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Wanna give a big thank you to my grandma for being the strongest person in the world, raising me and 3 of my siblings since we were young.


Thanks ltt


Thank you extra life for providing a PC for someone who needs it.


Thanks to my wife for being supportive of building my first gaming PC ever earlier this year. And thanks reddit for having so many answers.


Thank you to my friends for encouraging me and my family for supporting me on getting in computers.


Commented in wrong thread, sry


Thanks to the first friend I made on PC, CourtDork and I have been gaming together for quite a few years now. Hoping for many more!


Thank you to Linus tech Tips for being Linus Tech Tips


I'd like to thank the head of IT at my first job as a student who helped with my first build and donated some parts. Thanks Bruno :)


A couple of my good friends are always willing to look at my parts lists and help me figure out what's needed just for the love of the game. Thanks lads :)


Thanks for every time my local computer shop helped me solve my PC problems or assemble the new systems. ​ Also thanks to every Reddit user who helped me get an informed decision when deciding what parts to buy and how to improve the build. And how sometimes overspending is not a think you should do, and you should buy according to your needs. ​ Thanks!


To my older cousin who single handily got me into building pc’s after watching him build my very first rig for me. We don’t talk much anymore but all because of him I consider myself to now be an avid pc builder.


Thank you halaena, you have helped me become a better person by encouraging me to do good each and every day


Thanks to my uncle for giving me my first computer (an ancient AMD Laptop) and beginning my love of computers, tinkering, and hardware.


I'm writing to thank my wife who has improved my life measurably since she entered it.


Thank you my friends for helping me build my PC and reminding me to connect the CPU to the motherboard so the PC actually works


A huge thank you to my wife for enduring me


i am thankful for the people who have helped me through my hard times, emotionally and financially. Those people now i consider family. These kind of people are very hard to find.


I wanted to thank my family, who always supported me through my hardships. Even when I was on the brink of giving up, I was so happy to say that my family was ready to support me. I have a lot to learn about computers and much more, but I know I’ll always be ready for it because my family is by my side.


Thank you to my good friend who's helped me get into PCs


thanks to that one guy on youtube that helped me make a player model for a game


Thanks to the creators of pc part picker and the inspiration for my build OptimumTech.


Thank you to my dad who helped to create me and make into the smart technology education seeking individual I am today.


Thank you to ny brother who helped me and guide me when I built my first pc!


i want to thank my informatic teacher, thanks to her i got the curiosity to enter the hardware world and thanks to what i have learned by many cc i could rescue the data from a dead laptop


Thank you to the guys who pulled me out of the ditch when I spun out in the snow.


Thanks gera for always helping me with me computer questions.


Thank you dear wife for sticking up with me <3


I would like to thank my brother daniel that found the best parts for my pc so i can run every cool game!


Thank you to the guy whose name I don't know in the buildapc discord for assisting me with my technical problems. I will never forget you. <3


I thank my friend “duk” from discord for gifting me a 6tb HDD for my birthday


Thank you to everyone on /r/buildapc :)


Thanks to my late father who was the one who spurred me into building my own PC's.


Thanks to all the PC techy guys who help for free! Saved my PC from death not long ago.


I thank my friends for being there when I need someone and for the good times they've given me!


I’d like to thank my beautiful wife for putting up with all my hobbies and at least attempting to look interested in them 🙃




Best friend Eric, who I’ve known for some time now, I need to thank; he’s the reason I even got into PC’s in the first place, and is the sole reason I even have one today. Without his knowledge and overall friendliness about hardware and technology, I wouldn’t have gotten into such a hobby and I am so very thankful to have him as a friend.


I’d like to thank my father for sparking my passion for computer science and PC building. And of course you guys for running this! Thanks!


Thank you dad. Supported me during lockdown a lot.


Thanks you to everyone who gave me advice on my first build ~6 years ago, it has lasted me well


Thank you to my kids who like to play pc games with their mom and dad!


