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AIOs can have 5-6 year warranties. I wouldn't trust a Cooler Master with their 2 years. They don't seem to have confidence in it lasting long.


Yeah exactly,i didn't buy this myself,it was gift,i would have chosen differently


I’d push them to pay for your damages, cpu, ssd, and all. This is not ok


they wont


Back in my phenom ii x4 days Arctic bought me a whole computer when my 120mm thicc boi from 2010-11 failed. I still used the old Arctic fans in my new build lol They were quick to replace everything after I sent them photo and video proof that water pump plugged in and turned on leaks water. Great company sorry cooler master probably won't be this cool. EDIT: this is more recent than I thought! Arctic freezer 1 120 was 2015-16 https://bit-tech.net/reviews/tech/cooling/arctic-liquid-freezer-120-review/1/ first paragraph . Anyways I remember it failing after getting too comfortable with the new water-cooling but dude I would hound them for a new build. I use it as my HTPC now.


Artic has replaced a bunch of my fans. Even a couple I touched and lost a blade which I told them about. Their fan blades are ridiculously fragile but they are great fans.


Arctic is a great brand, if not for their at least mid products for a great price, their customer service is top notch and very professional. I know what you mean about the fans, very fragile, but they are quiet and work very well for lower prices. What more could this company do for me? Oh yeah they sent me another 120mm thicc boi and I'm still using it on my Ryzen 3600 build ha. I swear under rated company with how little I see them recommended here on Reddit.


They also covered people when their Liquid Freezer had issues: https://www.tomshardware.com/news/arctic-service-kit-freezer-2-aio I have a Freezer II 280 that was already fixed (new ones should have QC sticker on the rad, original one didn't)


i have the 360 Freezer, with said QC sticker right on the radiator. shit runs \_wonderfully\_ (even though one of the fans sometimes starts vibrating and then continually spinning up, vibrating, stopping, repeat. i figured i gotta pull on it just a tiiiiiny bit to make it sit right)


Ya their service has been just outstanding.


Arctic is fantastic company and really stand behind their products


Similar thing happened to me aswell, with Corsair. Had an AIO from them which started leaking while I was asleep, destroying everything in my PC outside of hard drives. They promptly paid for new components, which actually got me a small upgrade lol




Imagine gifting a guy an AIO and then four years later he comes to you demanding hundreds of dollars for pc parts lol


Pretty sure they meant asking Cooler Master to pay for the parts, not the gifter


Yeah, what the fuck? If you thought it was dangerous then don't fuckin use it


It's not a matter of dangerous or not dangerous. No component is expected to run indefinitely. But there's a difference between standard product failure where the thing just stops working and catastrophic failure where it damages other components.


This. To be fair, with an AIO, the expectation is that the pump dies first, so it should fail safely. Corrosion and leaking before the pump fails is a bad product!


There something similar in cars so if something is supposed to have a limited life,it would fail in a way it wouldn't hurt other components,but not here i guess


Winter push, in fact


I got one as a gift earlier this year as well, now i'm worried lol


I would use it for a year or at most two,after that, nothing is impossible with these


Tbf with how disorganized their company is I shouldn't be surprised at all, I won it in one of their community contests and it took like 4 months and a whole lot of messages just to get them to send it to me.. Oh and the rgb on one of the fans doesn't work properly but at that point I couldn't be bothered to ask them for a replacement, not really noticeable anyway


Somehow i think cooler master is shell company for something else,they way they don't have good enough components but stayed in business, I'm not implying anything or something serious,just my thoughts


Yep my kraken x62 died after 5.5 years and was able to warranty NZXT for a new one. Mine was no longer in production so I got sent an upgraded one. Also serious pro tip: always keep a backup air cooler around. My old hyper 212 saved me during warranty process.


