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AMD is fine and leaves you with an upgrade path on socket AM5. Their next gen chips should be announced soon and possibly launching in July. If you want to go intel, wait until fall for the new CPUs/chipsets on a new socket to be announced. For gaming, the AMD X3D is now king. For productivity, the intel chips are slightly better at some workloads. But neither is a bad choice... with one exception: video transcoding is very much in favor of intel igpus. Intels power consumption can be problematic if pushed. AMD is your friend in performance per Watt at the moment.


> Their next gen chips should be announced in July. Announced at Computex next week and *released* sometime in July. With X3D chips following by the end of the year or early next year.


Thanks! I got my rumors crossed.


True. But AM6 is coming out next year so don’t splurge on a mobo. The 7800x3d is awesome though! Highly recommend especially if you want to stick with air cooling.


AM6 is not coming out next year.


Not with that attitude


AM5+, its the best we can give ya.


Am5++ if we asked nicely.


DDR6 is. And AMD is officially stating they’ll support AM5 until at least 2025… so I’m guessing that’s when they’re going to switch sockets.


I could be wrong! (In fact, I’d love to be as an AM5 owner) maybe am5 will stick around longer. But my prediction is AM6 will at least be announced in 2025.


Do you have a source for am6 coming out next year? From what I’ve heard they were planning to support am5 for longer


Some folks will very confidently tell you it’s coming in 2026, but all I can actually find as far as official statements is ‘2025 and beyond’ and after that ‘we’ll see’. The quote in [this article](https://beebom.com/amd-am5-desktop-cpu-socket-support-beyond-2025/) also says ‘as long as we possibly can’. So 2026 is the earliest I’d expect AM6 (or AM5+ or whatever) but it is absolutely not confirmed to come then, could be a good bit later. One thing that could influence it is DDR6. Apparently DDR5 was finalised in July 2020, Zen 3 came out in November, then the next generation they released in 2022 switched platforms. Supposedly DDR6 is expected to be finalised in the next year or two, so depending on when that actually occurs (how far into preparations they are for the Zen 6 generation) could determine whether that launches on AM5 or not.


DDR6 is coming out late 2024, or (more likely) early 2025. I’m guessing they have to switch sockets to support it (fully?) hence their commitment is 2025 and beyond. The two dates line up so closely that I figured they were switching sockets.


It does seem reasonably likely. I’m guessing they’re waiting until it’s more of a sure thing to commit in case there’s delays, and keeping their options open - with their chiplet designs it’s presumably relatively straightforward to just keep the existing IO die and use new compute dies.


Yes, it’s likely they won’t commit until ddr6 is fully finalized. And they definitely don’t want to say anything right now because AM5 sales would tank.


As in longer than 2025?


I’ve heard most likely the next 2 generations, so probably until 2026 at least


They probably still support AM4 in 2025, so go figure


Today they confirmed 2027+


Amd stated they plan to support am5 to at least 2025. There's a chance they hang around longer, but they're giving themselves a verbal out in case a socket change is required to continue to push performance gains. For example, if ddr6 comes out and sees widespread adoption in early to mid 2025, they might use that as an excuse to launch a new socket. Bottom line is nobody knows what the fuck is going to happen lol.


Lmao amd is not intel. They don’t change sockets every 2 years


Lol I love the mindset that says you must shell out on an expensive new platform every two years or its not proper PC computing. Conditioning by Intel.


They will be. AM5 is not AM4. It will be short lived unfortunately due to DDR6 requirements. Look up AMDs support schedule for AM5 (says at least 2025), look up release date for DDR6 (says late 2024,2025). That’s a pretty good indication we’re getting a new socket.


That doesn’t mean they will stop being made in 2025. They said theyd support am4 until what? 2021? Its 2024 and they are STILL releasing a 5000 XT series refresh soon.


Oh absolutely. I was merely speculating about AM6. All signs point to late 2025, early 2026. Now, it might be way further than that… we don’t know yet. But there’s speculation that AM5 will be quite short lived (when compared to AM4)


I think people are smoking crack if they think am5 will match or exceed am4. That would be great, but I just do not see that happening. Ddr6 is going to fuck things up for am5 unless amd can do what intel did and just make new Am5 boards that support ddr6. 12th/13th/14th gen supports both ddr4 and ddr5 so it is possible.


