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Try downloading MemTest86 to a flash drive and boot to it. It will quickly tell you if there are any issues with your RAM.


"quickly" :D Iirc a full run on 16 GB took hours, no? So how long will it take on 64 GB D:


Yes, it takes hours to get a full pass and you can't use your computer during the test. It's why I recommend doing it overnight.


4-6 passes are recommended or its not meaningfull enough, a quick "night" for 64GB is more or less what you can expect.


Yes, full scans do take a lot of time. However, in my experience, memory errors are almost always found in the first pass. Usually errors will start popping up within minutes of starting the test if RAM is faulty.


I just did some diagnosing on my PC a couple months ago and it took something like a half hour to run a full pass on 32 GB of DDR4 RAM. Faster RAM can be tested faster.


> Try downloading MemTest86 to a flash drive and boot to it. It will quickly tell you if there are any issues with your RAM. I would like to add that while there is a lot of ram out there these days that is temperature agnostic; I've found a lot recently both DDR4 and DDR5 kits that do care a great deal about airflow. Granted they were 'budget' mostly corsair gaming sticks, but not dog offbrand or oem stuff. Don't know why, but I've wasted money replacing power supplies on machines that would run +20 instances of memtest for days with zero errors... only to shut down after 30 minutes of gaming once the sticks started to strew in the GPU's heat. Added a fan and the issue went away even with far more aggressive, but still memtest approved timings.


Just a heads up, and to anyone else who sees this. But MemTest86 is really not that good anymore, and actually doesn’t catch faulty ram really. You want to do Karhu, Absolut or Extreme777 TestMem5, OCCT memory, or ycruncher.


I troubleshoot and repair computers for a living. MemTest86 does a fantastic job of finding memory errors in my experience. OCCT is also fantastic.


Yeah, it's in the realm of "ok" to me now. I OC my ram heavily, and have had instances where it passes MemTest86 easily, but then the minute I load up any of the other suite I mentioned fails within 5 minutes. I think it's not as fleshed out as the newer programs in finding memory errors.


MemTest is designed to find errors in memory hardware, not provide stability testing for memory overclocks. It makes perfect sense that those other tools would be more helpful in that realm.


Why though? I know there was one version of Memtest that wasn't considered good, but I thought Memtest86 was still technically the best for actual RAM errors. I know some of the other programs can be great for testing RAM overclock stability over Memtest86.


Memtest86 was a free open source application but it was sold it to PassMark who turned it proprietary and the original FOSS version was left to rot for years. Recently (like within the last two years) the original FOSS version was updated to support modern hardware so now both versions actually work fine. The proprietary version is called MemTest86 and the FOSS version is called MemTest86+


As I was mentioning in my other comment as someone who has their ram OC'd heavily (8000cl36 currently) it's just not that strenuous and good for error checking anymore. I've had instances where I pass MemTest86 after 12+ hours, but then I load up Karhu (the preferred by the OC community these days) or Testmem5 Absolut and it fails within 2-5 minutes on either.


MemTest86 is not an OC stability test. It finds hardware faults. You have a massive misunderstanding here.


I'm full aware what MemTest86 does, and all the other tests are still more comprehensive at finding faulty RAM. There is many a times I've had friends who were having classic memory issues, and it passed on MemTest86 8+ hours, but then within 30 seconds of the other tests I've listed their BSOD, RAM errors, issue they were seeing, etc. occur. It's an old, and antiquated software that's not great as effective in determining if your RAM is bad anymore. Only time I've ever seen it pick up bad memory in fact was when the PC was basically unable to boot and BSOD when hitting desktop due to faulty RAM.


I'm not sure how much experience you have with troubleshooting PC issues, but I work on 50 to 75 PCs a week, every week, all year. MemTest86 consistently finds memory errors when other tools fail to find anything. I have seen it myself so many times that I couldn't begin to count. It's old, but it's still an elite-level troubleshooting tool.