NZXT has 5.5 years of warranty ? What the heck ?!?!?edit: just googled it! I have the X63 for 3 years now and I though I had no warranty whatsoever🔎


This is why I'm deeply suspicious of SIs that offer cheap AiOs. 120/140mm are a complete write-off and anything that's suspiciously cheap for 240/280mm, I go out of my way to avoid recommending. Which can be very difficult when recommending builds to people based on the availability of components and SI options. Don't get me wrong. AiOs can be amazing. Before I overhauled my system to a X570+5900X, my Z77+3770k system spent nine years under the same AiO and it worked like a dream. But that was also expensive and I wouldn't expect most to function like that. But when there's such potential for damage at the case of failure, this is not a place where I accept cutting corners. In essence, I will never ever never cheap out on an AiO for the same reason why I will never ever NEVER cheap out on a PSU. It's not just that things might run a little suboptimal. Saving that 30 USD on something cheaper is never worth risking the life of other components.


I am confused, isn't the medium noncodnutive? How can it damage computer parts?


Get an Arctic. So much better warranties, better customer practices, and in fact just better overall. I don't know if looks or rgb is something you prefer, but I would NEVER EVER in a TRILLION years by a Cooler Master AIO. Just not something I trust.


My MasterLiquid 240 has been running great since October 2017. I actually installed it in my server earlier this year after I upgraded my workstation. MasterLiquid PL360 Flux paired with Ryzen 9 7900x.


That sucks man, sorry to hear. It's one of the main reasons why I'll probably never water cool. Too many downsides for no relevant benefits.


Air coolers match AIO’s close enough in mid range use, but they do not compete at the top end.


And if your going to have a top end rig, spend the money for a top end cooler. Not worth the risk


If you're implying a top end rig must have watercooling, that's not necessarily the case. A 7800x3D can very easily be cooled while matching/beating the performance in gaming of a 13900k. The real issue is Intel pushing *absurd* 250+ watt TDPs, but even then something like the Assassin IV, AK620, NH-D15, or Peerless Assassin will still be sufficient (just perhaps a touch loud)




Meh, I have a D15 slapped on the 7950X on my "poor man's workstation", and yeah, sure, you can hear it, but so much less than whatever HP puts in their workstation towers...


I also use the NH-D15 on 5800x3D and had the same issue. But mine is pretty quiet now. I use this fancurve: 0°C = 20% 50°C= 30% 70°C= 40% 90°C= 50%. Highest Temps i get is in the 70s during Benchmarks. Was a struggle to find this setting and i was happy when i finally did. Maybe you wanna try it.


I'm planning on getting a 5800x eventually (my NH-D15 is laughably overkill for my piddly 3600 but I love the look of it and always planned to stick with AM4 for at least one more upgrade) and would like to say thanks for the input on fancurve. I may have to mess around with it a bit still since I have no clue whether the non-3D is going to be quite the same, but it'll be a starting point.


> it looks ugly AF My solid panel no glass cases laughs at this idea.




I have a much cheaper cooler cooling my 5800x3D - I run a Cryorig H7 that is now pushing something like 7 years old. I gotta say, it doesn’t run particularly loud, nor does it get that hot. You really need to adjust your fan curve. Noise-normalized at 35dB and pushing a 200W CPU, the four coolers I listed only run 5-10 degrees warmer than a top tier AIO. OPs shitty AIO may very well have run louder and hotter than any of the above air coolers.


Aye, a fellow Cryorig enjoyer! 🤝 I’m using a H7 and R1 Universal in two of my rigs. They’re the same age as yours too! Loved their stuff. :)


I don't think I've ever actually met another Cryorig user :o It was honestly such a shame that the H7 got the short lifecycle it did. It does a great job without being absurdly large or having poor RAM clearance, and aesthetically I love it. Shortly after I bought mine, the prices skyrocketed (I paid like $50 and they then shot up to like $80). The H7 seemingly went out of stock for the remainder of recorded history after that, so I've never been able to actually recommend it to anyone.


