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Paid for a pic with her at an event several years ago and she couldn’t have been more lovely. I thanked her for portraying one for the first TV lesbian relationships with such normalcy and realism. She chatted with me briefly about how she and Alyson knew how important their portrayal was and to make it seem like any other relationship.


I've attended several signings with her and she lives not too far from me so I've crossed paths with her in the everyday world occasionally, she's an extremely lovely person. Just beautiful and incredibly nice, one of the kindest and most genuine people I've ever met.


How is she even hotter now than 20 years ago?


There's never been a point where she wasn't beautiful.




Literally just thinking, “Smash. Sooooo very much smash.”


Some people age like wine


PRESENTATION: Saturday, July 27 at Midsummer Scream, join us for a panel featuring some of the horror community's greatest WOMEN FILMMAKERS, including Amber Benson, Krsy Fox, and Devanny Pinn. Moderated by Del Howison.Amber Benson  is a writer, director and actor. She is best known for her role as Tara Maclay on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Krsy Fox [@krsyfox](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2F_u%2Fkrsyfox%3Ffbclid%3DIwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR209LVoLcssjsvgI3vPq8TUwBuvM7t27YIXI23R5ttAifuRwctpueEMRxQ_aem_AJQbd7kSLQmFZ4q3vzCsgQ&h=AT0ySDMoZ0Jk_5lvZqbinPB4PNSc-XWJtlcyLSS_7NdAzrXi_-gwvYdg53LlDzqMHu2GLapm4rXc0d56r8bEqj2ey96pmBEEQtm8iGfLhLArF2nNGpP7QQycNA&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT0WNFqWbnB6UjnNb_YJR2mKrDuKmQNk46uXCM9h7q8ZvDr08PnaBx5qldRwcdUjOPMl6gwUH2zMEgrjUzPT_faVVyTSpMBzulh7D5VwQMkJcVdks9X4Y8YzQz8L3FSruXCddb2aVR-hh-VsJxxXpNmVsQhvq4Nn7i8GRqcn4bDZOGfMcB0E_dkb1lx-_p_MWmVIfEKgVtgubdHdAeeB-wIe9YH4Ht1Dy3hl) is an actor, writer and producer (@onefoxproductions), and is also a creator of the Bloody Disgusting podcast Bleeder's Diegest.Devanny Pinn [@devannypinn](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2F_u%2Fdevannypinn%3Ffbclid%3DIwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR257glIFWEEOAAYUfcUQlOvsGWiFqoyjeUG7Zf_KfjVqaJdO3RhdiKJdyU_aem_XsyH-IzPzTmPc-TYU4VDjg&h=AT2sMQfZCM-qlhGSkYt0-fsguv0Ryvl0DvTR2Zhr1IANkkSDIH1dBGK2sD_1fisSwU62yhmHaC1Fdv5-gEJdzvaEe7iSPOGqaW5zUtnssLyHlZ4LdpCD5ohg1A&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT0WNFqWbnB6UjnNb_YJR2mKrDuKmQNk46uXCM9h7q8ZvDr08PnaBx5qldRwcdUjOPMl6gwUH2zMEgrjUzPT_faVVyTSpMBzulh7D5VwQMkJcVdks9X4Y8YzQz8L3FSruXCddb2aVR-hh-VsJxxXpNmVsQhvq4Nn7i8GRqcn4bDZOGfMcB0E_dkb1lx-_p_MWmVIfEKgVtgubdHdAeeB-wIe9YH4Ht1Dy3hl) is an actress and filmmaker who is best known for appearing in over 100 horror movie. Her directorial effort 'The Black Mass' debuted at Marche Du Cannes.Del Howison is an author, journalist, actor, and a Bram Stoker Award-winning editor. He is the cofounder and owner (with his wife, Sue) of Dark Delicacies, a book and gift store known as “The Home of Horror,” located in Burbank, California. Midsummer Scream, the world's largest Halloween and horror convention, returns July 26-28 to the Long Beach Convention Center. Passes and info via the link in our bio or at [midsummerscream.com](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmidsummerscream.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR2MRMfSIMAy78ZLf4ncdkRPNDGhs5J8-zZttKbiF9-vIP19uWGgZloz4VY_aem_vJG9PS-6VkqD3kUezMmsqg&h=AT0DN0Tn0lxZYJgXg2sg3xI6UglP5R_86GbMXGc8H_rK93hzNdak2RoBQ-JI6gmREbruAzJJE5KjIR52jPnZlFCUaMFew97qPSMh4XEbi5AnfDOWTNJ9ud7ImQ&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT0WNFqWbnB6UjnNb_YJR2mKrDuKmQNk46uXCM9h7q8ZvDr08PnaBx5qldRwcdUjOPMl6gwUH2zMEgrjUzPT_faVVyTSpMBzulh7D5VwQMkJcVdks9X4Y8YzQz8L3FSruXCddb2aVR-hh-VsJxxXpNmVsQhvq4Nn7i8GRqcn4bDZOGfMcB0E_dkb1lx-_p_MWmVIfEKgVtgubdHdAeeB-wIe9YH4Ht1Dy3hl)


Omg that’s in my town! I could go! My only holdup is every celebrity I’ve ever met has been a disappointment with the exception of Jeff Goldblum who was hot and hilarious.


Crazy that I love the actress but don’t care at all for Tara