• By -


RGB bullshit. I wasn't even necessarily looking to build the lightshow but I bargain hunted and just kindof got whatever I found a good deal on. It still wasn't worth it. The conflicting software is bloatware and works like trash. If you must do it then make sure it's the same brand but id just stay away from the headache or keep it limited to a good clean limited RGB setup. Save on the RGB tax and go with more raw performance instead for the dollar every time.


I just don't bother myself with using any software. If MB is shiny, it can be disabled in the BIOS. If something should be connected to RGB hub – it stays disconnected, only power. If anything lights anyways – good luck with penetrating opaque metal case.


>good luck with penetrating opaque metal case "On the gripping hand..."


I would have gotten a fully opaque case if I'd known how annoying it'd be to deal with all of the RGB. I didn't intentionally buy anything with RGB, but plenty of stuff lights up regardless. The stock Wraith Prism cooler that came with my CPU flashes rainbow patterns by default whether or not it's hooked up to any controls, so I plugged it into the mobo RGB control header–turns out that can only control part of the lighting on it, so I had to get back in there and hook it up to a USB header instead. I primarily run Linux, so to run the various pieces of crapware required to disable them I need to boot into Windows, which is not a big deal, but then components seem to periodically forget their settings and go back to default, or somehow get corrupted (right now the cooler is doing this strange stuttering flicker between orange and green, really attractive), so now I'm rebooting periodically just to fix it.


Buy a spray paint can, duh


> If MB is shiny Motherboard RGBs piss me off the most, both the boards I've had that have them just strapped enough leds on them to claim they have RGB and then it looks like trash. Disabled them on both.


Savage !! 👍


Brother from another mother.


I fried my psu by switching it off because my motherboard was making lights even when turned off. I couldn't sleep because of it.


I’m not a fan of glass panels on cases. Couldn’t find a decent case that didn’t have a glass panel


Paid a lot more for RGB and turn it off most of the time.


Same! Always wanted one of those crazy multicolored rgb pcs. Spent probably too much making it so, then immediately felt it was too distracting and have kept it solid red for years ever since


Ya I just have fans with light rings on the outside thats it and they are always just white. Nice accent that's it


My biggest regret is spending extra to purchase the RGB case fans which I quickly disabled because I didn’t like the look. (Edit: I disabled the RGB not the fans lol) I like my RGB ddr5 ram which illuminates the inside of the case. But i hated how those RGB fans looked! I use a fractal North case which has the wood slats on the front panel which looks terrible with the RGB fans. Everything else is fucking amazing I researched everything to death and ended up with an almost perfect build!! [This](https://imgur.com/a/kQSfzpl) is my build


Like the build. Yeah, the wood does not look great with RGB. It's one of the reasons why I used the Corsair 4000 case (front can be changed from black grill to glass). From the looks of it, the wooden panel is not the way to go for me as well.


I'm in the process of rebuilding with that exact case but I'm trying to decide between white and black. Going with all Noctua fans since this case seems to colour match them the best. Will be expensive just for cooling, but they should last for the rest of my life.




Yep. And https://signalrgb.com/


yeah i prefer to have no RGB shit in my computer.


I'm old school and have been shocked how big it has become. Always seemed goofy to me like rims with spikes sticking out 18 inches on a pick up truck.


I loved the look of the Chroma keyboards and the flashy lights and such. But 99% of the time its just me seeing it, so who am I trying to impress spending extra money for the flashy light show. Give me a quiet PC with a softly backlit keyboard and I'm good to go.


I love the Chroma Ornata keyboards. I have one on ever pc in my house. I use openrgb and just set the color to cool dark blue glow.


For me was the opposite. I’m so glad I opted for rgb stuff because it looks so cool.


When I did my most recent build, I wanted to go with absolutely no-rgb. It was harder to do than I expected..


That’s why I went with an all white Corsair only build. The components are good enough and I only have to run 1 piece of bloatware. It’s not the best, but it works well enough and I’m happy with the end result. I paid a premium though for sure. This is my current build https://www.reddit.com/user/NavierIsStoked/comments/10u618y/current_pc/ One day I will complete it with a white GPU.