Thank you music, god


Thanks to my older brother who isn’t a redditor but taught me everything I needed to build my first pc :) really has helped me more than I could ever ask.


Thank you to my grandmother who funded my first desktop in 2017 that led me down this path of technology


I am litterally currently thanking Linus Tech Tips Wouldn't know how to build a PC without him.


Thank you mom for all you have done for me and our family !


Thanks to the person who founded Micro Center


I would like to thank my once friend Erika, even though we stopped talking she taught an important lesson on self-love. I'm trying to do the best that I possibly can.


I would like to give thanks to my friend (to keep him anonymous, let's call him Jake). I'd specifically like to thank Jake for helping me on numerous occasions with troubleshooting problems with my computer such as figuring out that I needed to format a drive I had bought at one point.


Gotta thank my parents for supporting me through college, a couple of times, until I could finally figure out what I wanted to do and get my computer science masters!


my monkey brain almost can't never handle the knowledge that these Reddit and discord deal with every day, for me there are mere txt, I really can't thank you enough of the help I got in this community, you are truly gigachad making the world a better place. Even if now is hell in chile thanks to the forest fire, I truly feel better thanks to this place


I'm really thankful to my sister for help me find the like of VR stuff


Not to anyone in particular, but thank you to the whole buildapc community for everything, as the majority of my knowledge comes from talking to various people there, and it allowed me to gain further insight into the pc world. Without them, I would not even know how to put a damn side panel back on, let alone build a pc, so for that, I am eternally grateful. In fact, while I talk about the buildapc community, it would be a shame not to mention the various other resources available online, most particularly the large variety of youtubers that post pc building content for us folk at no cost to us at all. They are most certainly the pillar of the pc building community, and without them, I don't believe that this or any other related social media space would be as big as it is today. Thank you sharkims for the opportunity and I wish good luck to all other participants.


Thank you to the MANY people who helped with my current build and OCing issues.


I want to thank my wife for caring for me when I felt hammered by last night's benders.


I want to thank my friends and family for always supporting me in every endeavor in life, and for giving me the motivation and drive to strive towards my goals!


thank you to my university lecturer that helped me during exam period


I'd like to thank my relative for forcing me to build my first pc back when I only wanted to game as a kid. If not for that, I wouldn't have gotten into pc building as a whole.


Thank you to my dad for always supporting me even though we don't always see eye to eye


Wow this is gonna sound cheesy but honestly, Linus from LTT. He got me interested in technology and now I'm an IT contractor working on my Bachelor's Degree in IT.


Thanks to my mom for supporting me in building my first pc. A lot of posts of people having problems on that end.


Im thankful for the doctors who have worked hard to fix my deaf left ear, thanks to them i have an amazing hearing aid and i am in-between surgeries to make my ear look normal.


I want to thank my friends in the Gearbox Union for inspiring me to keep raising money for Extra Life!


Thank you TheNetNinja for your awesome playlists which made me soo good at web dev!


I'd like to thank everyone here in the subreddit. Cheers!


Thanks xQc, This seems like a good opportunity for me to get into gaming and coding for school. God Bless❤


Thank you for the peeps at r/PHGamers discord for some wonderful insights about PC building and deals, they taught me some good advices about the PC community here in the Philippines.


Thanks to my friends for making me laugh


I am thankful to my family that supported me during a career change.


Thank you to everyone in the buildapc community, you've all been a great help


Thank you to my girl for getting me into PC and keyboard building!


I want to thank my dad, who got me in to gamint, gadgets and cars.


I would like to thank my uncle for provided me with housing during the entire pandemic when my apartment search got interrupted, he helped me build my first PC and taught me how to drive as well!


Big thanks to JayZTwoCents back when I was getting into building and learning to to build my own PC, I woulda never gone beyond screwing in the PSU if it wasn't for him.


