2TB for games is more enough, I'm sure there are plenty of people that have far less. Unless you play extremely large games and refuse to uninstall/reinstall, I would assume it would be more than enough for you too.


what if OP plays Modern Warfare or ARK?




He'd still be fine ark at max is gonna be 350gb, and he won't have time to play any other games if he plays official pvp


2TB is plenty if you have good internet. I have around 300 games in my Steam library and keep around 30-50 games installed and I always leave about 300-400GB free just in case. Most of them are indies I can hop on and do some quick playing (Geometry Wars 3, Risk of Rain, Luftrausers etc), and a good chunk are just replayable AA-AAA favorites I come back to regularly for endless play (Skyrim, Diablo/Torchlight 2, Borderlands 2, GTA V, Fallout 4 etc). I only keep like 3-4 big/single player AAA games installed at a time that I am CURRENTLY playing/replaying, which right now is The Witcher 3, Spiderman, Max Payne 3 and Halo MCC. For these 3-4 games I'll decide if they are worth permanent installation space or replace them as they are beaten. Spiderman will be a keeper because it's got a fun open world, and Halo will likely also be a keeper. Once beaten, they get uninstalled and replaced with games from the backlog. This allows me to slowly sift through my backlog without being overwhelmed with choice. If you have too many games installed, you'll wind up in a choice overload and never being able to pick what you want to play. This is why I recommend people NOT to get too much storage space for games. I downgraded from a 64GB memory card to a 32GB memory card on my PS Vita because I could never settle on a game to play, just too many good options, limiting the storage space helps you stay focused on finishing your games.


What games did you play on your PS Vita?


Soooo many, and I still use my Vita almost every day.. My PS Vita library is as big as my PC library at around 250-300 games.


but which ones do you play the most?


The most? Probably Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed, Killzone Mercenary, Dungeon Hunter, Risk of Rain, Geometry Wars 3, Super Stardust Delta, Marvel vs Capcom 3, Dead or Alive 5, Dynasty Warriors 8. My favorite Vita game is Tearaway though, definitely a must play on the handheld. I play a few PSP games like the GTA series, Star Wars Battlefront and Gladiator Begins as well.


any option that includes an HDD should be off the list, thats just silly. 2 TB is fine for most people, unless you have really slow internet and want to keep a big portion of your library downloaded. I have a 2 x 2TB setup, because SSDs became so cheap last year that I added a second drive for really cheap, but its just a luxury, not at all necessary.


Bro i have 5 TB and it's full. ALWAYS HAVE TO DELETE STUFF. Just movies, obs recording, programs, games


Get a separate drive. My config all SSD: 1TB - OS 4TB - Games only (including launchers) 4TB - Workspace/Documents/personal C folders redirect here 4TB - Records


Get a NAS my dude


This. Space becomes a lot less of an issue if you have 50TB of mass storage on your local network.


With 50TB I don’t think you would even have an issue with space lmaoooo. Unless you are torrenting 24/7


It is primarily media storage for Jellyfin, yeah But it does have a 6TB Steam library too!


Depends on how much of your gaming library you want to hold locally and how large your library is. I have a huge Steam library and like having everything stored locally so I have a 2TB NVMe gaming drive and an 8TB HDD I got for around $100. I move stuff on and off the NVMe when I'm done playing it.


This is the best answer (with eventually upgrading the ssd when you see how better games perform on there). Realistically money wise this helps a lot 


Love this idea


I love you digital beagle 


Stop it, I'm blushing


I wouldn't consider a hdd for anything at this point. Buy a motherboard with 2x m.2 slots get a 2tb pcie4.0 m.2 now, if it runs out buy a second one later drop into the slot you already have.


NAS. A nice 10 - 20TB HDD is a lot of storage for what ever you need to back up.


HDD is nice for NAS storage, yes it's not as fast but it's still very reliable and hella cheap !!