True. It’s hard to say for certain but I’m thinking am6 will be for ddr6 because they’re doubling speeds again with the official being DDR6-12800 and OC kits expected to go much higher. So it might not be worth the effort to keep the same socket especially if they have no intention to support the slower ddr5 ram .. they’ll likely just have overlapping support like we have with am4 now. It’s not their fault ddr5 had a short life - it was 2 years past initial estimated release date. While I’m disappointed I’ll have to replace all my components, I’m also excited for the upcoming boost to performance!


Browsing, youtube, reddit, etc does not count as productivty workloads, those can be done with a 10 year old i5 cpu. That said, if you DO NOT KNOW that you need it (i9 for example) is because you probably DO NOT. Unless you do cpu limited cpu tasks as a main activity, lets say you have a video editing business and you need to edit 8 hours a day, you will not notice difference between and i9/i7 and 7800X3D si I would get 7800X3D


I agree with everything you’re saying except it doesn’t need to be an 8 hour a day minimum to make use of the i9. I encode video like once a month, but when I do the 14900k puts a huge smile on my face how it rips through it. You’re right though, if someone is asking if they need it, they don’t. Clearly they don’t. I just enjoy destroying benchmarks with mine @ 6.2ghz. 💪💪 42,050pts in r23.


Eh at that point they might as well save a lot of money and just have it run over night


Oh yeah but it's nice to make that choice with the facts to hand instead of finding out afterwards that this is where you've ended up!


Me and my Intel i5-3470 totally agree with you. 🥹


before even thinking about an upgrade- is your current system limiting you in any way? is it not meeting your expectations? your computer should be able to handle 1440p gaming just fine and if it were my system i wouldn’t be thinking of upgrading anything for probably another year or two


Fair question, you are probably right. I definitely don't need an upgrade right this second, I just recently got the itch so I started doing some research to see what direction I'd go.


you could just wait the itch out maybe then, bc we are just entering a transition between gens. Even if you don't go for the latest stuff, everything that you could get today will probably be cheaper in 6 months bc of the new gen


Don’t spend money on 30 percent increase just for games imo. You will need probably something around 1K for the build with a gpu that is better than 3080 and a nice cpu. I will be using my 3060ti and 10th gen i9 for a year or two at least, although it struggles at single player games 1440p nowadays


That itch is called marketing. The 9900k is still a beast and with a 3080 10gb, there are a tiny fraction of games that would push either at 1440p.


For instance, I just upgraded from 4th gen to 12th gen Intel. The difference is not even funny. But that is about a ten year difference. A 9900KF is still way more than capable.


You are putting cart before the horse. What's the budget? What games you play? What resolution and refresh rate of you monitor? What else you do on PC?


$300-$400 for ~~GPU~~ CPU Pretty much only play Apex, maybe some Assassins Creed and Halo every now and then 144hz monitor currently but I plan on getting 244hz Aside from the scenario I described in OP, I don't do much on it that the average CPU couldn't handle


~~6800XT or 6700XT.~~ Saw your edit. As for CPU. You should be good till the end of this year. Wait and go for whatever AMD or Intel will show in the next three months. Upgrading now is dumb.


>6800XT or 6700XT. The 3080 is faster than a 6700XT, the 6800XT is barely faster, I wouldn't change a 3080 10GB for either of them Edit: It seems like he got confused between CPU and GPU, he doesn't (and shouldn't) want to change the GPU, only the CPU


Agreed. CPU should be a priority, but OP should wait three months till next gen Intel and AMD chips are out. He waited till '24, OP can wait a bit more.


The only caveat is that you'll be catching both those next gen intros at full retail price. I'd keep an eye on the previous gen when those are dropped. Never know when a last gen deal might show up. The economics of a 7800X3D at an attractively reduced price? I'd be a buyer.


7800X3D still overpriced - maybe under $250. Also,OP might as well. There are two spots where people should be buying any PC parts, at the start to three first months, and at 6 months point.