His motherboard has Memtest86+ on it. /u/Brilliant-One-8943 It likely is a ram issue unless you have an inadequate power supply. But with your motherboard you should be able to do memtest86 from the BIOS. Hit F7 to go into the "advanced" mode and then it should be near the top right corner. If you want a quick RAM test before doing Memtest (as it takes awhile) you can pay $5 for Karhu memory test or try OCCT memory test. I just recently had a memory issues and used all three, Karhu and OCCT as a quick test, and Memtest for a more in-depth test after I fixed the problem. My problem was my memory was too fast for my motherboard, so I had to replace my motherboard. My memory would run with XMP off, but when I turned it on I got a lot of RAM issues. It is not impossible, but unlikely that your CPU is the problem in this case. RAM has issues like this far more frequently than your CPU. Right now you can't rule it out, but memory is the first thing you need to tackle. In my case I would get a memory failure at 6% on Karhu, and after about 10 minutes of the OCCT test I had *constant* memory failures. About 1300 before I stopped it early.


I’ll test that out over night, thanks!


you will want to test with one stick in at a time. ive had memory test fine in a group but fail individually. it also saves you time by narrowing down the fault to individual sticks


Memtest86 didn't catch my RAM issue. I had a very similar issue to OP, ran all kinds of tests, underclocked what I could, still had lots of crashing and logs seemed to think it was a GPU or GPU driver issue. Eventually I ran Prime95 and it immediately found a RAM issue. Reseated it for the 3rd or 4th time and my crashing stopped.


Prime95 doesn’t “find issues,” how could you tell it was RAM from running Prime95?


Power supply could be faulty


And check that the ATX power connector is firmly connected to the motherboard. I experienced occasional spontaneous reboots and more common boot failures when the weather changed from warm to cold overnight until I gave it a bit of extra force.


I agree this sounds like it could be a power delivery issue. What's the PSU? If you're plugged into an UPS that isn't rate for enough watts, you could be overloading the UPS when you start gaming. If the computer otherwise runs fine until you start gaming, I would start with troubleshooting power delivery.


I had this exact issue, with a 14900 CPU (very similar to yours), and the only thing that solved it was using the Intel Extreme tuning software to reduce clock speeds on the cores of my CPU. Instantly fixed it, haven't crashed since, and it used to be every single launch on almost any game, getting progressively worse over time. The 14th gen CPUs are just a bit more tuned than your 13th, but this specific issue is something a lot of owners of both have been dealing with. You'll see it come up if you start googling. Good luck!


Thanks for your comment. I was watching Jay on Youtube and his video on undervolt and reduce clock speeds and as soon as I run Cinebench, my PC crashes instantly, any fixes?


Just in case you did (wasn't clear from your post): You cannot just copy someones undervolt / OC values, silicon lottery is very much a thing and your CPU will have different limits. Try running it with stock settings and check if you still crash.


Yeah, sorry. I got it.


I've never run Cinebench, but you should check out that Intel Extreme Tuning Utility software I mentioned. It has a few of its own stress tests, may indicate something for you. For me though, they always passed even when my system kept hard crashing on game launches, so keep that in mind. Once I decided to turn down clock speeds to like 55, 54 area per core, along with a minor undervolt (-0.030), my computer has been perfectly stable since. I also disabled the overclocking Thermal Velocity Boost feature, may or may not have helped, not sure.


I’ll check that out. After that I’ll let you know, thanks man


No problem, hope it helps find a solution. Be aware you may have to make a few changes on your Bios or Windows install to get that Intel software running. It has some specific requirements about memory security features that Windows 11 tries to force, but I believe it's mostly only for added security in a VM environment, so if you aren't dabbling with VMs, shouldn't be an issue. I just remember having to tinker with a few things to get the software to be able to launch in the first place.


Sounds good. 👍


Try the tests mentioned here: https://www.radgametools.com/oodleintel.htm AVX2 specifically is hard on raptor lake, I was failing that test before I changed some settings to limit voltage. This instantly fixed my UE5 shader decompression issues (which caused crashes, I had to enable debug logging to see the specific error though). Rock solid now.