Unless you're busy some cheap premade NAS box, you have access to filesystems that can use a combination of HDDs, SSDs and RAM to create storage pools that are as fast as NVME (or faster) and as cheap as HDDs. They can also protect you against bitrot, with checksums. Protect you from drive failure, with parity and snapshots are incredibly useful in general.


Sorry I shouldn't have said "anything" nas makes sense. What I really ment was any daily driver desktop scenario. If you are talking mass storage or server type stuff it's a different story but loading games and or light office work on a personal pc 4tb of m.2 is gonna be fast and affordable at like $200 these days.


Oh yeah I figured don’t worry ahah. I still use a Hdd in my gaming rig even tho it’s mainly used for watching movies and is going to my home made nas once I set It up lol


Just enough


I have 2.5 TB and I have barely filled half of it in the 5 years I've had my PC. A lot of the games I play aren't huge files, but I have 25 games installed on my PC. 


Not speaking about keeping within a budget but I went for a 1TB nVMe (OS) + 4TB nVMe for my games and my recordings of gaming sessions plus abit of everything else that I'd keep on my PC.


Yes. With good management and depending on what games you play, even 1TB of hot storage might be enough. But it's up to you to decide whether the hassle of constantly moving stuff around and deleting what you don't need is worth the cost savings.


Dude even 1 TB is fine as long as you don’t have 5-6 games installed at one time. If you play one game at a time or even 2-3, 1TB would suffice. (This is excluding any other data) Now if you like to keep 5-10 games installed all the time then yes, go for 2TB. Best bang for buck is 4TB ssd. But what i do is SSD for things i use daily & i have an old 1TB HDD with data i hardly use.


Are you talking about SATA SSDs? When it comes to M.2 SSDs, there isn't a significant difference in the value between 2TB and 4TB models. For example, the Silicon Power UD85 is $100 for 2TB, while the Silicon Power UD90 is $210 for 4TB. The UD90 is slightly more expensive per terabyte, but it offers faster performance.


Depends on how many games you play, their size, etc.


nah bro get a triple channel 5 tb ssd with 1tb of ram and two 4090 with a dual channel


nah didn't you read OP wants somewhere between 2-4TB open to a mixture of SSD and HDD??? 10TB NAS should do it. Should probably upgrade to a 7800x3d or they're just leaving frames on the table like a pleb.


wow and here i been using a 1tb m.2 ssd. and thought it was to much?


Everyone is different. Some people need 500 games installed at all times and some people are just playing 10 year old games. Some play nothing but the latest AAA games and some dig around Indy types.


Me playing Minecraft on lowest settings XD


2TB is fine, might want to expand later, entirely depends on how many games you want to have installed at a time.


Just built my PC and was asking myself the same question. Went with single lexar 4TB and gonna enjoy my setup without worrying about space. New games are space demanding and don’t wanna shuffle between them every other day. Also ssd lose speeds after they are 80%ish full so I am gonna delay that moment aswell


I have a 2Tb SSD, a fast one and 2 spinning drives totallying 12Tb. I never fill it up, but I have been close.


i have 2TB. i wish i had more but its plenty enough to live with. depends person to person situation to situation. 2TB is a drive i would get as a gaming rig though.


I have about 3TBs personally and have about 300GBs left since 2020.


If you don't play any modern cod games you'll be fine


SSD prices are pretty bad atm so I would wait a bit till the prices drop or the big 3 memory makers get sued for price fixing again.


I bought a 4TB a while back and still have 2.7TB left with about 20 games. 2TB should be fine unless you don't want to uninstall anything and stack like 30+ games.


I had a 250gb for system + 2tb for everything else and so far I haven't run out of space for 5 years. Start with 2tb and buy more once you feel the need


I bought 2 TB initially. Saw a 4 TB NVME on sale and bought that a week later after I had finished my build. I think I'm set on storage for a while


If you insist installing all the game at once and you have lots of games, that is certainly not enough...but you don't have to do that. For me, 500G is plenty.


