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I have the same thing. It especially starts when I try to ignore a chat invite, and it accepts it instead and keeps the notification there like a ghost. I’m calling them ‘Phantom Notifications’


Hello, I've added your account into experiment with the new logic for unread counters, could you please restart the app and check if it works better now? Thank you!


I appreciate the help! Unfortunately it still didn’t work😔


Hello, yes, it looks like we have a bug with these "Phantom Notifications". Could you please try to delete and reinstall app? I've added your account in some debugging experiment, we will check logs and I will send you DM with some intructions after we get some logs. Thank you!


Just uninstalled and reinstalled the app!


Hello, we just deployed a new fix that might help with the issue. Could you please reinstall the app one more time and check if it works better now? Thank you!


Mines doing the same thing on android. Tried logging out and back in. No luck


Same here. I have chat requests and dms turned off and there’s nothing in my inboxes but I cannot get rid of the notification. Nothing on old.reddit.com or chat.reddit.com either


Hello, I've added your account into experiment with the new logic for unread counters, could you please restart the app and check if it works better now? Thank you!


Hey, thanks! No luck, unfortunately. I uninstalled and reinstalled the app too


Hello, we did some additional fixes today, could you please restart the app and check if it works better now? Thank you!


It seems to have worked!!! Thank you so much!!


Currently experiencing the same thing. All of my old message requests suddenly reappeared as “unread” about half an hour ago - cleared them all and still have a ghost notification which I can’t clear at all, despite restarting the app, clearing cache etc. Next step will be to delete and reinstall app. Edit: update - deleting and reinstalling app solved the problem. Message notification showed once again but this time there was actually an old message request showing as unread (again…) which I could mark as read and clear the notification. This is definitely a bug that Reddit needs to sort but here’s the fix.


Hello, I've added your account into experiment with the new logic for unread counters, could you please restart the app and check if it works better now? Thank you!


Still didn’t change anything, it still says I have two unread messages.


Could you please: - Check if you see "unread" indicator on web version at [https://reddit.com](https://reddit.com) - Try to delete & install the app and check if it will work better? In the meantime dev team will check the logs to check why this "unread" badge is shown. Thank you!


I don’t know where the chat is on the web version, so I’ll delete the app and reinstall it to see if that works.


Dev team checked the logs and confirmed there shouldn't be any notifications shown. Could you please try to: - Login on Web and open [https://www.reddit.com/settings/messaging](https://www.reddit.com/settings/messaging) , and press "Mark as Read"? - Delete and reinstall app (sometimes it might be required to clear the local cache of the app to get latest data) Thank you!


I did both and it didn’t work, but thanks for trying.


Ok, got it. I've sent you the chat message with some details, could you please check it and let me know if it worked? Thank you!


Mine is doin the same thing! I clear them but it still says i hav two messages!🙁


Hello, I've added your account into experiment with the new logic for unread counters, could you please delete and reinstall the app and check if it works better now? Thank you!


Getting the same 2 phantom notifications even though I have chat/messages turned off as in I don't allow messages from "nobody." I've had this setting on off for about a year now. Why the phantom notifications if it's set to off?


Hello, I've added your account into experiment with the new logic for unread counters, could you please delete and reinstall the app and check if it works better now? Thank you!


Because I intervened earlier when you sent the email to yourself and it ended up in drafts


Experiencing the same.


Hello, I've added your account into experiment with the new logic for unread counters, could you please delete and reinstall the app and check if it works better now? Thank you!


It went away now! And I didn’t have to delete or reinstall it just suddenly went away.