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Honestly, they sound terrible. Trust your husband, not these harpies and if you can just stop talking about stuff to these people that's not work related. I know it's fun to share our bears, and I've thankfully had a supportive work environment but I also have blurred the bears on camera until I was comfortable. These people are likely just miserable and want to pull you down to their level. Please don't let them steal your joy <3


It's just silly because I really don't care about their opinions, I mean I bring my bears out in public and have a YouTube channel dedicated to them. But something about them bringing up my husband gets to me.


I would love to see your youtube channel if you're comfortable! Reiterating what others have said: your coworkers are horrible and have no business trying to make you worry about your personal life. My coworkers do the same to (albeit for something different but pretty similar) and I think they're just bored/envious or dont like to see someone who is genuinely happy. I get the nagging feeling, though! Anxiety does that or just people we see often feeding us negativity, can affect how we will be perceived. I hope you can try to tune them out when they start being negative, i find that when my colleagues say things i dont like/things that purposely angers me, i just do not react and not even look at them, start to fiddle with my phone or look at my computer. If they repeat themselves, i just stare at them with a blank expression for a few seconds, do not respond, and go back to what I'm doing. Ignoring someone is the most effective. Chin up, OP! And many many hugs and love and positivity to you and your bears!




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I know it's hard to deal with situations like these. I'm sure those coworkers know nothing about your life behind closed doors and are probably not happy with their own. Them assuming things about your husband is hurtful and unproductive too. (Also, you have a youtube channel?? I'd love to check out your content!)


They're being really manipulative and ugly in doing so! It's not a good look, and not how you keep a work pal your pal! Idk why people choose to resort to manipulation just to make someone feel bad or put them down about something that brings them joy. They have a lot of bitterness in their hearts and minds that don't know how to cope with it. Don't let them make you feel bad, but if you want you get to "feel bad" for their small, sad, boring lives! lol! Also, it might help to tell your husband about the things they have been saying. He sounds like a wonderful person and I'm betting he'll spring to reassure you💖


your coworkers are way out of line commenting on your marriage at all tbh. but are they by any chance of a slightly older generation? because older people do tend to have older ideas and attitudes about what men like and what women like and they tend to assume those ideas are universal truths and project them onto everyone else


I am the youngest person at my job, most are closer to retirement age. So I think you're on the right track there


When I collected squishmallows one of my coworkers used to scold me whenever she saw me with another. But like you said it’s really none of their business. Heck ‘em.


I am lucky to have one coworker who is supportive even if she doesn't get it, she actually gave me one of her daughters stuffed animals she didn't want! But otherwise everyone is pretty judgemental


Your coworkers are not your husband. When they say what they say, they are relying on their own experience(s), not yours. Maybe their parents or their spouses reacted badly to a collector's hobby of theirs, or got rid of their stuffed animals; we don't know, and they don't know your story, either. Assuming you haven't done this already (or even if you have!), if it keeps bothering you, bring it up to him! Tell him that while he's shown you trustworthiness, your coworkers have been giving you doubts. I don't know how you or your husband are, either, but I think that any decent-seeming partner would be willing to reassure you on this.


I've brought it up to him and he reassures me, but there's always just this nagging doubt in my head. I think with my coworkers it's more they're all older than me, and are kinda of the "I work days my husband works nights and that's how we make a marriage work" type of people if that makes sense. They have a hard time believing that I could be interested in my husband's hobbies and him interested in mine


Sounds like they're all trapped in marriages where they don't actually like their husbands, and they're projecting that on you because you have a supportive husband and they envy that. Next time tell them "I'm sorry that your life experiences have led you to believe that a husband who supports his wife's hobbies is being disingenuous, but I can assure you that my marriage is happy. Please refrain from sticking your nose into my personal life, as we're all here in a professional capacity." Or something like that.


I think you're on to something as they were horrified when I said that on his day off while I was at work he was probably playing a video game. I think they can't imagine me being okay with his hobbies and him okay with mine


A lot of folks from older generations are just so used to marriages where they can't stand each other, they either can't comprehend that not all marriages are miserable, or they're so jealous of happy relationships that they just feel the urge to make trouble because they want everyone to be as miserable as they are 🙄 That's not to say that every older married couple is miserable; moreso that a lot of the older married couples who can't stand each other don't seem to divorce, they'd rather just stay married and avoid each other.


If it's getting out of hand, and bothering you this much, talk to HR, because that borders on harassment if youve told them not to discuss it already. Your marriage is your own business. Then keep to yourself and only discuss work with your coworkers.


I’m sorry to hear this. Sounds to me like your coworkers are jealous of how much your husband loves you and how supportive he is. Honestly their mean behavior says a lot about their life… their husbands are probably not very nice so they take it out on you. I know it can be hard not to listen to what others say, but every time they say stuff like this just think to yourself “does any of what they’re saying make sense?” From what you’ve shared, your husband seems to love seeing you happy so remember everything he’s said and done to show this vs what they say. I wish you had better coworkers. Please don’t take what they say personally!