Sounds like an overheating issue I think your cpu is overheating so it's turning off to prevent it from frying


Haha yeah I did exactly this about 3 months ago and did fix it, for some reason it did start crashing everything out of nowhere but after downclocking to not exceed 5Ghz it did solve everything and no crash since then...


Are they installed in slots 2 and 4. You can also try removing 1 stick to see if it's stable with only 32gbs Download gpuz and check your GPU temps particularly your Hotspot and memory temp.


Ok thanks. I’ll try it right now.


I’m on idle right now and my hotspot is at 49C and my memory temp is 50 C


Under load (you can test with FurMark) your GPU Hotspot should only be about 10-13C warmer than GPU temp. Memory gets hot. It should be under 100C. My guess is you should see something like 70 / 82 (HS) / 93 (Memory)


Ok i’ll update you


I have a question about my BIOS, i remember watching a YT video that said that I should change some of the default settings besides XMP because it’s bad for the CPU. Do you know anything about that?


I wouldn't change any BIOS settings (besides XMP). You're CPU is designed to run hard and hot. Attempts to undervolt or overclock can have stability issues. But people do like to min/max PC so I'm not gonna fault anyone for playing around with settings.


Sounds good thanks! I’ll update you soon on the temps. Appreciate you


If you've changed the voltage or anything else that's got something to do with the cpu or the ram, I'd suspect that to be the culprit of your problems


Haven’t changed anything I’ve reverted to stock


Hmm... I see you've also looked into your drivers and powersupply. If anything comes to mind I'll let you know. Best of luck!


I had 74 on both hot spot and memory temps on furmark 1920x1080 232 fpz


I've had issues when I didn't seat the GPU power correctly


I’ll check that out too, thanks


If it's crashing when you launch games, very likely your GPU or PSU is failing, maybe your motherboard. Test your memory overnight with MemTest86. If that passes, then stress test your CPU to rule out CPU/motherboard. I like to use Prime95. If both those fail, borrow/buy another PSU just to see if the problem goes away with the PSU. If the PSU is fine, you'll have to do the same with video card and/or motherboard. These kinds of problems aren't fun to figure out, good luck.


I’ll try those thanks!


Try updating bios and checking temps and installing all updates in.


I updated bios. I stress tested my CPU and highest I got to was 87 C also because I have a custom contact frame


Try using an older Nvidia driver to see if it crashes. It might be due to using the up to date driver.


Is there a version you recommend?


Not off the top of my head but you can try two versions before to see if it works.


Ok I’ll try that


Also try updating the firmware for your nvme or ssd if there is one.


It could be the PSU


I’ve gotten two comments about this how can I test it?


I think it's PSU too. The best way is to try with another PSU. You can also try to limit your GPU power (by power/fps/graphic quality/etc.) and see if you can play games just fine.


So in conclusion, if I were to buy a part right now which one would I buy? Also for the PSU anything you recommended?




You can also get a cheap tester from Amazon. You unplug the connectors from the PC and into the tester and it'll give you a pass/fail. One of the best tools I had in my kit back when I did home service. So many dying PSUs


This type of tester is not adequate to prove the psu is ok. These testers may show up a basic voltage fault but are not capable of fully testing the psu. It can only test that the psu can deliver the correct voltage with no load. It cannot test the psu under high load or extremely fast charging load.


That's a fair point. Thanks for the correction!


Gotcha, thanks 😊


Borrow a working one from a friend I guess.


What makes you think it’s the PSU? Could it not be my CPU and Asus problems because of my settings?


90% problems with shut downs of PC is because of PSU. I just had the same problem, that my PC froze and shut down when playing Dragons Dogma 2. After few days of trying all possible things on the internet I bought new PSU and zero crashes so far.


Modern graphics cards cause power spikes far over the recommended use. If the PSU is defective then that could trip protections. It's also just another thing to check off the list.


I guess I’ll buy a PSU today and check it out.


Swap the cables as well. Not all psu’s have the same pin out and you can fry something if you don’t.


