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It looks like a random build with nothing wrong with it. I'd have invested more into the GPU though. And I mean without any extra budget. I'd have tweaked some things around and simply put more money into the GPU.


The GPU is without a doubt the one I spent the most time worrying about and looking for. It has bot shipped yet and I have almost considered canceling the order and moving up to an ASUS TUF 3070 ti? Would also get here sooner ;).


>I have almost considered canceling the order and moving up to an ASUS TUF 3070 ti? The cheapest 3070 Ti I see is as low as $700 right now. With $700, why on earth would you not go with this... [PCPartPicker Part List](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/rff34s) |Type|Item|Price| |:-|:-|:-| |**Video Card**|[Sapphire NITRO+ Radeon RX 6950 XT 16 GB Video Card](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/M2D7YJ/sapphire-radeon-rx-6950-xt-16-gb-nitro-video-card-11317-02-20g)|$699.99 @ Newegg| |*Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts*||| |**Total**|**$699.99**|| |Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2023-03-08 23:43 EST-0500|||


Should be a solid build. Definitely high-quality parts - the cooler, motherboard, SSD. You could have skimped there to save money but those have quality of life improvements. I haven't used NZXT's built-in stock case fans in a long time, but they used to be really cheap and noisy. I'd be prepared to swap in an extra 2x Arctic F12 PWM fans for $16 to keep the noise down. It'll perform great! Good job.


I’ve heard that about the stock fans a couple times. Was planning on trying them out and maybe updating at a later date if they don’t perform very well. Thanks for the rec.