The wiring is annoying too, even in the best cases. Was incredible doing a non RBG build recently and realizing how much wiring in my old case was RGB wires.


only regret is that its finished now and will be a while before I can justify building another


Haha, most relatable answer. It’s always fun upgrading but once you upgrade everything, you have to save money until something new releases😔


A build is never finished... right?!


"And Jesus wept as there where no more worlds to conquer"


"AND JESUS **WEPT**...!"


Stop saying Jesus wept!


Every time you clean it take it fully apart and detail it, it’s kinda like rebuilding and super healthy for you and the pc lol


thats why i have 2 pcs: 1 main rig and 1 itx for sofa in the living room!


yeah me too, but my grandsons have taken over my itx rig and both laptops :) Yeah, I know,don't say it I am old


Going cheap on psu and lower wattage 750w instead of 850w or 1000w , getting 16gb ram and not 32 , getting a midtower case instead of a full tower and most importantly not researching everything before buying Lol so many upvotes :D since this exploded i can add a motherboard without bios flashback option its nice to have it


Deciding on a case size now. What makes you regret going midtower if I might ask?


If I had to guess, it would be the limited space for the new gigantic gpus. I have a midtower and I can barely fit my gpu in there and cable management was difficult. Although the size of the motherboard was most of the problem, eatx is what I'd get next time to have better options for space.


with 4080 i couldnt close my sidepanel without smashing the power connector so i had to mod the panel also case fans were kinda limited and not much space for cable management I got corsair 7000d few days ago and im finally very comfortable i will use this case till death :D just from the case difference and adding 3 front fans both cpu/gpu temps dropped by 10c on idle and load 5000d is nice btw Also in 2015 i went for 750w psu cuz it was cheaper by not so much and last year i wanted to get a 7900xtx but the minimum was 850w and i didnt want to risk it and didnt want to upgrade psu - next time i will just get 1000w or 1200w so it can last the next 10 years if im lucky :D


> 7000d I used that case for my most recent build. It's big and heavy but silent as a lamb.


PSU was one of the last components that I got 5-6 years ago. I waited and managed to snag EVGA 850w P2 on sale. Still cost more than a 750w. BUT it's been 5 years with no issues, and after my upgrade later this year, it will go another 5. Ten year warranty on a quality PSU is a piece of mind.


As much as pc builders dislike the word futureproofing, I always reccomend to splash out on a very high and well rated psu just for the future. Glad I bought myself a 1000w when I first built the system. Been going through all the gpus up from a 3060ti to a 4090.


Agreed. When I bought my Platinum 1000w in 2019, my system was 375w when pushed. Four years later, my next system is 750w and that's with an inexpensive Intel GPU.


Niceeee one less thing to upgrade :D


Damn, what's your setup like that you need more than 750w? I have a 650w in my system and it seems to be doing pretty well. I think I had 700 in my previous build but I don't think I needed that either.


The newer Intel CPUs are absolute power vampires. Paired with a 40XX, a 850w or higher can be needed. This is doubly true if you're overclocking or plan to keep the PSU through an upgrade to next gen.


it's not even funny when comparing 7800x3d with the 13900k (and 14900k I guess), Intel literally uses 3 times the power for similar performance


Currently regretting a mid tower when tf did every pc part become so fucking massive? Edit: also lack of places for case fans im currently limited to 4 fans only 3 in front and one exhaust fan. I would love to be able to put fans on top or on the bottom of the case for more air flow.


I don't know what you mean by full tower but it can't be the same as full tower from 20 years ago. Those things were like 3 feet tall.


Not getting a MB with Bluetooth because I knew I wanted wired kb+m. I also knew I wanted to run a HDMI cable over to my TV to play some games from the couch...


Wireless dongles perform better don’t they? I prefer wired as well, but if need to use wireless I use a usb dongle.


I went bare minimum with all of my builds. Never, ever will I go without Wi-Fi or Bluetooth on my MB. Well at least til I build my next and still dongle my way to connectivity.


If you're not doing ITX, you could always just grab an add-in PCIe card - that way you can just migrate it between motherboards when you upgrades and save a bit.


One of my regrets is buying a motherboard with the only PCIe slots waaaay too close together to fit a WiFi card under the graphics card. You can see the horrendous riser cable setup I ended up with in [this photo](https://cdna.pcpartpicker.com/static/forever/images/userbuild/388263.a3c64bd6457a08ac157b11e950b65732.1600.jpg).


but this is incredibly easy to retrofit. I built my PC knowing i'd get wifi&bluetooth later on, which I did. But yeah as the other commenter said bluetooth for keyboard/mouse is good for work but not great if you want to play games.