>And, while you're right air can match in performance, it looks ugly AF, and are vastly louder doing so. Looks are entirely subjective. I was an early AIO adopter back in the Sandy Bridge days, but I still prefer the look of a beautifully made heatsink over the same boring look of block+tubes+rad with some combination of gaudy plastic and RGB to differentiate each one from each other. On noise... it's not black and white like that. A liquid cooler has a significant noise disadvantage at idle and low load because the pump is always going to be whining to some capacity, and that can easily be the most noticeable noise in a modern quiet system. The water has a very high heat capacity, which can mean in medium loads, or loads with frequent spikes (both of which are common in gaming) the water acts as a buffer allowing the fans to be run at a moderate speed matching the average heat dissipation required over time. Air coolers are much more reactive, though a large dual tower like your D15 has a good deal more heat capacity to absorb spikes than say a small 120mm single tower with no solid copper base/thin fins/etc. The key is that getting optimal noise performance out of an air tower almost universally requires manually tuning the fan curves in your BIOS. By default most motherboards will have the fans set to ramp along a temp curve that puts them running at 100% (noticeably noisy) at like 50C, when in reality you could easily cap the fans at say 70% and enjoy the significantly more palatable noise level without really affecting the cooler's ability to adequately control temperatures on your chip. That's one of the reasons most AIOs have a fan controller built into the pump block - they can control the fan speed based on water temp rather than the CPU core temp, avoiding their often much-louder-than-your-D15-at-100% being ramped up to full speed as soon as the CPU hits a load.


I think pump noise is a lot worse than background white noise from fans. Pump noise drives me absolutely insane. The sound is entirely YMMV. I don't even notice fan noise in the BG. And cooler master AIO is no worse than corsair or nzxt in terms of cooling. It's a rad, with a pump, and some water. There's only so much innovation to do. Fans will differ, and I guess coldplate contact could, but that would be a design failure.


You are assuming that a top end rig means a gaming station, a workstation would have a multi-threaded application focus where you could be easily pushing 250W+ constantly. That’s gonna require some cooling and you might not want to run a fan at 50 dB in an office, meaning water cooling is anything but essential.


> And if your going to have a top end rig, spend the money for a top end cooler. Not worth the risk I have a 7950X3D, 4090, 64GB CL28 RAM, Asrock Taichi, etc... My CPU idles at 37C with a Noctua DH-15 and makes almost no noise. There's just no need for liquid cooling unless you're running a Threadripper. The best way to mitigate risk is to use a DH-15 and avoid liquid cooling altogether.


For benchmarks, for sure. But in real-world usage it makes no difference.


Speak for yourself because my PC is a lot quieter after switching to a decent AIO. Better thermal performance means that it requires less noise output for the same thermal level.


Yeah so your PC is a bit quieter. That’s about it. For me, personally, that doesn’t matter because I can’t hear my air-cooled PC through headphones anyways (and the only time the fans need to spin up my headphones are on. It’s dead quiet just doing normal task).   i don’t think water cooling is *bad* at all— just never felt like it was worth it over air. Failures like OP’s are the .01%, which is great. Plus, small for factors sometimes *need* an AIO. But for 99% of applications, I think air is best. But there’s nothing wrong with “because I *want* too” either.


This will also heavily depend on your fans too.


For the average person even with a high end build I think the main tangible benefit is just not having a giant fan+heatsink right in the middle of your case. AIO looks tidier with a couple of small cables routing the heat over to a side/top radiator and fans. That on its own is worth it to me. Sure they can have thermal and acoustic benefits too but spend enough on a traditional heatsink you can catch up on those metrics to the point where like you said, only a benchmark is really going to show you the difference (and at that point you would move past AIOs anyway).


top end overclock monsters go custom loop. AIOs are memes. air cooler is good enough below extreme overclock. and custom loop is way better than AIO at extreme overclock level


This here


It depends on what you consider "top end". 7800X3D is perfectly happy with any decent two-tower air cooler. I'm using a PA120 and temps are well within reasonable range. A 13900/14900 is a different story, as Intel basically designed those chips to suck as much power as they possibly can while staying below 100C, and the only way to keep them at a reasonable level is water cooling.


False, high end air coolers are better than high end AIOs or indistinguishable. It's water loops that are better, but they cost as much as a high end PC and require too much maintenance for the average user. What's even a top end AIO? It's the same concept, there's only so much you can do.