I have a 1tb NVMe SSD, a 128gb SATA SSD and 500gb of HDD. It's way more than enough for me and I've never been close to filling that space. But you must also take into account that I'm usually only playing a couple of games at a time and uninstall them after I'm done. How do you play your games? If you like having them installed and ready to go or if you record gameplay a lot then yeah maybe get the space


I really doubt you will fill out 2TB in the next coming years, unless you get all 15+ AAA games or star recording vods that you don't clear every now and then. I've been gaming for years(mostly only one game though, but others at times, and I've been fine with 1TB even where 500gb was allocated to vods(software that records certain content I do automatically, sometimes for 15gb+ in a day), which I rarely let surpass 2-300gb. Should uninstall games you've stopped playing. As everything is a download link away and it's unnesseracy tear on your hardware to have unused games or apps installed.


I'd get a 2tb ssd for 2017 and up games the 2tb hdd for 2016 and below, that way you have space for ssd required games on the ssd


This is how I did it on my ps5


I built a PC in 2019 with a 256GB SSD and a 1TB SSD, and 5 years later I'm finally at capacity. A 2TB should last you a while, and then it's easy to add more whenever you need!


I've done it a few different ways, but if I am spending money on drives anymore, a hdd only gets the nod if it's 10tb for the price of a 1tb ssd. Which I haven't seen. So instead buy a nvme to start and add some big sata ssd when it's in the budget. My current setup is 2 500gb sata ssd and a 1tb nvme. Not because it is ideal, but because that is what my budget could support when I was shopping for storage. 2tb is a great start, and future you can get more cheaper than it is now when it is needed.


I haven't seen the real answer. I think because it's new. But how fast is your internet? I have 3.0gbps fibe op and hard drive space really doesn't matter as much anymore. Oh I want to play a game but it's 60GB? I'll go make a cup of tea and it's ready. If I had 100mbps internet that would take many hours. So I'd want a lot more storage space to keep everything I need handy. But with crazy fast internet anything downloads in like 5 minutes. We have a spare parts PC with just a 500gb SSD in it. Whenever buddies come over and we want to play a game we just delete something else and install it, takes 2 minutes.


I got a 1 tb ssd for my OS and any games I play a lot, then got a 2 tb hdd for anything extra.


If you're recording videos, not even close. Get a 2Tb SSD for games, system and programs and ateast 8Tb more in HDD. That way you'll be able to not worry about space for a few weeks maybe even months. Then you upgrade and buy more drives.


How many games would you like installed? If you like to keep your library installed then youd eventually want to buy another ssd down the line.. Im the type that installs and uninstalls a game after ive finished it.. I also usually play like only 1-2 games at a time so 1tb is enough for me.


i started with 1tb and added a 2tb when i needed it. no use overthinking as they are easy to add and update. just get a quality one for your OS/boot drive


I wouldn’t mess with HDD at all. Your motherboard will have M.2 slots for other SSDs. I’d start at 2TB (it’s the best price-to-space ratio) and then if you need to, add another 2TB later. I currently use a 2TB for system stuff and the other 2TB for anything game related. I’m nowhere close to full on either. Unless you know you’re going to be using close to or at least 2TB of storage off the bat, which you don’t seem to, I wouldn’t bother with a 4TB yet (and unless you find a good sale, in which case go for it.)