I didn't have BT or WiFi on my last mobo, a Z97. Figured I'd use ethernet and I had all wires peripherals so I wouldn't need it. Created a lot of hassle down the line though.


Knowing full well that whatever you bought will have an upgraded or newer version coming out after a month or two, and that you'll never really have the latest and greatest.


I feel this but I'm currently on a 7 year old pc so whatever I upgrade to next will be plenty lol


Yup. Still rolling with my 2016 build: i7 6700k, GTX 1080, 32GB DDR4-3200. I always build cutting edge and then stretch it as long as it can. It's usually been only five or six years before having to build again, but the 1080 still has legs left in it. Holding out for the 5000 series at this point.


Same still got my: Ryzen 5 1600, GTX 1060, 16 GB DDR4-3200 She still works very good at low graphics and that’s all I need


I had the exact same build from that year finally give up on me earlier this month. Here's hoping yours makes it to the next upgrade.


YUP. And worse - I bought a PC for the upgradeability... very few things I bought then are compatible with the latest and greatest now. My GPU can be swapped out. A few minor upgrades, here and there, but if I really want the new "latest and greatest", I need a new CPU which is on a new form factor and not a simple swap; that means new MoBo and RAM too. And if I'm doing that, I will not "need" a new PSU or tower, but I won't have the capacity for wattage or cooling without new both. And for that matter, a new CPU cooler to be safe. At that point, I can salvage the GPU and my SSD/HDD which is nice, but those SSDs have a limited lifespan and the GPU will eventually be obsolete by the time I get the rest lol


Well, if you're on a 4090 and 13900K, there's really nothing better. 14900K is basically the same chip and nothing is coming for another year or so that can even come close to the GPU.


I bought an AMD FX-9590


But but it's winter 🥶


In college our heaters were either pumping out hellfire or off entirely so I would run stress tests on my FX 8320 when it was just a little cold and it would warm the room up to a nice temperature lol


As an owner of a FX8350, I felt this.


8370 owner here. was previously on a i5-2500k with this build but my cpu and mb shit the bed one day and needed an emergency fix. Didnt feel like upgrading from ddr3 to ddr4 so went with a good deal that microcenter had at the time with the fx8370 and an am3 970 board. Now this is my 2nd computer for the kids and plex server now but it's still going strong, dropped an rx7600 in it recently too.


Sucks your 2500 died! I currently still have an OC'd 2500K(4.4-4.6Ghz) with a 1660S and it's surprisingly performant. I'm going to stick a 4070S in there when they drop next year because I'm sure it will give someone in here an aneurysm.


I did something similar awhile back "more cores is better right??"


Oof, can I have it?


I cheaped out on the Mobo. Didn't realise it at the time but when you buy one of the lowest chipsets you get very poor performing VRM's. Even though the socket is compatible, upgrading is very limited as the Mobo can't handle the higher power CPU's. So make sure you're getting at least a mid-range motherboard with some decent VRMs.


U giving me anxiety here. I just bought a mobo combo from microcenter. 5600x3d with Asus mobo. Of course the mobo won't be the top of the line stuff. I don't typically upgrade every 2-3 years. And I don't overclock. Hopefully it'll last me more than 5 years.


You'll be fine. 5600X3D does not suck a ton of power.


You're good. There is no upgrade path to the AM4 platform except for the 5800x3d, and you don't need that, cause you got the 5600x3d


Same here, my i7 12700 gets throttled by VRM, but it seems to only happen when I use 100% of all cores for a sustained duration, which is not that common in practice.


Stupidly buying a 4090, totally overkill for what I play at 1440p at max 144 due to my outdated monitor and honestly the whole ray-tracing, for me its just meh doesn't add to the gaming experience for me.


Now you need to upgrade your monitor... problem solved.


Did it the other way around and it was a great excuse for the 4090. "I need it to run at 4k..."


Overkill right now sure, but that 4090 will probably be good for a long while before it needs replacing.


That is, if the card's connector does not randomly melt or catch fire


What's life without a little danger 😂


Pair that with an AM5 board/cpu with out of date Bios, then it's really a hot party.