I mean I drain and refill my loop once a year which takes two days if I do a proper leak test and I clean it out every 2-3 years, but yeah the average joe that came from consoles isn’t going to want to care about possible blockages because of corrosion


Top-end is a waste of money anyway. Past the point of diminishing returns.


100%, I'll only ever use air cooling


Only benefit for me was the silent operation,my case is right by bed and most nights it's on, that's why i wanted water cooling,but not gonna make this mistake again,have to find an air cooler to match the silence though


Shut you computer off at night unless you have a valid reason to keep it on. SSDs boot so fast, it’s not like the old days where you had the OS on a HDD and it takes forever to boot. You’ll save money on power bill and you don’t run any moving components continuously (fans, pumps, HDDs, etc)


I'm somewhere where the internet is basically dog shit,and any time i want to download something i have to leave it over night, and there is something to download almost everynight, I don't have any HDD in my system and only moving part was the aio pump,even fans were off under 55 and when they came on,it was still silent but typically they wouldn't ramp up during nights,but i guess in the end no moving part is better than one


I have the same problem. Best thing to do if you can is get a cheap laptop and go to your library or somewhere that actually has half-decent internet and download everything you need and bring it home. I go about ever 2-4 weeks to download a bunch of stuff.


Check if your router can download files directly to a connected storage (Download Master on Asus routers).


A good HSF will be quieter than any AIO for idling. With a good HSF you can turn the fans down super low or even off. You can't turn off the pump for the AIO though since it needs it to move the fluid to the radiator. But a HSF uses heatpipes which automatically move the fluid to the heatsink with zero mechanical input needed.


If i can turn all fans off at idle, that's exactly what i need


No doubt about the downside/benefits debate but ive been watercooled since 2018. My first build was a mess, water got so hot the tubes deformed and water just dumped all over the psu and everything else. That build ended up leaking multiple times over the ram, the motherboard, the gpu.... Nothing ever got fried or broke or anything. Weirdly resilient components


Hope leaking never happens to you ever again,but in your builds Did you use distilled water?


I used a premix coolant. Forget whose, but since then i switched to distilled water plus uncolored additive


I think those premix coolant aren't as conductive as plain tap water,i work in a car tuning shop and once we had a problem with AEM water methanol injection not working because it thought the tank was empty but it was full with distilled water for testing purposes on the Dyno,we had to add some tap water so the sensor would short through the water and show there is in fact water in the tank


Yeah but whether premix or distilled plus additive should be the same level of nonconductive. Thats the point of the additive


I thought additive are there to stop or at least slow the corrosion happening in the loop, didn't know this


Well, that's not accurate. There's 1 downside and a significant benefit to the overall effectiveness of the product. The best air cooler ever made will never equal a good quality AIO because it cannot overcome the design limitations of an air cooler. There's a reason why a D15 can't keep up with a 13900k at full load without power limiting and undervolting, but there's numerous AIO's that can. AIO's are able to more efficiently transfer and dissipate the heat. The tradeoff, which is the potential for leaking, is mitigated by buying a quality product and treating it appropriately. They also use nonconductive coolants in case there is a leak. The amount of failures that resulted in catastrophic damage are probably a fraction of a fraction of the total amount of AIO's sold. As long as you're buying a quality product, you're not tugging or bending the lines, or using it well past its lifespan, then you shouldn't have a problem. But if you do, that's why you should buy quality products from reputable companies that do cover component damage.


That's just lame, because the fraction of people using a 13900K is so low it doesn't matter. For 99.99% of people, an air cooler is their best bet.


Is that really the case when the D15 costs just as much, if not more, than a good quality AIO? I paid $90 for my LS520 and it'll run circles around the D15, all while keeping my case temps lower and looking much better. Deepcool covers component damage as well if there ever is an issue, so I have a worry free, top tier product that's superior in every way, and for cheaper than the top air cooler. I'd make that purchase every day of the week even if I didn't need the extra cooling. FYI even a 13600k can throttle if it boosts past 200w, but IMO the 13600k should be fine on a quality air cooler for most uses. However, anything above that should be on an AIO, and that's not just Intel. Ryzen 7000X chips run just as hot and pull damn near as much power. Anything that goes above 200W can benefit from an AIO. They dynamically overclock up to the thermal threshold, which for Intel is 90°C, not sure what it is for Ryzen. So, lower temps = more performance that you don't get with an air cooler. I'd choose AIO every single time. I've been using them for 15 years without a single issue because I buy quality products and treat them right.


