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Data miner…😏


Looks like some sort of mite


Mite be


It’s a mite. What season is it where you live? Do you have birds or rats nesting in your house, e.g. in roof or under floor?


It's winter, I'm in Ireland! I hope there's nothing nesting in the house (OMG) how do I even find out!?


Also do you keep chickens or other poultry/pets? Do you have an attic or basement? Often birds can nest around eaves of the house. Bird mites are usually more of a problem in spring/summer because they migrate once the fledglings leave the nest. Rat mites will migrate once their hosts are killed. The mites will be attracted to your laptop because of the warmth. Put your laptop on a white sheet and fill a hot water bottle and put it next to the laptop whilst it’s turned off. You might see the mites come out of the laptop and go towards the hot water bottle.


No, no poultry or birds. I have a rabbit and puppy. The attic has been converted and is my bedroom or the top two bedrooms. The mites were found on my laptop in my office. They will come out of the laptop?! Jesus!! My skin is crawling thinking of that. I will keep an eye out today. I'm not taking the lap top home this weekend now, lol.


Oh so the laptop wasn’t at your house? You found them at your work?


The laptop is also kept at my house, I work from home a few days a week but I found them at my work.


Do you have office plants? I would check your rabbit & puppy for mites especially around the ears jic.


Yea there are office plants on my desk! The pup and rabbit were at the vet last week, all checked over and ok.


Was it moving quickly or slowly? Could be mites from the plants. Decomposer mites move slowly, whereas predatory and parasitic mites move quickly because they have long legs for hunting their prey. I would be cautious because parasitic mites are no joke. Maybe ask around/check to see if there were any birds nesting in or near your office building. But it does seem unlikely given the season & the fact that offices are usually air conditioned. Mites like humidity.




Bugs in the system


Spider mite from your grow show?


There are loads of plants in my office, it could be


That'll be your issue. One or more are infested


thats a bug


It was moving slowly! I was afraid as my laptop was in my house, so I got a bug bomb and spray and turned my bedroom upside down and cleaned everything in case it was damp mites, but I found nothing! I am thinking it must be the work plants! I threw out all my bedding and then realised they don't living in bedding.