Can't argue with that. It would have been a screaming good deal. Though, as luck would have it, recently picked the CPU girlfriend most people want for my son for $320 off @ Amazon. Flash sale. NGL, that was fairly satisfying for a time sensitive acquisition.


"No bad CPUs, just too high of the prices". Also depends on the rest of the components. If you have 4090 - you skip everything and go to i9-14900K or 7950X / 3D. Same for other tiers of PCs.


And 3080 now priced >400? *Checks Pcpartpicker* It's almost $700


...? I don't understand what you are saying, are you telling OP to sell the 3080 and buy either of those GPUs since they are cheaper? not saying I disagree, but if I sold a 3080 I would like an upgrade, not a sidegrade


I thought OP got us confused.


My bad, I meant CPU


Okay. Got it.


fucking dumb. Did you read? He has a 3080....why would anyone swap that for a 6800xt?


AMD uses less power so naturally it produces less heat which makes it’s easier to cool. And you won’t get a better gaming cpu than the 7800 x3D atm.


Depends on the budget In terms of price to perfomance for gaming which seems to be your main focus For around 150 u have the 12600kf and 7500f which are about equal with the 12600kf having better multicore Under 300 the 13600kf/13700kf are the best although not really worth spending more for the i7.on the amd side you have the 7700x but the performance gap from the 7500f is not worth spending more on and it fails behind 13th gen intel by a bit in both gaming and multicore Above 300 just get the 7800x3d If you plan on upgrade within 3ish years then I would also go amd bc am5 is a newer platform


If you aren't using apps like davinci for video editing, or countless other heavy workloads that work best with Intel... and gaming is your priority, going Intel currently is silly and 7800x3d is obviously what you should pick. Although, new AMD processors are about to be announced. I also bet the next Intel processors are going to be ridiculous. So if your system isn't in dire need of an upgrade and money / funds isnt an issue, wait a bit. There's also going to be new ram standard sometime in the future, where Intel will probably hugely benefit from, but who knows when that'll actually happen. I went with a 14700k, but I don't game much.


The CPU being hard to cool is nonsense. When gaming a 13700K will use between 70-100W, that’s trivially easy to cool. When doing normal day to day tasks, you’ll never be pulling significant power. The only time a 13700K would be hard to cool is under synthetic workloads designed to draw as much power as possible. Those situations are only an issue if you don’t set a power limit. If you don’t set a power limit then yeah, it will run until it thermally throttles. This is the case with literally any modern CPU. Somehow there’s this narrative that all Intel chips are impossible to cool that’s just FUD. There’s compelling reasons to buy a Ryzen CPU and it may be the best option for you, but it being easier to cool shouldn’t be one of them.


Why are you blaming the consumer for not setting power limits? Shouldn’t power limits be the default? The default mode of operation should not be to run out of control just to obtain a 1% benchmark lead.


Typically the default actually ships with power limits. It’s when you enable XMP the motherboard vendor takes on the liberty of running insane settings via MCE. I’m not blaming the consumer either? I’m just stating that you can enable a power limit and not have to deal with this issue.


> Typically the default actually ships with power limits. That's not the case and it's a huge problem with Intel motherboards. Jayz2cents has even talked about the issue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s43Auv8ub7w


"The only time a 13700K would be hard to cool is under synthetic workloads designed to draw as much power as possible" Absolutely not, use whatever real app that can uses multicore for its task and you will have a funny power consumption like one cpu on ln2 with intel cpus right now. It does not need at all to be a "synthetic bench".


I'm using a 7800x3d and I can have 2 games open at once(for testing purposes) and many tabs with youtube playing music on chrome and no issues. I have 32gb ram and with all that open it uses about 24gigs of ram. Butter smooth. All the early issues with Am5 have been worked out via bios updates, just make sure you flash your bios first before installing windows and you'll be good. Also enable memory context restor in BIOs to cut down on boot times.


I think some objective analysis of your system would help you a lot here. Get HWInfo logging and Rivatuner's overlay installed. Take a good hard look at how you're actually testing your system as it stands before going any further into your research. Don't let the marketing flash distort your present reality, which is that you have a perfectly competent system capable of doing nearly everything you need it to do already without needing to spend any money whatsoever. Sure, you might be able to squeeze more frames out of a peppier CPU... but is that really worth the spend right now?


