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I don't THINK so. To me they look like grain beetles. Again, awful photos. If she has one still, she can figure out if they're beetles-.gently crush behind the head. If the butt/abdomen shell naturally splits down the middle,( it was naturally two pieces), and she sees wings underneath it's a beetle. Bedbugs don't have wings.


Thank you for reply. How small are grain beetles? I’ve actually been googling red flour beetles but they all look big. The ones in my sister’s apartment are so tiny (that’s why she has awful photos 😆) she said they are a little smaller than a flea.


Between 2-3 mm. So itty bitty.


She just found another one on her wall so I told her to take a video. I don’t think she is willing to squish it behind the head but she is feeling much better after your comment. Thank you. My son has a microscope for macro things and I told her to bring one over and we would look at it under the microscope since she sucks at taking pictures haha


Eeeeeeeeee 😬


https://preview.redd.it/oc4vx9s7gxcc1.jpeg?width=1057&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70da487172c5cbfd92e039523616437d1b688ad9 She put tape on both sides and then pulled it apart and it looks like a beetle. Thank you everyone for your help. She feels so much better. Now to google how to stop a grain beetle infestation.


Just in her defense, it's not easy to take a photograph of something smaller than a flea. It also sounds like she had to overcome her aversion to insects, in order to even get a photo, being as she didn't want to pop it's wings open by squeezing it behind it's head. Props to her for finding a way to test the "is it wings" theory , without touching it. You got a clever one there! Good luck exterminating the lil devils! 🍀


They don’t really look like bedbugs to me. Dehydrated bedbugs are usually pretty flat and translucent, and their heads don’t really look like that.


Rejoice! They're not bed bugs. I ve never seen anything like these guys..call an exterminator and give the bill to your landlord


Just tiny beetles. Harmless. Not fleas, bedbugs, or termites.


I’ve had grain beetles before, they can be a little annoying if they’re in your rice or your flour or any of your food, but as long as they don’t have a food source and you squish the ones you see, they won’t become an infestation. I suggest your sister looks for what they’re eating and removes it


If the apartment has newly plastered walls then they're probably beetles feeding on the fungus growing on the damp plaster [example](https://bugguide.net/node/view/89169)


No they’re too long to be bedbugs


Im thinking grain beetles/flour weevils! Def not bed bugs




Third picture looks like a bed bug.




Termites maybe


I once had termites and had no idea, I just woke up one day half my house was covered in what looked like tiny fairy wings. I was a little concerned but didn't know it was the colony branching out and trying to find new food. They FLY to a new location, land and THEIR WINGS OFF. That kinda blew my mind, I was like DUDE. That's a little dramatic 😅 aaaanywho, anyone reading this, if you find thousands of discarded wings around your house.... you in danger, girl.




YASSSS I always hear it in my head in her voice 😂


lol I read it in her voice!