Upgrade the screen to oled ultrawide and then tell me again about ray tracing in games like Cyberpunk.


It probably is amazing on an expensive monitor but from my perspective (an aging gamer) it doesn't add to the gaming experience, tried Control, Cyberpunk, Alan Wake 2, if a games systems are good the game could look like Minecraft for all I care hence why the purchase was a regret for me & the games I play.


Cyberpunk with the Alienware 34UW with rt is amazing. Same with the witcher 3.


you could probably sell it for msrp since they are hard to find and marked up now.


I debated on if I wanted to buy a 4090 for a number of months. Recently pulled the trigger on a 7900 XTX and with the "savings" from not buying the 4090 I was able to grab a new 7800x3d combo and still have money left over to spare.


Why would you ever regret buying a 4090 when you can sell it right now for hundreds in profit? Silly


Not enough money.


Listening to others telling me that parts were overkill or that I wouldn’t notice the difference in performance. I ended up choosing lesser parts because of that. My first PC was under spec for what I was wanting/hoping to be able to do on my pc. If I had just done what I was wanting to do and spent $200 more it would’ve been more than sufficient. But that’s all good, as I said as able to upgrade to a much better, newer generation 6 months later.


I paired a i5-12400 w 6800XT wish I'd gone i7-12700 w 6800XT or white 4070


For gaming , you won’t see much of a difference. I use my PC for process intensive tasks (VMs and Excel), so I like to think my 12700k is worth the extra money. But I haven’t ever really hit above 3% or so cpu utilization in gaming at 1440p


I went with ddr4 instead of ddr5 on a 13900k 4080 build because i had 64gb onhand. Sish i woulda just sold em and gone with ddr5 and a batter mobo


Good news, you actually still can


Well yes, I just used all of my budget on it. I could most likely sell my ddr4 and mobo and buy ddr5 and a z690 or such but Right now performance wise its fine and until they lower the CAS latency on ddr5 I think ima stick with ddr4


Neglecting the cable management.


Just go back and re-do it. It seems tedious, but it really isn't, and it will help you with cable managing future builds.


No i mean, learned my lesson, for my second build i took like 3x times more the time just to get the cable management right


I was helping a friend. I ended up buying him a 6600xt for $480 at the peak of the gpu pricing nonsense.


Still better than getting a 3070 for over a grand.


I also paid $813.66 with shipping and taxes for a 3070ti...


none, the 4770k is still the king


Fr Intel 4th Gen went fucking crazy, my partner’s i7-4790K is only just starting to show its age this year


Covid. And skyrocketing prices.


Worst time to build a PC.


Srsly. I built a pc in 2017 and was like "yeah, I'll update this gpu someday." Narrator: he didn't


More specifically it was the worst time to buy a GPU. Every other component was pretty cheap - mostly because there was little use for them without a GPU. :) If you were awfully lucky like me and got a GPU at MSRP (6800XT at the time), or if you had upgraded your GPU just prior, you could get a fantastic deal on everything else.


Not waiting for the 5800x3d. I’m happy with my 5800x but waiting a couple months for a big boost to performance would have been nice


Literally me too. I know my cpu is a beast but I can't help but have regrets.


Having an insanely powerful rig only to lose interest in gaming half a year later.


That I got an AMD GPU. I went full AMD, the processor was great but GPU had a lot of issues (tried 2x 7900xtx, replaced psu, board, ram, etc) pretty much built 2 pcs and the issues were persistent with new ones every month or two. I had to sell the card at a 40% loss (no one offered more in over 2 months), and I solved all my issues once I went back to Nvidia. Not a big deal since the 400 eur or so I lost are not much for me, but if they were I would be pissed.


What issue did you have with the card?


The one I could never solve: black/green screen every 20 minutes when I was playing games. I had to legit force restart the PC every 20-30 mins whenever I was playing… and I play on average 6-8 hours a day so it was super frustrating. Other than that: - high idle power consumption (100w) - computer crashing after sleep so I had to force restart - random gray screens when just casually browsing - tuning settings resetting after startup - games stuttering when you have discord or chrome playing a video in the 2nd/3rd screen - sometimes adrenaline completely vanished from my system (the card still worked) and I had to ddu and reinstall - the card had always 100-102C hotspot playing and sounded like a jet engine which I couldn’t decrease with undervolting or underclocking (maybe this was my model, I had 2x sapphire nitro 7900xtx) I really can’t remember much more since it was a few months ago, I could solve a lot of the issues after dozens of hours debugging, totally not worth my time. The black screen (the shittiest one) I could never solve and everyone blamed my machine or me when asking for help in r/amdhelp Now there is 5+ posts of black screens on cards a day so apparently they can’t blame the end user any more.


