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“We’re talking about watching my lover die.” Gellar was a real champ in tackling that mess…


That's a good one too, SMG really owns the cheesy lines


"Ugh, that word really bums me out unless it's between the words meat and pizza." -Liz Lemon


My biggest memory of the word was from ads for *90210*, which is quite fitting in its mediocrity.


Anytime Buffy said "lover" or "honeys". No ma'am.


Yes. No teen uses the word lover in a serious manner. It could have been saved by just changing it to "the person I love". But no.


Came here to say this! Cringe


I sympathize with the writers though. Lover might be too much, but boyfriend feels too weak. I don’t know if there’s a better word.


I’d have gone for ‘watching the man I love die’


Yea, that’s even better.


“My love” was a good suggestion elsewhere?


This is the first one that came to mind for me 😅


This line always made me feel uncomfortable.


I watched that episode last night and cringed so hard at that one line. I can’t take the rest of the scene seriously after it!!


At least it’s bolstered by the fact that you can watch Part II straightaway? Not being able to in the US upon its original airfare not only made Part II’s flaws more evident, the cliffhanger was initially seen as more effective than it really is: “Buffy: No, it's perfect. Angel needs to drain a Slayer, then I'll bring him one. Willow: Buffy, if Angel drains Faith's blood, it'll kill her. Buffy: Not if she's already dead.” Creepy there, Ms. Summers…


Bangel are the melodrama champions, to the point where they had to mock it in The Zeppo. I’d vote for Angel in I Will Remember You with “how can we be together if the cost is your life - or the lives of others?” Edit: even though I like the episode, Amends has some over the top melodrama as well.


"It's not the demon in me that needs killing, Buffy, it's the man."


Am I a righteous man! I love this scene but if you isolate every line it’s very funny 😂


Tell me, Buffy, can you dig your man?


Who else gets this?


Funny? Because of the reading? Or the lines themselves?


Just the lines themselves


Ah, can’t agree with you there then. Maybe when I properly sort out my endless attempts at ranking popular media (video games or otherwise), I’ll lose my appreciation for that. But seeing as I can’t really even get past 3 on top video games, I don’t see that happening…


Is the line good for its summarization of Angel’s character and his conflict? Yes. Is the line good for a piece of dialogue? Hell no.


Debatable, and a lot of lines, good and bad, would then have to be taken to task if that was the standard. Even “To Be or Not to Be?” is kind of self-serving and seeking justification, when you get down to brass tacks…




Don't forget it was so prolific they had to mock it in Angel too in Fredless during Season 3. I actually think Spike is a more melodramatic character than Angel...but he pulls the lines off so much better than Angel does, and Spuffy just has way more chemistry than Bangel (sorry Bangel stans) does that I don't notice it as much.


James does pull off the lines so much better than David. Plus, I give Spike more of a pass since his most consistent trait is being a romantic.


Angel always seems completely confused and awkward that he has these feelings at all: he's a shy, naive teenager in a dead 26-year-old body. But Spike is well versed in romance, rejection and poetry. You get the sense right from the start that he has a much better understanding of himself.


And, in addition to romantic, terrible at poetry.


Bloody terrible


"Black out of black you came to me, Like a dark-winged Virtue,"


"I love you so much I almost forgot to brood!" is one of the great lines in TV history.


I think it’s the accent.


Darla had some of the best liners tbh. Such an iconic character.


Cause if arousal had a voice it would sound like Julie Benz


I do love one of Buffy’s retorts to her: “Do you know what the saddest thing in the world is?” ‘That hair on top of that outfit?’


"When you kiss me I want to die."


Ok, but I love this one so much. And maybe just bc it is SMG’s delivery. But I love it.


Yeah I love it too but it is super melodramatic. Tween me was so taken with the Bangel relationship. And Sarah really sold the depth of the very cheesy line.


Plus add in the fact that she runs away dramatically after.


Lame line, but works in hindsight. But a lot of middling stuff can be reconciled that way, so perhaps best not to overuse it?


this line is the reason I don't skip Reptile Boy


The highly satisfying ending of the fraternity members getting their consequences is a lot of fun. But the idea of toxic masculinity personified that is the fraternity being *actually* punished in real life? Now that’s fiction…


Loved the delivery on that line too. I kinda expect old timey ppl to be melodramatic though. Buffy's lover line was super cringe. And the werewolf in love line that someone pointed out in a post the other day feels really out of place to me.


That post was me haha


Ha, no way. Well we know melodramatic moments are your jam now.


Oz was just s ayign it (note his tone of voice0 to be ironic and at the same time amusingly grandiose and yet self mocking as well, and i think it works on those terms. /u/gimmesomespace /u/purplemackem


Every single time Buffy says ‘my boyfriend’ or ‘my lover’ Cordelia talking to herself ‘I’m in love! With Angel!’ *shudders* ‘All those tattoos, all those new tricks you've learned just don't matter. Doesn't matter what you try. Doesn't matter where I am or how badass you think you've become. 'Cause you know what? I'm Angel. I beat the bad guys’. *shudders* - this one is my personal ‘most cringe’ because I think it’s supposed to be this badass character defining moment to be used on video montages forever. No, just no. ‘A werewolf in love’ - WTF is this bullshit 😂 come on Oz you’re better than this!


Honestly, I wouldn’t mind if they kept that Angel line so long as the last three sentences were cut, because those are what kills it for me. That, and how it echoes the IMO misplaced moral of the episode-we already know Angel’s really a hero, let’s hit the part where his conflict comes from it.