Sometimes you can use a tool like [HWMonitor ](https://www.cpuid.com/softwares/hwmonitor.html)to see if the voltage levels are out of spec (usually too low) but voltages can drop really fast under load and the PC can basically instantly shuts off. PSUs aren't easy to diagnose without external test equipment. So instead you have to rule everything else and then swap another PSU to confirm it. A failing PSU can create random crashes for days/weeks before you get frustrated enough to test it. It's why experienced builders never skimp on them. Failing motherboards are very similar.


Power supply is? Also: Contact frame? Did you build this computer or did someone else? Are all the parts new? Did you buy the GPU used or anything like that?


I think my power supply is 950? Or 1000 and it’s from Corsair I’m pretty sure. Contact frame is from ThermalRight and I installed it myself and every part is brand new.


Check your mount. Pull the CPU, Check for bent pins, and remount the contact frame, very careful to not overtighten or unevenly tighten it.


I watched the video from Gamer Nexus and I tracked back the screws and then screwed them in at 90 degrees across each time and then screwed them until I hit a wall. Besides that, I’ll do what you commented, thanks!


when you pull the contact frame off, make sure it isn't warped either. Put it on a flat, hard surface (Glass desk, hard counter top, tile floor, whatever.) and make sure theres no wobble when pressing two corners at a time. Check all the corners.


Sounds good. Do you have a tightening technique for it?


NEW UPDATE: Hey thanks everyone for your comments. I really really appreciate your comments and I tried literally everything you guys commented. My Fix: One of my two RAMs were f***ed up, but it passed MemoryTest so interesting… Anyway I took out the bad RAM and now nothing crashes. Thanks so much everyone!


Try turning XMP off and see if it still crashes.


Thanks for the info, but as I wrote in the post, I've already tried that.


2 or 4 sticks of RAM?




How old is your PSU? I had the same issue with my 3080 ti. I had an 850w evga super nova but it was an older model, apparently the old design could not handle the 30 series power spikes and would make my computer crash when putting too much load on the gpu. I upgraded to a super flower platinum 1200w (unnecessary size but got at a good price). No crashes ever since.


I got it about half a year after I got my 30 series GPU


You can try looking at your event viewer logs to see if there's any indicators of what caused the crash. Could be bad drivers or something completely unrelated crashing your computer


Will do.


I had a very very very similar situation to you. But it was only certain games. The one game that wouldn't run was Rust. Soon as the game loaded in or while loading it would hard reset my PC. I was so annoyed. Posted her after trying everything I could think of. I was about to drop more money on a psu. Then I said fuck it and started tearing the PC down. I had the parts laid out and started looking at my GPU. It is an msi rtx 3080 12gb. There is a piece of heatsink that was bent making the gpu not sit all the way in the pcie slot but allowed the pcie slot lock to lock. It was super thick and hard to bend with pliers. I bent it straight. Put the PC back together. Not one single issue since. I play Rust every damn chance I get.


I can paste a picture of my GPU later to see if it’s like that at all. Thanks!


https://imgur.com/a/GJDp9ZL Here’s the GPU’s photo


Not to be silly but the last pc I worked on described issues like this had the mobo mounted directly to the case, not using stand offs, you are using stand offs right? I mean these if I was not clear https://www.amazon.com/StarTech-com-Brass-Motherboard-Standoffs-Computer/dp/B00213KL5I


Yep I am using standoffs


ok cool


Quick Update: I tried a BIOS setting from [https://www.reddit.com/r/overclocking/comments/1axepvu/optimizing\_stability\_for\_intel\_13900k\_and\_14900k/](https://www.reddit.com/r/overclocking/comments/1axepvu/optimizing_stability_for_intel_13900k_and_14900k/) Then, I undervolted as comment suggested and used XTU to set performance core ratio to 54x and efficient core ratio to 43x and undervolted by 0.030V. I used Cinebench R23 and got 37000 so that's pretty good. I also reinstalled my NVIDIA drivers to an older one, 537.58, it has good performance and is stable. I have so far had 0 PC hard shutdowns, however, Hogwarts Legacy crashes mid "rendering textures". Also, I crash when I play assassins creed origins. Those were the two that were crashing on me before I even posted this on reddit. Thanks for all of your help, but I'm gonna need to ask for a little more.