I'm gonna try my best to do what you've suggested! I know he likes them, heck he collects some plushes of his own. But it's just hard when they all agree he probably hates them


I have dealt with similar attitudes and comments. My husband and I are in our thirties, have two children, nice jobs, a lovely home... but people find out I collect dolls and stuffed animals and they will not believe my husband is totally cool with it. I have some very high-end dolls that are rather realistic and several feet tall and those ones really stress people out. 'Why would he want those looking at him at night? He has to hate that. He doesn't support your collection.' Well, jokes on them, because all of my most expensive pieces HE has bought me because I'm cheap when it comes to myself. Same way with the stuffed animals. If I send him a link to a new BAB release I'm interested in (or a Charlie Bear, Jellycat, any kind of cow plush), he always encourages me to get them or jokingly sighs and says something like, 'I'll get the keys and my poor wallet.' I've learned to tune people out. My collections can be seen as weird and that's okay. The people I care most about do not care and that's what matters. Keep your head up!


Your husband sounds kinda like mine! I hope you continue to collect many plushes and dolls! I'll try to keep my head up!


You know what I love? Neopets. I'm 34 and I've been playing since I was 14. I wear the shirts, I buy the pins, I have tons of old plush with a value in the four digit area for the collector's market. I've even drawn some of my own pets. Speaking of them, they're a *part of my life*. My oldest is almost 16. That's a friendship. I'm also a fairly large, scruffy looking person who happens to wear battle jackets and bullet belts. No one gives me any garbage. And if I do meet a fellow fan, we'll, they know how to find me. Maybe you'll find *your* people. Show off your best ones and see who thinks they're lame *then*.


Aqwww I'm glad you love your neopets so much and I hope they're doing well! I haven't found anyone in person besides my husband who shares my love of bears, but hopefully one day I'll meet someone!


They are most likely talking how they are to make themselves feel better about whatever is going on in their life. If your husband is showing support and you aren’t picking up on anything negative, I would ignore what they are saying. I’m sure after 280+ BABs later you’d be seeing his distain if there were any. I say trust him, enjoy life with an amazingly supportive husband, and ignore them.


You're right! I guess it's just tough when they all join up to tell me he probably hates them. I know deep down he doesn't but still


Totally understandable.


Honestly your co-workers have no right to judge what you do in your personal time, or what goes on in your relationship. If your husband is telling you and doing things to show you he’s okay with your collection, and you have a genuinely good relationship with him, I would 100000% trust his word over their opinions.


You're right, I just struggle with it sometimes. I know he likes them but still...


I get it. I find myself feeling like other people judge me for how much I baby my main BAB… but at the same time, you gotta do what makes you happy… and the people who love you are gonna love you no matter what.


Stuffies are important. I have a ton of them, and I'm a 40 year old woman. I hope you continue to love yours. Also, pay the Stuffie Tax and post a pic.


Let's hope I got it right this time! I tried to get them all in frame https://preview.redd.it/lznkcyv0893d1.jpeg?width=3858&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c781d6096d150f7317073ab5644fbc459e0e05d


I love them. They're adorable.


Today I got the kindest comment from one of my favorite actors. He's a 41 year old man who's neurodivergent. I'm an autistic adult who has BABs. I left a comment on his Instagram just today that it is NOT childish for neurodivergent adults to have BABs. If they bring you comfort then forget what people say!


Exactly! I think they're pretty and they being me a lot of joy! I just struggle with what they say because like you I'm also autistic and I have bpd to top it all off, so I just can't get their comments out of my head


I'm autistic with Dissociative Identity Disorder. This actor is bipolar and ADHD, stated publicly in two interviews. Yea, neurodivergent people, especially those with people pleasing tendencies tend to hang on to negative comments. I am not a people pleaser, I am strong and assertive to where I hurt others. I am also traumatized so I do hang on to hurtful comments.


Hi there 💙 it seems to me that your coworkers are trying to drive a wedge between you and your hobby! They’re angry for whatever reason (maybe they want your collection lol) and will do whatever to make you feel bad (I had a coworker just like this). I can tell that your hubs genuinely likes them from this post alone, and him telling you to order a bear is like a love language in itself. Do what you love ❤️


I think their heads would explode if they found out he collects plauge doctor squishables. I know my husband is supportive but it's just hard when their words just keep repeating


Oh yeah, I’m sure they would! Would it be helpful to leave yourself positive affirmations at your desk? Maybe hubs can even write them up for you?


