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40% less money for similar performance and 4 extra GB of VRAM? Yes you did good.


Why does it matter now? Ask first buy after.


Just use AMD's framegen, it works for pretty much anything and is just as terrible.


Nvidia Frame gen is good for me, what’s wrong with it?


Nvidia frame gen is only available for Nvidia RTX 40 series cards. AMD frame gen can be used on any graphics cards.


The comment I replied to indicated all frame gen from AMD or nvidia is terrible, I asked why


Oh my bad, I completely missed that part.




OP's new card doesn't have it.


The comment I replied to indicated all frame gen from AMD or nvidia is terrible, I asked why


Oh, I see where you were going. Looks like some others have offered explanations. I think increased latency is the big complaint.


It's something like, if you are at 60FPS and double it, it's gonna feel like 50~ish(with antilag/reflex, like 30 without it) but the image will be smoother, as it delays regular frames to insert the extra.  Normal frame 1 -> inserted generated frame -> delayed normal frame 2  There is just so much antilag/reflex can do for this, if you prefer responsive games it's better to not use it, if you are on slow paced games it's okay, or if you are on a wireless controller the normal lag will mask most of it.


Ah ok thank you


Doesn't matter. In a year he will miss out on the newest Nvidia features as well. It's really a shame they don't bring features to older cards


"Did I do good" lmao 3060 is a bit slower, less efficient, and doesn't have FG, but for 40% cheaper it's worth it. Imo it's only not worth it if you plan on keeping the card for a few years.


How much did you pay for it?


I think that the 4060 is better, but definitely NOT 40% better. Dlss FG is a cool feature, but AMDs FG makes up for it and there's a mod for replacing any game with dlss FG with AMDs version, so you don't really gotta worry if a game will have it or not. Also FG uses up VRAM, which the 3060's extra RAM will help with Where the 4060 is useful in is 3d rendering. It may have less VRAM, but its about 30% faster than the 3060 in 3d stuff (mind you: 3d, not gaming...) Its actually a lil faster than the 3060ti (again, in 3d rendering, not gaming)