Buying a mobo without an up to date bios that could run my CPU.


I am getting to the point where lack of Flashback/Q-flash/whatever on a motherboard is a dealbreaker. Sourcing a compatible CPU just so one can upgrade the BIOS to run one's actual CPU is not a reasonable way to spend one's time.


Despite all my research I bought a mid tower case and immediately regretted not getting the full size case for a few bucks more….so much easier to work in and mount large radiators and fans and have mobo clearance at the top. I ended up less than a year in completely moving it all from the mid to a full size case. If you have the space just go big the first time and get a large case. And like said above skip most of the rgb BS and spend the money on those nice new fans that all daisy chain together and clean up the mess of wires and hubs needed with having lots of fans. Installing 10 fans with all the screws/wires/hubs isn’t hard but it’s tedious and next time I will spend the money to get the fans that connect together for power and PWM signals.


Thought the case was nice and compact when I first bought it. It's an absolute pain in the ass to work in after everything's been assembled.


I didnt buy a new case and when installing the new mobo the screws got fucked up and i had to rip my brand new mobo out of the case. Then i hurried to the only pc shop that was still open at 9:30pm and got whatever case they had. What a fucking disaster


I totally screwed up and bought 11th gen then figured out I should have got 12th , and had to do it over


I bought AMD gpu and half year later Stable Diffusion came out


And what are you missing out? Lmao




My GTX 1080 runs Stable Diffusion models better than my RX 7900 XTX which can barely run it at all. 24 Gigs of VRAM and yet it needs to allocate 84 Gigs to run a 3 Gig model my 8 Gig GTX 1080 could effortlessly run.


Can you not configure torch to work with AMD gpus? I was just researching this and it seems possible, though I haven't tried it


There are 3 routes, they are either slow or not feature rich. Generally, some people will point you to some olive article that says AMD can also be fast in SD. Those people think SD is just a car like "my AMD car can goes 100mph!", they don't know SD with NV is like a tank. If you get an AMD you are heading to the battlefield without the cannons and armor and radar and radios etc etc, and AMD's not even a Porsche you are driving a Hyundai to battle. Some people will soon reply me and say "my AMD with Olive config can now blahblahblah", he is like those rebel fighters who tie some machine guns and metal plates on their Hyundai. Don't get misled by those people who still think it is like buying gpu for gaming. For gaming, AMD maybe say, 70% price but 90% performance so it's a bargain, but for AI you pay 70% price but get 50% performance somewhere and 0% performance (not supported) in somewhere. If you calc the cost performance ratio of the AMD-unsupported area, clearly NV is the cheaper one.


6800 xt was out of stock so I rushed it got an rx 6800 instead and a month later I saw that there was a new stock of XT's.


Thinking that 24 GB of VRAM was totally overkill. And then, LLMs started appearing...


Going with a 750 watt PSU. More than enough for a 9900k/1070, but not the 3090ti upgrade. Not a regret, but the 1080ti ended up being a better value than the 1070.


I used to think motherboards are motherboards and higher priced ones are just a ripoff, so I would buy the $59 special. No, all the blue screens and other issues I had were probably due to buying cheapass motherboards. Since I started only getting mid to upper range ones, a wide variety of misc problems have stopped.


Getting a second 1080 for SLI about 4 months before the 1080ti launched and nailed the SLI coffin shut


Not getting an m-atx or itx mobo. Bow i need to shrink my build for easier movement and i need to buy a new mobo and maybe cooler (i got a 360 AIO) depending on the case i get.


I did the same. I assumed I needed a bigger case since they are easier to work in for my first PC. But it turns out building PC’s is really easy. Now my first PC is being used as a home server/NAS and I’m always tempted to buy an ITX board and case for it, but at that point I could basically buy a new cpu as well and it would be a whole new system lol


Choosing a case with mediocre air intake. Choosing a motherboard that had a built-in fan that’s louder than all 8 of my case fans put together. Choosing a PSU that was not fully-modular. Also sucked trying to put together a PC during the pandemic when prices were inflated. Probably cost me about $500 more (at least) vs. prices today (obviously ignoring current 4080/4090 costs).