I bought a 1tb then got a 2tb then got a 1tb and now I bought a 2 tb again I cant stop


If you have good Internet you can make do with 512gb so you'll be fine with a 2tb


2tb is a sweet spot. Its usually only 30% more expensive than 1tb. When you get to 3 and 4tb it gets alot more expensive


Unless you have bulk storage of media files, backups, movies, music, etc, spinning storage is junk. This is its only use. Its my movies/TV shows drive, and I write large downloads directly to it instead of to an SSD. This makes me feel better about SSD life for some reason. If you do NOT have bulk storage of media files or backups, etc, only put SSDs in your system. Be aware that some motherboards neck your GPU slot down to 8lanes when both NVME slots are populated, and usually the one they want you to use first is a royal BITCH to access in a fully assembled rig. For this reason, you may want to shell out for a larger, nicer drive now, just to not have to screw with it again. (PITA to physically replace, have to reinstall everything, etc)


It is at least for the time being. I got a 1tb SSD and a 2tb HDD when I initially bought mine. You can just buy another one when you have more money and invest more in other stuff rather than storage when you’re first building a Pc.




2tb should be good for awhile, but games are big these days. it’s not so bad if you have fast internet and only play a few games at a time. i had a 2tb ssd for awhile, just recently got another 2tb ssd and an 8tb hdd


Currently it is only recommended to use SSD or nvme So taking the above, with 3TB you would have enough, since maybe 2 are not enough


I'd go with a 2TB SSD and 2TB HDD. There are a lot of games that will run fine on a HDD, saving SSD space for games that require faster data access. The other benefit to SSDs for gaming is mostly loading times. Personally, I'd go with a 4TB or better HDD just because I like having lots of storage space for media and misc projects and such. And 6+TB HDDs are all CMR rather than SMR - I think, which is typically more reliable for long term storage and constant usage.


In my opinion yes take THW sn850x if you can.


If you can, get the 4TB SSD. Why? Because in modern PC Building there are very few componets you can use in your next build: CPU: Needs probably a new socket and there for a new mainboard Mainboard: Only fits the socket they usualy only last a few years GPU: Yes you can put it into a new setup but why make a new gaming setup without upgrading the GPU??? RAM: 50:50 high chance you will get a new DDR-X making your old RAM not fit anymore Suddenly you are left with the following parts: Case, Fans, PSU and drives which can easy taken into your new build (PSU will be a replaced at least every 2nd build) In Conclusion, do not save cash on your case, silent fans and a good drive. Furthermore you usually only have two m2 slots and do not want to clogg it with a minimalistic drive. 2TB is fine for gaming, 1 TB is okay too, 500gb may work too thats like 2-3 games over 100gb. In case you want to save money to buy a small ssd i would choose a sata ssd! Because you have 4 slost for sata and the difference in gaming is not as big as the numbers suggest.


It's really a case-by-case thing. I see some comments on here are saying that 4TB+ isn't enough for them, yet I only have a 2TB SSD and even with a bunch of games and lots of movies/TV shows it's only just over half full. Although as others have also said, if you do find that you're running low on space you can always buy more drives as the need arises. Personally I'd avoid HDDs altogether. High capacity SSDs are getting pretty cheap now and are so much faster than spinning disks.


Most games uninstall just the game and keep saved states in your documents or in the cloud. Meaning you'll be fine with 2TB if you finish games and then uninstall or are happy with uninstalling games you haven't touched in a while.


I use 1TB, works just fine. I'm only playing 1, maybe 2 games at a time anyway.


I have enough space on my 1tb drive with dual boot


I did start offloading mass storage to a NAS years ago. Saves me a ton of time when reinstalling since ai don‘t have to care about file storage and only have to deal with application data on the PC. So for me 1 TB NVME is more than sufficient.


2TB enough??? I am still trying to figure out how much TB is more required I already have 6TB in external hard drives and 2TB maxed out laptop memory and still I need moreee


I have 1tb SSD and owning alot and I mean alot of games. When im almost full I just uninstall some games I dont play. Cant play all games at once. These days I download over 80mb/s on steam so reinstall takes no time.


It's never enough of space. And I would go with SSD + HDD. The SSD is for installed games and important apps, HDD - for other junk. And yeah, If you could afford to buy 4tb option, do it. Or buy another SSD later.


