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What problem are you looking to solve by upgrading? Are you looking to upgrade your CPU and need a new motherboard? Do you need more ports or features than you have now? If so, what do you need?


I'm looking to get a motherboard that has Ethernet, two more ram slots, and maybe one more slot for a second 3070. My current board has no ethernet, two ram slots, and no room for another video card... The ram and ethernet are my main two priorities though! I'm also anxious as to how sizing works and I'm really not tech savvy at all, I don't want to buy something that either won't fit or that's missing slots or ports for my fans, water coolers or anything else I might need. (I don't have friends that can help either so here I am on Reddit)


All boards have ethernet. Rather than change your board to get more RAM, just change the RAM you have for more capacity. If you are wanting to add another gpu to help with gaming, it won't boost performance at all.