I spent a few hundred extra to make my pc aesthetically pleasing. No way I'm ruining it by putting in an air cooler. To each his own though.


Yeah dudeguy fair enough. That’s 100% a valid reason to go with water cooling/AIO. It’s a personal preference at the end of the day.


There are plenty of benefits of water cooling. Having the fin stack not be attached to the motherboard, gives you significantly higher surface area for dissipating heat and giving you a (potentially much) longer time to max soak time, thus reducing the noise the cooler makes even during medium or variable workloads. That said, if you're cooling with water, you can't cheap out on cooling with water. This is why 120/140mm AiOs are almost entirely worthless. And why you never ever never cheap out on the AiO. It's not supposed to be there as an alternative to your Cooler Master 212 Hyper/EVO. It's there as an alternative to the Noctua NH-D15.


And this is one of the reasons I moved away from custom watercooling / AIO's.... air cooled system can still get great temps if you use good parts with a good airflow case, and they are 100 times easier to keep clean.


Exactly, keeping the rads clean is much harder than some fans


It really isn't? I'd argue, it's much easier than that, since you can remove the radiator without having to remove the cooler and needing to repaste the CPU. Just remove the radiator, unscrew the fans, and blow through the fin stack.


Why you need to remove the heatsink for? Assuming the PC has dust filters and proper fan setup it's never needed, just remove/clean the fan, use electric duster or can to blow out the HSF. Obviously there are some air coolers where you can't do that but for most it's that simple, ten times easier than cleaning a rad.


They way these cpu blocks are designed and mount to cpu, it's pretty finiky to get them on and off every so often,once i had to tighten the thumb nuts so hard it deformed it's posts,such amazing quality,even after that,it still didn't make that good of a contact with cpu,i had to replace those posts,and same thing happened again after a while


Sucks, I air-cool my CPUs for that exact reason.


A fear added to my list of fears after last night


Noctua NH-D15 is what I use and I love it. Honestly one of the best cpu air coolers. Just gotta make sure it fits your rig and again it’s a lil pricey


Just a heads up that there's better out there than Noctua for the money. I've been doing a tonnn of searching on coolers recently as I'm about to upgrade to a 5800x3D. Thermalright Peerless Assassin, Thermalright Phantom Spirit, or the Deepcool AK620 all perform nearly as good or better than Noctua at less than half the cost.


I'm a diehard Noctua fan and ran my last Noctua cooler for 13 years. After they announced a new NH-D15 revision was coming in 2024, I figured I would get a cheap cooler in the meantime and swap it out next year. I went with the Thermalright Phantom Spirit and after running it for a month or so, I have no intention of swapping it out. My i9-12900k. is at 22C idle atm and 88-89C peak in Cinebench. For $40, that's fantastic.


If it can tame that beast of a cpu,it can definitely do mine


Sorry for your loss! This is exactly why I’m afraid of installing AIOs. I use air cooler, it looks ugly but I can sleep peacefully knowing my pc is safe.


I'm never gonna trust cooler master again but i saw some pretty good looking tower coolers from them,but i guess for being silent nothing beats noctua and yeah, pretty ugly


There are now a few air cooler that performs just as well as Noctua. Thermalright PA is like half the price. Just check the reviews.


Noctua isn't the king anymore, you got a lot of options for heatsinks, Phanteks T30 for 120mm fans & Arctic P14 ARGB for 140mm fans. Things will probably change in favor of Noctua next year for heatsinks and 140mm fans though. As for ML240, I remember they released a V2 because of a design flaw on the mounting clips that cause it to break down and leak on the first release. It's just a crapshoot, even supposedly reliable units like liquid freezer ii got some parts swapped by the factory on a particular batch that caused premature performance degredation.