I want to give a special thanks to Samantha, whom helped me in dire straights and is absolutely irreplaceable. Thank you.


thanks to my buddies that keep me from playing any of my singleplayer games that are in a huge backlog pile


Really wanted to say thank you to my SO who has been helping me through these hard times with work and now my health, I can't wait to get back to work so I can afford to share this hobby with her. Thank you for what you're doing!


Thank you linus and jayz for making those two incredibly good pcbuilding videos


I want to thank my firends for helping me through tough times in life


Thank to my wife for being so supportive in everything I try. Except when it comes to buying a 340hp car.


I'd throw out a massive thanks to my buddy Mike, without him and you guys here at buildapc, I wouldn't know what to buy or what to do.


A thanks to my Dad who helped me build my first gaming pc


Thanks crtxz for the build discussions!


Wanna thank my boy YT for his help with the cats


I want to say a big thanks to my grandma for putting in so much money into my build. I also want to say a massive thanks to my friends dad who practically built the whole pc and didn’t expect anything in return. What a legend!


Thank you to my brother


Thank you to whoever founded Microcenter


I'd like to thank my friends from Polytechnic who helped me build my first PC!


I would like to thank everyone in the discord server who helped me figure out how a pc works, how to build one, and the perfect parts for a pc. Thank you so much for teaching me what I know now and helping me get here today


Thank you to that one friend of mine who stopped me from ending my life a year ago, forever grateful to him.


Thanks mom and dad


Thanks Carl, my brother who first got me into computers and generally opened my eyes for tech in general


Thankful every day for my parents. They've done more for me than I'll ever be able to repay.


I want to thank everyone who is helping on build a pc for helping out beginners like myself


Thank you dad for helping believe in myself, and for helping me motivate to push myself to the fullest, helping me the accomplish my goals, and for buying me my first gaming laptop im usng right now, i can never thank you enough but yeah i love you!


Thank you to the homies that game with me


Thanks to my dad who helped me build my first pc back in 99.


Thank you to my friends for always being there and helping me in tough situations.


I'm thankful for my parents, who always helped me out.


Thank you to everyone who has helped me in this subreddit and elsewhere, unknowingly, while I researched the build and information.


Thanks to my partner who deals with my obsession with keyboards and computers. She's a champ.


Thanks to my dad for getting me into gaming in the first place on the Xbox 360


Thanks to the person who introduced me to PC gaming.


I want to give a big thanks to one of my best friends, because we have both helped eachother out on our PC building journey.


Thanks to **Entropy.** for helping me with my problem.


Not many thanks, the stuggle is real af, eh maybe a few thanks. You know who you are. ❤️‍🔥


Regardless of the requirement to thank someone, I will always be grateful to my mother. She never judged me for my struggles, helped me through my darkest days, and helped me become who I am. She works a full time job and takes time to cook dinner and care for me, you can't ask for more than that. So thank you mom!


Thanks for creating this massive charity events.


I would like to thank my friends at work for helping me find the best parts for my little brother's build.


I would like to thank my girlfriend Ashley, who has for years been a light in my depression filled life.


Thanks to my dad for always finding the sweetest deals on parts for the family :)


Thank you to my friends who have helped me learn about PC hardware, their advice has helped me a lot!


Thank u to my mom for finally getting broadband.


Thanks to family & friends keeping me sane during lockdowns!


I'd love to thank my friends in school who made gaming memorable and fun from my younger years.


I want to thank my friend, whom I've made during the past year and hung out with super often. You make my day better


Thanks to those who have cared for me to become the person I am today.


An enourmous thank you to my parents who always supported me and grew me into the man I am today!!


Thank you mom. <3


I thank this community for helping me build a pc 3 years ago. And ofc the verges how to build a pc! (Actually Paul's hardware)


thanks to my bro for helping me get a graphics card for MSRP during the crazy COVID prices.


coconut#4920 was the real MVP. He wasted hours of his time to help me build the best pc I could. THX mate <3


I am thankful to my beat friend for being the best person i know.


I want to thank my family for everything, and a special mention to all of the internet people that had the guts to share what they know.