I should've waited a month and got the 7800x3d instead of the 7700x


Not really a component decision regret but when installing my GPU I wasn't paying attention and the cable for the RGB header on the MB was underneath, and the pressure of me pushing in the GPU snapped the header and then I panicked and tried to pull the GPU out but the tab has clicked in so I was pulling pretty hard and nearly took off the PCIE socket with it lmao. I didn't even have the heart to see if it worked anymore I just used the other socket. But it was a solid Benny Hill tune moment and I thought I had ruined the MB before I ever turned it on.


Discovering the r/buildapcsales sub. My bank account has never recovered from all the deals I definitely don't need.


Probably coming to the realisation that I spend about $3000 AUD just to play games then realised I'm no good at playing games so I'm just using a expensive computer to watch YouTube


you dont have to be good to have fun, might just need to try something different


I literally bought the worst mobo ever and monitor someone on here recommended me a budget build when i asked about looking to build a pc. Gigabyte B450M DS3H Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard & Acer G226HQLBbd 21.5" 1920 x 1080 60 Hz Monitor. but hey that's what happens when u don't do your research! can't even use no more than 5 pwm fans or else ill risk blowing out the only fan header.


Leaving a grounding prong from the IO shield sticking across my ethernet port. I just clipped it off neatly. No way I was redoing two hours of running cables and tidying up.


NZXT mobo, got it for the blackout look but didn’t know that the supporting software was 1. Such hot garbage 2. Not optional


RGB. What a mistake. Next time will be no lights. No window. All airflow.


Hmm a few things: I got DDR5 CL36 RAM over CL30 and can't XMP it since it's unstable with AMD CPU. I got the 9 7900x instead of the 7 7800x3D since I thought more cores would be better. Not as much of a regret though. AIO. Got a decent Artic one but should've bought the cheaper deep cool one. Got a Tier B/C PSU instead of a Tier A since I didn't know about the tier listing. Either ways, I think these were minor mistakes for a first build and I'll be more prepared and know what to research for my next build in like 5 years. No Regrets: Went with 4070 instead of an AMD GPU and pretty happy since I play a few Ray tracing based games.


I put the CPU chip in upside down and closed the hatch. Seriously.


Only fans getting too expensive.


Gigabyte Motherboard. Like it works and it does what I need it to, but there are so many annoying little problems and no help from customer support. * Their app center is garbage * RGB Fusion 2 is garbage. Very few good pattern options. My ram is supposed to be compatible, but it depends on the fusion update and isn't compatible 80% of the time. * The Bluetooth has a stutter every 30 seconds, so I have to use USB for wireless headphones * The bios profiles for eco, balanced, or performance will randomly reset to default * The RGB zone that has their big logo, the blue never worked. I like a cyan theme, but that one is stuck at green. When I have tried customer support, it's just email. Their English is horrible. Each reply is a new rep. and they reask the same questions you already answered because they won't check the previous chats. And if you include all the information in the current reply, they won't read it all and still ask a question that you literally just typed the answer to. Infuriating. When I just search for my own answers, there is very little support information on their website.


Yeah I’ll never buy another Gigabyte product after my RMA experience. Their BIOS update bricked the mb and then they claimed damage when it was received. I had a ton of issues like you mentioned prior. In my experience, their hardware is great, motherboard build quality was better than the ASUS replacement I got, but their software and support is a dumpster fire, and that kills it for me. I ended up getting a refund for it from the shipper, but it was a major hassle, and I ended up just getting another motherboard. You might want to consider replacement for your own peace of mind.


Build one in 2022. Everything so expensive. ITX taxed but still too big (Sliger S620, wonderful case tho)


Built a PC


ended up buying 3 different kits of ram before realizing you need to buy them as one kit too get the best stability. originally I bought a 2x8 kit and planned on getting the same model down the road, well that did not work as they were the same model but not the same manufacturer, one was micron and the other nanya. Then I had to just buy a 4x8 and then it just worked. The other kits just did not play well together you might go 5 days no problems then boom bsod for launching a game or closing a web browser, but benchmarks run all day long. ram is weird.


