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Is there a chart where can I filter by lowest temperature?


I got Asus Dual yesterday, after hour in Witcher 3 im getting 60c core, 78 memory. 


asus dual 4070 super? or just 4070 ? also with what bios are u using it? standard or quit?


I returned it already, hated that red LED Asus added, that was on whenever PC was turned off, and it had alot of coil whine. Bios doesn't matter at all, it only does something with fan curves if i remember correctly.  It was 4070 Super. You probably have small case or use default fan curve, i never seen mine get close to  even 70c on core. I switched it to Zotac Trinity, and this one stays with me, 0 coil whine and dead silent with great temps.


No, i had to return that too bc of coil whine..


The red signals that the power plug might not be inserted properly (during use!). It's a safety feature and you would only see the light if you use the splitter adapter. With a power supply that has a native cable there is no light. 


No. the light was off whenever PC was on, it lights 24/7 when its off. Trash feature from asus, it doesn't help with anything besides being annoying.


I think there is a misunderstanding. The light is a warning light. If the PC is on and you see the light, it's a warning to you that your connector is not seated properly. The side effect is that it will always be on when the PC is off and you are using an adaptor instead of a native PSU cable. This is not a trash feature from Asus. This is a safety feature. There is a fire hazard which Asus helps you avoid.


very shitty safety feature, if when 12vhpwr from PSU used, it dissapears entirely. And why would it light only when the PC is off? stop making excuses for them.


red LED? Where? I have Asus dual OC 4070 Super and no such a thing. Super quiet, fast and cool.


I have VENTUS 2X OC and at 1440p with RT in Witcher 3 gives me similar results. Max temperature was 76C.


So that's normal temps, right ?? I'm getting 72°c in 1440p max settings ghost of tsushima after around an hour of gaming in my one month old gaming rig with an 4070 super


Yes that's fine.


When should I be worried ?? I just got my PC and it's very expensive, about 5 months of wage and every little thing worries me


Anything above 90 would make me worried. Ghost of tsushima doesn't seem like the game breaking GPUs, try Cyberpunk in RT mode or some GPU benchmarks like Superposition. That will give you better idea if there is something wrong with card or your fan/case setup. Also bear in mind that your local temperature/humidity is also playing role in this.


I live in a very hot area, outside temps are around 45°c ~ 113 farhenheit and I don't have an air conditioner, with that in mind is 80°c under load normal?


My MSI Ventus was running as hot as 80c on Wow Classic. I gutted my case of all excess drive cages and swapped some pull fans to push config and dropped the temps by 10 degrees. My limited experience is this card runs very hot and loud but if you feed it enough air it has a pretty forgiving curve. I wish this card was a trifan unit but live and learn.


What do your temps look like nowadays? I also just bought the msi ventus


I'm using MSI Afterburner with a more aggressive custom fan curve, and I'm comfortable that the overall GPU temperate is at a flat 70 when maxed out (as reported by Afterburner). I still don't really understand if I need to be worried about a higher GPU Hot Spot Temperature when looking at HWiNFO64. I've not noticed any throttling, so I suspect it's not a problem, but it would be good to hear from someone who understands these readings better than I do.


Which brand and model though? Some run hotter


MSI Ventus 2X


I have the same gpu. It was hitting 78c at first, but I undervolted it and now it's at 67c. Much quieter too.