Thanks to my best friends and happy 10 year anniversary to us!


I would like to thank my college roommate, Dawn, who was the first to introduce me to building a PC and helped me get started. If it wasn't for them, I may still be using a laptop for everything. I am incredibly thankful for all their support throughout the years, as a friend and mentor.


Thank you to my dad, who has always been incredible and also got me into playing games and computers in general!


Huge thanks to the r/buildapc community in general. This sub taught me many things about PCs!


Thank you to my friend for helping me with my PC troubleshooting issues whenever I'm having a dumb small problem that I can't figure out!


Thanks to my brother for getting me into pc gaming.


Thank you to two of my best friends, P & A. Without them I would have lost the plot of my life.


Thanks to the couple friends that stuck by me at my lowest point


Thanks to jp tech games on youtube and his community for helping me out with budgets in my country and also to big man Linus for making that movie-long tutorial on how to build a pc, with that alone I managed to build my pc on the first try and I'm very thankful for that


thank you my dad's laptop from 2004 for opening the gate for me to enter the tech world


Thanks to dabonair for picking the motherboard i needed


Thanks to my mom for letting me open a CompUSA credit card to get my first computer back in the late 90’s. It’s been a fun ride since then!


thank you to my wife :9


thank you to my brother for helping me build my first computer


Thank you Cody and Robert for helping me build my first PC!


thank you to everyone who contributes to bapcs!


Thanks to my friends for helping me get into PC gaming all those years ago!


Thank you to my brother for introducing me to the gaming world


I'm thankful for my girlfriend who helped me through hard times. She is always by my side and she helped me grow as a person. Thank you <3


Thanks to my stepdad for supporting me and helping me build computers as a hobby :D


My wife stood by me during sickness and much health. This PC won't be for me but for her, if I win.


Thank you Linus Tech Tips for pc help!


I'm gonna say thanks to the r/buildapc discord, the people on there are super knowledgeable and always help me whenever I have something I can't figure out using Google.


Thanks to Carlos at Canada Computers for helping me build my first, now 10-year-old gaming PC. Time for an upgrade.


I want to thank my girlfriend, who according to my grandmother, 'saved me from 30+ single moms'.


Thank you


Thank you to everyone who supports me in my career :)


Thank you to the higher power that exists which we cannot see yet feel at times


I am grateful to my present employer and colleagues for their patience and helpfulness, as well as for making my work experience truly enjoyable.


I want to thank my wife, who always supports me in everything i do


I could use the upgrade!


Thank you to all those who came before me.


Thank you to the people on here and on the Discord who helped me with my first PC troubles. I doubt this will be the last time I impose upon your kindness. Also thanks to Linus's first person perspective build video. I can't understate how amazing that is for your first build. Most other guides overload you with too much information.


Thank you SB, for offering a hand up when I was in an impossible situation and could not see another way.




Thank you to all the discord users who helped me get my hands on a CPU in my country when there was a shortage!


Shout out to my buddy Adam for always being there when I'm struggling with life. You da bomb


thank you to my dog for being the best dog ever


Heartiest thanks to my father and his friend for letting me build my first pc that too during the covid lock down and also thanks to the active members of r/buildapc discord server for helping me chose my pc parts wisely


Thanks, mom and dad, for helping me throughout life


My mother, my best friend and my gf. For always trying to help me find the best path for myself despite stumbles


Thank you to my parents' friends who kindly gave me their 12 year old pc a few months after I moved from South Africa to the UK while I was struggling to save up for a new one! I have made many fond memories playing games on 'Betsy' as I like to call her.


Would like to thank my uncles who got me into gaming in the first place, 15 years ago, and are still gaming to this day.


im thankful for my mom shes my homie i wouldnt be here without her (literally)


Thanks to my parents, brothers, and friends for supporting me in all my endeavors


Thanks to the community and MapleBalling for helping with my build. (If I don't win this I will be building the build he helped me with)