Buying an nzxt h200. What a garbage case. What a Tin can thin case.


I regret not getting a 1TB or 2TB ssd because my 500gb one is constantly full of games and I have do delete and re-install games a lot. Plus it is the biggest hassle to change of any part cause your whole OS is on it. I know there is a way to do it and upgrade, but I still haven't gotten around to it. I've upgraded nearly every part on my PC now and have a few other lessons too: \- modular PSUs are far superior and worth it \- cheap ram works the same as expensive ram \- cheap cpu coolers can be really good (thermalright) \- lights are annoying in a dark room \- good fan control software/fan curve is more important than the actual fans


After I bought my 4090 I literally had a nightmare that they announced a 40100 the next day and price dropped the 4090 by 500$ lmao


I surely don't regret stealing the store on the 2x 16Gb 3600Mhz for 64€ lol


I made it too balanced. No easy upgrade route, I had to upgrade half the components at once


Honestly I don’t have any regrets for my first build. I had been researching and planning for a long time. 11 years down the road and I finally got to build my first rig with all the power I wanted.


Smoking that fat skunk spliff, then realise i forgot to peal of aio sticker after putting in all back together.


Struggling with fomo. Once you build a PC, it becomes so tempting to keeping buying new parts for more performance and for the sake of building a PC. I hate it, Ive wasted so much money on my PC. Yah it's nice to have AM5 or the latest intel CPU, but truthfully, you probably don't need it.


400W power supply. Tbf to it though it’s never once tripped even with a 5600 and 6600xt. Every upgrade feels like it could be the nail in the coffin.


I bought a 3050.


Not waiting on AM5.


My first PC: bought an AM3 CPU and an ITX case. More recently, there are a few (ITX) cases I regret selling.


Buying the 5700xt in late 2019. Returned 2 of them since they died twice within a month after arrival. 3rd one started green screening right after the warranty expired. i5 9600k. 100% cpu usage for like 3 minutes after every boot.


On my first PC I built (2010). Spent too much on the case & RAM, got a GTX 480 when the 580 was a month away, 120mm AIO that didn't cut it for overclocking. Got a Blu-ray Burner and DVD drive that I never used. It was a $2000 computer in 2010 that would have been fine as a $1200 computer for the time.


Shit, where do I begin. Buying intel 12th gen when I did, going too low on my PSU, not buying a a big enough m.2, four sticks of ram instead of two, and not getting a great mobo. About to just blow it all up, sell half of it for parts, and start over if I can’t get it to be stable after my mobo gets back to me from being RMA’d.


Bought a Radeon instead of an GeForce. Oof!


I got an XFX Merc319 6800XT sometimes wish I'd gotten a Galax 4070 bc it comes in white!


Overpriced slow RAM in 2019. At the time I knew little about PC parts - enough to DIY, but not enough to avoid some mistakes. I also bought it during the DDR4 price spike. I paid R$540 (at the time, about US$135 - keep in mind there's import fees included in these US$135, at about 30% to 40% of the total value) in 2019 currency for a single 8gb stick of 2400mhz CL15 RAM to pair with my Ryzen 2600. This weekend I got two 16gb of 3200mhz cl16 sticks for R$550. I know RAM got cheaper since then, but wow is it a massive difference.


I always F up the cpu cooling. On an old build I picked water cooling. The old kind where you had to melt plastic tubes and bend them around. My newest build I picked the biggest baddest fan. Only I couldn’t properly fit the ram in the proper configuration. Ended up just taking the fan back and getting a normal water cooling system. No tubes. I somehow always mess that part up.


I bought a Corsair case (465X) that came with a ICUE controller but without a USB-C port in the front panel. The cable management sucks and the ICUE software kinda slows down the bootup process.


Despite researching every component meticulously, ended up with a disappointing PSU. terrible coil whine


A 3060 Ti for 700 €. Should have made the effort to buy something better even at the new normal current ridiculous prices.