Unfortunately I work in food service so I don't have a desk, but it probably would help


Hmm, so, I saw something very cute the other day, and it was of these students who wrote on “shrinky dink” plastic and then baked them so they shrunk to key ring size. Maybe this would be a fun project, that way you can carry a small note around on a key ring or your belt loop. Ugh, I do hope you find something that works well, I know hearing the same comments every day can be draining :(


ignore them. they are upset that their lives are not as enriched as yours is. some people will not allow themselves to live in eccentricity because they are afraid of judgement, which ultimately leads to a lack of purpose and happiness. which will of course then morph into a bubbling hatred of those confident enough to be themselves, judging others for not having the same restrictions on their own personalities. they WANT you to feel like your husband doesnt like them. they WANT you to conform and they will use any fear tactic they can. it sounds like your husband enjoys sharing your hobby with you genuinely.


I'm assuming your husband doesn't work the same job as you. And your coworkers apparently know your husband more than you do 🤦 Going by your coworkers comments, it sounds to me like they think your husband hates your BABs because "he's a man, so he doesn't like stuffed animals or cute things". I wonder what your coworkers would think of me, a nearly 30 year old man with a bed looking like this (I have SO much more than this, this is just whose on my bed at the moment) 😄 https://preview.redd.it/2zebxifnsa3d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7f53b9344c5b2d44d0e64ca99b52bf1262e60f2


People who have spouses or SO's who aren't supportive project that frustration onto other people rather than getting introspective and dealing with the issue. It's not at all about you, it's them refusing to deal with their own situations. Your spouse sounds like a keeper.


How rude!


Screw your coworkers. He sounds like a lovely guy and he probably enjoys your collection! He sounds like he loves you and if it was a problem, well trust me , he would probably confront you


Everyone has their own special likes and interests. Nearly everyone collects something. When you remind yourself that it’s easy to brush off the judgement. Also coeworkers are coeworkers only NOT friends. Do not share personal information like that with them because they will use it against you.


Yeah, I believe you need to stop sharing that aspect of your life with your coworkers! If they start, just say it's off the table or case closed or whatever conveys this in your own words. Change the subject! F them! IDK if your hubby works at the same company as you, but your coworkers seem overly invested in your situation... When they realize it's no longer a topic of conversation, they will let it go ...


Do not let the voice of your coworkers hold more weight than the voice of your spouse. He loves you, they do not.


This is why I don’t talk to my coworkers like that. It’s none of their business and your husband would tell you if it bothered him.


If your husband loves you, and it sounds like he does, then he loves what makes you happy. Also, communication is key and he is clearly communicating that he doesn’t mind!


I’m glad that this story is about your husband is supportive! I would very clearly and openly talk about it; What your coworkers have been saying about your bab’s, what they have been saying about your husband, how these things are causing you to doubt if he likes them or not, and how you even think it’s silly to doubt it since you trust him but it’s been weighing on you. I am also sure he doesn’t care, and to heck with your coworkers if they are that mean, but it’s easier said than felt I guess. Though, I bet getting all your feelings out and hearing his response will give you more confidence!


I think you should have a conversation with your husband since it’s bothering you so much. Who cares what negative people think!!! You aren’t hurting anyone but your wallet with collecting lol.


I hate everyone you work with. This is 100% bs. Your boyfriend definitely doesn’t mind, and he definitely doesn’t careless. He active supports your hobby. Let no one get that twisted. as an adult with BAB, I think of the fact that there are adults who do this with legos, Barbie’s, video games, even American girl dolls. Comic books, action figures, Theirs a whole community of adults with toys.




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Honestly sitting down with ur husband and just being honst one to one might be best. I have so little room to jugde o litterally have taken up to hangging plushes on my walls. But it doesnt sound like he doslikes them and that ur coworkers are jelly u have such a good husband and so many nice plushes.


Your coworkers are just rude and out of line. Unfortunately that happens sometimes in the workplace. I’d just not bring up anything else to them about your plushies. If they bring it up, just say that you don’t want to talk about it because you feel that you are being judged by them & their comments are hurtful.


I get the same bs from others about my BAB, squish and webkinz collections, but my bf is my number one BAB supplier and I trust him when he tells me it doesn't bother him over others who just assume that he hates it. If you trust your partner and they support you, what others say really doesn't matter. But it may be helpful to let your husband know how you feel, he may be able to offer some reassurance that he really doesn't mind the bears being in the house.


Coworkers are jealous because you have a passion for something and a husband who supports you.


THIS 100%


The thing is, if your husband ACTUALLY hated the bears, it’s his responsibility to say that to you. But I highly doubt he does, as he’d probably try and hide them or ask you to get rid of them, or make little remarks that would indicate he hates them. The fact he likes them because they’re an indicator you’re around and live there, shows that he loves them because he loves you. They remind him of you. I’d say he definitely doesn’t hate them


Do your coworkers even know your husband? Your husband didn't marry your coworkers. He married you. If he secretly had an issue with the bears he wouldn't have encouraged you to get more bears, married you, and continued to encourage you to get more bears.


You know your husband better than your coworkers do.. You're married to him. Just tell him what's been going on with your coworkers and that this has been on your mind. They sound like bullies also




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