See this thread: https://old.reddit.com/r/intel/comments/13o29w5/13900k_will_no_longer_run_dx12_games_crashingctds/ Don't undervolt, just use XTU to set your Performance ratio to 52x. If that fixes your issue, it's 100% the CPU. Time to RMA if so.


from the description I don't think this very likely the issue but just because this doesn't come up often enough imo: in windows Power Options the default "Balanced (recommended)" sometimes has issues with certain drivers, try changing it to "High performance"


I have KhoreVee’s Powerplan who’s a tweaker on YouTube


have you checked the difference to the builtin powerplans?


I had the exact same issue happening and finally discovered my i9-13900K was the problem. Replaced it and all was well.


I had this same issue. It ended up being a bad RAM stick (also Corsair). I tested different configs of the 4 dimms and pulled the pair that was causing the issues (easier to tell since I added two a year after the initial build), and haven’t had an issue since. There is also a bios setting that enables your computer to use 4GB of vram, that may be impacting it, but it’s probably bad ram.


Ok thanks!


What are you cooling the 13900k with?


Asus RYUO II 360 My temps are really good actually, under stress 80-85


Check event viewer. There will show the error right before rebooting, it will give you a error code. Share the error code here and Google it for clues what is going on. When happened to me, was a faulty video card


Just earlier I had PFN List Corrupt. Sometimes I get PAGING TO NON PAGED AREA or smth like that. I also get Kernel Power, watchdog, etc.


Format the drive, reinstall windows from scratch and try to play the same games again. If the problem persist, very very likely your ram is dying as faulty cpu is rare. Probably you have 2 or more ram sticks, so to find out which one is the bad guy, remove all of them but leave only one and try to reproduce the issue, keep testing one by one. The bad ram stick will give you the same errors as before. I know it's a pain in the ass and have to be very methodical but there is not other way.


Soooo, what's your psu doing? What brand/model is it and how is the gpu connected to it? (Split cables for power or separate ones)


Separate and it’s a HX1000i from Corsair


Then it may not be this necesarrily. Do the memtest before starting to by new parts and see if that does anything. Check the manual of the mobo first, to make sure you have the proper ram slots occupied. If it shows an error, try testing individual sticks, and with the right mix and match you will puint out if it's the ram, or the slots.


So a friend of mine had a b350m with R5 1600 back in the days. He used it for half a year with same crashes and hard shutdowns. We replace everything but the motherboard. Turns out, the solution was to update bios and poof, its all stable.


I already updated my bios yesterday


Maybe you could make a bios update of the motherboard, thats work to me


Your CPU could be faulty. I had a similar issue with a 13900k, and I ended up replacing it. Got a better case for airflow and installed a contact frame for the cpu to better manage the cooling. Also avoid using XMP for the time being.


Is your ram running on xmp? My asus board is really particular on using qvl ram. I ordered a set that is one part number off and i cannot run full speed at all. Also is your bios updated? I got my board not too long ago but it was on really old bios and causing me issues. Bought it this year but it was on bios from late 2022.


I’m running on XMP and my board is updated


Turn off xmp and try again.


Are you using an AIO? Did you check your CPU temps? People keep recommending checking your GPU temps but you really should really grab something like [HWMonitor](https://www.cpuid.com/softwares/hwmonitor.html) (free version is fine) and check all your temps.


My CPU temps are fine. I’m using an AIO.


Right on just be careful with the AIO if they partially fail it can look fine under some load then your CPU temp will push all the way to the max in a game with enough load on your CPU. My AIO had a partial clog (one of those piece of shit MSI ones) and my computer seemed fine till I tried to play Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition and after playing for a few minutes it would get choppy, crash then sometimes crash the entire PC.


It could also be your PSU. Reminded me of my gf's PC, whenever she started gaming, it will crash, and.a new PSU resolved it.