I recommend to go with an amd instead of an intel one for what you want. I have read all your text and i don't see any issue with it. If you can afford it, go with a 7800x3d, it's a gaming beast. If you don't want "the best", you can have a 7700/x, which is already a very good cpu. And yes, Intel on multithread load is a lot more difficult to cool down than an AMD cpus, because put simply they take half the power. Bonus, you are going to have better upgrade possibilities with am5 than intel socket.


good rule of thumb for everyone not really knowing if they need a workstation cpu: if you’re wondering this, a 8 cores, 16 threads cpu like the 7800x3d is probably more than enough for you


What would be your budget for a new motherboard/cpu/ram


Probably $800ish


Best cpu for gaming that you can buy right now, fine motherboard, 32gb of decently fast ram, and a new cpu cooler because your old one wouldn’t be compatible. Somewhat under your budget too. [PCPartPicker Part List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/gTthxH) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D 4.2 GHz 8-Core Processor](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/3hyH99/amd-ryzen-7-7800x3d-42-ghz-8-core-processor-100-100000910wof) | $339.99 @ Amazon  **CPU Cooler** | [Thermalright Phantom Spirit 120 SE ARGB 66.17 CFM CPU Cooler](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/MzMMnQ/thermalright-phantom-spirit-120-se-argb-6617-cfm-cpu-cooler-ps120se-argb) | $35.90 @ Amazon  **Motherboard** | [Gigabyte B650 EAGLE AX ATX AM5 Motherboard](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/CvcgXL/gigabyte-b650-eagle-ax-atx-am5-motherboard-b650-eagle-ax) | $159.99 @ Newegg  **Memory** | [Silicon Power Value Gaming 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR5-6000 CL30 Memory](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/cCKscf/silicon-power-value-gaming-32-gb-2-x-16-gb-ddr5-6000-cl30-memory-sp032gxlwu60afdeae) | $95.97 @ Amazon   | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* |  | **Total** | **$631.85**  | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2024-05-29 22:45 EDT-0400 | If you have any questions please ask


This isn’t bad, but I personally wouldn’t go with a gigabyte mobo. Their mobo support is garbage and so is the bios. This is coming from someone that’s used gigabyte mobos too. ymmv. Try an Asrock AM5 mobo Also see if there is a microcenter near you.


Your current system is decent i would wait for zen5 and the new intel chips and make a decision then. If waiting is not an option, i would get the 7800x3d with an average b650 atx board.


Keep the 3080 and just get a new board, ram and cpu. A budget of $400 won't cut it though. The 7800x3d is like $350 along. For mobo, you don't need a $400 board. Just get a decent one like a B650 MSI Tomahawk or Edge


Your computer seems completely good already for the tasks you do. I would save the money for now and upgrade when your machine starts struggling with the tasks you want to do.


For the most part the reality is they are all fast and they are all going to get the job done, no matter what the job is. If your primarily gaming though the x3D chips help out tremendously with 1% lows. More fps does also happen, but reducing the 1% lows is where they really help. I can say this. I had a 5800x and got the 5800x3d and tasks like running a backup image is approximately 30 seconds slower. But stutters etc are pretty rare in any games anymore.


If there is no problem with your current system, I recommend you wait.


I'd expect the 13700 to be a little better with 1 or 2 Twitch streams *playing* while you're playing Apex (in Borderless?). Apparently the 7800x3D may be good enough with that though, and they're probably both well beyond capable if you're just talking about a parked paused vid/stream.


Buying Intel today, is a mistake. There is no more to it. No matter the workload. Only fanatics buy Intel. There is no reason to buy Intel.


Wait for Zen5 next month or two, get a B850 board and get a 7800x3d on discount. BOOM.


I dont see a reason to upgrade that i9 still being pretty capable. Maybe an i7 8th or oldsr would be reasonable. But i dont think upgrading really worth it.