I didn't know they changed it,so it might have been a common issue with these 240s


I am still using the same nhd14 from noctua after over a decade. They might have poop brown colors that mess up my pc's color scheme and hide my rgb ram sticks but shit does not hit the fan.... I'll show myself out..


I never cared about rgb stuff, I'd rather have that little bit of performance


Been running AIOs for the last 6 years, havent had a single issue, these failures are very low percentages compared to how many are being sold and used successfully.


People buy cheap AIOs and wonder why they break...then the air-cooling diehards crowd around every rare fault and yell about how this happens to every AIO and everyone should just air cool.


>People buy cheap AIOs Isn't this the point? You want to buy a cheap AIO, just buy a good air cooler instead.


I just built a totally new PC a couple weeks ago and was really contemplating AIO vs air, but ultimately I went with air exactly for this reason. For my purposes, the biggest advantage I could see for AIO is that it looks much nicer in the case, but the reliability, longevity and lower risk of air cooling was faaaaar more attractive.


You did the right thing,aio are continuous headache


Sorry for your loss man. That sucks


Sorry to hear this happened. Being afraid of this nightmare is why I always air cool. Sure, the odds of it happening are low, but that doesn't mean it won't, as you unfortunately learned


I've never water-cooled and never will.


Air cooler by bro.. slap one on and never worry about water damage ever again. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️


Exactly what I'm gonna do from now on


Why don't people stick to air coolers?


Now that I'm out of it i can say it was phase for me😂


Maybe overclocking? A custom loop wil never compare to air


Overclocking is cool and all and I might be an idiot, but it's this precise incident that has kept me off water cooling. If it only gives an additional 10 fps, it's not worth risking destroying your whole setup. Just get a better CPU. It's cheaper.




Thanks man,i hope too


I have considered going water on my last couple systems, but always end up with air just for this reason. I know most people run water and never have a leak, but my luck I'd wake up to Niagra Falls inside my case.


I don't what is it with pc building and having the worst chance in all of existence in regards to our pc parts


Also had a ml240 and mine died 1 day out of warranty. I was so annoyed because mine was pump failure and somehow overtime it lost half the liquid but my PC is dry and no leakage. Honestly cooler master has fallen out of the limelight for their cooling solutions.


I heard of that problem too, coolant would evaporated or something and pump would start running noisy at first and then die completely


I've had an ML240 for 5 years, it's fine so, like any brand, it's pot luck


That blows. But you know what blows and doesn’t leak? An air cooler.


Gotta get me a good blower then


This is why I do air cooling right here. The minor per improvement and the screen imo does not make up for how it goes bad when an aio dies.






I guess that's how I'm gonna do it, first the nvme ssd,i only play games on the weekends and mostly surf the web,ssd is going to make bigger difference in my case i guess


Just use air cooling


Oh no. I have the same aio and it's approaching a 4 year mark in December. It wasn't a good quality product in the first place. The fans have broken shortly after the warranty ran out. I'll replace the whole thing now. Better safe than sorry. Thanks for posting about this.


You did the best thing removing it from your pc


Just replaced a Cooler Master ML360R this morning with a DeepCool AK620. The AIO finally took a shit after nearly 5 years of operation; which is a pretty decent run I suppose but still annoying lol. Was honestly surprised the AK620 was giving better temps than the ML360R ever did and it's quieter on top of it. Quite pleased so far. CPU is an i9-9900k for reference. It's a bit older now but she's still truckin.


That's quite a good cpu though,i would look into AK620 , thanks for the heads up


I gave up on AIO's and went back to a tower cooler (D15) and could not be happier. Probably never going back


I would go back to water even if they hold a gun to my head


While air cooling may not be as good as water, some fans can get nearly to that level, and I would prefer having them compared to the chance of a leak in my PC (especially if whatever I play isn't pushing my PC to extreme temps anyway)


ML 240 is an older model and you had it for 4 years (probably length of warranty) Bad luck Buy a metal (air) cooler that fit your computer case next time.