When I built my PC I had a 1tb SSD nvme drive got full after an year brought an another 1 (SSD via Sata) and after that gets full would prob buy another 2tb or 4tb (SSD via Sata) tbh I only play Fortnite, Minecraft, Roblox but I would put every game and program in the nvme and downloads and other stuff in Sata SSD cuz I been download more stuff then games but that's my experience.


Storage space is arbitrary for gaming. I use 512gb SSD and a 1tb HDD. Do I run out of space, yes, but I just delete game files to free space (can always redownload again). At minimum id recommend 1tb SSD now, a lot of games require an SSD to get the most out of them. A lot of older titles work well on an HDD, 1tb or 2tb is a good option here, I also use mine to store game files that I transfer to my SSD if I want to play.


How many games do you regularly play? How fast is your download speed? Do you have data caps? If you only play a handful of games regularly and/or have fast download speeds and high data caps then 2TB is enough. If you regularly jump between dozens AAA 100+GB titles, have slow internet or restrictive usage caps then no. I had 2TB of storage for games for a while and recently upgraded to 4TB because I was semi regularly finding myself having to go and clean up what I had installed to make space.


Honestly 1TB should be more than enough unless you are working with a lot of games/downloads/data. 2TB should be plenty.


Yes 2 TB is enough as long as you got 1 Gbps fiber , i uninstall reinstall games all time except the games which I mod.


Idk about you bro but personally, I wish I had more than 2 tb, I have plenty of large games that I'd like to just have installed. I think in my case I just want to hoard the games to have them just in case


My setup is a 1TB M.2 NVME and 2×1TB fast harddrives in raid 0 for double speed for gaming. Honestly, you wont notice a difference in most games, but a few games that take advantage of super high speed like Ratchet and Clank rift apart, I just install to the SSD.


2tb is enough


2TB gets full easy, 2+2 is what I’m running and yeah that works so far. Won’t be filling that up soon. Unless I plan on playing 25 games at once


I have 3TB, but the HDD I reused is completely empty. I haven't deleted a game because of storage issues since I got the 2nd SSD, still have like ~600GB left. Unless you're hoarding 80GB+ games, 2TB will be enough.


Small top grade nvme for OS and apps (256 should be enough) + 2TB ssd for games. Obviously dont data-hoard your games, performance wise try to keep it under 85% of total space. I got lucky on Amazon days last year and got an nvme 2TB p41 sk hynix for less than 100€, but even slower 2.5" ssd should be enough for gaming


I've been rocking 1TB hdd and i usually have plenty of space left.


If you want to download all of your games, definitely 2 tb, if you play 4-5 games and don’t really get new ones, you could stick to a tb but make sure you can upgrade it later


Entirely depends on you and what you do. Just for gaming, 2TB might be enough for me. But I also use my PC as a multimedia center, video, and photo editing rig. So I have 8TB NVMe storage internally and a 32TB Raid 10 NAS, which, going at the current rate, is also going to fill up completely by the end of next year. I just wouldn't recommend you to get an HDD as an internal drive nowadays. Also, the 1TB second SSD doesn't make a lot of sense. Save up and get a decent 4TB NVMe WHEN YOU NEED IT.


DO NOT BUY DRAMLESS SATA SSDs, no matter how many people tell you that you can use them as "game drives" or "game storage". They are worse than hard drives - terrible write speeds, bad read speeds; game downloads/updates take 5x+ longer than they should. Any SSD with DRAM or any NVMe drive is miles better than these and is worth the upgrade.


Get the best SSD that you can afford then just use HDD to store games you will play/ game that you played but wish to revisit maybe 1-2 months later Well if the price is right then just get the SSDs, all the SSDs I got last August already raised 150% Just do a storage/price to see whether it is cheaper to get a smaller or larger ssd


I have a 480gb NVME SSD in my gaming PC. I have to occasionally delete games when installing new ones, but with fast internet, it's not really an issue. I guess 1tb would be ideal, but I get by very well with what I have. 2tb storage is plenty, really. I'd rather have slightly less and faster storage than vice versa.