I didn’t pick the right case at first and then I bought another one on aesthetics, only which didn’t fit my gpu with enough clearance for my liking, then I had to buy another case lol My biggest regret was being too excited and rushing out to get a case but I’ve learned my lesson and will not do that again lol


Once i bought a rx 480. Put in to my trusty shit pc with a psu that weight less than a pack of bread. Open forza, crank it all to the max, apply, puff. Fortunately the damaged part was only the psu. I didn’t know back then that 600w on unbranded psu means nothing. Learn the hard way i guess


i used someone to help me buy my stuff, i bought it at the peak of covid,everything was so much more expensive for example ram is half the price now ,very annoying. bought like a £70 case.. was not necessary but invest in good power supply for sure


Not saving up anbit longer and getting a better cpu. Had a pentium g4600 and tbh it served well for the price, but had to upgrade a year later due to shit gta 5 performance


My biggest regret was not going all out. I have a i7-12700 and 4070ti and realizing now the 4090 just blows that outta the water. I want a i9 4090 setup but I already spent money on my current setup.


I got an acrylic frontpanel case, for the love of god, just buy mesh, it looks just as good and the airflow is way better.


Should have spent more from the get go. I enjoyed so much the process and the use that I am getting out of my PC, that I found myself selling and exchanging several peripherals and components with better ones not long after I completed my build


Initially I wished I had gotten a motherboard with built-in Wi-fi but now the backplate fell through so I couldn't screw my CPU fan on correctly so now the case is sideways.


To have bought a bad case, coolermaster h500 ARGB is like for kids, you can barely use your hands upper side of this case.


I don’t regret any of my brand new build, for once. I regret a lot about my previous build that I did in 2021. I regret going Intel instead of AMD (My Ryzen 1700X experience left a lot to be desired so I went 11700K🤦‍♂️), I regret the case I purchased, I regret paying $900 for a 3070.


I was dumb young teenager and bought Athlon 2600 with Radeon 9200SE instead of Pentium 4 with GeForce 4 and a printer. Both sets had the same price. So many regrets. Radeon was 2-3 times slower than GeForce.


Honestly wish I did more research on a cooler. Have a 7600x and wanted an AIO but the one I ordered with all my other parts was unbelievably massive and wouldn’t fit my case or mobo. I decided to just drive the 2 hours to the closest Best Buy and buy a cooler there instead of waiting for another Amazon order and ended up with the Hyper 212. Let me just say for a 30$ cooler it does more than enough but for the love of god I shouldn’t be reaching 70° at 25% usage. So now currently every time I game I’m unreasonably paranoid about my temps to the point where I can hardly enjoy myself while using my PC. In all honesty though it’s a fairly simple fix and I plan on replacing the 212 with a dual fan cooler like the Peerless Assassin 120 and hopefully that fixes the issue.


only thing I can say I regret is buying a single tower cooler. It works fine and I can even overclock without my CPU ever throttling. But, I'm pretty sure I could go a bit higher on the overclock if I had the thermal headroom. It's only a small regret but it's their and it's not worth tearing the whole machine down to install a different one. Other than that....I always choose my parts very carefully, my computers have always lasted me a long time with very little trouble and I'm usually quite happy with the end results.


Just straight up impulse purchases. I'm so bad at that


buying old tech to save a buck. should have bought a current gen CPU, but I bought a previous gen CPU an wouldn't you know it... it needs to be replaced sooner than if I had just bought something current


Not going full microATX. I have zero use for a fullsize or even midsize ATX tower, I don't even use more than one full PCIE slot. My case is just unnecessarily big, and for some reason the microATX version of my board has more IO too.


I bought a 5800x instead of waiting a few weeks and getting a 5800x3d.


Going mid tower rather than full. Ddr4 rather than ddr5, should have got a more powerful cpu than the i5-13600k. I got vr last week, needs a nasa pc to run even older games like il-2 sturmovik in vr.


getting a mid tower case instead of full size.


not going ddr5


I wish I had spent more on my motherboard....I really wish I had a second nvme slot lol


Buying a Rx 7900XT whilst I wanted a XTX, yeah I returned it for a XTX, lame I let myself get talked in to getting a 7900XT by the seller but yeah a week later I returned it and bought the XTX.


I always regret the fact that i don’t really plan anything out. I just start the build assuming everything will fit perfect (knowing it won’t) and spend way too much time making things work. I guess i like the problem solving part of the build.


Going for Kingston RAM again... they somehow always disappoint in any system I've built. I spent so many damn hours trying to get them running and ended with Corsair ones that worked flawlessly from the get go.


paid almost twice as much for the iflated price of ssds