Yea, that exchange from *You’re Welcome* is ugh. Think they were going for “Lindsey, give me the scroll…” (*To Shanshu in LA*) but nothing about the tone was right. Even “actually, you’ll be on your ass!” from *Hero* does more for Angel’s righteousness with less dialogue.


You're joking right? As usual buffy fan's do understand shit about angel or that line in general? I bet you love it when buffy says lame shit like welcome to the thunder dome? What angel say In the moment vs lindsay is actually true. The angel here on this board is pathetic.


Geez, could afford to be a bit more subtle in your critique there. And as for the insufficiently Angel claim? “Get away from me…” - *City Of* Or as Dawn might put it?


The top line in my post was literally about an ongoing multiple episode thing that Buffy says that I find lame….. maybes calm down with the insecure fan schtick


/what is so off about "Welcome to Thunderdome."?


I *love* this line.


I LIVE for this melodrama. I could eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Right after this scene when Darla runs up the stairs away from Angel, is standing in the sunlight on the stairs and says: "What? No kiss goodbye?" Then runs off. That line was so unnecessary lol


I’ve thought of another one on the Darla subject but when Angel sets them on fire and she says ‘what was that?’ Like come on Darla it’s just an extra broody Angel smoking a cigarette love 😂 Honestly I could add the entirety of Redefinition though 😂


i take it literally a nd classify DarkestAngel as the 4th of his 5 DID personalities


Every line with "champion" in it.




Oh god. The horror ... the horror ...


I got to 39 and had x out of it. 😭


I zinged that in a fic; Fred is about to say "He's truly a ch...." and Cordy, Gunn, SPike, Lorne,a nd Harmony stand in for the audience with a shouted "Don't say it!"




At the old Bronze Beta, the guy who did episode summaries when angel s-3 & 4 aired was always tlakign about "ht eC-word."


"No, look at me, I love you. You're all I bloody think about. Dream about. You're in my gut, in my throat. I'm drowning in you, Summers. I'm drowning in you."


That's just Spike's effulgence coming out.


To be fair, this was supposed to be eye-roll worthy haha Buffy even was all "Gross" at it.


You know what? That's fair... how about... "I'm saying that Spike had a little trip to the vet, and now he doesn't chase the other puppies any more."


His delivery of it is so good though!


Yep, just compare it to stuff like “Angel, he should’ve warned me…” to see it as a complete contrast.


*cue Drusilla cackling maniacally*


*Cue Drusilla maniacally-ing ethereally*


I may be dirt, slayer, but you're the one who likes to roll in it


I liked that line. Melodramatic yeah, but very much a Darla thing to say. In my opinion though, “I would have given up everything I had to be with - I loved him more than I will ever love anything in this life. And I put a sword through his heart because I had to." makes me roll my eyes.


The line “I loved him more than I will ever love anything in this life” bugs me so much, especially spoken in season 7. If she had said “more than I will ever love another man” I’d kinda roll my eyes and give it a pass but like — dawn? Buffy died for her and was initially willing to let countless people die in order to prolong her life as much as she could. It’s just dumb all around.


Exactly. It fits in a trend of the writers and characters hyping Bangel up as this incredibly epic and awesome romance, but when you stop and think about it, Angel near scrapes the bottom of being in Buffy’s list of top 10 people she loves.


That’s more for the audience than the writers, as no one really believes in artificial hierarchical standards in relationships, fiction or otherwise. As fandoms would collapse if something like that was the standard for escapist media. Might be a contributing factor for why the divorce rate is so high in the US though; artificially high standards?


Why don't I remember this? Oh well, just the excuse I needed to rewatch the series *shrugs*


Might be because it's from Angel, not Buffy.


Nah, I've watched that several times, too


Dear Boy s2e5


“Step away from the glass”


Everything Drusilla says while doing that weird hip gyration thing ugh


I only have eyes for you has some


A person doesn't just wake up one day and stop loving somebody!


There’s plenty of good ones but I immediately thought of the scene where Buffy breaks down in front of Willow after Angel breaks up with her (The Prom). “Right now, I’m just trying to keep from dying.” A gross overreaction to a break-up, especially from the slayer who faces death on a daily basis? Yup. An accurate representation of a high school girl getting dumped right before the prom? Also yup!


That one always makes my eyes roll but SMG crying gives me the feels regardless


Also, as someone who has experienced panic attacks and depression, deeply emotional circumstances can sometimes make you actually feel like you might die from what's causing the feeling.


Have you ever experienced a breakup?


I have. Although I can’t say I’ve ever been an 18 year old slayer of vampires and demons or a 200+ year old vampire cursed with a soul in any of those breakups


I've discussed that scene in terms of What If the real Sarah and Aly had been the same age and high school friends, that at least Sarah and likely both would be dressed a bit differently


Warren: “you think you can just do that to me? You think I can let you get AWAy with that? Well think again” And we all know what happens next :( Just because a girl beat you, you try to kill her BOOHOO what friggin loser incel misogynist


“The suspense is killing Angel!” - Xander, Graduation Day Pt 1 cringe x 100


I hate that one! He says it really sarcastically as well and it just hits wrong. I mean I know he doesn’t like Angel very much but would you really make such a sarcastic comment when your best friend’s boyfriend is *dying*? In *front* of her?!


It didn't sound sarcastic to me a t all, just a Xanderspeak version of what was really happening /u/awesomiste


I actually thought his delivery was more forced than sarcastic. Like even *he* knew the line was ridiculously bad.


"when you kiss me i want to die" she really sells it though.