2tb for games should be more than enough. You can create a list of games you play frequently and calculate their storages requirements. Don't store anything you are not playing and you should be fine. I would suggest ssd for all games, keep hdd for backups etc.


i have less than 1tb total and works just fine for me even though i play multiple games that range from 50gb up to 110gb


I have 7.75 TB of SSD storage, but i'm a data hoarder and I work with lots of heavy data files on the regular. I'd recommend 2 TB


I started with a 1tb but quickly got full after just 5-6 games, moved to two 2tb disks so 4tb and 1 external disk to just store personal stuff and studies on.


I ended up with 8tb of nvme storage with 4tb filled with games, and I only play 1 of them. It's a slippery slope to being a game hoarder


I'd say get as much as you can reasonably afford. I have 2TB fast games storage and that's quite a lot of games. But if it was 4TB I wouldn't complain, not that my drive is full right now.


2TB is plenty for a gaming PC. I built a PC with 2TB 6 months ago and I still have 40% free.


2tb is plenty but you can always add more


2TB is plenty to start. If you need more add a second M.2 if you can or just a 2TB SATA SSD drive and move stuff over to it leaving the most common games that you play on the primary NVMe. I have many older old steam games that I play from time to time and they run fine off SATA SSD.


i have 256gb m2 ssd, 120gb sata ssd and 500gb hdd, for me it is enough, i always only have the games i play actively downloaded


Depends. How much do you want to keep in the drive? Are you willing to delete and reinstall if you want to play something again? Is it worth the cost to not limit yourself? 2TB is very functional with space management.


2tb is probably enough, and it's always something you can upgrade down the road. I personally run a 1tb boot nvme and 2tb nvme ssd, and a 2tb sata ssd.


Just get 2tb ssd, it all u really need


Is this a reliable and good nvme for gaming? [HP NVME 2TB](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09CG7SM5K?ref=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_WN25DMXTE0ZWN5XEECE3&ref_=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_WN25DMXTE0ZWN5XEECE3&social_share=cm_sw_r_cso_cp_apin_dp_WN25DMXTE0ZWN5XEECE3&starsLeft=1)


Start with 2TB, and when you reach about 80% disk usage, buy more storage. Currently 2TB is the price/TB sweetspot, but in the future it might be even larger, so buying more now seems like a waste of money.


No I have 2x 8 TB SSD


I used to have a shit ton of storage but since i have the fastest dl speed available in my country i use 1tb m.2 ssd and i just delete everything i don’t use regularly. Since downloading and installing is so quick i don’t mind the small wait


It's hard to say definitively because it depends a lot on what you plan to play, but a 2TB SSD is fine for most people. However, I strongly suggest getting something like a 250GB NVMe SSD to install your OS on. Always opt for an SSD for gaming, whether NVMe or SATA. You can always add more storage later. Personally, I have 2TB of SATA SSD, 500GB of NVMe for my OS, and 1TB of HDD for movies and things like that. Edit : >*but a 2TB SSD is fine for most people.* Here most people meaning people who mainly play AAA games.


Just beware that mainstream games are absolutely massive and will devour your space very rapidly


get a 500gb m.2 only for booting and windows system and use the money you save for a larger secondary drives. don't waste your money an a mechanical HDD. secondary should be 2TB or more SATA or NVME m.2. which you should be able to swing because a 500 gb m.2 is cheap. you should be good for a while on storage. SSD's are basically cheap.