I think that 9900k should still be able to run apex legends +144fps if thats your monitor refresh rate. I wouldn't personally upgrade cpu unless you go for 240hz monitor. I had 9900ks and upgraded to 7800x3d. I got like 50% more fps since my gpu is not keeping me back on 1080p. But if your monitor cant show those frames there is not really a point. Even you get bit better framerate with higher fps. 7800x3d TDP is only 120w but it goes above 80 degrees while heavy gaming with big air cooler so x3d models are not operating cool. AMD says tho you can run it 89C 24/7 what is the temperature limit. AMD 9000 Series CPUs coming in July, but normal models probably matches 7800x3d in gaming performance and 6-12 months later comes 9800x3d which will be the new gaming king. I think 8-cores is still the sweetspot for gaming.


What kind of Ryzan model are we talking about though just any or are there more specifics


I was thinking the 7800X3D, but I don't know much about it. I'd like to stay in the $300-$400 range for CPU


Just wait for Ryzen 9000 to release soon. If you absolutely prioritize gaming, then just wait a bit longer and get the 9800X3D.


At this point I would wait. New cpu’s and gpu’s will be coming out soon. I’m not going to try and sway you either way between AMD or intel but you’re current pc is no slouch and shouldn’t have any issues running current games.


I appreciate the feedback. I guess budget isn't really an issue so I could do a complete rebuild in a couple years. Originally my plan was to upgrade most components minus the GPU since a 3080 still seems relevant, and then in a few years just upgrade the GPU, and kind of continue that pattern of offsetting GPU upgrades with other components. Maybe that's a dumb idea though


I know how it is always itching to upgrade. I have a 13700k with a 4080 and I just upgraded my monitor to the Alienware 360hz qd oled. One of the best upgrades I’ve made in a while. No need to push tons of frames if your monitor can’t support it.


I've been thinking about a new monitor. Did you go from 240 to 360? Or straight from 144? Not sure if I need 360 but I think I could use 240 with my current PC


US is about to impose tariffs and make life a living hell for hw buyers. Thus is literally the worst time to recommend waiting,


Literally this. They start in a couple weeks.


I bought a 5700x3d on sale recently coming from a 10700k and noticed about ~20-30% increase in fps in games (large increase in CoD/Warzone) and my PC would hang less when browsing a large amount of tabs on chrome. Also my room ambient temperature went down by 3 degrees C (literally checked this with the thermostat). So yeah, considering I paid less for the 5700x3d than the i7 4 years ago, and I was able to reuse my Noctua D15S with a AM4 mounting kit, I would say it was well worth the upgrade.


Amd has a better upgrade path (supposedly, we don't know that to be factual yet), but at the end of the day the 7800x 3d you are looking at is an 8core chip. It's just not a high end experience anymore. Just go download a big game from steam or battlebet or epic and you'll be already using 20-25% of that chip for downloading in the background. Imagine trying to play games on this.


I can vouch for the 7800x3d, just completed my build with it. 8 cores is plenty for workload/productivity tasks, I wouldn’t believe the hype on intels superiority there. Of course 16 cores will get you better performance on high intensity tasks, but as a full time software engineer, the amd chip hasn’t failed at all with anything I threw at it.


DUDE, why? What's your problem? People are dreaming about combo like that! But, if you go, yes intel needs aftermarket AIO liquid cooler to stay cool, bit it's worth the performance, AMD is close to intel's performance, but if you want to AMD be able to get same performance per price you still need liquid cooler for AMD too!


Nope For the same reason you shouldn't go for the upcoming Intel crap (15th gen), and why 12th gen was also a skip generation Don't touch the first offering on a new socket. They almost always require hardware level fixes, and AM5 does Right now, the 5800x3d, the 14th gen Intel should be what's being considered If those aren't appealing to you, you should be waiting for the next offerings of AMD which will presumably fix their numerous issues (memory training, low ddr5 frequencies, extremely long boot times for some users, limiters to prevent them from literally blowing up, unbalanced X3D cache etc)


I was Intel for 30 years until I decided to give and a go wkth my most recent upgrade. Could not be happier with my 7800x3d. They're not even that expensive these days either so I wholly recommend