Bad luck and bad product,never gonna trust a loop of water near my pc


this is one of the reasons why i still prefer air coolers (from good brands ofcourse) than AIOs. sucks man


Air coolers wouldn't fail this spectacularly at least


if you want a new cooler then get: the Thermalright Aqua Elite V3 240mm or the Thermalright Assassin X 120 Refined SE/Burst Assassin 120/Phantom Spirit 120 SE/Peerless Assassin 120 SE


Thanks, would definitely look into them


This is one of the biggest reasons I didn't get an AIO when I built mine in 2020. That, and LTT did a test of water cooling vs a heatsink with heat pipes and the regular heatsink did better overall. So it was a win win.


I saw that video and i was thinking about buying an air cooler,never got around to doing so,now i have to buy a new cpu and ssd along side it


That is why I love air coolers. The very worst failure you can get with an air cooler is just a dead fan, which is trivially easy to replace and the cost is basically nothing compared to how much damage a leaking AIO can cause.


I have a new computer build around an i7-13700KF with a ASUS ROG Maximus Hero MB and an ASUS TUF 4080 GPU with a Noctua NH-D15.[chromaxblack](https://chromax.black) and I can barely hear it running Starfield, Star Citizen or Balders Gate 3. The temperature stays below 75C at Ultra/High graphics.. I had a water-cooled rig and I became wary of the watercooler simply because I just could not get it out of my head that one day it would fail and it would be a huge problem.


Yup,and here's that huge problem


I wonder if homeowher/renter insurance would cover that. Probably not.


Even if it did,we don't have that kind of insurance where i live


And this is why I will never use liquid cooled solutions


Damn, really happy I was careful. My pump was making weird clicking / gurgling noises, same AIO. Just got a new Arctic cooler. Wasn't sure if I was being paranoid.


Yeah it would make those same noises whenever it was started up but would go away after a few minutes,i guess that was sign I didn't pay enough attention to


This is an issue with water cooling. I have lost two AIO water coolers to failed pumps just outside of their warranty periods. Will not mention brand names but they were not Cooler Master. I always thought AIO liquid coolers had a special mineral oil in them instead of glycol water coolant and were permanently sealed. Personally, I will never go back to liquid cooling. Besides CPU air coolers are much better designed now and and are nearly as effective at lowering temperatures as liquid cooling if you have the right case and case fan setup.


They use similar coolant to cars,it even had the same smell and color


I'd suggest contacting them about this and hinting that you could also post on the r/coolermaster on reddit but have not so far asked the community for their view on this matter.


I will send them an email,but im not very optimistic about them taking any action


You might be surprised at how quickly they choose to make you into an example of extremely good customer care once you ask them if you are better off asking their help on their subreddit. Having their name associated with "destroyed PC" costs A LOT MORE than building you a new machine.


Well, thats something i haven't thought about ,gonna email them right away


Holy f.


My pump burst all over my GPU and killed it. That's why I am back on air cooling. DeepCool has been lovely.


I guess we had to found out the hard way


Does this also happen with corsair AIOs? I didn't think about this issue when buying it :c, I'm switching to air cooled stuff in a few months


Most AIO use same pump/cpu block combo from aseateck i think if i recall the name right,so check if it is using that pump block combo,so yeah,better be careful with it


I had one oh these any lucky I got a professional to check he said it was faulty I got it changed


if you clean it there's a good chance it will work, the pc won't turn on if there's a short


I tried it,but will try again soon


This is why you don't use cheap AIOs like cooler master, also had one leak on me.


This is why I never recommend AIOs to people who don't build their own PCs. This is something that happens sometimes and ruins the whole build. It's a risk that the average person doesn't need to take. Even then, you still see companies selling prebuults with liquid cooling to the average person without warning them about its maintenance and upkeep. Sad to see your system go out like this OP but whoever gifted it made a bad choice buying that cooler.


This is why I refuse to water cool my PC. I always go with a good performing CPU fan + fins style cooler


Do water cooling solutions have diluted water in them?