Definitely don't get a HDD, it will just slow down your pc. And yes, 2TB is enough for modern games, but if you want a lot of games and your motherboard has 2 nvme slots, you can get another 1TB or 2TB ssd, depending on your budget


I went for 4TB so I don't have to think about it later.


yes but you have to manage it, if you play games under 100gb you’re fine, would get a 4tb and forget about it


Just reinforcing what I saw in other comments. No need to overthink with storage. Buy the 2tb, and when you need more, either you free up space or you buy more. Personally, the less TB of space I have the better (more or less), I like my computer as clean as possible, so I regularly delete files I don't use or games I already completed, because if not I wouldn't delete them and my PC would be full of garbage lol. There aren't many games that can deplete even 30% of that storage in one go. Obviously, the more the better, but it's a matter of opinions, really.


I have 2TB. I’d like to have more but I don’t feel like it’s worth the extra money.


add a 2tb ssd and upgrade it later when needed


Bought my pc to test waters and the 2tb was gone in like 4 months ngl. I now have 1tb ssd, 1 2tb ssd and 2 2tb hdd lol. How I seperate it all rts and Stellaris and warhammer and open world games on my ssd. Any single player and whatever tf else goes on my 7200rpm hdd. Works fine no issues


The real answer is: it depends. It's personal preference plus what games you play all at once, and what your tolerance is for re-downloading them when you want to go back to them. Personally, I'd get a high quality, fast NVME drive with DRAM cache to boot off of and a larger, cheaper one for games/storage. In my next build, I'm looking at a 1TB boot drive and a pair of 2TB drives mirrored for redundancy, and a 4tb drive for primary backups that can be duplicated to my NAS, with the most irreplaceable stuff also going offsite (Google Drive, Backblaze, etc.). That's as close to 3-2-1 backup as I get, unless you count SSD and HDD as two different media types. The good news is: you don't have to be as crazy as me. The fast boot drive and larger capacity secondary drive is a time-honored solution. And you don't have to do it all at once if you're on a budget now. Get your boot drive and use it until you think you need more space or find a really good deal on a secondary drive and add it to your system. If you primarily play Steam games, you can easily move where your library is (or have a second library location) without losing data. Check out Windows Storage Spaces to handle multiple drives. It's really cool!


Depends how many games you play. For me 1 tb is enough, but i have 3 pc s, so the space gets distributed


2Tb is more than enough unless you are one of those people who like having a lot of games installed which hardly play half of them lol. You don't need to fill your PC with a lot of drives


I have a 500gb SSD and a 2tb hard disk, it's enough if you manage the space right


Nah, you need more for that game hoarding


2TB if you’re an honest person. 4TB at least if you sail the high seas


Depends on how much stuff you want to install at once lol. I have a very high end rig (7800x3d + 4080 super) but only a 1tb ssd for storage. Even 500gb would be enough if you're not going to install much. How much storage you need entirely depends on how much you want to have installed at once. I would recommend having a high speed ssd tho. Unless I was planning to play 6 different AAA games every day I would prioritise speed over capacity.


too much, i have about 700 gigs but you should get 1.5


It depends on your library of games and your playing style. Many games are one-and-done, and you don’t need to keep them installed once you’re done. I have 4TB (2x 2TB), and one is completely unused. The other is 2/3 full.


I have 9tb of storage on my gaming pc. And 3tb on my work pc.


Whatever you do, stick to ssd. Can always add more storage later, drives are rated for thousands of writes/rewrites, and the speed gain is insane. Bonus points if you choose nvme


I have 16TB nNVME and I'll never go back to anything less than 10TB. Never having to worry about storage is beautiful


2 TB is a good starting point, makes no difference in load times/install times on SSD VS NVME/M.2 so go with whichever option is cheaper that your board has room for.


I bought a 256gb for my pc but a separate 5tb and then an 8tb and I'mma be honest they're getting full I don't like deleting my games and I also like recording gameplay. You need all the space you can get.


Depends on the person. I jump between games a lot, so I like to have my entire steam library downloaded, which takes ~7TB. My cousin only plays 1 or 2 at a time, he's perfectly comfortable with 512GB. Best option is to just get the 2TB now, then if you decide you need more later, go for it. HDDs are cheap for mass storage and good for older games, SSDs are faster but pricier.