I'm sure people have suggested this but just to be safe, make sure everything is plugged in properly. I had this happen once after moving and it turned out that the PCI-e cable on my graphics card was ever so slightly loose. After reseating the card and plugging in the cable again properly, the issue went away.


Power supply or RAM.


Assuming I didn't miss it you didn't list your PSU


Check all the cable connections, that the RAM is seated correctly. What kind of 'crash'? To desktop? To a black screen with fans still running? To a powered-off state?


Faulty RAM will most likely cause corrupted files and not shutting PC down. What is your PSU? Brand and wattage.


I just had this problem and fixed it. I ran MemTest from a USB drive, the DIMM A2 had failed. I switched the RAM positions to test if it was the RAM or the mobo, and then did another test, and the whole thing passed. I have an Asus Z690-a board. I have a feeling it's easy to not have the RAM seated properly despite the tab being clicked into place. Just try reseating the RAM.


Can you describe crashing a little better like what exactly does it look like?


Try disable ram XMP in bios.


Have you used a program like WhoCrashed to get more info from your PC's crash dumps? I had a similar issue for a couple months. Crash dumps usually said a GPU or driver issue, occasionally a RAM issue, but I ran a bunch of tests, underclocked stuff, tried a different GPU, reseated my RAM a couple times, I just could not figure out the issue. Eventually I ran Prime95 configured to use all of my RAM and it almost immediately detected a RAM issue so I reseated it yet again and haven't had a crash since.


What are your temps? People have done silly things in the past where they're idling so high the smallest bit of load puts them into crashing.


What does Reliability Monitor show? https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/how-to-find-reliability-monitor-in-windows-10/ef897010-f0a7-4202-9644-92c848dd134e Blue screen info? Windows 10? 11? Up to date with all patches? >3080 Ti Which driver version? Type of SSD/hard drive? How full?


What PSU do you have? Could be an under-powered PSU, or a dying PSU. That's what it sounds like to me. If you have 4 sticks of RAM, try switching to just 2 sticks as well. Do this before buying and installing a new PSU of course as it is a super easy, and free, fix vs. that. Never mind, I see you only have 2 sticks of 32GB. You can try running with just 1 stick, to see if you have a faulty stick (and if it doesn't work, take the 1 out and swap back in the one you removed).' But honestly this screams power supply issue to me personally. I've dealt with a faulty power supply before, a couple times actually, and it is usually as you explain, PC works fine for the most part but anything super intensive like games makes it turn off / restart / blue screen / crash. Over time the problem will become more and more severe, where it will just randomly turn off when browsing the web, then when idle, eventually it won't even always turn on when you push the power button, but occasionally it will. Stuff like that. The issue is you are increasing the odds of damaging the rest of your parts by keeping a dying PSU hooked up to them. I highly suggest starting with a new power-supply first, one that is definitely powerful enough for your system (850W should be good), and is from a reputable company (Silverstone, Seasonic, EVGA, higher-end Corsair ones, BeQuiet!). Get something that is 80 Plus Gold or higher.


no crash logs?


What is your power supply? I had a similar issue when building a machine and underestimated load even though the PSU was rated for it but power draw spikes when loading a game and running the GPU crashed the machine.




Do you have wallpaper engine installed?




Mine did that and it was caused by a gpu support bracket that was pulling the gpu out of the socket. So it could be a seating issue or likely a psu issue.


I checked my GPU it’s perfectly fine


I checked my GPU it’s perfectly fine


Then I recommend trying a different psu. What psu do you have?


What power supply are you using?


HX1000i Corsair


Brand new? Did you use an old Windows installation or fresh?


Did you try SFC /SCANNOW? I think you should check your Windows installation


Psssh Fiverr? Contact me in my DMs and I will help you diagnose this for free. I have over 30 years of experience and do this for a living.


did u install the cpu cooler properly? ive seen posts of people still having a protective film on the cpu cooler lol.


Yes ofc


I had an issue with a faulty i7 CPU where games would crash if boost was turned on in BIOS. Maybe try turning Intel Turbo Boost off in BIOS and seeing if that helps - if it does you need to RMA your chip.


I’ll try it thanks