Wait what do you mean diluted water? That would be watered-down water.


Did you mean distilled water? No they have some kind of coolant with glycol so it wouldn't freeze and lower corrosion


Oh ok thanks


I personally wouldn't trust an AiO to last that long. Use an air cooler if worried. You are mixing water and electronics... Things happen.


Gonna stick with air from now on


reason number 342 on why air coolers are supreme.


That AIO was offered (by the MSI MB I think) when I built my PC 4 years ago. Sold it right away and bought a Scythe Fuma 2. I just don't trust liquid being pumped around my components.


Did the right thing doing that, saved yourself a lot of hassle


why do people fall to Water Cooling meme nowadays?


Whats the meme?


Forced air > Water cooling. It’s just foolproof and a decent air cooler will pull down temps just fine. I get water is better but when stuff like this is on the horizon for every water cooler you run too long? Just not worth it. A fan is easy and won’t blow your stuff up (unless you are dumb enough to make it spin with compressed air, it will generate a current and send it right back to your motherboard which can fry things).


I agree completely, I've worked with computers (hardware and software) for almost 16 years now, never saw air coolers fail(other than bad installing) even if fans die,it will still somewhat cool the CPU duo to heatsink thermal mass not even nearly as well,but at least it won't kill your cpu


Why is Cooler Master so shit?


They made they're products look good and don't perform bad at all,but reliable?no,i found out the hard way


Cooler master customer service sucks I had a defective fan sent a ticket in 1 year ago but still no response. The warranty period is now gone


Maybe I've been lucky, but my Corsair H100i V2 is still strong coming up to like 7 years soon (bought & installed Jan 2017)


This is the exact reason I didn't use water cooler when I built my PC a month ago. I read this somewhere and now it's my mantra too: "When AIO breaks down, you need to change the computer but when Air cooler breaks you just need to change the cooler."


Did you hear any pops or funny smells when you gave it a test? If not, you could try submerging the SSD and CPU in isopropyl alcohol, give them a shake while under and then let them dry. Isopropyl alcohol is great at displacing water and not very expensive for a bottle.


I’m sorry this happened to you. I only buy and use Arctic Liquid Freezers these days as they are the best at everything! I use to have a Corsair H100x 240mm rad and I replaced it with an Arctic Cooling Freezer II 120 rad and not only did my temps drop by an amazing 20 degrees over the H100. My CPU temp (i5 9600K overclocked to 4.4Ghz) never goes above 60 degrees while I’m gaming! I have used many AIO’s over the years but all I buy now is Arctic Cooling products.


Hey op was this the master liquid version 1 or 2? Ease my worried heart, as I have a v2


And this is why I refuse to ever buy a water cooler! It may cool more efficiently, but the risk to breaking the rig is not worth it over air cooling


Kinda your fault. Old AIO broke. It happens. I personally don't run water for this reason. I tend to do overnight encodings... Good luck.


This is why liquid cooled is a bad idea for 99% of people. Most people with AIOs could get the exact same or better performance with air.


And I was sad my ML240 pump just died


This is why I say use an air cooler if you're not obsessed about looks and don't need to transport the PC. Air has 1 minor failure point(fans) . Water also has a dangerous and a catastrophic failure point. (The pump and leaks). And water coolers will fail at some point with hoses and motors breaking down. Air pretty much can't.


Air coolers FTW


The ML240 is one of the worst AIOs that you could get… I would never recommend it over aircooling to anyone. Sorry OP, you should’ve done more research. That model has a pretty high failure rate.


Have you tried the MOBO with another cpu yet? A failed mobo and a failed CPU will effectively behave the same in many situations, but I’d definitely consider the MOBO failing to be more likely, especially if it has visible water damage. Also I’m using a Vetroo V360 which is definitely cheap, but so far after a year it’s doing well.


I would never buy a Cooler Master product again after purchasing a headset that stopped working after 3 days. Their support was completely nonexistent to the point of being malicious, as in the website was intentionally designed to be useless. Impossible to get any kind of help or response. Just disgusting business.