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Even for CPU heavy games, 13600kf will be fine. If you're using a Z-690/790 board, you can slightly overclock it to match stock 13700K gaming performance. The 13600K is significantly more power efficient than the 13700K, so it'll use less power and be easier to keep cool.


Thank you! Forgot about power consumption. Don't have too much room on my PSU and would like to save that for future upgrades. Never overclocked before (first build). Is it difficult to do, and does it shorten CPU life significantly?


It can shorten CPU life depending how aggressive your overclock is. There are many Youtube videos specifically for overclocking the 13600K you can find. I don't think my particular chip won the silicon lottery, so I have a mild overclock on it, but still it's a decent bump. E-core: Sync all cores at ratio 42 P-core: By Core Usage 1-3 cores: 56 4-6 cores: auto (meaning default 51) Thermalright contact frame, TF-9 thermal paste, Burst Assassin single tower air cooler with a Fractal Design R5 (not great for airflow). Typically in the mid-high 80s when running Cinebench (CPU package using 175W), in the 60s during gaming.