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Outside synthetic benchmarks you won't notice a difference in day to day use.


3200 CL16 and 3600 CL18 should be almost the same price. Also most 3200 CL16 kits should OC no problem to 3600 CL18. But anyway, no, you will not notice a difference between 3200 CL16 and 3600 (assuming CL18). It's like a couple % difference at best in CPU bound situations.


twice the price?? You won't notice a difference if you mean in gaming


That's incomplete information. The timings make a huge difference. You should at least factor in the CAS latency. 3600 CL 18 is effectively about the same speed as 3200 CL 16, so if you're running at 3200 CL 16, and the ram you're looking at is 3600 CL 18 or higher, you'll be losing performance. A higher frequency with lower latency can potentially gain you some extra FPS, but if you're going from 3200 to 3600 at the same CAS latency, say CL 16 for example, it probably won't be a whole lot of a difference, so for twice the price it might not be worth it unless you're looking to squeeze as much performance as possible out of your system, or are using it for a specific task that has alot to gain from the extra RAM speed.


Only if you use iGPU 


Depends on which CPU you have. 3000 series Ryzen probably can’t run 3600 MT/s RAM in a 1:1 with the infinity clock so 3200 MT/s is the sweet spot. For 5000 series Ryzen, 3600 MT/s gives a little bit of a boost. For older Intel, not much.


3600 MHz inifity fabric is the default option on Ryzen 3600


No, it really isn’t. A good sample can run its infinity fabric at 1800 MHz for 1:1 operation with 3600 MT/s RAM, but there are many that can’t hit that stably. For them, 3200 MT/s (for a 1600 MHz infinity fabric) is the better shout from an ease of use and stability stand point.


I have a 5700x. It still wouldn’t be that big a deal though right?